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Seeing that Eriri did not understand the meaning of “Yosuga no Sora”, Mu Fan could only refer to the name, and explained to Eriri with the understanding of the system: “The fate here refers to family affection, while Sora refers to the human heart and The same pronunciation as Qiong. The true artistic conception is that love can transcend everything.”

“But this kind of siblings plot can’t be put in the game at all, right?”

Eriri curl one’s lip did not hesitate to put forward his own suggestion: “Although ACG culture is hot now, the subject of siblings does not matter how long, as long as the reality does not recognize it, it will be a relatively niche subject, let alone making a game. , No one can accept this concept to buy this kind of game, right?”

“Tell me about your suggestion?” Mu Fan asked, sitting opposite Eriri, not in a hurry.

After all, Eriri is the person of this world, and it is okay to ask for suggestions modestly.

“I think it is better to change the final main line to Yiyuan Nao or Tiannv Muying. After all, the love that has subverted reality is estimated that many people will find it difficult to accept this kind of plot.” Eriri opened the text produced by Mu Fan and pointed to it. Yiyuan Nao said.

Hearing this explanation, Mu Fan was taken aback and asked a little unexpectedly, “Is it possible that Eriri likes this kind of childhood sweetheart setting?”

For some reason, Eriri’s face turned red in an incredible state, and turned his head to deny: “How can I like childhood sweethearts, I hate childhood sweethearts the most!”

Why are you blushing?

“Nao is indeed in the plot that can be attacked. In fact, Yosuga no Sora is divided into 4 main lines, but the main one lies in Qiong.”

However, “Yosuga no Sora” is a game after all, and Mu Fan can only explain the general settings of Yosuga no Sora to Eriri.

“Siblings are really okay?”

Eriri raised an eyebrow, and asked incredulously again.

This sentence seems to be unnecessary for you to say?

Mu Fan didn’t expect Eriri, an insulting book painter, actually thought so conservatively in this regard. He couldn’t help but rolled the eyes. You must know that many people were satisfied with “Yosuga no Sora” at that time?

“Although the text of the game is similar to reality in many places, it is not reality after all. What can not be done in reality, everyone hopes to be able to complete it in the game, such as the idea of ​​becoming Savior’s Medium 2 idea, which is simply impossible in reality. , But in the game.”

Mu Fan laughed and explained: “Just like the Yu and Qiong in “Yosuga no Sora”, two siblings can be together.”

“So to put it another way, what do you think of this game text as a book?” Mu Fan added.

“Although I don’t understand light novels very much… but from the reader’s point of view, I like the final ending.” After hesitating, Eriri pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, exclaiming in his tone.

“Since you agree with the plot, can’t you?”

Mu Fan smiled and said: “This type of game lies in the appeal of the plot. Since its plot is not so boring, isn’t it enough?”

“Though it is true.”

Eriri pursed his lips and hesitated for a moment. Suggested: “But I suggest that you write out the other branches tomorrow. We will make these all into the main line, so that game players can control their favorite plots and attack their favorite objects. .”

With that, Eriri pointed to the dome in the text and said: “For example, the dome can be set as the hardest to tackle or it can be said to be the final Heroine. Only the 2nd or 3rd week can be attacked. In this way, it can be reduced. Reality conflicts, and people can also have a certain degree of adaptability.”

“Well, you deserve to be the book painter Kashiwagi Eri Sensei. You can already write light novels with this kind of plot understanding.”

Mu Fan clapped his hands and praised.

In fact, Eriri’s suggestion is actually very correct. For example, the original game also has 4 main lines, and it takes the second week to attack the dome.

And since Eriri, who has some knowledge of this World’s anime, let it postpone it for a week, making Qiongdi the most difficult Heroine, which not only gives people a degree of satisfaction and adaptability to the ending, but also allows siscon to get Satisfaction.

“You really want to die!” Eriri clenched her fan fist uncontrollably, staring at Mu Fan fiercely, and said, “You all said don’t call me this name at school!”

“Sorry, I was so excited just now!”

Mu Fan touched his head, smiled apologetically, and expressed his gratitude to Eriri in his tone: “But thank you so much, Sawamura classmate! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have thought of this way.”

“I…I just want to make the games of the game department sell better, so that I can get more money, right? It’s…not to help you alone!” Eriri’s pretty face was slightly red Don’t overdo it and go whispered.

Eriri will be short of money, cracking a joke?

Familiar with Eriri’s tsundere, Mu Fan is immune to this sentence. There is no shortage of Sagiri who only lives on illustrations. How can she dignified Ojou-sama be short of money?

“Well, it’s for the game department, so I can get an extra share!” Mu Fan did not refute, saying with a slight smile.

“By the way, your Food Department’s income is already very good, why do you want that many money?” Eriri suddenly came over and asked Mu Fan with a strange look.

I said I was for Fantasy Point and to support younger sister, do you believe it?

Mu Fan bitterly laughed, but even if he said this sentence, he would be treated as mental illness. He could only cough a dry cough, “Of course I make money to buy a house, buy a car, marry a girl he likes, and play what he likes most. It’s a game!”


Eriri glanced at Mu Fan with disgust and contempt.

“Sawamura, your family won’t go bankrupt, right?” After hesitating, Mu Fan asked tentatively.

“Your house is bankrupt!” Eriri suddenly umber-black eyebrows frowned, gritted his teeth and stretched his foot over, moved towards Mu Fan and stepped on the foot under the table.

“Are you a tiger? I just asked casually.”

There was a tingling pain in his feet, Mu Fan couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath, frowning and looking at Eriri and said.

By the way, tsundere girls are really troublesome!

“Who made you say all the irritating things?” Eriri flushed and turned away whispered.

“Then why did you come out to paint?”

To be honest, Mu Fan has always been a little surprised as to what Asuna and Eriri are insisting on. If he had such a good-looking, rich, full-level account, he would have been living a salty fish life long ago, how could he be like them? Just as busy every day.

Eriri couldn’t help but give Mu Fan a glance: “Of course it is for ideals. I won’t be as good-for-nothing as you, being a salted fish that doesn’t want to go ashore!”

“I really envy you those of you who can be salted but have to have ideal Ojou-sama.”

Mu Fan said in a bad mood, if he came up with such a worry-free full-level account, he would have been salted.

By the way, is it possible that the brain circuits of Ojou-sama of rich people are different from those of normal people?

“Then get up with me and fight for our ideals!”

It’s just that Mu Fan just finished saying this, when Eriri pulled his arm from the chair.

“What are you doing?”

“Of course I went to the manga club to paint Sora imouto. For the sake of ideals, you also go with me!”

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