Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1040: Looking for mystery

What's wrong, this fat man can't tell, but he just feels the direction of the signal source and the speed of the movement are something wrong?

Wait... the direction? speed?

That's right! It seems that the fat man, who has found something unusual, has been staring at the screen, finally slapped his palm. That's right! The direction of the signal is very abnormal.

Just do it when he thinks of it. In order to prove his guess is correct, Fatty opens the corresponding real map.

"this is?"

Looking at the map opened by the fat man, everyone present had a face, and looked at the fat man in a puzzled manner, waiting for his explanation. Are you confirming that Quentin Baker is still or not? Why do you want to open the map? Seeing a picture where there is only water except water, everyone's eyes flashed: You are poisonous.

"This is a map of the town. Have you seen it? At that time, our instrument, the wave device we made. Maybe after the electricity was gone, Quentin Baker was involved in Maria Hill’s energy weapon and launched In the energy wave coming out.

After the explosion, Quentin Baker, who was affected by the aftermath of the energy, fell from the sky and happened to fall into our wave generator.

After there was no electricity, Quentin Baker was swept away by the sea with people and equipment in the ‘ebb’ tide.

Before we disconnected from Quentin Baker's signal, part of the reason was the energy in Maria Hill's energy weapon.

Because of Maria Hill's energy weapons, the energy companies in it are mainly electromagnetic. Unfortunately, the most lethal equipment for Quentin Baker is these electromagnetics.

Electromagnetic interference arrived, Quentin Baker's equipment, equipment problems caused, Quentin Baker's anti-gravity floating device failed.

Looking at the excited fat man, although the fat man's narration was vivid and vivid, everyone present looked at each other.

I don't understand why this fat man, who has not been too smart in their eyes, suddenly has such an IQ. But this fat guy said so reasonable, they couldn't find a reason to refute?

Only, the Mediterranean was stunned at all this happening, and at the group of people who looked at the fat man’s "companions with admiration."

The Mediterranean scientist burst into tears without tears, crying and opened his mouth, seeming to want to say something to everyone.

"Hey~ guys wake up, isn’t this what I just said? It’s just this fat guy. He used many modifiers but he didn’t have any deviation in essence. It was indeed because of Maria Hill’s attack at the time. As a result, Quentin Baker’s dedicated signal could not be received."

But if he really said that, these people would definitely roll their eyes in the Mediterranean. you said?

That's right, you did mention the signal from Quentin Baker, the possibility of losing contact with us. But remember that it is only a possibility, what do we want this thing to do? What we want to see is tangible evidence to prove whether Quentin Baker is dead or not.

Maria Hill’s attack at that time was indeed when this kind of person spread, the mysterious guest Quentin Baker, but after that?

All of this, you, the Mediterranean, have a face hesitating, like a riddle. Can you rely on the spectrum?

Not to mention that you will find Quentin Baker who is alive, but at least you have to get it, and you can get ‘evidence’ like Fatty.

But look at you, what have you done? Quentin Baker’s equipment is yours, right? As a result, it can only be seen if it is not reused, and it has no attack ability.

Secondly, look at the items you have made. The power system of the props is not lasting at all! ?

After charging for three days, it can only be used to fly for two hours. What's more, you look at you and make this wave-making instrument.

There is no electricity when it is critical? If this were replaced by Tony Stark’s arc reactor, they would have been controlling the "Water Demon", food critics, and the entire town.

At that time, I am afraid that the mystery guest will still be Quentin Baker, dead or dead as long as they have the ‘core’ technology in their hands.

At that time, the mystery is not just Quentin Baker, everyone in their presence can be a mystery.


When I think of these things, they look very powerful, but in fact they are nothing more than Xibei goods, all of which are bubbles that burst with a single poke.

All the people present couldn't help but stare at the Mediterranean with sorrowful eyes again, with the coldness of hatred for iron and steel in their eyes.

Directly let the Mediterranean Sea, unable to bear the pressure heavier than Thanos' mothership, couldn't help but lower his head with shame and shame.

‘I’m sorry, I’m so bad, it’s all my pot, as a scientist, but not comparable to Tony Stark, I’m just a waste. ’

Seeing that the Mediterranean lowered his head, everyone nodded in satisfaction, even though you are self-aware.

But we all forgive you, then when will you be able to make the settings of the mysterious magic powerhouse, etc. perfect through the equipment?

In this case, even if they reappear in the future, Quentin Baker will not be afraid of being killed.

Why is the mystery guest's "setting" so powerful, but there is only one mystery guest? And this mysterious guest can only be controlled by Quentin Baker?

Because they are not born actors ~ they can't do the level of Quentin Baker.

"Then now, who of us will go to Quentin Baker?"

Since it is said that Quentin Baker may not be'dead', they still have to confirm that even if Quentin Baker died in the end, the equipment has spent all of their savings. It is definitely not possible. The child is lost.

If they can find it again, they can still rely on this equipment and some of the black technology on it to recover blood.

At that time, they are collecting money, maybe they can make a fortune.

At that time, they don't need Quentin Baker, nor the mystery, let alone the **** elemental crowd.

They will be able to live what they want, and maybe they will be able to worry about a wave of the world's best scientists.

Together, complete the ‘plan’ of this mysterious guest. At that time, they will be able to stand on the top of the world.

After so many twists and turns, they can be considered to understand, they can no longer use, the old conception of the previous view of the world.

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