Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1069: The horror of the superstar lady

As a result, this alien superstar lady suddenly didn't know what was going on. The blink of an eye was like General Rose killed, the alien superstar lady's family. Looking at the appearance of the superstar lady, it seemed that if you didn't kill General Rose, you wouldn't let it go.

As for General Ross, where did he offend the superstar lady, this hatred grows faster? In Hawkeye Button's mind, Miss Superstar and General Rose couldn't beat both of them by eight strokes, so why are they connected?

What's more **** it is that I really don't have the super powers in mind reading, to know what the inner thoughts of the superstar lady are now. Hawkeye Button's own agent skills, at best, mean being able to do it through the facial muscle expression of the superstar lady. There is also the "light" revealed by the eyes of the superstar lady to judge what is the mental state of the superstar lady at this time.

The previous judgement that the superstar lady is harmless is also because there is no villain or killer in the eyes of the superstar lady, and there is hostility in her eyes.

The kind of things that regard human life like a stubborn, these have never appeared in the eyes of the superstar lady. It is more indifferent to the world, and confused and not knowing what to do, just like a robot without emotion, waiting for BOSS instructions.

The current superstar lady finally has emotion in her eyes, but it is definitely not what Hawkeye Button wants.

Damn General Ross, what exactly did you do? In fact, it is not difficult to know why the superstar lady is angry.

It's just that Hawkeye Button is a little afraid to guess, just like the previous superstar lady's indifference to this world, the superstar lady has nothing to do with this world or the people in this world.

That is, he and Bruce Banner, the two of them invited Miss Superstar Sister, and they had eaten a lot of delicious food. They left a trace of impression in the heart of Miss Superstar.

So to say, in this world, the thing that can make the superstar lady angry is related to and unique, and that is related to the Uzumaki God.

Who is Uzumaki Jindai?

The Iron Man Tony Stark, a powerful man brought from another world, was an existence even more terrifying than Thanos.

In the same way, it is also the only existence that has something to do with the alien superstar lady. If you want to make the superstar lady so angry, you can imagine that there is only one possibility left, and that is what General Rose did and wanted to target the Uzumaki Goddai.

Or in other words, General Ross is preparing to be detrimental to Uzumaki Kamiyo. There is only this possibility. Otherwise, Hawkeye Button is really, I can't think of why the superstar lady suddenly exploded like a volcano.

There is only this only reason, indeed Hawkeye Barton dare not imagine. Although he is an old avenger who is about to retire, who is Uzumaki Kamiyo?

Tony Stark and that amazing magician, Stephen Strange, both did something before, he Hawkeye Button knew.

Tony Stark warned General Rose, and afterwards Tony Stark said that his ‘persuasion’ worked well. At least General Rose wouldn't be too stubborn to provoke someone, and the entire universe could not provoke an existence.

After this incident, Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner, holding hands, followed the Uzumaki Kamdai here to build a small farm.

So, this time General Ross wants to take action on Uzumaki Goddai, what is his confidence?

‘I’m sorry, although I don’t know how General Rose provokes you. If you don't mind, I can, listen to the reason you must kill General Ross? ’

Hawkeye Button can't take care of the others. If he doesn't stop him, I'm afraid the whole world will be in crisis again.

If it were someone else, even if it was a superpower, it would not rise to a level that would harm the world. But the superstar lady in front of me is different. First of all, the superstar lady has the ability, if it is not handled well, it will be enough for them to have headaches and confusion.

As for the reason? With so many superheroes, would they still be afraid of a superstar lady? Yes, there is nothing terrible about being a pure superstar lady.

But don't forget the superstar lady, the person standing behind is the **** of the whirlpool, and at the same time the superstar lady's terrifying intelligence gathering ability.

The information collected by Miss Superstar has no effect on Miss Superstar, but if Miss Superstar is really angry.

Have you ever wondered, if the superstar lady makes the information she knows known to people all over the world, can you imagine what will happen?

Even the secret of General Ross, they didn't have a whistle or a sign, and the superstar lady knew it instantly.

Just say that it's not terrible. If their scientific and technological information is known by the superstar lady, it will not be ordinary people in the entire world.

For those dangerous countries, it's not that they don't have no funds, they just don't have funds to invest in failed experiments one after another to consume.

Therefore, these countries are not reconciled and cannot get rid of the big countries. The research and investment of the big countries have reduced the consumption of these countries.

This has also resulted in the fact that some big countries always buy weapons at a high price, and there is no need to worry that no one will buy them from them.

Of course, it is not just weapons, but also the technology in life, such as cars, airplanes, high-end daily necessities such as cars, airplanes, drugs that people can’t do without, and mobile phones.

These are the results that need to be spent and a large amount of funds are piled up. Every failure is an indispensable cornerstone.

Why a big country is a big country is because their ‘foundation stones’ are stable and reliable. The gap between a small country and a big country is not only the gap between human resources and economy, but also the accumulation of these foundation stones.

The advancement of each generation of science and technology is not achieved in one leap. To get rid of the shadow of a big country, accumulation without strength is simply impossible.

So if the alien lady in front of me was mad at the behavior of General Ross, you said that the alien superstar lady in front of me, would she spend countless years of these great powers and spent countless financial resources and Manpower, what has been accumulated, is scattered everywhere in the world?

At that time...

But it’s not just the affair between General Ross and the superstar lady~

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