Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1048: I did not mean that......

Why did the Uzumaki Goddai dare to provoke those bandits when he was clearly weak?

If those bandits didn't let go of even the children, Uzumaki Goddai could only wait to die?

Do not!

In fact, under the circumstances at the time, the Uzumaki Goddai was really not empty at all, okay. First of all, the bandits didn’t know that the Uzumaki Goddai had storage space, and something that was even more unimaginable. A small five-year-old kid actually With thousands of explosives?

Not to mention that the explosive talisman is an ordinary, poor mountain thief's house. Even if it is the God of the Uzumaki of Konoha Village, the space is full of explosive charms, if all of them are buried, Konoha can be easily blown into the sky.

So at that time, Uzumaki Goddai had the confidence to do that. After that, every time he fought with his opponent or ran around the world, it was because Uzumaki Goddai really had a hole card to save his life.

But now it’s the super virus little Spider-Man, the food critic tilted his head in a puzzled face, and he couldn’t figure out this little spider.

Obviously there is no back hand to fight against him, or a back hand can protect himself and not die in his hands. Where does this little spider have the courage to stand up for these guys, and still in front of him?

The food critic smiled and looked at the smile at the corner of the food critic's mouth. The super virus little Spider-Man, who was originally very upset, swallowed the saliva from his throat.

I feel that I really have no medicine to save. Super Little Spider-Man regrets his impulse when he stepped up. Moreover, when the food critics didn’t say anything and didn’t do anything to deal with these troops, it was because of his heart. The restlessness in it once again pushed himself into a disadvantageous position.

Not only the food critics are curious, but even Super Little Spider-Man himself is very curious. He obviously has the danger of spiders. But why is it not the first time to learn to escape as cunning as a spider when facing danger?

Rather, facing the danger recklessly? After knowing that someone is secretly using it, alien energy makes dangerous weapons. Obviously knowing this is not something a junior high school student should take care of, but I still did it.

Obviously I found out that the other party was the father of my classmate, and no one believed in himself.

Only when he was fighting alone, the Super Virus Little Spider-Man did not retreat, and seemed to be unable to control his body and his behavior.

The current Super Little Spider-Man, looking at the food critic, he really wants to cry without tears under the face of his smiling mouth.

I've seen a dead man, but he doesn't seem to do it like this. What kind of bad things are they used to?

Or is this the enemy that Super Little Spider-Man encountered before. Isn't it horrible for those guys who are used to it?

Ebony throat? Thanos? But it was these guys who didn't work well, making this little guy's bad ailments more and more prominent. But what he is facing now is a food critic, this person does not seem to be like before.

Although Ebony Throat is still a tyrant, he has a fierce and evil look, and he is not a good person at first sight. I am an evil alien who will kill people. But every time the professor does not care about him, he is used to being turned back by his disadvantage. success.

The food critics themselves are so handsome that they have no friends. They look like ‘righteous’ up close, but they feel bad. Can torture oneself is absolutely not used to oneself, although will not kill oneself, but food critics will not make oneself feel better.

No one will ever understand the oppression and tension of Super Virus Little Spider-Man, Ebony Maw and Thanos. The tension, climbing, and fear when facing food critics are completely different.

Super Little Spider-Man now knows that the reason why he can live to the present is that Ebony Maw and Thanos at the time, neither of them paid much attention to themselves.

There was Iron Man Tony Stark and Dr. Strange Stephen Strange who attracted the attention of both Ebony Maw and Thanos.

He is not at the same level in front of the other party, and the other party does not pay attention to him at all, so that he is given the ‘space’ to survive and make trouble.

Faced with fists and fists, the extreme compression of his own living space, and no chance of making troubles, did not give his food critics, the experience of the super virus spider is beyond description.

Was it unlucky now that he ran into the muzzle of this great demon again? The smiles of the food critics have already told the super virus little Spider-Man that you are dead and you are going to be unlucky~

If it is true, if you can give yourself a chance, the super virus little Spider-Man will definitely use its own high-voltage power grid spider silk. Give yourself a shot at the second when you can't hold your body shut, and stun yourself first.

When I was stunned, I wouldn't do it again. I walked out wickedly and applied for abuse in front of food critics!

The super virus little Spider-Man now misses the restless hands even more. I don’t know where it is. It doesn’t feel appropriate to put the hands that are nowhere to be placed.

Food critics have no ‘tendency’ to attack at all, but don’t doubt the intensity of their attacks.

"Then what...I..."

Yes, the super virus little Spider-Man now wants to say something to food critics: Can I take back what I said before? What I said just now is because I haven't figured it out yet and cannot be counted.

If you let me think about it, I will know what I should say. I don’t mean what I just said, I mean that...


Then there was no more, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, in the end, he still failed to express what he really wanted to express.

Because, just when the super virus little Spider-Man wants to speak to food critics and express his meaning, he always greets the corners of the food critic's mouth with a smile.

Super virus little Spider-Man, will feel his appearance, will stimulate the secretion of a layer of cold sweat.

This is absolutely scared. Super Little Spider-Man feels that he doesn't need to say it anymore. The food critic in front of him already knows what he wants to express.

But this guy, the'compassionate' will definitely play you with a clear pretense, and form another'meaning' of what you really want to express, as an'excuse' for ruthlessly hitting yourself And reason.

This point, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, has already seen the process of being abused just now.

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