Two-dimensional System

Chapter 989: Overhead smoke

A flash of lightning flashed in Maria Hill's mind, as if following this lightning, she couldn't figure out the problem.

As well as the neglected details, all of them are connected together, and some uncomprehending keys are also cracked.

But wait...

As the previous problems were solved, new problems also came.

Maria Hill looked incredulous and stared at the food critic:

"What are you talking about!? Your control ability, can't control the dead? What do you mean?"

The food critic spread his hands helplessly, looking at the woman in front of him, admiring the strength of the other party.

"I really want to call you Big Sister, can you not even realize my ability without a clear understanding. Will you drag me over to'save the world'?"

"Stop wordy, can you tell me at all!"


This time, Maria Hill didn't just think about whether or not to use her waist pistol to make a sudden jump at the food critic.

But it has really been taken out, directly in front of food critics, and loaded himself.

It is conceivable that Maria Hill has endured the food critics and reached her limit.

If this guy doesn't give himself a reasonable explanation, let the food critics eat it today, what he called the internet celebrity "beehive coal".

"Okay~ okay~ I'm scared of you, if you have something to say, why bother with a knife and a gun~

What I mean is, my ability refers to being able to control things that have life and thinking, even the zombies in your mouth, I can control them.

But the thing in front of her has nothing to do with life at all. This is why when you said you want me to go up and deal with this stuff.

I would say that you are thinking of eating farts. At best, this thing is essentially the same as the puppets manipulated by the street puppet show. "

Maria Hill: ...

"You've already seen it!?"

Maria Hill looked dumbfounded, looked at the monster in the screen, tilted her head and looked at the food critic and asked.

The latter nodded without ‘enlightened’ at all, Maria Hill blushed and wondered if she was irritated by the stuff in front of her.

"Then you, why don't you tell me this important thing in advance!?"

"You didn't ask me either~"

"You! You... I don't ask, don't you just say it?"

"Don't ask, what did I say? Do I have evidence?"


Maria Hill kept breathing deeply, and kept telling herself that she must be calm, this guy in front of her is useless...

Okay~ There is still a little use. Although this product is very annoying, but this product really can't be killed by guns.

"So according to you, since this thing has no life, what is it?"

Maybe it's with food critics who have been with this product for a long time. Or maybe it was really congested by the gastronomic critic.

The tone and tone of Maria Hill's speech began to unknowingly contaminate food critics.

It is mixed with weird emphasis, mixed with the tone, and it is not too big to look at the excitement.


It's not wrong, anyway, this guy is with me, even if I die, I have to drag this guy to die together.

The food critic doesn't look worried, so what else is she worried about?

Really, when a person is angered to the extreme, when this hurdle is broken, there is nothing unbreakable.

Gradually, Maria Hill felt that her state of mind was fast...No, it should have started to increase at a rate of light years.

It was like a red dust that had been seen through, and the anxiety and anger in his eyes disappeared completely.

This is a kind of sublimation, Maria Hill seems to enjoy this feeling, the kind of innocence that everyone is drunk and alone.

Of course, to be able to have such sublimation changes, naturally, I still have to thank the **** in front of me.

When she opened her eyes again, Maria Hill didn't have any emotions in her eyes... No, there were emotions, it was cold.

It's cold enough to freeze the food critic in front of you into ice cubes.

"You seem to be a little different, although I don't know what has changed in you, but I have to congratulate you first~"

The food critics witnessed Maria Hill's changes, and sincerely sent his congratulations, but Maria Hill did not have the slightest joy.

The corner of his mouth pulled out a touch, full of coldness, elder sister, and inexplicable arc.

"Thanks to your help, Mr. Food Critic~"

Hearing this, the food critic twitched, and he felt some changes made by Maria Hill.

But I always feel that something is wrong there. Now as soon as Maria Hill speaks, the food critics instantly realize the Huadian.

Isn't this yin and yang weirdly his voice and way of speaking?


wrong! Wait, he is a good young man in a sunny society. When did he speak yin and yang strangely?

Maria Hill, who has been staring at the food critic, responded with a small face, from the change in the food critic's face.

Naturally, it is not difficult to see that this guy has no self-knowledge at all about the mentality of this guy.

Of course, Maria Hill will definitely not admit it or remind food critics.

The reason why I have such a lace is completely Maria Hill. I choked on the last words of food critics.

It was the choking that caused Maria Hill to smoke on top of her head, and it was this choking that made Maria Hill's spiritual world step into another level.

At this level, Maria Hill is complete, without ‘sad and joy’ and anger.

Of course, this process is not without risks. After all, most people are under such anger.

Either cerebral thrombosis or excessive intracranial blood pressure, causing the cerebrovascular burst, so this sublimation method.

It’s best not to try, because you can’t guarantee that you are the next Maria Hill~

"Very good~ You got us right, the agent's pursuit and persistence for evidence, you have fully understood the nature of the agent."

Food critic:...

Huh? Damn~I'm afraid this woman won't be. Why is she getting angry with herself?

"Then, since you said it, it was completely manipulated by someone behind it. Moreover, the video and live images circulating on the Internet.

But it just happens that when Spider-Man is about to be defeated, then who are you talking about?

It took so much effort and so much preparation? "


Food critics just want to say, woman, you are really scary, especially a calm woman.

"Aren't you in your heart, you already have the answer?"

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