But just what he said now is enough for Xie Zhifei to find some clues. Although those contradictions are very subtle, but Xie Zhifei can't bear it now that Xie Zhifei sees these things in terms of being hostile to the Hao Lian family. He was thinking about the meaning behind every word. If Hao Lianhongyi knew about this first, he might have been more careful when talking to Xie Zhifei. Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world.

According to Hao Lianhongyi, the bottle of beast is a weapon bestowed by the White Devils to his family, but this weapon is too peaceful compared to the characteristics of the White Devils. Yes, it is peace. You must know that whether it is the Pale Fruit or the Sheepshead Cultists, anything that involves the White Devil is always full of a mad and tyrannical flavor.

Just like what Hao Lianhongyi said when he tried to persuade Fan Miyan, if at first this prince of darkness was just someone who wanted to fight for power with his brother, after thousands of years of imprisonment. He had already become a paranoid and crazy lunatic. The world itself, which his brother had left behind, was full of **** for destruction and destruction.

In this case, the bottle of beast is only a defensive counter-attack weapon, and it will only be activated when the Shadow Girl is threatened to understand the source of danger. This is a weird thing. Especially after Xie Zhifei had played against the monsters in the bottle.

Those are not creatures produced by natural evolution. The whole body is full of artificial flavors. All the 'insignificant' structures such as the digestive system and reproductive system cannot be found in them. Every part of the body, every All structures are designed for combat and slaughter. To give an example, it is like the Zerg in the interstellar space. It is more appropriate to say that they are some creatures, rather than some weapons.

The strength of such weapons has reached the second level or above across the board. If they really want to destroy, they are definitely much stronger and more troublesome than the average Sheepshead Cultists. But what they do is simply too peaceful compared to their discordant construction.

This is not the style of the White Devil at all, such a lunatic wouldn't take the initiative to add insurance to limit its violence after making a gun. And if you think about it from this angle, not only the bottle of beast, but also the girl of shadow itself seems too peaceful.

Even the followers hinted by the White Devils have become crazy Sheepshead believers, while the Shadow Daughter who really inherited the power of the White Devils is just an ordinary person. This is totally unreasonable. There is a problem with the explanation of the Hao Lian family about the daughter of the shadow, and Xie Zhifei is now almost certain about this matter. What are they hiding? Why are they hiding it again?

Xie Zhifei hadn't figured out what to talk about with Hao Lianhongyi next, when a member of the scientific research team ran up to the two of them.

"Boss is holding a meeting in the first conference room, please come over." He saluted Xie Zhifei before saying so.

"Did the boss say what the meeting was about?" Xie Zhifei asked after returning the salute.

"I don't know, but the level of this meeting is S." The man in white robe shook his head and told Xie Zhifei such news.

Xie Zhifei's expression froze when he heard the words, and he simply nodded to him, "Let's go over immediately."

"Mr. Xie, what does S rank mean?" Hao Lianhongyi asked as he walked. He really doesn't understand these detailed rules inside The Fool.

"Like the level of strength, the Fool is accustomed to rank the influence of events according to five levels. There are five levels from SS to C level. SS is an event that will cause the world to overturn. So far, there are two or three events that have been recorded, including The thousand-year **** battle is included. S-level is a concept that may affect the future direction of the world." Xie Zhifei explained, but he was afraid that Hao Lianhongyi would not understand, and added another example, "The incident of the White Devil's recovery is also S-level in terms of classification. "

"How can this be possible, the white devil will completely destroy the world!" Hao Lianhongyi raised his voice when he heard that the white devil was not the highest level but the next level event, "Do you understand what it is? What kind of existence?"

"Demigods or demigods." Xie Zhifei replied without hesitation, "After the thousand-year **** battle, there are more than 20 records of the fall of 'gods', and the existence of the prophecy that may destroy the world has been wiped out by hundreds. Facts Last, just over a month ago, we also dealt with the demigod known as the 'Final Judgment of Humanity' in Sicily."

Hearing Xie Zhifei's words, Hao Lianhongyi suddenly stopped and was stunned, not knowing how to describe his complicated state of mind. This is an attitude gap brought about from the basic three perspectives.

"We don't mean to belittle the White Devil." Xie Zhifei also stopped and turned to look at Hao Lianhongyi, "But this world has gone through more crises than you think, and it's also more than you think. Be stronger. Let's go." After speaking, he turned around again and walked quickly towards the conference room.

Hao Lianhongyi's expression changed several times, and finally turned into a sigh of unknown meaning. also followed. By the time Xie Zhifei arrived, there were already quite a few people in the conference room.

Po Jun gestured to them, found a place to sit down by himself, and waited for another two minutes before the talents finally arrived. Xie Zhifei noticed that not only members of The Fool, but also several government members were inside. That is to say, the content of this meeting may involve a wide range.

Regarding the matter of the White Devils, they should have already communicated with the government. Unless there is something completely subversive, there is no need to talk about it again. But if it wasn't about the White Demons, then what else would be enough to hold a meeting of this level at such a time.

"It is necessary for everyone to take time to hold this meeting within this time. What we are going to discuss today is an issue of a reactionary organization that may have been entrenched in China for decades." Po Jun's tone was very high, A few government officials suddenly turned serious, and this is definitely not a small problem for decades of counter-revolutionary organizations.

On the other hand, the expressions of the Fools began to change suddenly after the next sentence appeared.

"The name of this organization is, Robins."


Chapter Thirty-Five The Marduk Institution

The fifth party, the robin. If the current Fool is most sensitive to that name, there is no doubt that it is these words. Although it was completely unknown a year or two ago, in the past few years, they can be seen behind almost all the big moves.

In the events of Sicily, the last frontier of a human being fell into their operation. This almost makes the name a unified heart disease of the four major pieces. who are they? How powerful are they? What are they doing? What do they want to do? This feeling of ignorance makes everyone feel like a man on their backs.

And the recent incident of the White Demon made the Fool face them again, and everyone was even more cautious. And the meaning of Po Jun's meeting today is likely to be that they have dug up a lot of information about them. This is definitely something that excites everyone.

"The personnel and purpose of this organization are completely unknown, but in recent years, it has participated in various anti-social activities for many times, which has had a great impact on the stability of today's world. The known ones include the corpse in Miami and the Three Yellows in the Northeast. Chaos, the revenge of the frost giants in Northern Europe, the blood of Cato in Dragon City, the recovery of Behemoth in Sicily and this White Devil incident." Po Jun first briefly introduced the information about the robin.

But this simple introduction made everyone present feel a chill. Originally, they thought they had understood what the robin did, but now it seems that it is still far from it! It turns out that it is not only in China and Sicily, but their spread is much wider.

Although these things have been dealt with in the end, the price paid by the Big Four is definitely not small. It is a major event that will cause the entire world to turmoil if you are not careful! Being able to do so many things that can affect the entire world in such a short period of time, it is no wonder that the Arena of Destiny will allow it to join the game as a fifth party.

"Because of its harmfulness, the four majors have recently positioned it as the most dangerous, above the chaos spreader." Po Jun looked at everyone's expressions with satisfaction before continuing, "The most dangerous part is the mystery, Even the Chaos Evangelists advertise their Chaos Theory, but the robins don't. It's as if they're acting just to create these events. This was a very tough one for us."

The point of breaking the army is to the point. Why is the Big Four, an organization with rich experience in dealing with various situations, so passive when facing the robin. Because they don't have their own desire to do things, take the Cato blood incident that Xie Zhifei had contacted with, or the incident of Bechymos. Robin's performance in it is not so much a big BOSS behind the scenes, but an incentive. Although it can be said that these events are almost all because of them.

However, the follow-up development of the incident did not see much of their shadow, and if the four majors really did not solve these things, they would not get any benefit from it. Regardless of whether the way Don suddenly knew how to free Behemoth had anything to do with the robins, he couldn't be expected to give them a share of Sicily's post-independence rights.

So it makes it hard to predict how they will move, and because of low engagement, they tend to leave little trace. Let the four major functions fall into the defensive, and you can only clean up the mess behind them.

"However, in this operation, we have made a major breakthrough." He was very skilled in breaking the military by means of first and then raising. This high-spirited tone seemed to dispel the previous haze in an instant. "Next, let Comrade Gong Shaofan, the leader of the action team, introduce the situation to everyone."

"Yes." After Po Jun finished speaking, Gong Shaofan stood up, and the group of idiots and thick blacks that Xie Zhifei often came into contact with, with the muscles of a governor, and a big forehead outside, looked like a thug more than a team member like a peacekeeper. In comparison, not only did he not have that rough aura, but he appeared somewhat refined.

"Since the blood of Cato incident, the entire operation group has been working on digging for clues about the Robin organization. Finally, there has been a major breakthrough recently. With the name of Fan Miyan and the clues she left, we have a great It is possible to find the source of the robin organization." Gong Shaofan's words shocked everyone.

Although the name Fan Miyan is not very common, Xie Zhifei really didn't think that they could find out what to write based on it. Fortunately, Gong Shaofan then introduced the process of their investigation.

"The most important clue is the 'sculpture' she left behind." Gong Shaofan thought about his words, but most people, including Xie Zhifei, still didn't know what the sculpture was. Fortunately, he also used a projector to adjust the wording. out the picture. After Xie Zhifei was killed, it was the white clay shell that remained after Fan Miyan's blood had drained.

"We extracted all the information about the name Fan Miyan in the past 30 years, and at the same time, with the help of the comrades in the scientific research team, we restored it according to this face, and obtained the structural diagram of the appearance of each age group." Following Gong Shaofan's words, the statue projected by the projector first turned into a photo of Fan Miyan's normal face, and then this photo quickly returned young, as if going back in time, re-experiencing the process of youth, youth, and childhood. , and finally turned into the face of a five- or six-year-old girl who was carved in pink and jade.

Then more than ten faces with the most representative age in the change process were extracted separately, "According to these faces of different ages and all the news with the same name as Fan Miyan, we compare the two conditions except these.

In the next picture, there are two pieces of information that seem to be irrelevant. The first was a story about a parent looking for a missing daughter. To the effect that sixteen years ago, a couple lost their four-year-old daughter.

The other one is even more strange. It is actually a medical report, which is a daily medical examination of an 8-year-old girl, and that photo and the photo of Fan Miyan's 8-year-old that was reversed by the scientific research team are so on the facial features think like. However, compared with the photos pushed back by the scientific research team, it looks much weaker and paler, and the cheeks are thinner, especially the eyes have no brilliance, they are hollow like dolls or dolls, and the name on the medical checklist is written It was Dolly.

"The name of the couple who lost their daughter in the first piece of news is Fan Zhengang and Shen Qingqing, and the photo of Shen Qingqing when she was young looks like this." A yellowed photo of work clothes appeared on the wall, full of all kinds of stories from the 1980s. There are unique characteristics such as overexposure, but the woman in the middle of the photo has a very similar appearance to Fan Miyan.

"You mean, this Du Li is the lost daughter of Fan Zhengang and his wife, Fan Miyan, who changed her name after she learned of her life experience?" someone asked.

"It's close, but there's a difference." Gong Shaofan nodded, "The process of mentioning the name should be like this, but the problem is that Fan Miyan was not lost or disappeared, but was kidnapped."

Then the next picture turned into a very large building, and you can see it clearly if you look closely. The name is written on the white sign hanging on it. "Shenzhen Charity Homeless Infants and Toddlers Shelter."

"The source of this medical checklist is here. When the town government went to inspect this shelter, the doctors brought it to examine all the children in the shelter." Gong Shaofan said slowly, but he didn't say anything. The hearts of all conscious people were lifted bit by bit.

"According to the follow-up investigation, it was found that although it is called a homeless shelter, it is actually a research facility with special functions. They call themselves the Marduk agency."


Chapter Thirty-Six The Avengers

"Marduk Organization?" Everyone chanted the name silently, searching for all concepts related to this uncommon term in their memory.

"Marduk is the founder god, sun **** and city-state protector in ancient Mesopotamian mythology. Legend has it that he killed Tiamat, the mother of monsters who symbolized chaos, and used his own posthumous The body created the world. He is the common ancestor of mankind. During the Sumerian city-state period, the city-state that could win the right to worship the Marduk Temple was the overlord of the entire Sumerian world." explained.

"According to the investigation, the organizers behind Marduk's agency are most likely to be some Nazis and some extremists who escaped last. They believe that the development of science is a misguided path for mankind. Exhausting material resources will soon reach the limit. , and the pursuit of genes and the power of human beings is the future direction of development.

Relying on this idea, they carried out research in Shenzhen orphanages by abducting young children with special abilities from all over the world. Hope to discover the secrets of these abilities from inside. Then start a new era. "

"They think that science is the modern Tiamat? Then they claim that the Father is going to defeat it?" Yi Nian laughed out loud, "I don't see them coming up with any cross-generational results? Prove your superiority?"

In the face of Yi Nian's ridicule, Gong Shaofan shook his head solemnly, "In fact, the Marduk institution was destroyed six years ago, and what Robin did has nothing to do with the purpose of the Marduk institution. ."

"Destroyed?" Gong Shaofan's answer surprised almost everyone.

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