Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1034: Incomprehensible battle

Although I don't know what's going on, such a super virus little Spiderman keeps staring at the screen.

Those who don't know how to fight are bright, and they seem to be different when they see the super virus Little Spider-Man. This feeling seems to be in Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

After being beaten out by a KO by a food critic, he stood up again but it was not. Angrily, he continued to confront the food critic.

Instead, they held their hands, even with the Spiderman mask, they could feel the ‘cute and stupid’ of the super virus little Spiderman under the mask.

What is even more stupid is that this super virus little Spider-Man has to ask the **** on the opposite side, this big bad guy who killed Mr. Mystery, what happened to that punch?

Your Super Little Spider-Man has been slapped in the face, you don’t even know why? Isn't it your little Spider-Man, who doesn't pay attention to face it, and hides without avoiding with a menacing punch?

Fortunately, this super little Spider-Man at least knows the heart of shame and knows that he can't bow his head like the evil **** of the food critic. He has not forgotten Mr. Mystery’s ‘Weiliang’ corpse, nor has he knelt down to the food critics and kowtow to his teacher on the spot.

But once again, I suddenly made a shot at the food critics. To tell the truth, this act of not talking about martial arts really shocked all of them.

Although it is uncomfortable, this is not the same as the usual super virus little Spider-Man, but you have to know the enemy on the opposite side, but which is the most vicious.

Very people, very things, they should be treated very seriously, they are not incomprehensible, although they are obedient in their hearts, they feel that their super virus little Spider-Man, carrying an evil food critic on his back, is ‘teaching bad’.

However, if the Super Virus Little Spider-Man can really surprise the food critics, they will not mind that the Super Virus Little Spider-Man'learns badly'.

Even, on the contrary, they still feel that Super Virus Little Spider-Man has grown up, knows the key to victory and defeat, and knows that soldiers are not tired of fraud.

As the ‘old father’ of Super Virus Little Spider-Man, they can finally let their grown-up children fly freely with confidence.

But who can think of it? This food critic seems to have seen through the attack of the super virus Little Spider-Man?

In the face of Super Virus Little Spider-Man, with such a high frequency and intensive attackers, food critics seem to have discussed with Super Virus Little Spider-Man how they attacked and how his food critics will move. dodge.

The two are surprisingly, as if they had a tacit understanding. How do I attack you, how do you dodge, plus it looks like the attack of Super Virus Little Spider-Man is exactly the same as when I was angry.

Now they saw it and changed their moves. To the food critics, the indomitable super virus little Spider-Man, it seems that they have seen something different?

Very strange, why do they feel that they can't understand this situation even more? Even if they would not admit it, the food critic and the super viral little Spider-Man, the battle between the two was completely incomprehensible from the beginning.

But they can see who is the advantage and who is the disadvantage at a glance. But the battle between the super virus little Spider-Man and the food critic has reached the present stage.

They can't understand at all, who has the advantage and disadvantage in this battle. The battle between these two people is exactly the kind of superior mentality.

Obviously one second before, and the next second is very dominant, he was'suppressed' by the opponent.

Now, food critics are not only inferior, but also vaguely feel the "worried" of food critics.

What's wrong with this world? Did you let people watch the "blockbuster" well? I'm afraid that the director who is very dirty does not have such a brain, right?

The key is that these directors, I am afraid that if they have such a brain hole, it would be a trivial matter to receive blade bullets. I am afraid that this director may go to the street. Suddenly someone appeared to hold a pistol, and there was a sudden burst of opposition. .

Therefore, if they have a machine gun in their hands, they will be abrupt at the super virus little Spider-Man and the super villain food critics.

They don't care, which of these two people is the good or the bad, now for their viewers, the super virus little Spiderman and the food critic.

Both of these **** are bad guys, they are the **** they want to use machine guns on.

Let these two **** come in front of them again. They believe that when they are about to understand the battle next, they must!

These two people must have some moths, and then the form was reversed again, turning to the situation where they were terrifying and understanding, a black question mark.

Even, many people have already whispered to themselves in their hearts, these two guys will not be, want to prepare to reach the day when the world is dark and the world is dead, right?

Or, these two guys are going to knock down two people, who is hungry?

After being hungry, what will these two people be like again? Even if the individual is on the spot, who will eat fast? Eat more? eat well? Or is it expensive?

In short, it is them. They really don't understand. Super Little Spider-Man seems to have an advantage as long as it can hit the food critics.

Otherwise, no matter how good-looking and handsome the Super Spider-Man is in his attacking posture, every time it is different.

However, failing to hit food critics is still zero.


The super virus little Spider-Man was panting, he was already tired, and he had consumed a lot of physical energy before when he was beaten out by food critics.

Although his head was planted in the ground, he still rested for a while and recovered a lot of physical strength.

Under the mask, the super virus little Spider-Man gritted his teeth, and there was a trace of persistence, confusion and a hint of insight in his eyes.

‘What the **** is going on? Why is it always missed? Why do you feel this way? That strange feeling is back...’

Faced with a fierce offensive, food critics did not show the slightest fluctuation in their expressions, and what the food critics are here is nothing but super virus spiders.

When attacking himself, he secretly faced the super virus little Spider-Man and ‘threw’ a little illusion.

This time the illusion is no longer the (A) level illusion, which directly changed the senses of Super Little Spider-Man.

Rather, the castrated version of (C) level or (B) level illusion is adopted, and the effect of such illusion is not very strong.

It's just a slight change, a certain sense of Super Spider-Man. But it is this ability that makes Super Virus Little Spider-Man's judgment wrong.

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