Two-dimensional System

Chapter 430: Uchiha Itachi and Kaleidoscope

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty

Uzumaki Shindai didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi could still awaken the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, and there was a difference in his heart.

At this moment, recalling Uchiha Itachi's ‘talent’, Uzumaki Kamdai was relieved.

Through Uchiha Izumi, Uzumaki Kandai writes round eyes on Kaleidoscope, is it ‘familiar’, right?

At the same time, he glanced at it, and he was in the mall now. Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes with only high price and perfect fusion medicine.

Uzumaki Goddai was very curious about each pair of kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes.

Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, also known as the eye of the soul portrayal, writing round eyes will be based on.

My strongest obsession, gave birth to many magical abilities, perhaps illusion or powerful and magical ninjutsu.

And the price is, with the use of kaleidoscope writing round eyes. The Uchiha clan will be plunged into darkness forever.

But this is not without a rescue method. Looking at the system's shopping mall, the more expensive, eternal kaleidoscope is written in round eyes.

Uzumaki Goddai knew that this was absolutely the perfect thing to solve the blindness of the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Uzumaki Kandai dispelled the trouble of looking for Shimura Danzo for the time being, not because he was afraid of Uchiha Itachi.

After all, Uchiha Itachi's current strength, no matter how powerful it is, it can never be compared to the Yaojinzhu power, right?

What Uzumaki Kamiyo worries about is that Uzumaki Kamiyo doesn't know what kind of ability Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheels are.

If you go by yourself, hide Shimura Dan and slaughter, and then turn your face with Uchiha Itachi.

It would make Uchiha Itachi, the unexpected person in Uzumaki's plan, disrupt his previous arrangements.

and. It's not just Uchiha Itachi, Konoha is in Akatsuki's eyes.

The same is true of Uchiha class.

The guy Uzumaki Jindai most wanted to kill was the "tool man" placed in Akatsuki's organization.

Uzumaki Kandai recognized that this so-called Afei was the Uchiha ‘ban’ that he did not kill that day.

It was also for Uzumaki Nagato, Uzumaki Goddai must now restrain himself from being unable to come out without thinking.

Before, I was hidden behind my back, I didn't need to care about anything, and my opponent didn't know his ‘understanding’.

So, the Uzumaki Goddai can be messy, but not at the moment.

If the chaos comes, I have worked hard for more than ten years, but now Yuyin Village cannot be kept.

Just as Uzumaki Goddai did not know the ability of Uchiha Itachi to write round eyes.

Uzumaki Jindai also didn't know what else was hidden by this Uchiha class, his unknown back-hand.

Now is not the time to be arrogant, now I need to be more forbearing.

At first, for just a thought, I could endure it for more than ten years.

Seeing that the answer is right in front of his eyes, Uzumaki Goddai is not bad at this point.

Since Uchihaban wants to compete with them in acting?

So? Who is afraid of whom?

But at this moment, what Uzumaki Kamiyo wanted to express most was Shimura Danzo's luck, but he couldn't accept it.

However, Uzumaki Kamdai was also right, Shimura Danzo's "Death" refreshed the three views.

What's more, Uchiha's standing, can be said to be a big family standing at the top of the world, felt sad.

This family did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died under the knife of ‘owner’?

‘It’s really a sad thing. ’

Imagining sad things, it is indeed not just the Uchiha family. Just like the Maelstrom family decades ago, they can all form their own families.

Wasn't it finally destroyed by the mist ninjas in the country of water?

Uzumaki God couldn't help sighing, and turned his eyes to Uchiha Itachi. This must personally destroy the tragedy of his own people.

But there was a little bit of fortune in my heart, his friend Uchiha Izumi.

He got out of Konoha in advance, from the black whirlpool.

Now, there is no Uzumaki Goddai in Konoha, and people who are worried, it doesn't matter how they want to make Uzumaki Goddai.

Even if possible, Uzumaki Kamiyo would release two "salutes" to cheer for their party?

Uchiha Itachi seems to have settled with Payne, and Uchiha Itachi has discovered that there are several people hidden behind Payne through the writing wheel.

However, Uchiha Itachi pretended not to find the hidden person.

He suspected that Payne was alone and difficult to accomplish, but when Uchiha Itachi saw it.

Among the hidden people, there was unexpectedly a figure he was familiar with, Uchiha Itachi was also surprised at the same time was ‘scare’.

"Senior Oshemaru?"

Seeing Osaimaru leaning behind a big tree, Uchiha Itachi was not too sure while wondering.

Who can imagine that the S-class betrayal who betrayed the village back then.

There has been no news for many years. When we meet again, we will meet in this situation and in this form.

The expressionless Uchiha Itachi was wary of Oshemaru in his heart.

This guy will do what Konoha will do at this time.

"Life is so wonderful, isn't it? Itachi-san?"

Oshemaru seemed to have not seen Uchiha Itachi, the vigilance in his eyes.

I don't even know that Uchiha Itachi, who is already ready to stare at his plan, sighing at Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi:...

He didn't want to reminisce with Oshamaru, how would he tell this news to the third generation of Hokage when he was leaving.

Or let the third generation of Hokage-sama, pretend to be defensive.

Uchiha Itachi looked away from these Akatsuki organizers behind Payne.

"Manpower is enough. I will give you a signal when the action starts."

Before Payne could speak, Uchiha Itachi was very ‘daring’ and ‘domineering’ did not allow, Payne refused to turn around and leave.

From beginning to end, Penn was expressionless, and Uchiha Ban could not see much.

"No, go up and stare at him."

Until Uchiha Itachi disappeared, Payne finally gave the order that he could not refuse Uchiha Itachi.

But what he should do, Payne still has to do something in front of everyone.

After watching Payne's'action' and arrangement, the corners of Uchihaban's mouth under the mask sketched a smile.

If Payne didn't prepare at all, Uchiha would feel uneasy when he arrived.

And this arrangement is still very, in line with Uchihaban's psychological expectations.

Uzumaki Shindai glanced at a few people, then used Space Jump, and walked towards the residence of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Izumi took Uchiha Jindai and had been to the residence of Uchiha's clan many times. It was not difficult for Uchiha Jindai to find Uchiha Itachi's home.

Hiding aside, relying on the realm of God's Generation, blended his breath into the surrounding environment.

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