Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1082: Torture

Therefore, the show is still the Uzumaki Shindai show, whether it is a puppet show controlled by a thin line to a puppet master controlled by a chakra line. Ordinary people, I am afraid that they can't think of using mental power, and they can also cooperate with Chakra as a fine line to control Mukou.

However, this thing also has its drawbacks, that is, Uzumaki Kaminari knows that his ninjutsu can only be true for thinking animals.

If it really works on wood that doesn't move anything, this thing is really not as good as an ordinary silk thread, it comes quickly and worry-free.

And the reason why such an illusion can be called an S-rank illusion is because it can. Spiritual power divided by Chakra and Uzumaki God.

It is like a server terminal, which controls hundreds of careful servers. These spiritual lines separated from Uzumaki Goddai are the ‘channels’ through which Uzumaki Goddai inputs the ‘command’.

And what the Uzumaki Goddai wanted to do with these small servers, and to what extent he wanted these tens of thousands to do, all pleased what the Uzumaki Goddai was thinking.

And these people who are under control are sober in their thoughts, and at the same time they know that they are under control, but they have no authority to take back their bodies.

It seems that their original authority was forcibly stuffed into the airtight safe.

This is the S-rank illusion and control technique, and the other one used by food critics. It was used to deal with the super virus little Spider-Man's sensory neurological illusion.

It's just that the latter can use more objects and cause different effects. The current illusion and control technique of food critics is more like using your own mind to control the nervous system of tens of thousands of people on the court through the mental power separated from your own nerves.

The latter, dealing with Super Spider-Man’s illusion, is more like an unexpected ‘emergency’, the chaos of ‘time difference’ and ‘space sense’.

Let the Uzumaki Goddai be able to easily find the chance to kill the opponent in the battle. The latter is that Uzumaki God is more like a programmer, and the soldiers controlled by him are just NPCs in the game that are controlled.

Food critics do not need to control the strength of their fingers, nor do they need to make artistic or difficult gestures.

Just need to transfer your thoughts and will to tens of thousands of thin mental lines on your fingers, and you can control the brain nerves of these NPCs through these thin mental lines, and control the behavior of these people through brain neurons. And action.

And now, the food critics passed the thin spiritual line on their fingers, and the first instruction to these soldiers was...

Huh! Snapped! Snapped!

And all the people on the Internet saw the scene that these tens of thousands of soldiers didn't know what they were doing crazy. None of these generals have issued orders yet.

So he moved, and all the soldiers ran unexpectedly and neatly. These soldiers also panicked that they didn't even think about moving.

However, they could only stand by their eyes, looking at themselves holding Rob and turning around and running forward, even they themselves didn't know what they were going to do.

What was even more ignorant was that they all saw the running teammates, and they all looked at each other with such ignorant panic.

What's wrong with them?

If every little soldier is just a part of these tens of thousands of ‘programs’, in the microcosm, then they’re watching the live broadcast.

The audience in the live broadcast room with an extremely broad field of vision saw these tens of thousands of soldiers, wearing a variety of uniforms from different forces. After running continuously, several macro characters were formed:


Food critics seem to have found a fun toy, after using tens of thousands of people to spell out the two subtitles. Then they drove these tens of thousands of people together to form a dove representing ‘peace’, and this dove ‘incites’ its wings.

This is a pain for the tens of thousands of soldiers who have been controlled. They are only controlled by food critics before they can make so many actions.

However, they need to pay for the actions and behaviors they do. Therefore, no matter what dynamic'patterns' Uzumaki Jindai produces, they need these soldiers who have given up tanks and constantly consume their physical strength to do it. .

To make matters worse, the soldiers consume not only their physical strength, but also their mental fatigue and panic.

They just lost control of their own body, but the ‘tactile’, smell and ‘hearing’ that the body feeds back to them has not disappeared.

A soldier stepped on the nail when he was running, and the result was the same feeling at this moment, if the soldier's body was still under his control.

Then he must have screamed in pain, and jumped up subconsciously, but it was because the control of the body was not the soldier himself. So even though the sole of the foot was sore, the nail penetrated the sole of the soldier's foot.

But this soldier can only shout loudly in pain in his heart, but he doesn't even have the authority to open his mouth. All the soldiers who ran from the opposite side are curious about this guy with no expression on his face, but his eyes keep unceasing. Tears?

Isn’t it just being controlled by someone to run? What’s so great about crying?

The soldiers who couldn't move their eyes could only look ahead, the mischievous nail on the child's foot.

But slowly, these tens of thousands of people discovered that their previous ideas were still too naive~

The food critic, the big devil, especially just let them run? As we all know, eyelids are used to protect the eyeballs, and animals have no way not to blink their eyes.

Especially human beings like them blink and blink every second, especially those who are sleepy.

But now they are not only consuming their physical strength, but their spirit and willpower are also constantly consuming.

Not only are they unable to move their eyeballs, even their eyelids are unable to move, and they are still running, so people with common sense can already imagine how much these tens of thousands of people think. died......

The physical strength was exhausting and the body was giving them a sense of fatigue. The eyeballs could not move, the eyelids could not blink, the soreness of the eyes made everyone burst into tears, the eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the pupils were constantly expanding.

Some people even stare out their eyes.

Just because they couldn't even move the muscles of their eyes, the wind formed by their running air flow was unobstructed, and it washed their eyeballs...

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