"Fucked chicken, I don't want it either." The clear and strange way of thinking makes people wonder if the thinking carnival caused by the film industry has really turned him into a lunatic.

It doesn't matter if the madman is not mad, the key point is that when the hunters came back to their senses, they were already within the attack range of the Kuroshio's tail whip!

The huge tail whip swept across the waist, and the terrifying sonic boom sounded for dozens of kilometers in an instant. Xie Zhifei, who was running wildly, only felt numb in the back of his head, and then made a 'hum', the sound seemed to swept through his brain, letting him go. The ear drums resonated, and until a few seconds later, he even felt a humming sound in his head for a long time, and it took a long time to gradually restore his hearing.

He didn't even look back to confirm the condition of the hunters. He didn't believe they had a chance to survive when they encountered such a thing. And even if they do survive, those are not important. The main contradiction now is not them, but the thing behind them.

After a delay of a few seconds, the wind pressure formed by the tail whip's swipe caught up with him. It was a whip-shaped air wall, about the height of a tree trunk, rolling in with dust, and the fan-shaped wind pressure was really eroded. kilometer.

Xie Zhifei only felt that he was once again riding in a car that was as high as Six Magic Biao, and that car was the kind that Lin Xue had modified. The strong feeling of pushing his back almost didn't make him spit out all his internal organs.

However, he still managed to endure the physical discomfort, once again completed the acceleration with the help of wind pressure, and continued to rush forward.

The boiling blood that was not used even when being chased by the hunter was pushed to the extreme again at this moment, the scarlet lines on his body seemed to be burning, and a little bit of black debris flew into the air constantly. , like burning ashes.

Xie Zhifei is very aware of his physical condition. When Sicily fought against the endless army of gods and evil, the feeling of squeezing himself to the bone was very uncomfortable, but I have to say that after that time, his self-recovery ability and boiling water were very difficult. The continuous ability of blood has been greatly improved. So he can still hold on.

must also persevere.

Because he had to bring the Kuroshio behind him before the Black Tower. This is the most probable plan he has calculated at the moment after he is in a critical state and his brain is overloaded with an efficiency of more than 300%.

The Kuroshio behind him was the silt monster he encountered when he first entered the film world, or the fog, or both of them were part of the Kuroshio, but the silt or the fog Either way, the Kuroshio is just a different form of expression.

This concept is very complicated to explain, especially in the case of insufficient information, the Kuroshio and the mist and the silt monster are all manifestations of a certain phenomenon. Xie Zhifei didn't know the ontology of that phenomenon, but he guessed it had something to do with the specificity of the shadow world, or even the root attribute of the shadow world. Because its characteristics only exist in places like the shadow world.

The manifestations of this phenomenon will change with the imagination and thinking of the contact person. That is, whatever you think it is, it will take the form you think it is in the most possible way.

When Xie Zhifei first entered the film world, he actually fell directly into this phenomenon. But at that time, he hadn't adapted to the conditions of the shadow world, and even thinking didn't exist, so nothing happened.

The same is true for the later stage of confusion. When events begin to change, that is when he begins to reconstruct his own subject in the confusion of his mind. In the process of building, he encountered two difficulties in a row. The first was the construction of the part of the wolf.

It was a concept that he himself could not understand, so the phenomenon constituted the image of a running wolf to have a direct dialogue with him. Coincidentally, it helped him clear his mind.

The second difficulty is the construction of what he is. Xie Zhifei was not aware of this difficulty at the time, but it was the problem that he thought about the most in the past few years. It is also clearly manifested in the chaotic thinking.

So in the end, Xie Zhifei was the one who showed up in front of Xie Zhifei's eyes. He had extraordinary logic and analytical skills, but he didn't have his own thinking ability. He could only use the overflowing thinking of others as his own thinking incentives and then come to the results.

Of course, Xie Zhifei didn't understand these things at the time, all he thought was that he encountered some kind of weirdness unique to the movie world.

But I have also said before that mental patients have a wide range of thinking and a lot of brain holes in split personality. On the way out of the fog, Xie Zhifei's endless brain holes because of his thinking, suddenly came up with such a brain hole.

What does he think, what does the Sludge Monster think, if he imagines that the Sludge Monster is extremely powerful, what will happen? At the moment when this brain hole appeared, the entire fog seemed to boil. In an instant, Xie Zhifei understood something.

Fortunately, like other brain holes, it came and went quickly, and Xie Zhifei forcibly began to think about other things, and finally got out of the fog safely. Outside, they were asked about forbidden places, monsters, and the fog of death from the Sheepshead. As for the nature of that unknown event, he probably knew a little bit.

After finally confirming the safety of Shi Yuqing and the power of the Sheepshead Cultists in front of the black tower, he was in a critical state and made a decision to fight. So despite the damage, he ran all the way back to the fog of death.

At least for now, he's hit the bet, and the next thing to see is whether he can run fast enough.


Chapter 72 Fight!

The good news is that because of the characteristics of the Kuroshio, its current form of existence is due to Xie Zhifei's thinking. So as long as Xie Zhifei keeps thinking that he, like the protagonist of a disaster movie, can always be faster than the crisis of death, the Kuroshio will not be able to catch up with him.

The bad news is that the Kuroshio phenomenon isn't just for him. The thoughts of Sheepshead believers will also be used as a reference to influence its changes. This is also the reason why the fog is called a forbidden place by the Sheepshead believers.

Not to mention the low-level believers, even the high-level Sheepshead believers can still maintain logical thinking, but most of the souls that have been infected by chaos are thinking unconsciously, and most of them are related to violence and killing.

Therefore, what they encounter when they walk into the fog will be a dead place where murder is everywhere. How strong their violence and desire to kill are, then how unavoidable the death constructed by the phenomenon will be.

The result of this situation is that although the twelve hunters were crushed by the Kuroshio almost instantly. But their imaginations and fears before their death remained. This kind of imagination is like giving the Kuroshio a powerful stimulant, making it violent in an instant.

In the beginning, Xie Zhifei was able to pull monsters and ridicule out of the fog to bring out the Kuroshio with ease, and he was even able to shout out a witty saying "I am the train king". After the hunters came into contact with the phenomenon, his condition became precarious.

Seventeen or eighteen giant python-like tail whips emerged from the Kuroshio, randomly slapping everything around them, and the waves of air that rolled up hit Xie Zhifei's back like fists. The internal organs were constantly being impacted, so that he even had to use his abilities to stabilize, and each organ was covered with a layer of blood film so that the internal organs would not rupture and bleed to death.

Even so, thanks to the small brains of the hunters and the short contact time with the phenomenon, if they could keep their original memories. In his head, he can recall a few scenes of disaster movies, but Xie Zhifei just had a few lives that were not enough to lose.

But in short, he survived. After all, as a senior selling blood, entering the Three Kingdoms and killing must be a person with Cao Wei's identity card, and he dare not say anything else. Being beaten is professional. So although it was very hard and difficult, he still managed to survive. Only when he is alive can he output these words, and he is deeply engraved in his mind.

This was the third time he ran on this road. The first time he was hunting and finding his way, so the speed was the slowest. The second time was being chased and killed, selling blood while running, relatively fast. Now it is really burning life and running, so the speed is the fastest. Coupled with the absence of the lost time in the fog, he soon saw the only abruptness on the wilderness plain from a distance. Silhouette of black giant tower and white light ball.

Wangmei's thirst-quenching ability can help. Xie Zhifei, who ran three times in a row and finally saw the finish line, started the final acceleration like a marathon runner in the last 100 meters.

In fact, the priests discovered the mutation earlier than Xie Zhifei had seen the black tower. After all, the former is a building standing quietly on the ground, while the latter is indeed a running mountain. Whether it is in form or momentum, the latter is definitely more eye-catching.

"That's... what..." All the Sheepshead Cultists who still maintained their logic asked themselves in their hearts when they raised their heads and looked into the distance due to the shock of the ground.

After all, in a barren and barren shadow world, the dark tide swept across the sky from the distant horizon, and the scene of more than a dozen tail whips crushing the plain was definitely not in their imagination. The dust and smoke that rolled up seemed to break through the gray world, making people shudder.

The closer the Kuroshio is, the clearer its majestic and unstoppable appearance is. There is no one who can keep calm as a violent mountain rolls over him. What's more, these low-level sheep's head believers who only rely on instinct.

Xie Zhifei felt the change of the Kuroshio behind him for the first time. The thought injection of the Sheepshead Cultists was no longer a change of stimulants and violent drugs. That is, the Juvenile Digimon has completed the evolution of the Ultimate Digimon.

After a brief pause, its presence and concept became a completely different existence.

Xie Zhifei, who had been ready for a long time, squatted down almost synchronously. The next moment, a crisp explosion like thunder sounded, and the whole person was blown away from the place.

Energy mix. The arrogance that had not been used from the beginning and had been suppressed to the extreme by the shadow world, finally played a miraculous effect at this time.

Almost at the same moment when he escaped, a tail whip smashed heavily in the direction he was just now at a speed that almost turned into a phantom, splitting a canyon-like crack of nearly 100 meters in place.

"Cough—" The power of the energy mix was far beyond Xie Zhifei's imagination. He flew almost two kilometers in one breath before landing. If it is said that it hits the ground directly and rolls out forty or fifty meters, it can also be regarded as a landing.

The rough ground scratched the skin with large and small wounds, the internal organs were displaced, and accompanied by slight bleeding, the whole body seemed to fall apart, and groans were heard between every bone.

But these are not problems, because at least in a short period of time, neither the Kuroshio nor the Sheepshead will have time to trouble him. After all, compared to the Kuroshio like a mountain range, Xie Zhifei, who was running in front, was really too small. It's hard to focus on him.

And even if you know it, it's useless. After all, for the current Kuroshio and the Sheepshead, the other party is the first object to be solved.

Xie Zhifei, who dragged the monster and ran for dozens of kilometers, finally achieved his goal. After he disappeared between the two through the energy mix explosion, he also cut off all his imagination about the Kuroshio. The transfer of hatred is completed in an instant.

Kuroshio is not a master who can listen to explanations, and the first tail whip swept directly into the crowd in front of the tower. Nearly 1,000 low-level Sheepshead cultists died in this blow. Thick orangutan blood smeared the ground like jam.

Although they knew that this was definitely not normal, in the face of this situation, there was no way for the priests to remain calm. At this speed, it won't take long for all the Sheepshead believers present to be swept away by this black tide.

Even if they are not only logical, but also smart and scary like the main priest, they are still a group of lawless creatures that have been eroded by chaos and take destruction as their mission. The instinct to destroy and kill is just suppressed but not gone. The battle reached a fever pitch in an instant.


Chapter seventy three urgent

Both the Kuroshio and the Sheepshead cultivators seemed to be stunned. The tyrannical power was raging beside the black tower. The green beams and the various abilities of the Sheepshead cultivators kept blasting on the Kuroshio, causing penetration , Frozen, Corrosive effects. Shoot down huge chunks of silt.

And those are just a drop in the bucket for the Kuroshio's body shape. As a manifestation of a phenomenon, it is not life itself, and whether it is vitality or vital, it does not exist.

The fact that it is immortal after being attacked will make people wonder if it is immortal, but it will further strengthen its defense and survivability.

On the contrary, the Sheepshead believers have no such ability. Often, a huge tail whip swept over, and a large piece would be smashed and crushed to death. If it were an ordinary army, it would have collapsed long ago in a battle where there was hardly any chance of winning.

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