Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1052: Spicy, the guy called "screw"

Then there was no more, Xiao Mo was desperate. Because what she said, what is circulating on the Internet, is for food critics. Those on the Internet, ‘strikes’, those inexplicable remarks. It didn't cause any blow or damage at all, even the blood bar-1 Xiaomo was not so uncomfortable.

Food critics explained what a strong one is, and the strong never cares. Others look and slander. Because these things cannot affect anything from food critics.

They say a few words, food critics will not lose their strength, and they are still wanted, and food critics are even less concerned.

Of course, since these people want a skin, no matter whether it is the large-sized Uzumaki Goddai or the small-sized food critic, it will not be missed.

He was in his own consciousness on the spot and asked Xiaomo to do some fun things. Didn’t Xiaomo still say that he wanted to play before?

It just so happens that food critics still remember Xiao Mo, and seem to be very angry about this? Then it just happened to be this opportunity, let Xiaomo have fun.

After telling Xiaomo what he wanted to express through his own consciousness, the food critics ignored it.

His requirements are those. As for the process, how does Xiao Mo want to play? It all depends on Xiaomo’s interests and hobbies. Food critics say that as long as their own Xiaomo is having fun, they can do whatever they want, but don’t come to the end, they are disgusted by the world~

After all, the other world has its own'will.' This world is very similar to the other world, but has a different trajectory.

Whether this world has its own ‘will’ or not, this food critic really doesn’t know. After all, neither this world nor the will of another world has actively ‘contacted’ food critics.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t talk to food critics. Regarding the ‘will’ of another world, the food critics also use the other world, the Guyi Supreme Master inside. Food critics also know that there is such a thing.

In addition, it means that when I am in another world, I seem to be more "like a fish in water". For example, my natural chakras gather faster in another world than the natural chakras in this world. be quick.

It's like the world consciousness in this world, like Schrödinger's cat. Say it exists, but there is no trace.

It seems that the Gu Yi master in this world has also been brought by the dog, and the large-sized Vortex God Generation's God Generation Realm, when fighting against Thanos, could not perceive the Gu Yi Supreme Master's breath.

Another point, it seems that in this world, the priest Odin of Asgard is gone~


When I thought of these two, in this world without the whirlpool gods, they ‘dead’ at this time. Uzumaki Goddai can only sigh with ill fate.

Just like these two powerful existences, saying that they are gone, they have lived long enough, don't you plan to live in Gou?

Especially Odin, although this old guy told himself that he was in another world, he also had two hands.

To be honest, if Odin in another world is still a thousand years younger, he would want to say anything that food critics would want to have a good fight with such a powerful existence.

But in the face of such an old and dying Odin, food critics, let alone can't do it, even have no desire to raise his hand.

It’s still the power of Thanos not long ago. Although it is said that he has also used the infinite energy and ability of six invalid gems, Thanos does not have a good experience in combat, but the combat experience of Uzumaki God is full marks~

Now let alone the food critics who didn't give these scumbags a chance, he felt the general's thoughts in front of him. The food critics didn't say anything, just raised his hand and hooked his middle finger.

Good guys!

Seeing that food critics are so, don't you put yourself in the eye? Although he was just one of the men whom General Ross had brought before, the reason why General Ross was honest, he was able to launch a military pair.

They can still serve as parliamentarians, and success in politics is really inseparable from them. After all, although there are many clique factions in the military, most of them are connected with the family.

However, the reason why General Ross is so arrogant in the military is that besides his "copy" the original Captain America serum, there is the most important point.

That's been operating for so many years, there is no reason that General Ross is in, and there is no network in the army. After all, people are really arrogant, but if they dare to be so arrogant without two brushes, I am afraid that General Rose's ashes would have been cold.

And the reason why he is now majestic, of course, can't do without leaving, the army has supported General Rose, who later became a member of Parliament.

When General Ross was a soldier, the councillors would be stuck with whatever funds he wanted, but he couldn't do anything about them.

After becoming a member of Parliament, General Rose felt that the first half of his life was simply wasting his time.

The current army has its own loyal support of its own elements, and now there is no one who wants to study anything, so it can be stuck with its own funding materials or something.

Isn't everything a matter of one sentence when you are a member? So this time, the reason why the general came back to this place.

Does the author need to explain more? Xiao Mo had already looked at this person's information and sneered to do a ‘good deed’.

The bad guy, the food critic, Xiao Mo said that he must have it.

The former General Ross, the current Senator Screw, turned his attention to food critics again?

I have to say that Xiao Mo really feels that even though these are two worlds, these two different worlds. This guy named Rose. But the dog still can't change eating shit, doing the same thing.

But will the end be the same? This Xiaomo is really uncertain, after all, although the food critic is only the trumpet of Uzumaki God.

However, the food critic is only the Uzumaki Goddai, with a new name and personality. As for what the food critics want to do, it is still up to the Uzumaki Goddai.

Even in the next second, the food critic suddenly explained his transformation skills in front of everyone.

He threw his food critic’s vest on the ground and told everyone that he had a showdown on the whirlpool gods. In this world, this guy named Rose, the one that remains unchanged is his fate~

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