Two-dimensional System

Chapter 532: Shindai: Don’t listen~ Don’t listen~ Wang Ba chanting! (*?罒`*)

Do you know what pains are?

The original Uzumaki Goddai didn't know, but when he saw his body, there appeared a ‘Chakra’ that he didn’t even know about.

Seeing this ‘Chakra’ with my own eyes, he aggressively broke through the space wall and came to the head of an old man with three eyes closed.

Even, this chakra is very, hilariously on top of the old man's head, after three laps.

This chakra is domineering, attached to the top of the old man's head.

Not only did he forcibly wake up the old man, but also this ‘chakra’.

And took away blatantly, part of this old man's memory?

Uzumaki Kamdai looked dazed, but his teeth kept trembling.

Don't ask if you were scared, Uzumaki Goddai almost didn't get angry.

How about Uzumaki Goddai, still can't know whether this Chakra is a sin?

‘Diaomin! You shit, that's how you gave it to me, I take care of the business? ’

Seeing this chakra, he flew back to where he was.

Uzumaki Goddai had given up his heart, tilted his head and expressionless, looking like he was unlovable.

"Little friend, is there anything else I need to add?"

This old man is also sluggish, not only gave Uzumaki God a murder and wanted to punish his heart?

With a deep smile on his face, he looked at Uzumaki Goddai, as if waiting for the Uzumaki Goddai to accept this ‘fact’.

However, the ‘ambiguous’ eyes made Uzumaki Goddai shiver alive.

Thinking back to myself, what else did Diao Min search for?

In addition to writing round eyes, Otsuki Yui three father and son.

"It seems~ it seems? I also checked the three holy places? ’


Uzumaki Kamdai swallowed, thinking that the search function was a very convenient thing.

Uzumaki Goddai, who didn't know the search principle, understood what the search function was.

Feelings are a search terminal, and your own small money is search, the chakra you need to consume.

And according to the object you need to search for, use different chakras (shopping coins) and run to others.

If they didn't agree with each other, and didn't discuss it, they would be domineering and transfer the information they needed.

Has the memory from someone’s head been forcibly copied and pasted?

‘I’m dropping mom~’

The current Uzumaki God Generation finally reacted, no wonder he was getting wet.

The big fairy slug would stare straight at himself with that kind of gaze.

Your feelings are yours?

You don't know anything, and you are blinded by it?

'Row! Diaomin? You are waiting...’

"Nothing to add, I don't know you, I don't know you, old man, who are you?"

Uzumaki Kamidai made up his mind to pretend to fall asleep with his eyes open, acting as a rogue in the end.

Uzumaki Shindai was already annoying enough, after learning about Uchiha Madara, Senjujuma, and the troubles between Asura and Indra.

Seeing the old man Datongmu Yuyi was obviously a deep pit, how could Uzumaki Goddai jump into it?

Otsuki Yui:...

Seeing the old man's beard trembling, Uzumaki Kamdai knew that the old man was mad at him.

But it doesn't matter to him, what is the brightest boy in the world?

This pretty boy just doesn't take the move, just doesn't want to be a disaster for your family.

"In fact, the old man can understand the reaction of the little friend. All of this actually starts with a story..."

"Don't listen, don't listen! The eighth man chanting ~ old man, my baby is going home for dinner, please let me leave here soon~"

Who knows, Uzumaki Goddai closed his eyes and put his hands on his ears.

Otsuki Yui:...

Forcibly resisting the idea of ​​beating a certain pretty boy, Datongmu Yuyi's feelings and hurts passed into Uzumaki's mind.

"The origin of the story is like this..."

This time again, it was Uzumaki God's turn to be stunned.

Listening to the sound coming from inside his head, Uzumaki Kamdai tilted his head.

Staring at a pair of innocent small eyes, Uzumaki Goddai wanted to cry without tears.

Can't hide this?

"and many more!"

Uzumaki Kamdai expressed that he did not want to hear the story, and his face showed the old man with a chrysanthemum smile.

Otsuki Yui was kind, and said to Uzumaki Shindai:

"Little friend, why don't you understand?"

"Then what, how did you do it? You can still hear your voice?"

"Oh~ I don’t need to be surprised or worried. In order to meet frankly, we are just two souls~"


Uzumaki God's eyes breathed fire, this time he didn't stare, but wanted to kill.



He is now in a state of soul, which can also be commonly called a ghost.

Who wants to meet you frankly?

This old man? Why are you still prepared to touch porcelain?

"That means, now we two are communicating through our souls?"

"Haha, the little friends are so quick to understand that the communication between souls does not require hearing."

Uzumaki Goddai:...


Knowing that he couldn't hide from him, Uzumaki Goddai was also very bachelor.

Spreading his hands very free and easy, he sat cross-legged on the ground.

But I saw the old man Datongmu Yuyi, the little black ball floating below?

Because it was the soul body, the Uzumaki Goddai felt the most real fear.

This seemingly ordinary black ball is very dangerous!

"The cause of things is also the beginning of everything. In ancient times my mother came to this world with a seed..."

Originally, who came with listening to the story, Uzumaki Kandai heard Datong Ki Yui's "something".

I feel that my stomach acid is about to come out. Why is it breaking the world, so much blood?

"In other words, your mother, Datong Mu Huiye, gave birth to you and your brother? Then you sealed your old lady?"

"Uh~ yes..."

Uzumaki Goddai's face was painful, these two Tie Hanhan, don't you know the pain of pregnancy in October?

There is also the Miaomu Mountain Toad of some toad pill, and there is no one to persuade people to kill each other.

When I heard, the old man Datongmu Yuyi was talking about his two sons.

Uzumaki Kamdai felt that this matter was not so puzzling.

After all, this is about to become the tradition of the Datongmu family.

Looking at Uzumaki Goddai, who was sticking his chin with a yawn and sleepy eyes, he finished talking about his ancient grievances.

Otsuki Yui began to wonder if there was something wrong with him?

"Where is the little friend, don't you know? Need I say it again?"

"No need! It's already clear!"

Only then did the Uzumaki God know that what is good does not last for thousands of years, asura and Indra.


Taking a look at Datongmu Yuyi, these two brothers are not good stuff either.

"I regret what happened to your family, but I can't help. I don't want to interfere with your family's housework~"

Uzumaki God is bad, and tell Otsuki Yui, where did your family come from, then go back quickly!

If it’s late, I won’t be able to catch up to bus 11~

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