"Because I don't think there's any need for you to lie to me," Xie Zhifei rolled his eyes at him, "After all, according to what Di Feiqiong said, you just want the White Devil to make enough noise. You don't want him to be resurrected. In fact, it is the same as the Fool.

Even if you don't think the Fool will lose now, so you don't help them, but my status as judged by the Fool doesn't really affect your plans. Help me, it won't hurt you. "

Xie Zhifei was silent for a while before saying the second reason, "Besides, my current state is indeed not full, and I don't want to fail at some critical time because of my own reasons."

"I'm not trying to show a bitter scene like 'I came to save you as soon as possible'. What I want is the result of saving her. If the success rate is higher after waiting for a day, I will wait."

After listening to Xie Zhifei's words, Hao Lianzhixia was silent for a while, then raised his head and smiled, "This is also the reason why we are jealous of organizations like the Big Four, once the selection range is wide enough, we can always select enough talents. "

"Even if you say that, I won't consider joining you." Xie Zhifei took a step to block the follow-up conversation.

"Well, it's not just to win over you," Hao Lianzhixia shrugged, "It really means a simple sigh."

"But it's best if you can understand it. It saves a lot of trouble." Hao Lianzhi Xia jumped up from the sofa, "I'm going somewhere, do you want to go with me?"

"Go out?" Xie Zhifei frowned.

"Well, let's meet someone." Hao Lianzhixia said with a hearty smile, but for some reason Xie Zhifei instinctively felt some kind of maliciousness from his smile.

"Hey, do you think he really has the possibility to win over?" After the two went out, Fan Miyan said to the burly man who looked like a marine in front of him.

"I don't think it's possible." The man lowered his head and held a pencil to write and draw on the notebook. He was actually making an income and expenditure account book. Although it doesn't look like it from the outside, without his careful management, the robin's economic chain would probably have had a big problem long ago.

"I also don't think it's possible." Fan Miyan stretched her waist and stuck her head out to look at the account book the man was writing, "It's such an exaggerated figure again."

"There's no way," the man smiled bitterly, "You know, some comrades are more troublesome." Although most of the ledger in his hand were daily expenses such as grocery shopping, if he looked closely, he would find that in the income column The numbers in the expenditure column are astonishingly large. The huge numbers are simply not something that these people who live in such civilian-style houses and eat simple soy milk porridge can consume.

"Well, yes." Fan Miyan nodded understandingly, "but I really hope Feiqiong and the others can consider the difficulty of those of us who make money, such a large number is really not easy. "

Facing Fan Miyan's complaint, the man could only show a wry smile, not knowing what to say. In fact, Fan Miyan also knows that this kind of thing can only be said, because Di Feiqiong is an idealist who will never give up a person because of this kind of thing. Even if the burden becomes heavier, he will only I forced myself even more, and then continued to pick up the burden.

Of course, if he wasn't like that, they wouldn't have gathered around him. Fan Miyan retracted her head and patted the man on the shoulder, "I have to go out to work, too. Bye bye."

"Miyan." The man's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"I know you're thinking, why do you still do that kind of useless work when you know you can't win over." The man stopped writing and didn't turn his head, just said so. "But in the human world, there is no such thing as useless effort. As long as you do it, one thing will definitely have an impact. Fei Qiong and Zhi Xia are just laying the groundwork for the future."

"Yeah." Fan Miyan at the door nodded, "I know, it doesn't matter if you don't have to tell me about this kind of thing that hurts your head. I believe you will handle it." After speaking, she pushed open the door. . All that was left in the room was the rustling of pencils scratching paper.

At the same time, Xie Zhifei and Hao Lianzhixia also arrived at their destination.

It is a tube building that makes people doubt the existence of time. It was common in the 1980s and 1990s. Hundreds of people huddled in identical small houses, completing the earliest and most difficult primitive accumulation period in China.

And once this accumulation is completed, the buildings that are the imprint of this era will be almost demolished. Even if they are not demolished, they are all unfinished and dangerous buildings. This kind of place is the ruins of the city that even the gangsters don't want to come to. After contacting Hao Lianzhixia that he was going to see someone, Xie Zhifei became even more puzzled. It was hard to imagine who else would live there.

"Morning Aunt Ning." Hao Lianzhixia greeted the old lady who was sitting on the rattan chair at the entrance of Tongzilou skillfully.

"Damn it, Nong know what time it is now?" Aunt Ning was not polite at all, the old lady was thin but energetic, very like the charter woman in Stephen Chow's movie, she was mean and kind-hearted.

"Isn't it because I slept late yesterday, I came to greet you when we came together."

"Don't try to shake me? Say hello to me, come to see that little girl Cheng Lin." Aunt Ning rolled her eyes at him, "Who's the one in the back?"

Xie Zhifei noticed that when the old lady looked at him, her pupils closed, like a reptile such as a crocodile, and there was a layer of erect eyelids in her eyes, which were used to ensure that they could see clearly without entering water. thing.

"New, new." Hao Lianzhixia stabbed Xie Zhifei, "Leave two hands to Aunt Ning." Xie Zhifei had a black line on his face, but he nodded and stretched out his hand. Pulling out a variety of groups and structures in the middle, this is a common technique he uses to exercise his operating ability on weekdays.

"It's gimmicky." Aunt Ning commented, "But it's not bad, boy, be careful. Now, the air is not clean, and the blood is lying outside. Don't get infected with AIDS or SARS."

This strange thought made Xie Zhifei stunned for a moment, so he could only nod his head blankly.

"Aunt Ning is a good person, but her mouth is a bit mean." Hao Lianzhixia said to Xie Zhifei after entering the building, "She and her two sons were taken away by the Marduk agency before, and when they fled, the two sons desperately died. , and rescued her."

"It's here." Before Xie Zhifei could reply, Hao Lianzhixia stopped at the door of a house.

"The one who lives is called Cheng Lin. You may have seen his brother. His name is Cheng Jian. He has participated in the Destiny Arena. Well, how can I put it, he is quite strong."


Chapter fifty-six light and shadow one

Xie Zhifei nodded. He didn't open his mouth to confirm, even if he knew that he probably really knew Cheng Jian, if nothing else, it was the swordsman who had hunted down him and Agrace in the earthly paradise, the big man in the big man duo.

Although it is a good topic to know people in common, it also depends on the situation, at least it is not suitable for chatting at this time. After all, he couldn't tell Hao Lianzhixia, um, I know him. He chased and killed me for several days in Earthly Paradise, and almost killed me. Or say to Cheng Lin, who is about to meet, that your brother was burned to ashes by Scipio, and I was right beside me at the time.

Seeing Xie Zhifei's response, Hao Lianzhixia probably understood something and didn't speak. He knocked on the door gently, "Is the little beauty there?"

"Is it Brother Zhixia?" A girl's crisp voice came from the door. "The door is open, come in."

Hao Lianzhixia nodded and pushed open the door. The old room matched the appearance of Tongzilou. The small space, mottled walls and ceiling, and the same small windows did not provide any effective lighting, and it also made the inside of the room look bright in the daytime. Somewhat dim.

Then Xie Zhifei saw the girl named Cheng Lin, who was probably the same age as him, or a little younger. She was pacing out of the room step by step, walking very slowly.

It wasn't because of her personality, but because some kind of black stone, like shale or saltpeter, grew on the right half of her body. It covers half of his face and extends all the way down his neck into his clothes.

It can be seen from the posture that she can only lift one foot to walk, the shale should cover half of her body, so that the other half of her body can't be moved at all.

"Just wait for me in the room." Hao Lianzhixia quickly took two steps forward and supported Cheng Lin.

"It's so boring to lie in bed all day long." Cheng Lin pouted. If she only looked at the half of her face in a human shape, she was actually very beautiful, with short hair, a pointed face and delicate features. But the other half of the face is joined by a piece of black shale, which makes people feel a kind of weirdness and fear.

"Are there any new guests?" Cheng Ling noticed Xie Zhifei, took a step back subconsciously, and hid her body behind Hao Lianzhixia.

"Well, didn't you always say that you want to meet some friends of the same age? I brought you one. His name is Xie Zhifei, and he is a superhuman." Hao Lianzhixia frantically winked at Xie Zhifei with Cheng Lin on his back. Xie Zhifei was stunned for a moment and then understood what he meant. He stretched out his hand again, repeating the blood control he showed to Aunt Ning just now.

"It's great!!!" The little girl exclaimed, her eyes seemed to be flashing, and she couldn't care about the fear of strangers. Maybe for her, all existences that are different from humans are natural Your partner, "Is this your ability?"

"Well." Xie Zhifei nodded, not knowing how to answer.

"Can anything change?" Cheng Lin stared at Xie Zhifei's ever-changing blood lines in her palm. "Puppy, can kittens change too?"

"Uh..." Xie Zhifei was stunned for a moment, "I'll try." Then a slap-sized puppy ran on his palm.

"It's great! It's great!!" Cheng Lin applauded. "This is like a special function, like my brother, stupid and black, like an earth-type Pokémon."

"Uh..." Xie Zhifei was silent for a moment, remembering his experience of being almost slapped by the raiding Pokémon. Decided not to comment on this.

"What about me, what about me. Isn't my ability better than his?" Hao Lianzhixia joined in the fun.

"You," Cheng Ling turned her head and glanced at him, her slender eyebrows full of disgust, "transparent and through the wall, what's the use? Peeping in the women's bathroom? I've always wondered how it can be so vulgar. "

orz... Hao Lianzhi knelt down. "It's not like that."

"Okay, okay. It's still useful, it's useful." Cheng Lin touched his head with her hand. It's like soothing a cat.

"You said it, don't lie." Hao Lianzhixia raised his head and looked at Cheng Lin, with two small tears in his eyes.

"I won't lie to you, I won't lie to you, be good." Cheng Lin seemed to be familiar with his attitude and coaxed it skillfully.

Seeing the situation comedy-like interaction between the two of them, Xie Zhifei opened his mouth inexplicably, and even Cheng Ling's appearance could be ignored. This is just the daily routine of a precocious sister and silly brother.

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