Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1099: Bed bugs eat (shit)

In fact, every superhero looks very powerful and basically invincible. It is too difficult for a villain to defeat a superhero.

And the superhero wants to defeat, the villain should not be too simple. The core secret is that all superheroes have only one logic that is to use what they are good at as an attack weapon to fight against the superhero.

But if his abilities are restrained by a superhero, he will have a nervous breakdown or something, and he will forget what a real battle is in disbelief.

Regardless of whether it is a villain or a decent person, who wins or loses is not a matter of their identity. But...

The villains of him never think about what are the strengths of these superheroes, what are their characteristics, and what are their weaknesses?

Everyone knows that Steve Rogers is very strong, and the shield in his hand can't be beaten by anyone (except Thanos). But I didn't want to think about it. Wouldn't it be simple if I wanted to kill Steve Rogers?

Just need to use a powerful electromagnet to **** away the shield in Steve Rogers's hand. Then, isn't Steve Rogers without the shield a lamb to be slaughtered?

Also, doesn't anyone think about it, there is a vibrating shield on top of Steve Rogers, so what about the bottom? It’s impossible for Steve Rogers to be protected by vibrato, right?

In this trap, the 360 ​​has no dead spots and no difference in the attack, even if Steve Rogers hits any serum, even if he is Captain America, he has to be beaten into a sieve.

So, like Super Little Spider-Man, this little guy has never thought about it, what should he do when he doesn't have the spider silk jet on his wrist?

The super virus little Spider-Man in the past is not unheard of when his spider silk sprayer is broken, or the spider silk solution in the spider silk sprayer is gone.

But at those times, they were not in the fight, and the other party was still prepared. Maria Hill smiled coldly at the super virus little Spider-Man who was caught off guard, making you boy in black and white, and in his mind. Do stupid things when you move.

Do you think I am not my mother, the food critic is not Uzumaki Goddai, can't educate you without Tony Stark?

Bang bang bang!

The molecule on his hand destroys the solvent and melts all the spider silk of Super Little Spider-Man. As for why no sulfuric acid is used, it is because the thing is accidentally, but he is risking disfigurement.

No matter how good or bad he is, how can S.H.I.E.L.D. deputy bureau seat master use sulfuric acid that is so untechnical?

The key thing is that the sulfuric acid does not meet her status as Maria Hill. At the same time as she has a choice, Maria Hill will give herself the cheap sulfuric acid?

With the little pistol in his hand, he did not hesitate to shoot at Super Little Spider-Man, although he did not intend to kill the Super Virus Little Spider-Man. But Maria Hill planned that she could no longer use the hands of others. Using others to teach this disobedient little Spider-Man is really not addictive.

Wouldn’t it be better for this little Spider-Man to truly grow up through his own severe education? Looking at the previous, he let go of educating others, this little Spider-Man finally disappointed himself, a pair of not very clever Yazi.

"Wow! You woman is so vicious!"

I was surprised at my own spider silk, the super virus little Spider-Man, who was so gone, because of the dangerous omen brought by the spider induction, there was no chance and time to entangle his spider silk in sentimentality.

Soon Super Little Spider-Man saw Maria Hill’s marksmanship, which made Hawkeye Barton jealous, and made Super Virus Little Spider-Man suffer a lot.

Even though the Super Virus Little Spider-Man is in the spider sense, it can sense the trajectory and speed of the bullet in time, but Maria Hill's understanding of Super Little Spider-Man.

I quickly understood this, and after the first one or two shots, Maria Hill also gradually found out the experience of dealing with the super virus Little Spider-Man.

The remodeled pistol in his hand began to change in different rhythms, and the rate of fire of the bullets and the density of falling points began to change accordingly.

The super virus little Spider-Man who was conscripted right also felt a deep malice. His own spider silk attacked Maria Hill, and the unknown solution in Maria Hill's hand had no effect.

I want to use my spider silk to keep myself away from Maria Hill, which will help me avoid bullets. But did not wait for Super Little Spider-Man to do this.

From the actions and behaviors of Super Virus Spider-Man, Maria Hill, who saw Super Virus Spider-Man and wanted to do something, quickly replaced her pistol with new bullets with a cold face.


Without waiting for the spider silk on the super virus little Spider-Man's wrist, he jumped up and shot it out to stick to the object and let himself sway out. While avoiding Maria Hill’s bullets, I can also create opportunities to attack Maria Hill.

But Maria Hill, who had been prepared in advance, shot it with a special bullet. Under the mask, Super Virus Little Spider-Man was stunned and shot the spider silk off Super Little Spider-Man’s wrist.

The little guy still wants to play routines with himself? Everyone has their own fighting style, and Maria Hill is no exception as Super Spider-Man.

If you want Super Little Spider-Man to receive the lessons it deserves, then you can't let Super Little Spider-Man enter your own fighting rhythm first.

It makes Super Little Spider-Man uncomfortable, not accustomed to such a fighting style, and was given a severe lesson by Maria Hill in the crappy performance.

We must let Super Little Spider-Man know that even if it is an ordinary person without special abilities, it is difficult to deal with him, but it is not impossible.

Don't underestimate anyone, even if the image has always been, it's just the secretary-general next to a certain black egg.

Maria Hill wants to let Super Little Spider-Man take a look and see what the consequences are if she angers her.


The Super Little Spider-Man who didn't sway out, because he picked too high, I didn’t have the same experience. In the view of Super Little Spider-Man, he launched spider silk to sway between the cities. It’s not his own. Invincible' moment?

He has never been interrupted before, Super Little Spider-Man, without any preparation, directly threw himself a big horse fork.

It was the first time that Zhanzhan looked at himself, and the super little Spider-Man after the bug smashed **** still showed his super athletic talent.

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