Two-dimensional System

Chapter 984: Trouble come

Then, a video file appeared in front of Maria Hill and him.

"The network here is independent, it can be used in this base, and it is not connected to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Triangle Wing Building.

Therefore, this video was not available, and it was posted to the Tri-Wing Building via the Internet. The reason is to let the guy staring at S.H.I.E.L.D. on the Internet play tricks on this video. "

While opening this audio and video, Maria Hill explained to the techno-no-white food critic next to her.

And food critics finally saw this video. The video is short and nothing, there is something to say in special places.

Then there is only one person, and that is the person in the video, who is the black marinated egg, the master seat of SHIELD.

"Can you see anything?"

Maria Hill was holding her hands, standing aside and staring at the video on the screen.

The corner of the food critic's mouth twitched. This is your own boss. Now come and ask an outsider, are you sure you are serious?

"Uh~ if you want to ask, I have one..."

"Huh? What did you see? It's really a shame that you don't work as an agent."

Originally it was just a casual question, who knows what really asked me to ask?

Maria Hill, with her hands in her arms, looked at in unbelievable surprise, a food critic with a weird expression on her side, who seemed to be suffocating.

Is this guy's observation ability so terrible?

At the same time, I am embarrassed for myself. I am also the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at any rate. Why can the guy around me discover something, but what can I see?

"Eh? Are you sure you really want me to speak out?"

"You guy, why are you procrastinating? I don't see that you will be a shy person. Just say everything, don't hesitate."

Maria Hill patted her chest and assured the food critic beside her that she was also the deputy director of SHIELD.

"That's what you want me to say~ The director of your S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau hasn't eaten for many years? Seeing how you eat, it should be at least several lifetimes. I haven't eaten a good meal. ?"

Maria Hill:? ? ?

Breathe~ Breathe!

Maria Hill took a deep breath, suppressed herself forcibly, and now took out her gun from her waist.

Give the guy next to me a sudden burst~ Is this guy in the end, hasn't he died?

Think about their so hot S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, can they still make their masters hungry? What the **** do you mean? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, don't even think about leaving, stay in SHIELD and work as a part-timer!

Feeling the killing intent coming from his side, the food critic of course stopped very wittily and smiled brightly as Maria Hill showed her teeth.

That meaning has been written all over my face, and I have asked you if I want to say it.

As a result, you said you wanted me to speak, now that I said you can’t be angry~

"Why did I think that you are suitable for acting as an agent? I must have been hit by a pig, my God! If you become an agent, it must be a disaster for SHIELD."

The agents not far away seemed to be attracted by the angry Maria Hill, looking at the food critics with horror and admiration.

Among those admiring eyes, I just told the food critics, buddy, you are really amazing.

I can put them in their beauty, they are always happy and angry, and Chief Maria Hill is so angry, you bullshit~

Give you a thumbs up silently in my heart, the same today, next year, on your anniversary, we will not forget to give you a small flower.

"I've said it a long time ago, I'm not suitable to be an agent, and I don't know who it is...Okay~Okay~ I won't say it, I'll just shut up now~"

Looking at Maria Hill, who killed herself with her small eyes, the food critics are really worried, is she afraid that she won't be angry with herself?

Look, this person is so angry that he is holding Xiaoman's waist with his hands. Will he wrong himself later?

The food critic closed his mouth for her own life. Maria Hill did not give herself a chance to vent her anger when she saw that this dog was such a dog?

But the head of the house is ashamed, and Maria Hill is also desperate~

When the black marinated egg left, Maria Hill knew what their boss would do.

Because, at that time, it was not only her mouth that was greedy, but the master of the black marinated egg was tempted by the food critic, the food in his mouth.

It is hard to imagine that their S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau seat adults, who should be said to be the most determined person, could not be immune to the temptation of food.

However, it never occurred to them that their S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau-sir, Wanli sent their heads away and never returned...

Now, even no one can find it. The ghost knows that the black marinated egg is there, what kind of strange food is hiding in it~


"Huh!? What's going on!?"

The sudden vibration and siren ended the awkward atmosphere between Maria Hill and the food critic.

Also let the **** take a peek, the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Dou Ling returned to work.

"Sir, it's energy! In this small town, a huge energy fluctuation suddenly appeared."

Huge energy fluctuations?

"Damn it! Why is it this time..."

It can be seen that Maria Hill was really right, and she was so angry that she almost bit her mouth.

Now, the director of the black braised egg has not been found, and has no clue at all. Why is the trouble finding it at this time?

"Is the source of energy confirmed, and quickly figure out what happened."

All the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were nervous and sweating, but the food critics felt that things were not so simple.

"Huh? Why are you holding my hand?"

Maria Hill, who was grabbed by the food critic's arm, almost reflexed and slapped her hand when she raised her hand to the food critic.

Fortunately, the face of a food critic is so handsome.

Maria Hill couldn't bear it when she was so handsome, she raised her hand and slapped it and ruined it. Although this guy was a bastard, he was not as good as a scumbag.

I don't know my slap, but Maria Hill used it. You need to give me an explanation, staring at the food critic.

"Actually, you don't need to be so troublesome..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, don't you always suspect that someone is targeting S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.? Why does the trouble come when you get here?"

"Your consciousness is..."

Maria Hill’s eyes flickered, and the food critic smiled and nodded to Maria Hill, who knew everything.

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