Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1075: "Screw" sweetheart~

Bruce Banner, who was dragged away by Hawkeye Button, was called silly. But he was very desperate. Hawkeye Button didn't give him any chance to ask questions. In Hawkeye Button’s words, we don’t have time to get in the car as soon as possible.

If it is too late, it is estimated that this world that has finally settled down will be another world war of destruction.

This time, they didn't have the chance to come again, let alone the chance to peek into the future. The Supreme Mage, Stephen Strange has no time for gems.

Of course, they can also have thousands of bells and whistles, that is, let the current Steven Strange travel through time and space again, and go back to the past to find the past. The self who owns the time gem, borrow the time gem again. Look, if the future is really unavoidable, if you fight with Uzumaki Kamiyo, what will their victory or defeat be? What chance do they have to defeat the Uzumaki Goddai?

However, this possibility is very low, let alone that the Uzumaki Goddai itself has a time gem, just the last time Stephen Strange did not pass the time gem.

Seeing the vortex gods who will come into this world has shown that time gems are not omnipotent, and time and space are not impossible to change.

Traveling through time and returning to the past is also unreliable, let alone whether the Thanos will find this world again in another time.

Just the last time, everyone's time and space journey was not very pleasant. Is it possible that there is one whirlpool god, and there is no second one? The third?

And you are not sure, you can go back to the ‘past’, but this ‘past’ is the ‘past’ of your own world. Or is it the ‘past’ like the parallel universe that can be said to be completely similar to Uzumaki God's Generation?

Therefore, these unreliable things, I didn't know that I didn't have the slightest sense of awe in my heart. How could they bear the best choice and travel to the past to make up for their regrets?

But it's like Tony Stark, in the summary from now on, if you play with time, time will play with you in turn. Swing your wrist with the time boss? Do they have that strength?

The best thing is, it is absolutely impossible to do anything less than, do not try to travel to the past, everything has the opportunity to come back again, time simply does not allow them to be so headstrong.

This also applies for a sentence, life is not archived, no, you have a chance to start again if you are wrong. In response to this, Hawkeye Button flushed his eyes anxiously, and threw Bruce Banner from his hand into the co-pilot position, igniting the steering wheel to turn the car. With a kick of the accelerator, I ran away thinking of the distance.

Looking at Hawkeye Button, who was driving with a stern face, and Bruce Banner, who was curled up, he could not help but ask:

"What happened? Why do you feel like you are all anxious?"

Bruce Banner shrank his body and controlled it carefully, not to move too much, and not to use too much of his own power. I was afraid that with one action, I would give Huo Huo the door of the car or the roof of the car.

Although this car is already a modified one, Bruce Banner still doesn't think that these two modified cars can withstand his own ‘power’.

Such anxious Hawkeye Button was the first time Bruce Banner had seen him when they were in a semi-retired state.

What happened, and why just a phone call made Bruce Banner suddenly ‘unfamiliar’ with the world again?

"The person General Rose told you to deal with, do you know his information?"

"It has something to do with General Rose?"

Bruce Banner even scratched himself. It was a bad "brain". He said that as a doctor, staying in the laboratory and researching is what he should do.

This is why, now Bruce Banner is only half-retired. That is Bruce Banner. He is now a serious doctor of physics with seven certificates, not a fighter who kills and kills. People have to follow the ‘sven route’.

But because of wool, now I feel like I was suddenly given a hand by Hawkeye Button and caught the thief? Originally, Bruce Banner had no plans to pay attention to the phone call of General Rose.

General Rose sprayed him inexplicably on the phone, but he said that it didn’t matter. He had gone through so many winds and rains. If General Rose uttered a few words, he would still care about it, then he is not the Hulk Bruce now · Banner is over, it should be changed to the name Hulk: Hulk.

Hawkeye Button's words made Bruce Banner suddenly realize that things didn't seem to be as simple as he thought. Bruce Banner just didn't want his brain to subconsciously analyze these twists and turns in the form of an agent or a wise man.

According to Bruce Banner, the people who play tactics are dirty, so Bruce Banner was abducted by Cortana and Natasha Romanov for the first time on an aircraft carrier in the air. The masters of the Egg Board have cooperated once.

Moreover, after discovering the ‘dirty’ and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I didn’t know the countless old silver coins. I'm afraid I don't know if I was sold by the other party. The Avengers and Tony Stark are also in the invitation of a local tyrant.

Bruce Banner, who had this better place to go, simply and thoroughly talked to S.H.I.E.L.D. and, the ‘dirty’ black marinated egg boss.

Bruce Banner knows that he is not someone’s ‘rival’ to stay away from trouble and danger. This is what Bruce Banner does.

But Bruce Banner really did not expect that in his own opinion, he seemed to be at odds with the black marinated egg, and General Rose seemed to be ready to do something dangerous this time?

"Relax, I won't interrupt, just do as General Rose told me."

General Rose, who has dealt with Bruce Banner the ‘most’, is also the one who knows each other most thoroughly.

When I invited myself to study Captain America serum and study gamma rays, my mouthfuls were better than singing.

But when this guy turns his face, he doesn't matter whether you are his sweetheart or not, the snacks have a shelf life.

The little sweetheart in General Rose's mouth was just used to deceive ghosts. Bruce Banner didn't believe anything in General Rose's mouth.

Someone called a food critic must have done something, or has something on his body, and was targeted by General Rose.

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