The long and distant thoughts seemed to be conveyed to Shi Yuqing's psychology across time. She subconsciously wanted something and reached out to touch the bottle.

"Boom—" The porcelain vase trembled again, making such a sound, as if someone was shaking it. Shi Yuqing shuddered again, looking at the arm that had been stretched out in the air, a huge panic appeared in her eyes. I... actually want to take the initiative to touch it...

She ran away, ran away, jumped up from the bed in her pajamas, rushed out of her room as if fleeing, and ran to her parents' bed, which was empty. Her parents should be negotiating a business in Paris by now. Afraid that the problem would be discovered, he did not follow and also refused the request to stay at a relative's house. But now wrapped in the cold bed, smelling the faint smell of the parents, that kind of fear seems to penetrate into the heart.

Naturally, she didn't fall asleep in the second half of the night. It wasn't until the sky began to turn white that she carefully walked back to her room and lay on the door for about half an hour. There was no other movement, and she dared to pull it away. A crack in the door, looking from the inside, the large porcelain bottle has disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared there.

But Shi Yuqing was extremely sure that she was definitely not dreaming, she really saw the bottle, and she had an intuition telling her that this was just the beginning...

Under the horror, he quickly changed his clothes, found the school uniform and wrapped it outside, and carefully put another layer of armguard on his left arm, covered the black spot, grabbed the schoolbag and fled the house.

Danger is approaching, this feeling is very abstract and very specific, like a feather standing on the heart, every time the heart beats, the tip of Rouran strokes from above once, and there is a feeling of panic permeating the whole body at any time. . But there is no solution. You can only escape from one place to another...

She couldn't even sit still in the classroom. She stood in the corridor and looked down. At the school gate, students were pouring in in groups of three and two, and the blue and white blue sportswear was like a cloud of waves. Shi Yuqing didn't know why she was watching here, let alone what she was looking at. It's just that the constant throbbing in my heart seems to have a sense of calm only in this place.

Then she saw the light.

The teenager hung his schoolbag on one shoulder and stopped at the school gate, as if he was a little unfamiliar, and looked at the whole school from the inside out. The movement of looking up makes him look taller and taller than before.

It was clear that the door was still crowded with people, but at the moment he appeared, it seemed as if all this did not exist, and only he could be seen in his eyes. Even the restlessness in my heart calmed down. Shi Yuqing reached out and patted her face, turned and walked back to the classroom.

Because of the backlight, Xie Zhifei lowered his head and did not see the figure that turned away in the corridor.


Chapter sixteen clues

The return of exchange students is always lively. Although there is no chance to go there, it is also one of the talents of human beings to imagine things that have never been done through the descriptions of others. It is also thanks to this ability that he can complete the exploration of a huge world in an extremely limited life.

Also because of this ability, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger were surrounded by people, they had good friends, and most of them just wanted to listen to the fun. After all, Sicily also had a hurricane that happened once in a thousand years, which was two more mysterious than other exchange students.

Xie Zhifei didn't particularly like to communicate with others, not to mention his unstable state after the Behemoth incident, and the incident of the Daughter of Shadows last night as an introduction, which made the whispers in his mind that he finally suppressed again. Once rushed to the table.

After a night of time, although it was much lighter, the silent debate was still going on in his mind. He can't even refuse or ignore it, because both sides are his own perceptions. The only thing we can't refuse is ourselves.

This sentence is not unreasonable, what's more, it is an extremely difficult thing to stick to the wrong path when you know it is right, and it even goes against your heart.

The second-generation exorcist, the reason why this plan was completely shelved is precisely because of this. If it is purely material or spiritual, the four major forces will still move towards reducing this impact until the This effect is reduced to an acceptable level for the entire population, and then spreads it out.

At this point, the acceptance of the four majors is very high. After all, even the blood of Cato invented by Huang Yueming was once considered an acceptable price by them. However, the facts have proved that this road does not work. Because no matter what is assisted, there is still no one who can ensure that a person can overcome himself and be a more correct version of himself.

Xie Zhifei has completed countless special enhancements, including all the mistakes that human beings have made in the history of evolution and history, whether it be genocide, waste of resources, extreme religion and fanatical desire for power, if these things did not exist, Humanity has already entered the era described in countless science fiction. In the end, he established a value that denied all human beings, including the current era.

And it is precisely when we understand that human beings have always been wrong, they are constantly wrong, and even now they are not necessarily correct, and then build up. Even if human beings are wrong, they are still moving forward in constant mistakes. Strive to get on the right path, such values. To withstand the first wave of the strongest and most unacceptable weirdness.

Such a risk is impossible to accept. With pure psychological patience and value establishment, even if Xie Zhifei's special training is strengthened dozens of times, the number of people who can withstand such an impact will still not exceed eleven. What's more, even Xie Zhifei, who carried the first wave, is now constantly fighting with himself, and if there is a slight deviation, he may fall into the abyss.

The voices inside and outside of his head, like a group of lanterns, constantly impacted Xie Zhifei's spirit, causing him to frown involuntarily and put his head down. But his actions made the girl in front of her feel dissatisfied. She pressed her hands on the table, leaned forward, and moved in front of Xie Zhifei.

"Don't be so stingy, tell us about your stay in Sicily..." The last half of the sentence suddenly became distorted and blurred, Xie Zhifei raised his head and surrounded by a wall of flesh and blood, stench and strange voices kept coming Passing into his head, a monster was opening and closing two pieces of sticky flesh less than thirty centimeters in front of him, and the swirling stench liquid almost burst into his face.

His eyes were deep, and blood-red brilliance was about to pour out.

"Crack--" A loud bang interrupted all of this. Then he saw that in this chaotic flesh and blood, the giant wolf with golden hair was standing on the podium. This extremely impactful scene made him realize what situation he was in now. Shaking his head violently, the disgusting monsters that were made of pieces of flesh and blood all around him suddenly turned back into his classmates. As for the giant wolf on the podium, naturally he could only be the Holy Son of Frost Bite. Their current Teacher, William.

"Everyone will take their seats, and the class will start now." William said with a smile, squinting his eyes.

"No, there are still three minutes left."

"Yeah, why does it take up our get out of class time..." A moan sounded.

"Because I am your teacher." William also showed no weakness.

"William, you dictator tyrant." The students shouted, but they obediently returned to their seats. It can be seen that during the time Xie Zhifei and the others went to exchange, William has successfully established a good relationship with the students. Xie Zhifei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a class time passed, the get out of class bell rang. William closed the textbook, "There is no homework today, but I remind you, don't go too much pestering a few exchange students, they still have a lot of things to catch up, after all foreign courses are different from ours. Then Xie Zhifei, come with me."

This is not the first time William has asked Xie Zhifei to go out. The news about the two people's previous acquaintance is basically known to everyone, so although it is annoying for William to take away a story source, they just rolled their eyes. He was surrounded by Ji Qinger. Only Shi Yuqing glanced at the back of Xie Zhifei's departure.

"Your trip to Sicily this time is not small." Because of the relationship between foreign teachers, William has his own small office, and he just closed the door, he said so. "You look weirder than me now. With that murderous aura just now, I thought you were going to start a massacre here."

"Sorry, I haven't adjusted it yet." Xie Zhifei reached out and rubbed his eyebrows.

"You don't need to apologize to me. To be precise, our relationship is the prisoner and the prison guard, but I am the prisoner and you are the prison guard. If you make a mistake, you should apologize to the warden. What are you asking me for? I'm curious about what happened to Sicily, such a big battle, the Mediterranean has a hurricane..."

William looked at Xie Zhifei expectantly, and Xie Zhifei stared back at him without saying a word, so he could only shrug his shoulders. "Okay okay, it's confidential, right? I don't ask."

"I called you here for two main reasons." He raised two fingers. "The first is to make sure of your status. I really like this job. If you really can't control it, apply for a leave of absence. It's really going to kill the Quartet here. It doesn't mean anything to me or the Fool. Good thing."

"Well, don't worry." Xie Zhifei nodded, and when William thought he was going to say, it's fine, he wouldn't answer like this, he replied, "If that's the case, I'll apply to go to death by myself."

His answer made William stare at his face for a few seconds before he sighed, "Then I'll talk about the second thing, Black Moon had something wrong last night."

"Black Moon?" Xie Zhifei tilted his head.

"That Frostbite was forced on my daughter-in-law."

"Oh, that undressed female werewolf."

"...She can wear it now..." William reached out and scratched his head, "I didn't want to tell you about clothes!"

"Oh, you say what you say."

William rolled his eyes at him, took a breath, and continued, "She goes out for a walk every night..."



Chapter Seventeen Encounters

William later spent a lot of time explaining what happened to Heiyue Liu himself. This has to start with the particularity of the Black Moon. The phenomenon of reverse evolution or atavism is a powerful symbol for races such as werewolves, vampires and even celestial foxes.

Because their ancestors are often the most powerful beings in the entire race in legends, the ancestors of vampires such as Cain, the werewolf king or the nine-tailed fox, even if it is only a small part, but the phenomenon of atavism can make future generations They directly inherit a little of their power. For example, William, who is the Holy Son, is the product of a typical atavistic phenomenon. After all, the heterogeneous blood in his parents is actually not high.

However, this phenomenon is not entirely a good thing. Due to the long period of time, atavism often leads to the stimulation of wildness. Black Moon is such a situation. In the generations of Frostbite, her bloodline is the most powerful except William, but relatively, she does not have the same luck as William, and she does not let the werewolf bloodline affect IQ. The overly powerful atavism makes her more like a beast than a human being.

This also explains why the werewolf race Frostbite, known for its intelligence and trade, sent out a werewolf who didn't even like to wear clothes. Because they really did not count on her to persuade William to return to the tribe. After all, regardless of the success rate, the Fool would never be happy to see such a thing happen.

At the cost of the last elder's life, the Son, who was finally exchanged for it, will naturally also play a role. After thinking about it, the final function is to use it for breeding. In this case, two genes of some kind are more likely to be combined to produce powerful offspring. That's why they chose Black Moon. Anyway, her IQ is the least likely to arouse the warning of Fools.

As for whether William would like her, they didn't worry too much. After all, unlike humans who pay attention to love, the werewolf still has the part belonging to the wolf. In other words, there is an estrus period, and the more excellent the bloodline, the harder it is to resist this instinct...

There is a bit of a digression here. In short, William finally accepted Black Moon and kept her as a pet on weekdays. She was also domesticated by William, and basically adapted to the life of modern society. After all, although wild and difficult to tame, her IQ is actually not that low. As for slipping himself, it is a special product that appears under the coordination of wildness and rationality.

To play the role of a 'quiet' and 'weak' human on weekdays is honestly a kind of torture for Hei Yue, coupled with the natural problem of running. So on a night with a bright moon, William would allow her to go out and run dozens of kilometers after one o'clock. This situation is similar to walking a dog, so William dubbed it as walking himself.

This kind of weird ecology made Xie Zhifei speechless. What really cheered him up was the content that followed. When Black Moon was seriously warned by William to sneak away, it was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to see it. But when she came back last night, there were obvious signs of fighting on her body.

At first William thought she had hit one of the Fool's executive teams or blades, but Black Moon told him a different answer.

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