Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1019: What do you mean! ?

They can feel the despair of the super virus spiders. If it is them, I am afraid they will only be left with despair, right?

Even though the Super Little Spider-Man is still wearing a mask across the screen, they can still feel the true feelings of Super Little Spider-Man to their ordinary people.

That’s right, Spider-Man is not only a neighbor in Queens, but also a good neighbor to them.

There is no superhero who can treat them more than Super Little Spider-Man.

From that, even with a food critic on his body, the demon's illusion is not in good condition.

But Super Little Spider-Man still didn't fall down, still didn't give up fighting against food critics, and didn't say a word of submissiveness and begging for mercy.

To do this, let the food critics let him go. There was no such thing as Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

The food critic and Maria Hill, if they want to leave, no one can keep them.

No one at the scene wanted to, arrogantly thinking that they could, leaving the food critic and Maria Hill behind. The Super Virus Little Spider-Man can also be regarded as not seen, and even one eye can be closed. Anyway, the Super Virus Little Spider-Man at that time was still immersed in Mr. Mystery, who was also a teacher and friend, the grief of death and death. There is no extrication in the shadows.

But Super Virus Little Spider-Man didn't do that. Instead of doing one, he bought his head into the ostrich in the soil. On the contrary, Super Virus Little Spider-Man is for Mr. Mystery, who is also a teacher and friend.

He stood up and faced it alone, a terrifying demon, comparable to a food critic of the gods.

At the same time, little Spider-Man faced Maria Hill, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., that is to say the moment when Super Virus Little Spider-Man stood up.

It is very possible to face not only food critics, but also the behemoth of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Super Little Spider-Man, did he back down? He didn't even know what the real superpowers of food critics were when he started his hands.

Seeing ordinary people fall one after another, look at the trembling arms of this super little Spider-Man, and think back to disregarding his own comfort.

If you find something wrong in advance, you have to use your last strength to make these people escape quickly.

It is a pity that the strength of food critics is not what ordinary people can imagine.

How he disappeared and how he appeared, they didn't have a clue at all.

Even if they know that there may be the ‘core’ technology that food critics said before, but for them, if they don’t understand, they really don’t understand.

Even if you show them the replay and slow them down a thousand times, they can't see why.

But what they can know is that a core technology, its proficiency is not only used for a certain purpose.

It can be diversified, and has always been the core technology, whether it is breeding or branching out other different uses.

The research and development of a core technology, the number of results and the finished product. You can see how terrifying food critics have control over this core technology.

"Stop! I'll let you stop! Damn, kill me, let her go!"

Looking at the food critics, I want to ask the girl I love, the super virus little Spider-Man, and I feel nervous.

He felt the piercing pain, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, he really, without hair imagined the girl in front of him.

Just in front of him, falling in front of him, will his world just collapse?

"Are you begging me?"


Even though he felt that the food critic's smile at this time was so evil and terrifying, and it made him feel a deep hatred.

However, the super virus little Spider-Man has no way to escape the shadow of the other party.

Just because of the girl in this man’s hands, her name is Michelle Jones...

Feeling the unwillingness in the voice of the super virus spider, it seems that if it were not for this girl, it seemed that she would not succumb to herself in her own hands.

The reason why you are completely surrendered to yourself now is that it has a tone of cheapness in it.

Of course, the food critic is not angry, he doesn't want to just let this super virus little Spiderman go.

He wants this little Spider-Man to see clearly that life is not something that everyone can be willful, he needs to pay for his own willfulness.

In the same way, this kind of willfulness is not only, but Super Virus Little Spider-Man does not. Food critics may be qualified for such willfulness.

But the large Uzumaki Goddai did not, but Uzumaki Goddai was different from Super Spider-Man, Uzumaki Goddai himself was not content with the status quo.

"Isn't that what you mean by yielding to me? How? Are you still very upset? Do you think you still have a chance? Or do you think what you see is correct?"

Slightly! Slightly!

Faced with the super virus little Spider-Man, the food critics ridiculed him, but he didn't turn back, but he was unwilling to use his ‘flesh’ palm.

He firmly grasped the gravel on the ground, with the power of the super small spider, this painful and hateful endurance.

To make this power extra multiplied, the gloves of Super Little Spider-Man were torn apart by these gravel. Pain in the fingers and blood shed.

It seems to be able to make the Super Little Spider-Man, who gritted his teeth under the mask and stared at the food critic, feels better.

"Tsk tsk tsk ~ how do you want to punish yourself? It's really ugly. This is the so-called Spider-Man? In my opinion, it's just a coward, a **** kid who doesn't count as trash~ just such a one Imp, can you become a superhero in this world?

This world needs such a child to save? Or is there no one in this world? Can a little boy like you become a super hero?

Then, if it looks like this, the world seems really hopeless~"


At this time, the super virus little Spider-Man was a little flustered. He didn't expect that his ‘identity’ would be pointed out so quickly by the other party?

That’s right, but I still have to be just a ‘child’. Was the "see through" by the other party?

If this guy killed himself...

The super virus little Spider-Man dare not imagine, if he dies, then his identity will be completely known by the other party?

and many more......

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau knows his identity, so does the other party know him, Spider-Man is Pete Parker?

What does this guy mean by saying this?

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