Two-dimensional System

Chapter 389: Yuyin Villager

"With your strength, I don't think you will need me very much."

Ye Cang looked at Uzumaki Goddai coldly, not at all right, before Uzumaki Goddai saved himself.

Or if you have helped yourself with so obvious gratitude.

Nor did he show that he was flattered with Uzumaki's employment.

It's so plain that the two sides are just strangers, but the difference between Uzumaki Kamiyo and the stranger is different.

Ye Cang didn't reject Uzumaki Goddai in his heart, Ye Cang was just for anyone who wanted to get close to him.

There is subconscious vigilance in the heart, after all, the "wound" in the heart will not be smoothed out so easily with two sentences.

"But my strength does not require special guards, but I did not hire you for me, I am for my country."


Ye Cang looked cold, and seemed to think of the fourth generation Fengying again, which was indeed a thorn.

"What is your identity? Uzumaki Goddai?"

Uzumaki Shindai spread his hands, and didn't mean to be angry at all.

"Okay, solemnly introduce myself, my name is Uzumaki Goddai. From the country of rain, I come for my village, Yuyin Village."

After introducing his Uzumaki God, he turned around and revealed both Uchiha Izumi and Terumi Mei to introduce to Hakura.

"She is Terumi Mei, born in Wuyin Village, the country of water, and now she is also my escort. She is from Yuyin Village."

"Uchiha Izumi, Konoha, the country of fire, was born, and his current identity is also from Yuyin Village."

Ye Cang frowned at Terumi Mei's introduction to Uzumaki Kamdai. Obviously, Ye Cang was very repulsive to the mist tolerance of the Water Country.

However, the introduction of Uzumaki Jindai was not useless.

Ye Cang heard the Uzumaki God, and compared Meiming's last identity to Yuyin Village?

Frowning Ye Cang looked at Uzumaki Jindai, who was smiling and didn't mean to stop.

But in my heart, I was thinking whether the Uzumaki Goddai had missed it.

Terumi Ming, a woman who feels dangerous for herself, is a ninja at first glance, so the last introduction.

Shouldn't it be Yunin? But why are people from Yuyin Village?

Next, Uzumaki Shindai's introduction to Uchiha Izumi confirmed that Ye Cang had heard it correctly.

Uchiha Spring?

Without the introduction of Uzumaki Shindai, Ye Cang knew that Uchiha Izumi came out of Konoha.

However, she had never heard of the news that someone from the Uchiha clan betrayed Konoha.

"Are you rebellious?"

Hakura's tone was cold, and his eyes scanned, Uchiha Izumi and Terumi Mei.

Of course, this also includes doubts about Uzumaki Goddai.

But there is no doubt that the identities of Uchiha Izumi and Terumi Mei are fake.

As for Terumi Mei's identity, Ye Cang had already learned from the mists of Shinobu, and compared to Meiming's exclamation, that Terumi Mei was undoubtedly from Wuyin Village.

What about Uchiha Izumi?

Ye Cang glanced at the three-gou jade writing wheel eyes in his eyes, revealing the light of evil charm, which has fully demonstrated the identity of Uchiha Izumi.

"Uchiha Izumi and Terumi Mei just accepted my employment, and since they accepted my employment, they have been Uyin villagers."

"Yuyin villager? Why not a ninja?"

Ye Cang, who was going straight, wanted to figure out what Uzumaki Goddai meant, without any obscurity.

"Ninja is just an identity, but there is no distinction between a ninja and a villager in Yuyin Village, there is only one Yuyin Villager."

"What's the difference?"

Ye Cang sneered, isn't it all the same after all?

It's just a change of name. Is a ninja different after all? Is it a ninja?

"Tsk tusk, of course it's different. People in Yuyin Village don't need to follow the ninja manual. Are people who don't follow the ninja manual, are they still ninjas?"


Ye Cang was choked by the Uzumaki God, and at the same time, he understood the meaning of the Uzumaki God.

"People's definition of a ninja comes from the ninja manual, doesn't it? Ninjas follow this ninja manual, and perform the tasks of the shadows in accordance with the regulations of the ninja manual."

Ye Cang: ...

"So, to become a Yuyin villager, don't you need to follow the ninja manual?"

"Naturally, no one in Yuyin Village will follow the Ninja Handbook. People in Yuyin Village only need to follow the rules of Yuyin Village."

Ye Cang, who was a little surprised at first, and still had a change in Uzumaki God's generation, when he heard this mystery of the law, his whole person was not good.

What kind of moth is this? Is there any difference between regulations and ninjas?

Before Ye Cang could ask, Uzumaki Goddai was in front of Ye Cang, out of his own storage space.

After taking out the Yuyin Village Regulations Manual, it didn't have the casual look before, and it didn't throw it to Ye Cang like garbage.

But his face was solemn, as if facing his old father, and his hands were solemnly holding this law.

It was handed to Ye Cang, who was bluffed by the appearance of Uzumaki God.

Under the lure of Uzumaki God's aura, he also subconsciously began to respect him.

His eyes fell deeply on this, Red Leather Handbook.

"In Yuyin Village, everyone must abide by laws and regulations."

With both hands receiving the regulations handed over by Uzumaki Goddai, Ye Cang didn't know what medicine Uzumaki Goddai sold in the jar.

However, driven by curiosity, this regulation manual was brought in.

When you look at it, it is written on the first page that everyone in Yuyin Village is equal!

This sentence deeply attracted Ye Cang. What is equality for all?

In the five big Ninja villages in the five big countries, there is a strenuous hierarchy.

Otherwise, how could Ye Cang accept it, Fengying's order came to the country of breaking water, what breaking task would he perform?

This regulation, although not exhaustive, is for Uzumaki Goddai.

This is already a very comprehensive and specific regulation. It distinguishes the Yuyin villagers from the case carefully.

There are punishments for deliberately harming others, forgiveness for unintentional harm, and responsibilities.

This is a small book that persuades people to be good, but punishes rat shit.

After all, there are always those people.

I always like to call for the village, but in fact it is for myself, and there are people who speak out to harm others.

For this kind of person, Uzumaki Goddai has zero tolerance.

There is also that, always like to hurt others and disadvantage oneself. Uzumaki Jindai also has zero tolerance for those who deliberately spread his misfortune to others.

Yuyin Village is fair to everyone, but everyone's life is not equal.

If you have the abilities and dreams, you can pursue it, which has become Yuyin Village, a sense of life gap between people.

But if you don't do anything, you will be jealous of the Yuyin villagers who have paid for it and reaped the rewards, so that you will be seriously injured or hurt.

So for these people, Yuyin Village will not show mercy, Yuyin Village is strictly protected, and everyone in Yuyin Village has worked hard.

Yuyin Village gives everyone free space and opportunities.

Everyone in Yuyin Village has different positions and different fields, but their status is the same.

There is no distinction between high and low, only everyone has more responsibilities and obligations.

"It's very interesting. If it is true, then I will not refuse such a life."

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