Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1078: Support little Danny~

In particular, after a certain captain became a global justice ambassador, the captain's justice not only appeared on the campus, but also in various departments.

How can the traffic police department lose the justice education of Captain America, Steve Rogers? Hawkeye Button said that he can bear to wait for the green light, and never go to the small black room of the traffic police department, sitting silently and clamoring, listening to Captain America Steve Rogers giving them a'traffic safety education class'.

Even now, the life of General Rose is at stake. There is no extra time left to waste them, but...

When I think of a certain captain’s education class, whether it is Hawkeye Button or Bruce Banner, everyone has the end of the world together, and after waiting for the green light, Bruce Banner did not mean to urge Hawkeye Button.

Instead, he stared blankly at the front of the car window, thinking about Hawkeye Button, the circuitous method just said to him. Moreover, before contacting Hawkeye Button to remind himself, it is difficult for Hawkeye Button to prepare for this circuitous tactic...

"You want to find the person General Rose wants to deal with? What is that food critic? What role do you think he can play? Will he agree to help us?"

Thinking of Hawkeye Button, he actually wanted to persuade the people General Rose wanted to deal with. Used to stop the superstar lady from killing General Ross?

I have to say such a method, just one word: absolutely!

Bruce Banner scratched his head silly, not understanding this operation, how did Hawkeye Button come up with it? If this method can be successful, it can really be done, and organize a catastrophe without seeing the blood.

Then the two of them can definitely be regarded as immense merit, saving many families, lives and property of those people.

Think about the superstar lady, why should she be so irritable to kill General Ross? Isn't it because General Ross wants to deal with the food critic?

Although I don't know, what is the relationship between the food critic and the superstar lady. But it was because of the superstar lady who knew about the conversation between General Rose and Bruce Banner.

After knowing General Rose’s plan, the superstar lady became angry, so whether it is food critics and superstars. It is still more likely that food critics have a relationship with Uzumaki Kamiyo.

To untie the bell, you need to tie the bell, and let the food critics come forward to stop the superstar. This is definitely the best, but the most suitable method.

Especially when they can’t find the Uzumaki Goddai, can’t ask the Uzumaki Goddai to stop, and the superstar lady will not kill General Rose, maybe the food critic’s persuasion can play a more than 80% effect. .

Of course, this plan is not without risks. The risk is to convince the guy called the food critic.

If they couldn't persuade this guy, the food critics didn't choose to help, and he and Hawkeye Button went to stop the superstar lady and kill General Rose's idea, then they could only fail.

At that time, I didn't want the world to break the ball, and the short-guarded Uzumaki Goddai, in order to protect the superstar young lady, would do something to destroy the brains.

Then he, Bruce Banner, Hawkeye Button, and even the entire Avengers, must stand firm on the side of the superstar lady.

Let those brain-dead people whose minds are not very good, don't blow up the world with small broken **** and play together.

And even if you can convince food critics, the speed must be fast, otherwise, if they can convince food critics at the same time. The superstar lady had already started to kill General Rose, then they would have worked so much in vain.

Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner, the two of them were very close this time, and thought of this at the same time. That is the necessity, at all costs, even if it is to let them, on the spot...

Then it takes the fastest time to let food critics feel their sincere sincerity, emotion and purpose.

You must bring food critics out of their camp in the shortest time, and at the same time, let the food critics notify the superstar lady to stop!

"In other words, this world needs us very much right now, and we don't have any retreat. Whether it is a superstar or the remnant power that Thanos may still exist, or the Maelstrom God Generation, there is also this Know the details and despise critics.

None of them are us now, who can relax our vigilance, just like we went back to the past, looking for infinite gems, this time we also defended our homeland, we did not retreat. "


Bruce Banner nodded solemnly and responded to Hawkeye Button. At the same time, he covered the back of Hawkeye Button's outstretched hand with his green thug.

Although this time, there are only two of them in the entire Avengers, but they have to do this well, the ‘last post’ before retirement.

"So now, tell me where he is? General Ross is on the phone, and he should have told you the exact location of the food critic."

"General Ross indeed, told me the food critic's position, right here..."

Bruce Banner took out a special tablet computer from his bag that he was carrying at any time.

Sliding with his hand, the camera on the tablet was right in front of Hawkeye Button’s field of vision, projecting the location that General Ross told him at the time.

Hawkeye Button nodded. The correct destination is here, linking the location on the map with the navigation in the car.

This time, Hawkeye Button couldn't take care of it and waited for the green light. In front of the little brother of the traffic policeman on the side of the road, Barton's stern eagle-eyed gaze was scorching, staring at whether there were children and grandma ahead.

It was confirmed that the road was unimpeded, and the accelerator banged down...


The roaring sound hit the traffic policeman on the side of the road. He jumped and turned to look at the good guy. I have never seen anyone so arrogant.

On the spot, the traffic police brother picked up the walkie-talkie from the motorcycle next to him:

"Headquarters ~ Headquarters ~ This is Danny 4473. I suspect that a modified car not only ignores traffic rules, but is also seriously overloaded and provokes the personnel on duty. You must stop in front of XXX before... repeat......"

"This is the headquarters, I received it! The target has been locked and will be intercepted at the intersection of XXX. The third and fifth teams nearby will support Little Danny as soon as possible~"

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