Two-dimensional System

Chapter 444: It is correct to destroy Uchiha (three shifts)

So the last kaleidoscope ability is not unusable.

It's the Uzumaki Goddai that depends on the chakra consumption of things and how long he can hold on.

In addition, the recovery speed of one's own chakra can match the consumption speed of this chakra.

Others may like it very much. The more the ability to skyrocket, the stronger the more you will be happy.

But Uzumaki Goddai doesn't think so. A power is created from nothing, if you develop it bit by bit.

It was like Bing Dun and Boiling Dun, both of which were developed by Uzumaki Goddai. With this extra ability, Uzumaki Goddai felt that there was no problem.

I can easily control the changes brought about by these abilities. You only need to be familiar with the changes.

But this, because of the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes.

Uzumaki Goddai did not have a deep understanding, and if he wanted to really use that ninjutsu, Uzumaki Goddai had to spend time to get familiar with it.

Only the ability to not trouble yourself is a maturity and the best ability.

‘I don’t know when Xiaonan, and Payne, will be surprised when they see this young master’s ability? ’


The whirlpool Goddai's thoughts flew to the outside of the horizon of the Three Realms again.


Thinking of something, Uzumaki Kandai couldn't wait and jumped up from his chair.

Pulling the collar, Uzumaki Goddai came to Xiaonan Clone and Payne, in the curious eyes of the two.

"Something is happening on God's behalf?"

"Well! I may be in trouble..."


Xiaonan clone:?

Looking at the Uzumaki Goddai who nodded solemnly, Payne and Xiao Nan were avatars and began to pay attention.

Uzumaki Goddai no longer said much, as the two of them watched with a serious look, their blue pupils turned into a kaleidoscope of windmills.


Xiaonan clone:...


Looking into the eyes of Uzumaki Goddai, Payne and Xiao Nan were two clones, and they could no longer use words to describe their inner trough.

"How long does it take?"

"Just today, while fighting Uchiha Itachi."

Uzumaki Kamdai is telling the truth, his own kaleidoscope wheel eyes can be said to be in the Uchiha Itachi Moon Reading Space.

I was stimulated by Uchiha Itachi Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes, and ‘awakened’.

Payne and Xiao Nan were avatars, and they looked at each other, and they could see the awkwardness and speechlessness in each other's eyes.

This is also OK?

"What ability?"

Each pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes has its own ability. They have seen Uchiha Itachi's ability today.

So I'm also very curious about the ability of Uzumaki God to write round eyes.

Looking at it, there is no question of how it came about, and I can’t figure out and curious, how the Kaleidoscope of Uzumaki Goddai came from.

Uzumaki Jindai is very happy, maybe this is his family?

If this were changed to someone else, it would have been earth-shaking, I only felt that the Uzumaki Goddai, a person without Uchiha's blood.

Suddenly possessing the kaleidoscope of Uchiha's clan, the world will be doomsday, this child will endanger himself and other conspiracy theories.

But here in Payne and Xiao Nan, Uzumaki Goddai did not see them, except for being speechless and dumbfounded, the two were more worried about Uzumaki Goddai.

Is there really a problem, a genetic mutation? Or a virus infection?

Will it be uncomfortable? Will it hurt? How long can it last?

"Look and break, whether it's illusion or ninjutsu, or enchantment or seal."

Penn didn't speak, looked at Uzumaki Goddai in a daze, and suddenly raised that hand to Uzumaki Goddai?

Looking at this familiar starting position, Uzumaki Kamidai knew what Penn was going to do.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


The body of Uzumaki Goddai flew uncontrollably.

Uzumaki Goddai's expression didn't panic at all, it wasn't because Uzumaki Goddai had been pitted by this ninjutsu since childhood.

Rather, the Uzumaki Goddai ‘seeed’ it, and Penn used this ability.

Uzumaki Goddai ‘sees’, a transparent power enveloping himself.

Moreover, the kaleidoscope of Uzumaki Goddai writes round eyes, ‘seeing’ the circle of ‘things’ that envelops him, many dots and lines.

Uzumaki Shindai obeyed the feeling of coming from, the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, and ‘looked’ at one of them.

call out!

Payne:! ! ?

The Uzumaki Goddai, who was flying towards Penn, stopped unexpectedly, while the Uzumaki Goddai used his power.

Payne had a more intuitive feeling, his own dissipated ‘gravity’, plus his skill CD.

Was there no alternative to using the Uzumaki God for a while?

Payne was a bit unwilling, looking at the Uzumaki Goddai who fell to the ground, he didn't care where it was.

His eyes changed, and he pushed his palm in the direction.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Uzumaki Kamdai: "Huh!?"

Have not been able to try, breathe freely and feel relaxed.

Just ‘see’ the thrust released from Payne.

As Uzumaki Goddai's body soars, his hands are folded in front of him, and the Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye·See·Break skill is activated.


After flying backwards to get the whirlpool, Goddai landed steadily, Xiao Nan couldn't believe it. He stared at Uzumaki Kamidai in a daze, and at the same time covered his mouth that almost screamed with his little hand.


Uzumaki Nagato: ...

A thought appeared in the distance and manipulated, inside Payne's whirlpool Nagato's mind.

In the future, the silly boy of his own family will not be able to pull it down when he is about to fly into the sky, and he will not move.

"anything else?"

Strike while the iron is hot, Penn, under the control of Uzumaki Nagato, speaks to Uzumaki Shindai.

Uzumaki Goddai did not reply to Payne immediately, but looked at Payne with a strange smile on his face.

Payne: Huh?

Uzumaki Nagato raised his brows for controlling Penn in the distance, and Uzumaki Nagato didn't feel anything.

But it always feels like something is not right, Uzumaki Nagato controls Penn.

"what have you done?"

"I slowed down your sense of time by 5 seconds, but the time in reality has not changed. But in an ordinary person's time, you have experienced five seconds longer than others."

Hearing this ability of Uzumaki Goddai, Uzumaki Nagato was still Penn under his control, looking at Uzumaki Goddai with a rare expression of surprise.

Looking at Uzumaki Kamdai, Penn, whose face finally changed, was able to imagine it in his mind.

What kind of expression the Uzumaki Nagato would look like now gave Uzumaki God a kind of pleasure that he succeeded in stealing oil and eating pranks.

"This is yours? Another ability?"

Looking at Uzumaki Kamdai nodded with a smile, at this moment Xiaonan was still Uzumaki Nagato, and both felt that the Uchiha clan had been destroyed.

What a correct thing, this ability is really terrifying.

Fortunately, this kind of ability is in the hands of Uzumaki Goddai.

"I won't rely too much on this kind of ability. I use this kind of ability too much. My strength will decline, so I won't use the kaleidoscope to write round eyes."

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