Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1160: Fat serum?

If you don't use the methods of Uzumaki God, and only use the human ability of food critics, you can't win others. It is pure Uzumaki God. However, from the beginning of the game to the present, the first player, the black braised egg, was cold at the start, and Renliang's body didn't know where it was, and he could not find it.

The second one who was out was that the mysterious guest who provoked the misfortune of this game was shot directly off Karaka by Maria Somer. The third person who is about to be out is the Red Fat General Ross who ‘don’t know’ in front of him and knows everything.

If it weren’t true, the food critic is the vest of Uzumaki Kamdai, and if the food critic’s human ability is not weak, the current winner is the red fat General Ross.

But it can only be said that people are not as good as the sky. If you want to fish in troubled waters, you must have the oriole in the back, and a good mouth is enough. Otherwise, have you seen General Red Fatty Ross, whose embarrassing face has changed from a red face to a white face with a single stroke?

This is because the mouth is not good, and the food that reaches the mouth can't be bitten, and as a result, I have a mouthful of teeth. Also caught up with myself,

boom! boom!

Either the arrival of Uzumaki Goddai has made the superstar lady more confident, or the Uzumaki Goddai has not, and punishes herself for failing to solve the problem of Fatty General Rose.

Therefore, the current superstar lady is more like she has let go of the burden, and has no weight on her body and mind, not to mention the Uzumaki Goddai is watching.

It seems that the superstar lady who wants to show her excellent combat effectiveness in front of Uzumaki God, doesn't mean to keep her hands at all. He didn't care about the weapon in his hand, yelling again and again: Stop! Misunderstanding, we should talk carefully...

Even, faced with the energy weapon attack of the superstar lady, although General Red Rose did not suffer much damage, the pain and discomfort General Red Rose could not be spared.

What is even more inevitable is that the Uzumaki Goddai is watching from the sidelines. For the superstars of the Uzumaki Goddai, there is the effect of the Uzumaki Goddai watching that it can achieve a morale increase, making the superstar sister's combat power bursting.

But for General Red Fatty Rose, the existence of Uzumaki Goddai was simply a disaster. Who is Uzumaki Jindai? General Ross himself knew very well, even if the Uzumaki Goddai did not, he and the superstar would deal with him.

But whoever Uzumaki Goddai is, can he'ignore', or exist without paying attention to it? No, this is a "big Ivan" that may explode at any time.

For those who are not with Uzumaki Jindai, Uzumaki Jindai's existence is that the mouse **** in the soup is so obtrusive.

Although there is only one enemy, the superstar lady let General Red Fatty Ross feel what it means to be ‘being an enemy’ no matter how he moves.

There is always a pair of cold eyes without a trace of emotion, staring at his back. This made General Red Fatty Ross's hair stand behind him, always feeling like a chill scraping the flesh off his back.

In short, General Red Fatty Ross is even more suffocated by this unfair battle. The superstar lady also has no mercy or the spirit of ‘enlightenment’.

For the unburdened superstar lady, this is a fair one-on-one battle. The other side is afraid of the head and tail, and that is the problem of the other red fat man.

In the face of his own life, it is possible at any time, the enemy that ends in the next second, this guy dare to be distracted, is it because he didn't die fast enough?

The other party is so irresponsible for his own life, so the superstar lady is woolen, and she is merciful to the other party's men? It is the determination to kill the other party in itself, so the superstar lady's energy weapon.

Always, facing the weakness of Fatty General Rose’s eyes, nose and body, knowing that General Red Fatty Ross’s defenses are high, and his energy weapons can’t easily break other parts of Fatty Red. .

Coupled with the superstar lady, dexterous positioning and strong mental ability. The Uzumaki Goddai soon discovered that the superstar lady had covered the entire hall with her own mental abilities.

This seems to be similar to his own Goddai realm, Uzumaki Goddai can use the Goddai realm to discover the movement tracks of all animals in the realm.

The mental abilities of the superstar lady are also covered by the main battle area. Come to know the other party’s ‘mind’ in advance, and respond to the special ‘area’ in advance.

Perhaps, she is not very strong in this field. The limit of the superstar lady's field is probably two or so red fat guys. If there are too many, the superstar lady will only end up being abused.

But the only thing that was dealt with was General Ross, a fat red man, and this fat red man was still a fat man who was ‘scared’ by Uzumaki God in advance.

For Miss Superstar, the advantage should not be too great. The balance of victory lies with Miss Superstar.

I don't know how to desperately, holding on to death, I have to pull the consciousness into the water, desperately with the superstar lady. I can hold myself in my heart, but he is the highest level in this world.

To die together with the superstar lady is simply an insult to his identity and status, and it is also in the heart of General Red Fatty Ross.

As long as his sincerity is enough, the Uzumaki Goddai will agree to the peace talks, and his fat red general Rose has a bright and beautiful future, it is impossible to die here like this.

Moreover, it was Maria Hill beside the Uzumaki God that gave General Rose such an illusion. In the live broadcast, this woman had prevented Uzumaki God from killing Super Spider-Man, Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner many times before.

It doesn't make sense, Maria Hill, a woman, can do this, watching herself being killed by Uzumaki God and the superstar lady.

As the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau who exists for peace in this world, Maria Hill also bears the responsibility of protecting the high-end combat power of the small break.

What's more, he is not yet a terrorist, but he has the official blessing, the identity and status of General Ross.

One of the important members of the Avengers regulatory agency.

And in his hands, he still holds the secret of the "Fatty Serum". In the heart of General Red Fatty Rose, the "Fatty Serum" was his last card to reconcile with Uzumaki God.

It is also Maria Hill and the whole world, who must keep their key.

"Wait...Wait...Wait, Uzumaki God will ask your people to stop, we can talk about it, I...I am willing to use the technology of the'Hulk' serum without side effects take it out."

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