"Yeah." Shi Yuqing was stunned for a while, then her face flushed, and she replied softly like a gnat, and nodded lightly.

Shi Yuqing's small villa, Xie Zhifei has been to more than once, and it is considered to be familiar with the road, crossing half the city diagonally, and arriving near her house. The same quiet, but different from the desolation of the community just now, there is a sense of order and high-level here. Scattered houses, neat lawns and green trees give people an idyllic and intuitive experience. Quiet but not deserted, that's about it.

Nodding with the security guard standing guard at the door, the two walked towards her small villa. From a distance, Xie Zhifei saw that the whole house was not bright at all. "No one at home?"

"Well, Mom and Dad went to Paris to discuss a business." Shi Yuqing replied clearly as if she had finally sorted out her emotions. The childhood sweethearts' lonely man and widow share a room, or the girl's home, and this kind of plot can easily develop into a fanfic. Xie Zhifei also hesitated for a while, but considering that there were more serious issues, he didn't say anything, and entered the room with her.

The decor and furnishings in the house have changed a bit, but the familiarity is still more of a part. It made Xie Zhifei wonder how long it had been since he had been here? Pressing Shi Yuqing on the sofa, he took care of himself to get two glasses, poured two glasses of water and placed them on the table. sit across from her.

"You ask first, as long as you ask me, I will answer you, so whatever I ask you later, you have to answer me too. No problem, right?"

"Yeah." Shi Yuqing nodded, and then burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I just think Xiaofei has changed a lot."

"Have it?"

Shi Yuqing just smiled and didn't speak, but she was sure in her heart, of course there is, a person who used to be so unassertive in the past, but now said such words in such a formal tone, as if he was representing one country and another country. General negotiation.

"Then...the old school building..." After laughing enough, Shi Yuqing hesitated for a while, and finally decided to take this as her first question.

"It's me." Xie Zhifei nodded, "Qing'er and I were going to routinely deal with the weird growth point that day, but you forced in. I had already dealt with the ghosts of the old school building, but I didn't expect it to attract the ghosts. Soul demon. That's the last thing you saw that looked like a **** of death."

"You and Qing'er... together?" Xie Zhifei didn't expect Shi Yuqing's second question to come from such a place.

"We're from the same organization... um, comrade-in-arms? That's about it."

"Organization, is that the kind of guild that is often described in the book, a guild composed of supernatural beings?" Ji Qinger became interested.

"It shouldn't be. In fact, we are closer to government agencies, but we don't directly serve the people, just like the army. The army protects the citizens from being violated by others, and we protect the normal life of the people from those inhuman weirdness. influence."

Next, Xie Zhifei probably talked to Ji Qinger about the concept of the Fool, and also showed his ability, which was to increase her confidence and gain trust.

"Uncle and aunty...not just mudslides but weirdness?" The final question still came to this place. After all, it involved how Xie Zhifei joined The Fool. As he promised at the beginning, he didn't intend to deceive Shi Yuqing.

"Yeah." Xie Zhifei nodded. Shi Yuqing's excited expression dimmed because of so many incredible hearings. Only this matter, she didn't know how to communicate with Xie Zhifei.

"Is there any problem?" Xie Zhifei didn't care much anymore, the Green Pond and Mahanabowl, the continuous offensive, even made him a little used to this most profound and painful memory. Not numbness, but began to try to accept, at least no longer let anger and sadness affect their emotions.

Shi Yuqing raised her head and looked into Xie Zhifei's eyes, then slowly shook her head. "No, now it's your turn to ask me."

"Okay, the first question is, what relationship do you have with that group of people?" Xie Zhifei went straight to the point, which was an issue that would affect his next approach.

"I don't know." However, Shi Yuqing just shook her head. He gave him such an inexplicable answer.

"What do you mean by not knowing?"

"Because... I really don't know what I have to do with them," Shi Yuqing smiled wryly, "Today is the first time I saw them, but before, I saw them again in a dream. So I don't know that I have a relationship with them. What is their relationship?"

"In a dream?"

"Well, in my dreams, I can always see these people in white robes. They... want to kill me." Shi Yuqing's voice trembled, as if recalling those terrible dreams again.

"Then how did you feel that they were approaching? I remember you told me to run and said they were coming?" Xie Zhifei was also puzzled by this situation. It seemed that Shi Yuqing did not take the initiative to participate in the cult. , then things aren't the worst. It would take a few minutes for him to realize how outrageously wrong his judgment was now.

"I don't know, I just can feel...they're coming." Shi Yuqing bit his lip heavily, something was turning in his eyes, as if he was going through a great psychological struggle.

"If, Xiaofei... I mean if, if I were really like that group of people, would you still protect me?" With desire and expectation, words that were almost extravagant came out of Shi Yuqing's mouth .

"What are you talking about..." Xie Zhifei replied subconsciously, and then realized the meaning of Shi Yuqing's words, the second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat as if it was cut off, and his whole body stiffened.

"...Is that so?" Seeing Xie Zhifei's reaction, the smile on Shi Yuqing's face slowly faded away, leaving only a pale and tragic smile on her face. Then her actions surprised Xie Zhifei even more.

"That's why I know."


Chapter Twenty Dilemma

"That's the reason I know." Saying this, Shi Yuqing suddenly stood up from the sofa and started to take off his clothes. Xie Zhifei's body was stiff, and it was even more tense. The brain is going to be deprived of oxygen and stop spinning.

When Shi Yuqing's school uniform jacket fell on the ground, he suddenly reacted, and his whole head turned straight in another direction.

"Don't turn your head." Shi Yuqing's voice was still so unpopular, as if his energy had been taken away, "I didn't tempt you again."

Xie Zhifei turned his head back stiffly when he heard the words, and just saw Shi Yuqing, who was only wearing underwear, and took off the long silk gauntlet from his hand. The white wrist guard slowly retreated, Xie Zhifei's pupils instantly dilated, and the underside of the wrist guard was not the same as between the chest and abdomen, the white and tender girl's skin, but pitch black.

At this moment, the beautiful girl's body disappeared from Xie Zhifei's eyes. There was only surprise in his eyes. He leaned out and leaned in front of Shi Yuqing's arm. It was pure black, as if to absorb all the light it came in contact with. Looking at the arm as if looking at nothingness, not even sure if there is something there...

Xie Zhifei reached out and touched the place subconsciously. It was soft and greasy, like a fine white jade with mutton fat. The moment he touched it, he could even feel the slight tremor of his skin, and Xie Zhifei quickly retracted it like an electric shock. hand.

"This is... what?" Xie Zhifei swallowed.

"I don't know." Shi Yuqing looked at her arm with complete disgust and disgust. "It suddenly appeared on my left elbow half a month ago, and then it grew slowly, as you can see, it's so big now."

The darkness had completely covered the upper arm of her left hand and began to spread towards her shoulders and forearms. Against this darkness that seemed to absorb all the light into it, the rest of Shi Yuqing's skin seemed to glow white.

However, Xie Zhifei suddenly showed an expression of shock and panic, as if his heart had been smashed by a sledgehammer, four big words appeared in his mind-Daughter of Shadows...

The host of the White Devil's power, has the purest darkness in her body, the only key that can find Yanggu, the props for the recovery of the White Devil, she lives, the world will be destroyed.

Shi Yuqing...to die? For the sake of mankind, for the world, even if she did nothing wrong, even if she just wanted to live? The questions that had been forcibly suppressed before suddenly swept up in my mind.

"If, Xiaofei...I mean if, if I were really like that group of people, would you still protect me?" Shi Yuqing's voice lingered in his ears, no wonder she would use such a humble and extravagant hope Speak in a normal tone. She already understood that she was a monster, and she might even have known her own destiny. She didn't ask if she could survive, she didn't ask if he could save her, but she asked, will you still protect her?

Her requirements are very low, so low that they don't even require life. She just hopes that Xie Zhifei can answer her, yes. I just hope that even if I become a monster, I can still have a knight and a hero of my own, who will be willing to protect himself and fight for himself.

In this case, she would be even more willing to devote herself. For the sake of the world, for her knights and heroes, the princess chose to be buried with the Demon King, so that she could die calmly. But he didn't satisfy her even the dream that was so low in the dust, and he didn't even hesitate to say a single sentence.

That's why she finally showed that tragic but decisive smile, the kind of smile that seemed to be abandoned by the whole world.

"Why did Yuqing have to die for the sake of the world?"

"Why is the world more important than the one in front of her?"

"If you only talk about cost-effectiveness, why don't humans just destroy them?"

A roar sounded in his mind.

Shi Yuqing suddenly heard a sound like a war drum, and raised her head in surprise. The source of the sound was Xie Zhifei in front of him, and it was the sound coming from his chest. It was hard for her to imagine the strength and speed with which her heart had to jump to be able to make such a sound.

Crimson lines emerged from under his skin, and she could even feel the scorching hot air coming from her face. Come on, now Xie Zhifei is more like a monster, who may roar at any time and destroy everything.

This sudden change made her at a loss, she didn't know what happened, what kind of mental process Xie Zhifei went through after seeing the black spot on her hand, she had no way of knowing. A layer of goose bumps crawled all over her body, and every inch of her skin was tingling, telling her the fear of death.

Both rationality and sensibility were persuading her to turn around and run away, but something unknown deep in her soul made her stand still, even if her shoulders were curled together and her lips were white.

Xie Zhifei suddenly raised his head, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant, and the next moment he appeared at the entrance of the door, the whole person was suspended in the sky, Zhang Erhong gun was already in his hand, and he was smashing Huashan with force. Slashing down.

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