Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1054: Can't move the bear, can't I move the cat?

Tony Stark today is also different from the past, after experiencing so many blows and difficulties. The more mature Tony Stark knows better what the screen in his hand does.

Therefore, Tony Stark did not come in person after Stephen Strange, and came to the home of the lonely old man in General Rose.

He didn't say anything threatening, just opened the screen in his hand in front of General Rose and showed him this passage. It was also a slap, and Stephen Strange slapped him infinitely. Several hours.

And the slap of the Uzumaki Goddai slapped Tony Stark's whole person directly. The moment I saw Tony Stark when I was young, I was very uncomfortable and tense, just to miss Tony. Stark expresses his attitude.

Even how you threaten me, unless you can kill me. In this way it is impossible for my body to do what I want to do.

But if you can't kill me, don't try to stop me, let alone persuade me. I am definitely not a person who may give up what you want to do with two or three sentences or some extraordinary threats.

But the result...

Good guy~ Looking at Tony Stark just in front of everyone, he was slapped ‘none’ by Uzumaki Goddai. General Screw is more practical. You are a ghost and look at your side, as if you are preparing to see Tony Stark who is digesting yourself.

This guy definitely came here with unkind intentions, now his face changed from tense to an embarrassed General Ross, and then he reacted. What more attention is Iron Man Tony Stark, who looks at his "joke" in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything? I only mean one thing, that is what you want to do, no one can stop you. Of course, I only have one request, that is, you can die, don’t bring the whole little broken ball, or even this universe. To die with you."

Tony Stark's yin and yang tone made his face gradually gradually, and General Rose, who was beginning to feel embarrassed, turned pale.

While watching, Tony Stark showed him a request. You can do whatever you want, but the meaning is very obvious, although Iron Man Tony Stark didn't say anything.

But is there anything more to say? General Talos was not a fool, Stephen Strange's slap directly caused him to fall in an endless loop.

As long as Stephen Strange is willing, he can be there for the rest of his life, in these two circles, falling to death.

In the same way, what Stephen Strange can do, Uzumaki Goddai is even more relaxed, just slap your whole person.

After that, you become in the hands of others, and you can throw ants on and off the little Rubik's cube at will.

As soon as the video ended, Tony Stark didn't talk nonsense, and General Rose ordered the video to be deleted forever on Friday.

Except time, no longer existed in this world, and then Tony Stark was in front of him, and General Rose clapped his hands.

Although his complexion was normal, he had already heard the applause in his heart, the suspicious General Rose.

His face was pale in shock in an instant, and he jumped away from the source of the applause. I was afraid that the person who clapped the applause would not know where he heard the news. The Uzumaki Kamdai, who wanted to do it by himself, suddenly appeared and wanted to murder him. .

"what you do!?"

Jumping up like a blow-up, General Rose not only looked badly, but also looked at Tony Stark with inexplicable expression.

The latter didn't say anything. In fact, Tony Stark was more of a surprise. He didn't expect that this video of him not only did not bring any ridicule and embarrassment to himself.

You look at this scared suspicious ghost, like a general Rose who reacts so much when a little bit of trouble.

Tony Stark was happy in an instant. As for the video, Tony Stark smashed his mouth and felt a pity. I really did not expect such an effect.

Is it a pity that I deleted it for myself?

Looking at the appearance of General Rose, this guy would not go to the Uzumaki Goddai to forcefully die, and Tony Stark didn't say anything, putting on his Nanomark battle suit and leaving casually.

He is definitely not Iron Man anymore, but it is not that Tony Stark can not continue to use that battle to ‘travel’~


Tony Stark in Mark's battle suit felt that the flight speed of the battle suit was not slow, but he had already retired, and he didn't need to fight.

Shouldn't the combat module on my body be deleted? Change to other black technology? For example, get a mobile wine storage and air conditioner in the suit...

Thinking about that, Tony Stark decided that the latest generation of Mark’s suit is it...

Uzumaki God can’t move on behalf of General Ross, so what about food critics? This guy is just a ‘magician’ clown playing illusion tricks.

Even though this illusion is really weird, according to the explanation described by food critics, these are all scientifically based.

It's not like Uzumaki Goddai and Thanos have no scientific ability at all, so this has to be played again.

As long as food critics want to continue to live on this planet, food critics will be their own sooner or later.

If food critics face these troops, isn't everything that simple? If it can’t, it’s even more proof that food critics have a higher value.

It is more worthwhile. General Ross personally went to win him, and General Ross was very confident and proud of this.

On this small break, he is also a member of the No. 1 powerhouse and is also one of the key members of the Avengers.

Although the regulatory department of the Avengers is composed of a number of important legislators, in this constituted department, it is almost one of its own words.

Moreover, the food critic is still so young, young man~ General Ross doesn't believe it. The young food critic can still play with him as an old fox! ?

More importantly, no matter whether the food critic does anything, he will win in the end.

But what General Screw didn't expect was that he hadn't done it yet, so how come so many "hands" were also stretched out?

Looking at the colorful, clothes of different troops, badges with different logos. Different from others, he has begun to regret it a bit. In doubting whether he has offended food critics and whether he is really worthy of careerists, General Ross feels that his intracranial blood pressure is soaring.

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