No one had seen Bruce Banner like this. There was no trace of confusion in his sluggish eyes, and no trace of emotion. No matter who saw Bruce Banner like this, he would never doubt that this was a cold, perfect weapon of war that General Rose looked forward to most.

Although there was an arrow stuck in his body, bright green blood was constantly flowing from Bruce Banner's wound, but this guy's complexion still remained unchanged.

It's as if the arrow stuck in the body never existed. There was no pain at all, just as motionless as I felt, and he stood in place without blinking his eyelids.

This is the same Hulk that burns at one point and explodes when it burns? Even if it's not just one, green baby doll?

Hawkeye Button couldn't figure it out, even when he was controlled by Loki's psychic scepter. I'm just a ghost. I have my own ‘thoughts’ and consciousness when I’m obsessed with my mind. I was just being caught by someone at that time, and I was given orders to follow Loki in his head.

He was seriously injured and didn't have much ability to act. Yu Guang was looking aside and not far away, and he was also not so good. He was embarrassed by the Super Virus Little Spider-Man, and could not give any heavy responsibility.

Is it possible to wait until the superstar lady kills General Rose? However, he said that he could be here and could do nothing but torment, waiting for the group of idiots to use the death of General Ross as a reason to act on the superstar lady?

At that time, it's more than a waste of life? Who can stop the Uzumaki Goddai? iron Man? Captain Food? Bruce Banner? That magician Stephen Strange, who doesn't know the so-called, mysterious god? Or the entire Avengers?

He wanted to hear with his own ears, the answer from Bruce Banner's own mouth, why betrayal. According to previous information, they know about Bruce Banner’s relationship with others. This food critic should have no relationship with Bruce Banner, right?

Why would Bruce Banner prefer, just to glance at the guy, then turn his head and punch them? Hawkeye Button was vomiting blood bubbles constantly in his mouth, and wanted to get up from the ground, but his feet didn't seem to be at his disposal.

Being able to kneel on the ground like this seemed to be the limit of Hawkeye Button. Without being controlled by food critics, Hawkeye Button will never be able to experience the horror after being controlled by food critics.

And the tens of thousands of soldiers who have such a happy experience controlled by the food critics are all lying on the ground now, humming with happiness on their faces~

Where is there any energy and extra kindness, pay attention to the three of Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner and the food critic, what is going on now.

For these tens of thousands of soldiers, who already had the smell of ‘unclean’ on their bodies and the damp colors, the only thing they prayed for was. I hope that the great devil of food critics, a villain who is tens of thousands of times more terrifying and evil than Mephisto, stop paying attention to them.

I have experienced it once. It was not able to hold back the feces and the urine. It was reflected by the anxious expression, and it was not able to blink the cold small town sea breeze, and it pierced into their eyeballs without any barriers.

So now, even for the 100,000 soldiers released by food critics, they are not just a mental breakdown, they become waste.

It's not really because there is no way to pay attention to the cause of feces and urine, Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner and food critics.

It was their eyes. After being released by food critics, all of them couldn't open their eyes. Some people even wonder if they will be able to see the beautiful world of flowers in the rest of their lives.

Therefore, Hawkeye Button's question is doomed, and it seems that he will never get a reply. People who know the truth can't say it, can't describe it, and don't have the energy to explain to Hawkeye Button. In fact, you really don't blame the fat green Bruce Banner.

All these mistakes, all these sins are all, behind the fat green man in front of you, the horrible look of the food critics who look at the excitement is not too big.

'what do I do? ’

Hawkeye Button, who couldn't get the answer, was desperate. How many times did he experience such despair? The first time it seemed that Thanos snapped and said that all his daughters, wives and sons had disappeared, and it seemed that he had collapsed once in despair.

The second collapse seemed to be her good friend Xiaona, Natasha Romanov took her place and jumped off the **** cliff.

By the way, Hawkeye Button's numb gaze flashed, and he seemed to recall it in his mind, and this time he was full of confidence, he had planned everything before he started, it was over...

In a trance, the shaky Eagle Eye Button, because he could not get Bruce Banner's reply, his unwillingness to make Eagle Eye Button recall more than once, the moments when he and Bruce Banner played against food critics. .

Both myself and Bruce Banner rushed to the food critics. The food critics seemed to be disgusted with their behavior, and their expressions did not hide their disgust at all.

I picked up the bow and arrow, and the first arrow pointed at the heart of the food critic, but the food critic avoided it by one side. In this regard, Hawkeye Button said that all this is under his control and anticipation, his arrow is not so easy, he can avoid it.

Even after being pitted, after the god's Asgard Prince Loki, Hawkeye Button said that his bow and arrow were the legendary Houyi, and he could have the opportunity to kill the gods.

With what effect his arrow shot out, Hawkeye Button had calculated everything in it. His purpose is not to kill the food critics, but who is going to stop the superstar lady?

This first arrow is only one after shooting it by itself, the effect it wants to achieve is that the dazzling flash is not night.

However, if this sudden flashing mountain is not paying attention, he will be temporarily blinded by the flash.

And his second one was able to get an elephant's anesthetic arrow, and then rushed to even those with special superpowers who have certain resistance to these drugs.

I am afraid it is impossible to be intact. With his own assistance, Bruce Banner can just pinch the time to come to the food critic, hug the food critic and run away.

Your third arrow with high-voltage electricity can be fired depending on the situation, or not...

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