Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1028: Mouse tail juice~

Food critic, this **** devil, we can understand that he is not a human being, because this guy is a super villain.

Who are the super villains? Patients with repeated brain problems and abnormal talents can be called super villains.

Therefore, for the food critics, he went to the wind, and gave up his illusionary "long-range" advantage to fight the super virus little Spider-Man.

Otherwise, as long as the brain is normal, there will be such underworld operations? Don't you just put your hands on the victory? Have to do those unreliable things?

Fortunately, they underestimated the ability of food critics. This demon **** not only possesses illusion skills.

This guy also has an inhuman fist. He can directly evaporate the world who gives a punch to the world. Not to mention, is it possible that a punch makes Super Spider-Man sluggish?

Oh my God! Such ability is too...

Anyway, in a nutshell, the simple answer is that food critics are the villains, and you should not be caught by the super little Spider-Man, the food critics are poisoned.

Don’t learn from food critics the bad things that you don’t get. Before you give me out of you again, you are going to kill you three thousand times. Come on and overthrow the big devil food critics, and try not to let them go bankrupt. They used all the possessions to win you.

Even if not all the belongings, this week? All the food expenses for a month are covered.

You are really Qiuqiu, super virus little Spider-Man, don't kneel down, no... we kneel down for you, you must not bow your head to food critics.

And this food critic is also strange enough, the crazy irony of the yin and yang before, angering the super virus little Spider-Man.

But now, why are you ‘abnormal’ suddenly? Are you not a super villain?

Have you ever seen a villain who talks to the messenger of justice, the super hero, and talks well? What did you villain do?

Why don't you let your "daddy" rest assured? If you go out like this, you let the ‘daddy’s, why don’t you worry about you, will you be abducted by that righteous and coquettish?

As a super villain, what is your style? What about your indomitability? Where is your domineering power of destroying the world?

Also, you've been so begging, so can you fuckin', let people have the illusion that you are a good person?

Really, the battle between the super virus little Spider-Man and the food critic, these two guys is the most disturbing they have ever seen.

It also just confirms that sentence, gambling is risky, and betting on treasure should be cautious. You never know who he is an actor.

It seems that if the dealers open the market in the future, they must not be able to watch the situation on the court, and whoever has the advantage will immediately bet.

The superheroes and super rebels of his cat, neither of them are reliable. These two dogs are united with the dealer to play their heartbeat.

Especially in the future, when it comes to Super Virus Little Spider-Man, there are also two dishes of food critics.

They must be cautious, because these two people are not individuals.

Good people are not like good people, and bad people are not like bad people. These two people are his cats.

They are here to squeeze their small vault. As a super villain, there are countless opportunities to kill each other, but why do you have to show mercy to this little Spider-Man every time?

You are like this, are you still worthy of your own identity? Where has your professional ethics gone?

Food critics have a big problem, and the problem of Super Virus Spider-Man is even bigger in their opinion.

Before this guy, the good guy was aggressive and said that it was you who wanted to avenge Mr. Mystery. Now in front of food critics, you are also the one who is obediently like a cat?

"miss you!"

The super virus little Spider-Man got up from the ground, holding his hands and tilting his head, as if he could not figure out his life.

The AI ​​lady in his Spider-Man suit is naturally impossible to tell him the current situation on the Internet. This artificial intelligence lady was also developed to manage the suit function of Super Little Spider-Man.

Its artificial AI level is not even as high as Friday and Miss Edith, not to mention that it is like their big brother, Jarvis, who can claim without authorization.

On the Internet, as long as there are topics related to the owner, they will automatically tell me.

Unless it is, Super Little Spider-Man now takes out his pocket, which is covered with spider-crack mobile phones.

If you click on the webpage, it is absolutely impossible for Super Little Spider-Man to know that he is about hundreds of thousands of people now, and in the next week or so, whether he should eat dirt or what to eat.

Fortunately, I don’t know how many people want him to die on the Internet.

Otherwise, this ‘fragile’ inside, super virus little Spider-Man, will have to suspect that the insect is born again.

Looking at the super virus Little Spider-Man, the head of His Royal Highness was heavy, the food critic would still, like the previous two times.

Tell your abilities, this super small spider with virus?

The previous two times, even in the eyes of normal people, it was done with all kindness, right?

If you change to someone else, you want to know their ‘core’ technology? Eat shit, young man.

Even if you don’t give it, the super little Spider-Man who wants to fart will only say one thing to him: Mouse tail juice~

However, the **** of the food critic, he is not a normal person, this guy has no morals at all.

Maybe I would really tell, give this super little Spider-Man who got the virus.

"Want to know? It's actually very simple. Read more, work hard, and study hard. You will know when you have the knowledge~"

Super Spider-Man:...


Maria Hill: Split~

What kind of answer is this?

But think about it carefully, what the food critic, the **** said, is very reasonable.

The bad guy who is thinking about it, and he is still a super bad guy, who is not a ‘student tyrant’? It doesn't feel like a good study, and you don't even have the qualifications to become a super villain?

Those scumbag villains who didn’t study hard don’t need a superhero to appear on stage, so they are knocked out~

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the food critics' words~

If you don’t understand it, it can only prove that your study is not enough. If your study is really up to a certain level, you don’t need food critics to tell you why.

If you fall in love with this punch, you will naturally understand it, otherwise you will not understand these principles and knowledge, food critics say more.

You are not at the same level, and you can't understand it. Isn't it a waste of time?

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