Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1024: 1015: There was a wave~

You see, this is something that people can do? You said that when this person worked hard, waiting for Xinlang to lift his red cap.

Say to yourself: You are so beautiful ~ From now on we will hold our hands and grow old together.

But when this bride waited until he vomited blood, Xinlang who had been drinking too much was in front of her. Should she break up with a song of "lovely"?

You said that if you would be this bride, what experience would you have? Will you run away in an instant? Lift your trouser legs and lift your own red hijab. Is this Sina's two big feet?

Don't doubt, is it because the author made a mistake in the type of bacteria, it is Sina! But if you drink two cups of Erguotou less, you can't be like this, right?

Now everyone who has suppressed food critics feels like that, waiting for the bride with red hijab raised by Sina food critics.

However, Sina’s thoughts are so many that it has caused their brides to all want to hold the atomic bomb and drag the food critics to jump into the river.

This Lang Mie didn't even do it by anyone. Don't want this good advantage. What are you doing?

Do you know that you just have an advantage, do you know what an advantage is? That is, you still have a chance to win, and you haven't completely won!

You can do whatever you want, brother, can you please lift the bride's red hijab first? Have you eaten this roast chicken?

We won the money from the dog dealer. Are we going out to have fun?

Countless people grabbed their chests, pain! Be careful of the pain that the liver twists, and the feeling of suffocation instantly makes them feel that life is so lonely as snow...

Alas~worried~angina~I feel tired and not in love anymore.

I thought it was just that the superheroes were unreliable. It seemed that the super villains and superheroes were no better.

It's as if who has the advantage, who will compete with the waves?

I just don’t know how to write a word? I just don’t know how to write this dead word? Have to wave until I die by myself?

But unlike the gamblers in this part, the bookmakers and the dark houses are very happy.

Originally, they were still very distressed. If food critics just won, how much money would they lose?

But I don’t know if the food critics heard it. Their voice-overs are the same, and they don’t need to curse in their hearts. The food critics do not have a sudden epilepsy or arthritis, gout, rheumatoid...

What? Anyway, everything can cause food critics to decline in strength. There seems to be nothing in this battle. The battle of ‘controversy’ is once again confused.

Anyway, as long as there are more people on the Super Spider-Man side, they can earn money.

After all, many food critics were suppressed, and many people killed Spider-Man. In the end, it was definitely not them who lost money, but no one disliked that they earned less~

Seeing food critics appearing as if they are cerebral palsy, they are now preparing to take the super spider.

Looking at the popularity of supporting Little Spider-Man, after a moment of fullness, these people also involuntarily tightened their collars. This is really...

It's so exciting, is this the so-called, sudden happiness?

But this happiness came too suddenly, they were really caught off guard, and almost were ‘frightened’ myocardial infarction.

On the contrary, although Super Spider-Man is not very stable, I don't know when the food critics are normal.

Suddenly, they continued to use the illusion ability against Super Little Spider-Man, and then directly killed Super Little Spider-Man, they would be completely useless.

But don’t doubt, people’s greed is fine. If you know that this is a pile of shit, you have to taste it. Is it a piece of gold?

just in case! What if this is a one in ten million chance, this is a piece of gold, and he is the lucky one in this ten millionth?

All know that Super Little Spider-Man is unlikely to defeat food critics, but from the illusion ability of food critics.

But what if?

In case Super Little Spider-Man is out of **** luck, this one-in-a-million chance, even if it is a one-in-a-million chance, is if Super Little Spider-Man gets down.

Kicked out GG directly to food critics, so wouldn't they make a lot of money? You know, because of the previous strength of food critics, countless people have to vote for food critics on the spot.

Now it seems that everyone is skeptical about one thing. Does the food critic also know that someone has ordered the order, and then it is behind the scenes?

But this thought, everyone disappeared with a chill. How they are whimsical, I am afraid that food critics can't think so big, right?

If this is true, then they will also recognize it. Who told others to play such a wave?

In fact, the food critic knows this dish, but the food critic does not want to do anything, he just wants to tune a little spider according to his ideas.

As for, how did food critics know? Don't forget that there is a little Mo beside the food critic.

As long as Xiao Mo is following, food critics will know everything that happens in this world as long as it has something to do with him.

But even so, when the food critic stretched out his hand and grabbed the spider silk of Super Little Spider-Man, it was in everyone's eyes with a black question mark.

How about food critics dragging Super Little Spider-Man? The Little Spider-Man, who was flying to the food critic, was immediately thrown out by the food critic.

Little Spider-Man's body is in the air, and if there is no food critics involved, then he can turn around and change his direction.

However, with the involvement of food critics, Super Little Spider-Man couldn't even dodge, so he could only watch himself being thrown away by food critics.

And, at the same time that Super Little Spider-Man and the food critics passed by, the fists of the food critics also arrived.


Whether it is the involvement of food critics, throwing out Super Little Spider-Man, or the last food critics making up for this punch.

All the people who witnessed this scene with their own eyes were all excited, they felt that they were completely wet!

Yes it is! Really wet!

They did not expect that food critics would be able to bring them such a ‘violent’ aesthetic.

When this super little Spider-Man was beaten, they really wanted to say: Can you do it again in a different position?

They want to watch the pleasing scene from different directions.

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