Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1008: Super Virus Spider: I won the prize?

My own spider silk has been ‘sticky’, Maria Hill and the food critic’s feet, Maria Hill is just an ordinary person.

Under normal circumstances, Maria Hill can't get rid of her spider silk by herself.

Even if Maria Hill wants to take out a weapon to help food critics attack herself, let's not say that she will always be vigilant about Maria Hill, the same thing is that she has ‘Pete’s agitation’.

Then you don’t need to worry about who to attack first. You only need to concentrate and concentrate on dealing with food critics.

At the same time, beware of the strange and mysterious ability of food critics. It can make Mr. Mystery in a daze, and it can cause so many people to fall down instantly.

Super virus little Spiderman, the first time he attacked food critics, he took a deep breath and raised his spirit to the best condition.

Moreover, the target of Super Virus Spider-Man is also very clear, that is, the hands of food critics.

As the messenger of ‘justice’, even the little Spider-Man who has caught the virus, the first reaction is not to kill food critics on the spot.

This is of course, inherited the good style for a long time, even in the face of the old man who wanted to kill himself, the'old husband' Hawkman and Little Spider-Man are thinking about how to'save' the other party and prevent the other party from letting the other party give up their mistakes. practice.

Don't stick to the wrong path, make mistakes again and again, and save the other person when they are about to die.

In fact, at that time, even if Spider-Man didn't save the Hawkman, no one would know, and no one would say anything about Spider-Man.

After all, the little Spider-Man at that time had already reached the limit, and the other party insisted on killing him, and the ordinary American police couldn't stop him. The other party went to his own death.

But Little Spider-Man didn't do that. His character didn't allow him, even if he broke through his limits, he still had to stop him from saving him.

At this time, the angry spiderman virus is the same with food critics.

When the opponent's feet are stuck by his own spider silk, he only needs to use his spider silk to stick the food critic's hands.

The super viral and just little Spider-Man, thinks very simply that is. If the opponent has no hands and his legs are restricted by himself, then the victorious party is himself.

When the time comes, before the police or related departments come, you will have time to make a soul-question between Maria Hill and the **** in front of you.

Why do they do this, why do they want to face Mr. Mystery?

Even though Maria Hill wanted to take action against the water demon, the scene at the time could be seen by an individual as long as she was not blind.

The failure of the elemental water demons is only a matter of time, and it doesn't take Maria Hill and the food critic to act.

Mr. Mystery and Spider-Man are enough to deal with the water demon.

However, Maria Hill's intervention will not be mentioned. The key is that the other party directly ‘killed’ Mr. Mystery.

If Maria Hill didn't mean it, then Spider-Man and everyone else has a problem with IQ.

"Be careful!"

So far, food critics have given Maria Hill many surprises, but the other party is Spider-Man.

The opponent has participated in the Thanos alien battle, and is still one of the points of output of combat power, and the equipment of the whole suit is carefully crafted by Tony Stark.

If you underestimate Spider-Man, then the person who died is definitely herself, Maria Hill can choose Spider-Man.

Especially for Little Spider-Man, not to mention Maria Hill, who knows the ‘truth’, doesn’t want either side of the two parties to have unexpected situations.

A casualty on either side is a loss to the world. Maria Hill gritted her teeth with hatred for the mysterious guest who was already'dead' under her own fire.

‘This **** bastard, even if he is dead, he has to give it to my old lady, leaving this mess. ’

Maria Hill’s anxious voice is more a reminder to food critics that the same also carries a trace of pleading, if possible.

Maria Hill still hopes that food critics will not hurt Spider-Man, although she doesn't know why.

There is no doubt about the strength of Spider-Man. Food critics seem unreliable. Perhaps the food critics surprise Maria Hill too much.

With the absolute advantage of Spider-Man, Maria Hill has a hunch, which comes from a woman's sixth sense.

Food critics will bring more surprises to themselves, even if the opponent is Spider-Man, the one who wins is likely to be a food critic?

"Hehe~ Don't worry~"

I don’t know if the food critics really understood what Maria Hill said, or just heard it through pure knowledge. Maria Hill just didn’t want to be a reminder of her own injury.

The corners of the food critic's mouth were curved, and his eyes began to look forward to it. But it really seems to be that the spider silk of the super virus little Spider-Man is firmly stuck in place and cannot move.


The two spider silks also directly glued the food critic's hands together. Seeing this worst scene, Maria Hill covered her face speechlessly.

‘Asshole, are you sure you are real and heard what I mean? ’

Telling you to be careful is not to tell you to be helpless and not move. What is the difference between you and passive fighting and giving away your head?

Maria Hill was dumbfounded. This **** was really unreliable. I thought this **** was reliable.


Oh, food critic, you bastard, you return the trust and touch of others to others.

Seeing that the food critics gave away their heads, although Maria Hill was very angry, she did not panic. If she changed her personally, she would have been desperate.

But Maria Hill knew that this bastard's character seemed to be like this.

In addition to being angry with this guy, I have the illusion that this guy will make people feel at ease.

But who knows, this guy turned his head and replied with a "feeling of the gap", Maria Hill was helpless, more crying than laughing or not.

And this is the ‘normal’ operation of food critics, Maria Hill noticed that the food critics who were shot calmed down.

‘Hit! ? ’

The Super Virus Little Spider-Man didn't know this. He thought his attack was just a feint.

The guy who can defeat Mr. Mystery is not that simple? single? ? ? Can you deal with it? Gotta...

Super virus spider, the outline action prepares itself for the next, stormy attack.

Who knows, I seem to have won the prize! ? ? ?

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