Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1150: what's happening?

Use one word to describe the tragedy of Hawkeye Button, that is: (true) insanity.

Moreover, this new Raiden medical system is only just developed by Uzumaki Kamdai. Hawkeye Button is the first ‘lucky person (victim)’ in this new medical system.

Theoretically speaking, after his lightning Chakra disappeared, or in the body of Eagle Eye Barton, the bioelectricity adjusted back to a normal human state. Hawkeye Button’s neurons will not take long to recover.

But after all, there is no rich medical body. As a comparison of experience, everyone's physical fitness is also different. Uzumaki Goddai cannot guarantee how long it will take for his lightning attribute Chakra to disappear in Hawkeye Button's body.

Naturally, I don't know how long it will take Eagle Eye Button for the neurons to resume normal operation. If you really have to Uzumaki God, say a number. To be honest, Uzumaki Goddai is not sure, after all, this is complete, not in the calculation of the Uzumaki Goddai, only the prediction of the Uzumaki Goddai.

But isn’t there still Bruce Banner, is this little fat green guy here? After he left, he naturally cut off, the control of the fat green Bruce Banner returned to normal Bruce Banner.

The little green fat man can naturally take on the responsibility of taking care of Hawkeye Button, after all, if he remembers correctly. Hawkeye Button was photographed like this by Bruce Banner himself.

Uzumaki Kamidai also believed that Bruce Banner also watched the scene where he personally filmed Flying Eagle Eye Button. If you want to come to Fat Green, you shouldn't be able to do so, regardless of Hawkeye Button.

Hmm~ That's how Uzumaki Jindai decided, and he has drawn a successful conclusion to his ‘perfect’ plan, and there should be applause here. (Voiceover Maria Hill: So, is that why you obviously have the ability to kill Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner in seconds, but you don’t do it yourself?)

For the enemy, Uzumaki Goddai wanted to kill or bury it, but these guys were really not enemies. Uzumaki Goddai said that he could only do this.

If he wanted Uzumaki Kamiro to be really like a nanny to'take care of' these people, Uzumaki Kamiro said that he really couldn't do it. After all, the Hawkeye Button in this world, the fat green Bruce Banner, and the super virus little Spider-Man, these three guys have nothing to do with Uzumaki God.

Being able to do this, Uzumaki Goddai said that he was true, and he was already a very kind and kind spokesperson. But these vortex gods did not need to explain all of them to Maria Hill.

As a future subordinate, you can understand as long as you can understand it. This is your boss’s consistent style.

But obviously, Maria Hill is worthy of the Uzumaki Goddai, the future first secretary general of Yuyin Village, and the other party is not inquiring into the bottom line.

Instead, he nodded his head as if he understood something, and stopped looking at Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner. He would think that since the other party is going to find the superstar lady?

"So, how are you going to find the person you want to find?"

Although Maria Hill knew it, it was live broadcast at this time. Uzumaki Goddai also didn't plan to open her vest in public, and Maria Hill was naturally unable to reveal who Uzumaki Goddai was going to find.

Otherwise, these people will be able to guess that the food critic is the Uzumaki Goddai by connecting the person that Uzumaki Jindai is looking for with a probability of more than 90%.

"Well~ it's not difficult. Pull my shoulders well."

Ok! ?

Recalling the time when Uzumaki Goddai took the superstar lady and disappeared in front of everyone. Maria Hill's heart jumped, is it possible that the Uzumaki Goddai also planned to use her space ability with her?

After Maria Hill knew that this was not an ordinary world, she saw a lot of various superpowers. But I haven't experienced it personally, the experience of being carried by people with the ability to use space, from this end of the world to the other end of the world.

Maria Hill's heart was pounding inexplicably faster, with curiosity and expectation. Maria Hill stretched out her hand and grasped Uzumaki Kamidai's arm tightly.

Just in case, Maria Hill also used her two hands to hold Uzumaki Kamidai tightly.

"Grab it, don't let go~"

Feeling Maria Hill's heartbeat speed up and the blood flow faster than before, Uzumaki Kamiyo knew that this clever woman already knew what way she was going to drive on.


Before Maria Hill could recover, Maria Hill felt a change in front of her eyes, and then her whole body seemed to ‘fly into the sky’.

I instantly understood that this was the spatial ability of watching Uzumaki God, and I just felt my body, and the environment around the flower in front of me was different in an instant.

Although she had already been prepared in advance in her heart, Maria Hill couldn't help but subconsciously while experiencing all this.

His hands became fierce, his lips biting and his face tightened, until Maria Hill felt that her body was empty, and her vision was completely restored again. Maria Hill raised her head stunnedly, and looked around curiously.

No words can be used to describe the power of the Uzumaki God Generation's space. It was the ‘unfamiliar’ to the surroundings and the little ‘familiar’ architectural style that attracted Maria Hill’s eyes.

"here is......"

After Uzumaki Goddai took Maria Hill and left the (really) small broken town by the space jump, Bruce Banner, the fat green man, the wooden man.

After a trembling of the spirit, his face was expressionless after a tremor, and he became a stunned face, not knowing what the situation is now, or knowing nothing.

It was as if, on a dangerous battlefield, he had a ‘nightmare’ and was finally awakened by this nightmare.

"Fa? What happened? What about people? Beauty... Where is the food critic? Bar? Barton? How did you become like this? I remember... what happened?"

I have to say that this fat green man is a real actor, and this innocent appearance looks so innocent. It seems that I don't know anything about what I just did, what happened during this period.

Hawkeye Button looked at, scratching his head with a simple face, as if he was a ‘helpless’ child, the same fat green Bruce Banner. I thought that after being controlled by Uzumaki God, this guy can't remember what happened~

At this time, Bruce Banner was also very nervous. What happened? Forget it...Don't ask, I don't know what happened...

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