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“That’s natural. The residents of the Kingdom of Valhalla have suffered from the demonic beast all the year round. As an Angel, I naturally can’t abandon the people. If you don’t let me save them, you will be punished!” Gabriel will just now Mu Fan’s network cable was plugged in again, and he said with indignation.

Girl, if you say that, won’t your conscience hurt?

Mu Fan bitterly laughed, turned around and opened the curtains, the sun suddenly came in from outside, Gabriel immediately covered his eyes: “What are you doing?”

“Of course I will let you breathe in the fresh air, the house will almost get moldy after going on like this.”

Mu Fan didn’t expect Gabriel was so lazy that he didn’t even bother to open the windows. When he opened the window, a cool breeze came in. Mu Fan couldn’t help taking a deep breath and looking back towards Gabriel and said: “Student Gabriel , You have a limit for 2nd? Isn’t your dream to make everyone happy? Now playing games here every day, your dream is impossible to achieve.”

Gabriel took the mouse and clicked on the computer’s game screen, without turning his head back: “Now that I have found out that I have not achieved happiness myself, how can I take care of other people. Speaking of which, I want to first Save me, and let those stupid mortals fend for themselves.”

“What you said is really maddening me, there are fish that are saltier than me!”

Mu almost said this sentence through gritted teeth. Originally, he had a System and didn’t work hard. He thought he was the biggest salted fish. But looking at Gabriel like this, he finally knew what is called there is Person beyond the Person. There is salted fish sauce outside the salted fish.

But for such Gabriel, Mu Fan didn’t bother to care about it. After all, Gabriel’s depravity had nothing to do with him. The only thing that made him feel guilty was to install a network cable for her.

Really sinful!

Mu Fan bitterly laughed: “If you want to play a game, why not play SAO’s game that reacts to signals that block the brain. From the introduction, it is much easier than this game, and it can also relieve the depression mood.”

Gabriel clicked on a webpage and said in a flat tone: “Um, I have ordered the helmet, and it should be delivered next week.”

“forget it!”

Mu Fan rolled the eyes: “Although you don’t want to save people now, should you go to class tomorrow?”

Anyway, at least tell Gabriel your purpose. As long as she goes to class tomorrow, her mission will be completed. Otherwise, Gabriel’s transformation is too sudden, and Hiratsuka Shizuka may not believe it when she speaks it out. Maybe she mistakenly believes she didn’t go to Gabriel It’s hard to explain.

“Isn’t it a holiday tomorrow?”

“No holiday!”

Mu Fan rolled the eyes opened Gabriel’s door, and said separately: “In addition, Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei said, if you don’t go, she will come to the door to find you. Wei Nai also said, if you are too lazy, Will be sent back to the previous school…”

“I’m understood.” Gabriel yawned, lying in front of the computer.

After telling the matter to Gabriel, Mu Fan left the room and glanced at the half-cleaned courtyard shook the head. It really didn’t expect that a little angel once entered the pit to become like this.

Cultivation is really terrifying enough–

But speaking of which I need to start cultivation when I get back home, and I need to take a look at Hatsune after the cultivation. Really, the whole day was filled.

Back at home, Mu Fan sent his schoolbag back to the room and began to serve Sagiri’s dinner. He took out the eggs and rice and other ingredients from the refrigerator on the table. When he was about to start his hands, the phone in his pocket made a noise. Mu Fan turned on the phone, and it was another letter from Kagurazaka Ayame: “Mu Fan Sensei, I have good news. Eromanga-sensei has decided to draw Accel World illustrations for you.”

“very good !”

Seeing this news, Mu Fan was overjoyed and had to say that his luck was really good. Eromanga-sensei decided to start drawing illustrations for himself. He also somewhat expected what Kuroyukihime would become in the hands of Eromanga-sensei. Of course , So there is no need to trouble Eriri.

Next, Mu Fan made golden fried rice and Paprika Steak, each of which only had a small plate. Since Mu Fan had eaten at the Food Department just now, Sagiri ate less each time, carrying 2 kinds of food on the plate. Inside, went upstairs.

“Sagiri, your food is ready!”

Mu Fan reached out and knocked on the door, and said, “I will return to the house now, wait for you to come out and get it.”

After being here for so long, Mu Fan also understands some things. For example, if he does not return to the house or go out, Sagiri is absolutely impossible to get out of the room on the 2nd floor, so after preparing food for Sagiri, he will return immediately. Go to your room.

What a fucking younger sister!

Seeing that there was no response inside, Mu Fan was not surprised and turned around and went downstairs directly. Anyway, he needs codewords during return to house, and standing here will also waste time.


Just as Mu Fan reached the third step, there was a sudden noise from the younger sister’s door, and then the door was pushed open a small gap.

“Huh? Younger sister?” Mu Fan’s heart moved. When he saw the younger sister standing in front of him holding the door, his face showed a surprised expression, speaking of which, isn’t it a day worth celebrating? He thought that as long as nothing happened since the last time he saw the younger sister, the younger sister would not leave the room. He didn’t expect this time to come out again.

But the younger sister’s complexion seems a bit wrong…

At this moment, the younger sister’s face became paler, her brows were suddenly frowned, and her expression looked extremely painful and she fell to the ground, clutching her belly.

“Big brother, it hurts…” Sagiri frowned, almost gritted his teeth and said these words with difficulty.


Mu Fan’s face changed, and he hurried forward. When he saw the red blood on Sagiri’s pajamas, his heart sank and he immediately hugged Sagiri in his arms.

“It’s so light…”

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, Mu Fan rushed down the stairs holding Sagiri, Sagiri’s face was buried tightly in his chest, and his pale face could not help but make Mu Fan’s heart tremble. It seemed that the younger sister should be sick. Now there are only him and the younger sister in the family. His parents have passed away. He promised the cheap father to take care of his younger sister. In Mu Fan’s heart, 10000 younger sisters who were unwilling to see their cute left him.

In Mu Fan’s mind, he quickly figured out the route to go. Just when he came downstairs to open the door, Mu Fan suddenly felt that the corner of his clothes was pulled by someone.

Lowering his head, Sagiri was looking at herself with flushing face: “Big brother, it doesn’t hurt as much as before…”

Hearing what Sagiri said, Mu Fan was taken aback for a moment. After thinking about it, he seemed to understand something——

To be fair, Sagiri is 13 years old this year, so the first time that seems to be at this age, right?


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