Two-dimensional System

Chapter 543: God's Generation: So troublesome (five changes)_(??`�第��

Looking at the so-called crimes displayed in front of him, Shimura Danzo.

For some Konoha ninjas, if no outsider knows, it's fine if they have one.

Ninjas are so cruel, and this is the ‘rule’ of this world.

If you don't do it, other villages will do the same to assassinate and poison the target.

Eliminate everything that is not good for you in the bud.

But the key point is that it is the fifth-generation Hokage-sama they just succeeded to define and sentence Shimura Danzo.

However, the person involved, Shimura Danzo, and all Konoha residents also know that it is already cool.

What the fifth generation of Hokage did was only after Shimura Danzo died.

Everything that Shimura Group had done before hiding, was completely exposed and defined.

Among the things that Shimura Danzo did, except for the only secret attempt to murder the third generation of Hokage, it was unforgivable.

The ninjas in the era of war are numb to the habit.

Those who have little experience in joining the WTO and have beautiful fantasy, the village is beautiful, and the world is also beautiful little ninjas.

Then I felt that Zhicun Dan's crime was deserved, and this old fellow was really bad.

Both the elderly and the children are not letting go. Look at the large and small villages in these mission reports.

The wind and rain outside is irrelevant to Tsunade and Uzumaki Kamiyo now.

"Come, tell you Jindai, the barbecue in this restaurant is already very famous in our time."

This barbecue restaurant, Uzumaki Kamdai had visited, but he didn't know that there was such a long history in it.

Uzumaki Jindai picked up a piece of beef tendon that was grilled with tenderness, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully.

The meat is fresh and tender, and the meat flavor is fused with the sauce.

The beauty is indescribable, it is impossible to describe its appearance and the chemical taste it produces.


It tastes better than what I have tasted before.

It seems that the boss here also knows to bring forth the new. This sauce may have been deposited for hundreds of years.

With a heartfelt voice: Broad fear!

This is the taste of the master level, and sure enough, this world is not that simple.

In the mixed flavor of this sauce and grilled meat, Uzumaki Goddai had a state of mind.

This person who prepares the sauce is definitely a ‘shadow’ level stranger.


Discover rare delicacies, a sauce ingredient, and a sauce culture heritage for thousands of years, get: 500S shopping coins.

Uzumaki Kamdai:? ? ?

‘Is my boy’s system broken? Why is there something weird got in? ’

Secretly glanced, his shopping currency had also risen to 4800.

It proved that Uzumaki Goddai had not heard it wrong, and his system seemed to be real, evolving in an unknown direction.


Discover rare delicacies, cut ingredients for millennia of roasted meat, inherit one copy of experience, and get: 500S shopping coins.


Is this shopping coin longer?

Looking at the first time I own, a property as high as 5300.

Uzumaki Kandai looked again, his eyes changed when he was holding the barbecue on the chopsticks.


Seeing Uzumaki Kamiro eating, his eyes gleaming, Tsunade smiled quietly.

After tidying it up, he has some messy hair.

Eating barbecue can also bring unexpected gains. Uzumaki Goddai ordered a portion of every barbecue.

But then, Uzumaki Goddai was a little disappointed, the system prompt did not ring again.

‘Is it possible that there is only one harvest like this? ’

Looking back at the extra sauce collocation in his head, and the experience of grilling, the whirlpool Goddai, smashed his mouth with endless meaning.

"Why? Not full? Do you want to continue to have another one?"

How could Uzumaki Kamiyo's expression escape Tsunade's sharp eyes?

However, Uzumaki Jindai waved his hand again and again, indicating that Tsunade had enough.

"The most delicious thing, in fact, is the aftertaste and expectation.

If you are afraid of eating it once, it won't be so fragrant afterwards. "

"Hehe, what you said is reasonable."

After eating this Tsunade treat, it was a barbecue that Kandai Kanzai paid for.

Walking on a quiet road with no one.

"Let's talk, what's the trouble?"

Finally, in the dead of night, Tsunade spoke to the Senju clan as they walked.

"Huh? I did have some trouble."

Uzumaki Kamdai was surprised that Tsunade had learned ‘Mind-Reading’ without saying anything before Tsunade knew there was something in his heart?

But Uzumaki changed his mind, and the tacit understanding between himself and Tsunade was relieved.

"What is the trouble, can God be so worried for you?"

Uzumaki Kamdai scratched the back of his head and squinted at Tsunade.

"It's about Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi."

Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi?

Tsunade's steps staggered a little, and then he looked strange and slightly surprised.

"Aren't you looking at things, not caring?"

"You don't understand, I met an old man who touched porcelain, and it turned out to be troublesome."


After thinking for a while, Tsunade raised his head, his eyes reflected the profile of Uzumaki Kanzai.

"This trouble has something to do with Naruto and Kyuubi?"


Uzumaki Jindai nodded and continued without waiting for Tsunade to speak.

"To be precise, it has a relationship with two people, but for the time being, I only know that one of them is Naruto Uzumaki."


"need any help?"


For Tsunto's help, Uzumaki Kamiyo had no excuse.

Don't even care, after being known. Will you say that you will rely on women and eat soft meals?

Leaning against the big tree is good for the coolness. I can eat soft rice with my ability. You bit me?

"But it may be a little troublesome, Naruto is now practicing with Jiraiya.

With Jilai's defense against you, even if I arrange it, there are not many opportunities. "

Uzumaki Goddai:...

Scratching his head is really hard to handle, smashing his mouth, Uzumaki Goddai said for no reason.

"Why don't I give Jilai a kick again? Let Jilai also go to Konoha Hospital and lie down for a while?"


What restores the beautiful whirlpool is this ruthless brain collapse.


"Don't mess around, Konoha cannot withstand the toss. You are not going to kill Naruto, you can still discuss it."

Of course, Uzumaki Jindai just said casually, Uzumaki Jindai will naturally not add to Tsunade.

"In fact, there is no need to do anything, as long as there is a chance to get in touch with each other up close."


Think that Uzumaki Goddai still needs Nine Tails, how can you contact Nine Tails without contacting Uzumaki Naruto?

"By the way, you just mentioned two people, except Naruto? Who is the other?"

"Who is the other? I don't know, but I don't think so.

Approximately, the other person will be a Uchiha clan who is about the same age as Uzumaki Naruto. "

Tsunade:! ?

Uzumaki Goddai also had a headache, and the old man, father and son, could not say yet.

However, according to Uzumaki Kamiyo’s budget, the two brothers’ love and killing each other can’t be wrong~

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