Hawkeye Button also thought he was going to die. After all, he was not a food critic, whether it was his face or his morality as a ‘person’. Hawkeye Button may retain what other abilities his arrows have.

But he will never keep it. What kind of superpowers he has, the key is that he hasn't said about superpowers yet. At the thought of this, Hawkeye Button's heart got stuck again.

Think about the fact that I have worked hard for a lifetime, not as powerful as the superpowers that others have acquired after being stimulated. Before Hawkeye Button still refused to admit defeat, he still wanted to compete with Thor.

But now, the cruel reality has told Hawkeye Button that there are some things that you can't make up for with hard work. Those who have gained power after opening the plug-in are the advantages of plug-in superpowers.

The only thing is that for combat and missions, as well as facing diversified scenarios, those who have just debuted with superpowers are better.

In this short moment, Eagle Eye Button, with the finger of a food critic, is about to fall on his chest. In these few seconds, I kept repeating in my mind, thinking about my ‘uncommon’ life.

Who can keep breaking off since their debut? There is nothing wrong with his Hawkeye Button. So what Prince Asgard, he was not the same as being blasted down by his own arrow?

‘Is that the end? ’

Hawkeye Button has thought about himself, the countless death scenes that may appear, what will it look like, and who will give the ultimate. Some alien? For example, even if you snap your fingers, there is no alien emperor like Thanos who can kill him?

Or was it that during a certain battle, he died at last from exhaustion? For example... just a little bit, kill your own Ultron? If there is no Pilcher...

I am afraid that my own story has already ended, so when I ended my ‘story’ in this way, Hawkeye Button felt relieved, and the unwillingness and doubts in his heart had disappeared without a trace.

The worries in my mind also disappeared at this moment. Later, people have their own lives, the era that belonged to them has passed, and perhaps the world will be destroyed in the future. But definitely not because the world of his death will end there, thinking of Eagle Eye Button here. He stopped staring at the fingers that were getting closer and closer to his chest.

On the contrary, there was a touch of the corner of the mouth. It was hard because of the injury, and there seemed to be a trace of pain, but the uncomfortable smile turned away all. Hawkeye Button handed everything to future latecomers.

Hawkeye Button may have said nothing, left nothing, but Hawkeye Button firmly believed this, as long as someone could see his smile. Then there must be someone who can comprehend the meaning behind this smile.

"Ahem! Don't think you, kill me and you will really succeed...Someone will come out to stop you..."

That's right, Hawkeye Button faced the food critic, exhausted his last breath, and said what he wanted to say most.

‘It’s not wrong, there must be countless latecomers, he can fail or die, but the world continues. The story of this world will never end...’

Come on ~ death!

Hawkeye Button followed the food critics at the same time with lightning fingers on his chest. With embarrassed injuries on his face, he smiled with relief.

Hawkeye Button failed, but his heart will not disappear, nor will his beliefs disappear. The battle can be defeated, but the faith will not fail.

The predecessors did it for future generations to see, and the future generations will see the efforts of the predecessors and inherit this spirit of not admitting defeat.


Maria Hill and others did not dare to watch again. In the tragic scene that followed, perhaps the food critic would not kill Hawkeye Button. Or maybe food critics are ready to kill each other, but who knows what food critics think?

No one can guess, the thoughts of food critics.

Some soft-hearted people also did not dare to continue watching, and they covered their eyes. This is really cruel, what else is like, watching the hero who saved the world.

He was so embarrassed, knelt in front of the enemy and waited. The moment Ling Chi's ruthless blade fell, was it even more cruel and uncomfortable?

What the hero lonely and martyred said is Hawkeye Button at this time.

As the lightning seemed to be activated with the same sound, everyone's nerves tightened, everyone was'watching', curiously looking forward to it, and the food critics went to kill Eagle Eye Button.

But with this sound, the sound of raging thunder and lightning rang, and the whole world seemed to boil instantly when cold water fell into the hot oil pan.

Even people who couldn't bear to see before or dared to see this sound opened their eyes in disbelief with their ears moving.


Those who close their eyes do not mean that they believe that food critics will kill Eagle Eye Button, but this is the reality that food critics really have no mercy, and food critics really do.

Looking at Eagle Eye Button who was wrapped in lightning in an instant, everyone opened their mouths, they seemed to have smelled it. Hawkeye Button's burnt meat smell will float from Hawkeye Button's body soon.

It's like, not far away, I can't believe it, open arms like a statue, like the super virus little Spider-Man who was blown up by Maria Hill thunder electric grenade.

All of them stared at the finger of the food critic, and that finger seemed to give Hawkeye Button a chill in the next instant.

No one will question the penetrating power brought by thunder and lightning, and no one will question the sharpness brought by thunder and lightning. These are all gathered in the body of food critics.

This Hawkeye Button seems to be real, is it cool?

I opened my eyes because I can’t believe the food critics. They really want to confirm whether the food critics have not kept their hands. If you don’t see the details clearly, I’m afraid that countless people will be here tonight. Can't sleep because of insomnia, so the next day will stare at the panda's languid eyes to go to work.

The people who were looking at the eyes no longer thought about other superfluous things, they just simply didn't want to miss it. The last moment of a tall hero.

Hawkeye Button at the last minute, what will he look like? Before his death, Hawkeye Button smiled, but he made a lot of tears.

Many people were in front of the screen, yelling not to kill Hawkeye Button, but they were helpless. They cannot control food critics.

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