Two-dimensional System

Chapter 799: Rocky: Blew up the Rainbow Bridge?

Humph! Wait, our days are growing~

In front of the black dwarf, Loki, who was aggrieved, snorted uncomfortably, and at the same time issued a'signal' waiting for him to all the troops.

As for what signal it was, Loki didn't say it. In short, when he saw his'signal', Loki believed that these Zitarians would understand.

It's just that Loki didn't put his hope on Black Dwarf and others.

The reason he didn't enter the Nine Realms was because Loki didn't want to be discovered by Heldham, thus causing unnecessary accidents with Odin and Thor.

Think about what Thor would do after discovering his whereabouts.

The more important point is that the Rainbow Bridge can fall into a position recognized by the Nine Realms at any time.

This is the real reason why Loki didn't step into the Nine Realms, but Loki missed one thing, that is, he was too "sassy" along the way.

Of course, having lived in the shadows of Odin and Thor for more than two thousand years, it is hard for him to have another chance to rise to the top.

Loki, who wants to show his performance, hasn't been concealed at all during the more than a year's journey, such a mighty journey, without any turning when he comes to think of the Nine Realms.

Those forces have already discovered, how can the Asgardians ‘turn a blind eye’?

The moment the news flowed into Asgad, Heldham gave the news sorbet to Father Odin.

However, Heldham was very strange that he did not see any trace of anger or surprise on his face after he heard Odin.

As if, already known, Loki would do it.

But in retrospect, their **** king Odin, even their future, can be met.

There is nothing strange about Haierdam. Perhaps their **** king had anticipated that Rocky would bring five Qitarians to the Nine Realms on this day.

Heldham thought well, Odin had foreseen the scene of Rocky leading the Qitarians to the Nine Realms to make trouble on Earth.

But he didn't meet him. The Zitarians led by Loki had risen from one fleet to five fleets.

What exactly does Loki want to do? Not to mention the five fleets of the earth, even if they want to deal with Asgard, they also need to hurt their muscles and bones.

However, Odin concealed it well, without showing a little bit on his face, a different kind of emotion came out.

"Tor ~ where is it?"

"Return to your Majesty, Prince Thor is on earth at this time~"


Heldham's reply made Odin's whole person bad. Is Thor on earth? Are you afraid that there is a problem with your eyes?

Odin, who knows Thor's character, is not surprised by Thor wherever he fights.

But Odin really didn't think that Thor was not interested in his beloved battle? Ran to the earth? Are there any evil aliens on earth?

"Tor, what are you going to do on earth?"

Odin asked incomprehensibly, the face of Heldham who was asked about it was weird and hesitated.

I don’t know whether to tell Thor’s reason for going to the earth to his Majesty the King of God before him?

It’s just that Prince Thor, what he has to do on earth is really too...

"Huh? Why didn't you speak, what did Thor go to earth?"

"Your Majesty Hui, when he was living on the earth, His Royal Highness Prince Thor. Received the help of several people on Earth. His Royal Highness Thor is on the earth at this time, looking for the atrium person who helped him."

So that's it~

Odin looked stunned, while Heldham lowered his head with a look of shame, and felt extremely sorry for Odin in his heart.

He deceived his **** king, but he couldn't tell Odin directly that your eldest son has fallen in love with a woman on earth.

Isn't this?

Thor, who got his new hammer again, rushed to the earth to chase women?

And so far, have not chased anyone?

If this were to be said, Heldham touched the sweat on his forehead, would your Majesty Odin need his royal reputation?

Fortunately, the people on earth are short-lived species, and I hope that Prince Thor can have fun in this hundred years.

After all, one hundred years is very long in the eyes of the people on earth, but for them Asgardians, it is just a blink of an eye.

I just hope that in this hundred years, Prince Thor will not kill anyone~

"Go! Let Thor bring it back, saying he found Loki, but don't tell him where Loki is."

"Yes! My king!"

Heldham clenched his fist and thumped his chest, and after saluting Odin, he withdrew from the palace.

Odin's deep gaze looked at the wish, as if crossing time and space, he saw Loki on the Zetarian fleet.

At this moment, Loki was sorting out the secret passages he had mastered, and he was chasing after the fluctuations emanating from the Universe Cube, which was told to him by Chasing Blink Thanos.

It is directly embedded in the earth, and this thing is in his own hands, but he still needs some plans.

After all, there is still a Maelstrom God Devil on Earth, and Loki doesn't want to act blindly anymore.

It's a pity that I don't have the Ice Box in my hand, otherwise I would secretly blow up the Rainbow Bridge. In this case, there is no need to worry, Odin and Thor, after knowing that he had gone to earth, brought the Asgardians to find themselves.

Ok? and many more? Blew up the Rainbow Bridge?

Loki's eyes lit up, and he had a secret way back to Asgard, and he could split his troops in two ways.

He remembered that the Zetaru had a very powerful bomb, and it was not impossible to blow up the Rainbow Bridge~

"Um~ just do it~"

Asgard, Thor looked depressed on the Rainbow Bridge, and followed Heldham on the Rainbow Bridge. They are now going to the palace where Odin is.

"Hildam told me, what the **** is going on when my father called me back? I finally got Jane to go to the movies with me~"

Opposite is Thor. The reason why he is depressed is that his purpose of going to the earth is to never forget the **** the earth.

But that girl, seeing herself and her first expression in her new outfit, after a short surprise, she also ignored herself.

If he hadn't accidentally mentioned the Rainbow Bridge of the Nine Realms, Jane wouldn't be interested in him.

Jane agreed to go to the movies with him, and he could tell Jane that Asgard still has the Nine Realms and Rainbow Bridge.

Only then did Jane Foster win the "date" with him on the weekend.

Who knows, if you dress up as ‘beautiful’, you have to go to the front of the cinema and wait for Jane Foster’s arrival.

Jane Foster did not wait, but waited for Heldham to take his father's password.

Let yourself go back to Asgard? Said he was looking for something?

Thor, who has grown up, originally wanted to come out for love, but the king did not accept it.

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