Encountered such a weird time, if I changed to someone else, I would have been scared out of my soul. But this kind of thing is nothing to be afraid of for Bruce Banner.

First of all, Bruce Banner has already experienced this kind of effort, from the time when the personality of Hulk appeared. Every time Hulk was irritated after the switch was turned on.

What ‘Hulk’ did has nothing to do with Bruce Banner, and Bruce Banner was kept in his body. I can only look at the fat man's body in Hulk's control, doing nonsense and arrogant destruction outside.

Of course, part of the reason is that Bruce Banner ‘acquiesced’.

If there is no subconscious ‘thought’ in Bruce Banner’s heart, the ‘Hulk’ born because of Bruce Banner will not act recklessly at all. Hulk is more than just a personality switch that was born subconsciously in Bruce Banner's mind at a critical moment. At the same time, it also carried a lot of Bruce Banner wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and he could only suppress the ‘desire’ in his heart.

This can be attributed to the Captain America serum. The better the better, the worse the bad. The thoughts in my heart will not lie. Steve Rogers wanted to do good, but he didn't finish it because of his lack of strength.

Think about it, if Captain America at that time, Steve Rogers, he was not a ‘malnourished’, thin, weak and powerless young man.

It's a young man who already has strength, so even Captain America Steve Rogers has the opportunity to strengthen his strength again.

So, who can guarantee that the moment Steve Rogers was receiving the power, would he think in his heart, the reason why this world is so turbulent? Is there too many bad people in this world? ? Then clean up all the bad guys in this world? Thoughts and thoughts?

No one can pack 100% of the votes, and Steve Rogers will not deteriorate because of his ‘justice’. Justice is too much to allow darkness to exist, which is a disaster for that world.

Bruce Banner originally thought that he had cancelled the personality of Hulk, that is, the switch of his own power. I will never experience it again, the experience of being locked in a small black room. But I didn't expect it~ Who said that life is just as you expected, without surprises and dangers as expected?

Looking at his uncontrolled body, he unexpectedly began to help food critics block all the arrows of Eagle Eye Button. Bruce Banner in his body has only one thought left: to suffer...

Moreover, as for why he couldn't control his body, but was able to control and continue to control his own thinking, Bruce Banner, who has seven PhD certificates in physics, experienced a second of ignorance. Where is Bruce Banner still unclear, why does his body keep calling him?

‘If it’s not bad, it should be the food critic, the shiny threads that appeared on the fingers just now. Are those things controlling my body? What is it? It's really a body...No, it should be said that it's an evil, right~

Moreover, the most deadly thing is that those shining lines disappeared after controlling themselves. As if never before. It’s no wonder that Hawkeye Button hasn’t known why until now...’

Through his eyes without focus, he watched him kneeling on the ground, swaying his body and spitting blood in his mouth. The eagle eye Button, who was about to fall, Bruce Banner could only silently give Eagle Eye Button his own. The teammates played in silence.

Apart from this incident, Bruce Banner found that he seemed to be unable to do anything, even the narcotic arrow that Hawkeye Button shot on his waist just now.

Obviously at that time, Bruce Banner's consciousness in his body had begun to blur, as if he was about to fall asleep. Under normal circumstances, Bruce Banner's consciousness is asleep, so the body will naturally follow the consciousness to ‘sleep’.

But it turned out that the food critic who forcibly took over Bruce Banner's body didn't feel like he was shot by a narcotic arrow. And Bruce Banner’s body now controls the food critic, no longer Bruce Banner himself.

Hawkeye Button’s narcotic arrow anesthesia knowledge, Bruce Banner was not cut off midway, Bruce Banner and his green body, food critics hit the narcotic arrow.

Therefore, how Hawkeye Button was ‘smart’ in his heart, rehearsing everything and planning a game, as long as the food critics don’t say it, no matter how much Hawkeye Button did, it’s impossible to know these key turning points.

As for why food critics are covered by Hawkeye Button’s two lightning bolts, but nothing happens?


The food critic is just that, after Uzumaki God used the transformation technique, he transformed into a non-existent identity.

The essence of this body is still Uzumaki Goddai, so if Hawkeye Button wants to use thunder and lightning to deal with Uzumaki Goddai, you are not sure if you are not telling a joke?

Thunder, flames, water, and wind, although these things express different forms, but the essence is the same, these things want to hurt the words of Uzumaki God.

It also depends on who is right. The attack launched by the Uzumaki Goddai, like Eagle Eye Button, the arrow set in advance, the lightning released from it is completely constant.

On the contrary, as the energy in the arrow runs out, the lightning disappears. So with this kind of thing, it's like going to the Uzumaki Goddai?

Unless the power of thunder and lightning in it can be comparable to the energy burst from nuclear weapons, if you don’t let it, Uzumaki Shindai will treat this constant and weakening current with energy consumption. Food critics only need to use their own body. The chakra inside covered some lightning that changed the nature of lightning on its own body.

You can pass the lightning of Uzumaki God on behalf of his own lightning, and guide away the lightning on the two arrows of Eagle Eye Button.

Therefore, if you want to hurt food critics, it is Uzumaki Kannai and Eagle Eye Button, and in front of Uzumaki Kannai, it is a toy for children.

It is used to deal with the lower and middle ninjas, or the water attribute and unexpectedness, which can deal with part of the upper ninja.

If you want to use something of this level to deal with Uzumaki Kamiyo, Uzumaki Kamiyo can only sneer and say sorry:

You really are, think too much~

The food critic stepped forward like this, leaning forward without any scruples, and Bruce Banner, who was like a shield, looked at Eagle Eye Button squintly on his arm...

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