"Yeah." The old man nodded slightly, "It's been 1,200 years, and it's coming out again." Even the old man was reluctant to mention its name. As if that was really the biggest nightmare in the world.

"What should we do?!" Hao Lianzheng asked in a panic. He never thought that the legend of 1,200 years would become a reality in his generation.

"Go and ask Hao Lianjingguo to come over..."

"Master..." The middle-aged man raised his head in surprise, and then gritted his teeth as if he understood something, "Patriarch Jingguo passed away 4 years ago, and the current patriarchs are Lord Hao Lian and Lord Guang. "

Hearing that the old friend passed away, the old man raised his eyes suddenly, stared at his disciple, and sighed for a long time, "Four years...?

"Yes!" The middle-aged man quickly retreated from the room, subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the sky, the dark night obscured it, and neither the moon nor the stars could be seen at all. The infinite expanse of its darkness seems to be able to attract human souls together.

"White Demon..." The middle-aged man subconsciously said the name, then reacted suddenly, shut his mouth tightly, and ran straight towards the village.


Chapter 1 Chulan

"Yuqing, I heard that there is a hurricane in the Mediterranean these two days." Jiang Ting tried her best to keep the news as quiet as possible, "Those experts have all quarreled, and even Lao Xu said that the geographical situation in the Mediterranean There's no way a hurricane could happen."

Lao Xu is their geography teacher, and I talked to them about this topic in class these two days.

"Well, is that so?" Shi Yuqing tucked a book into her schoolbag and replied softly, showing a look of no interest.

"Well, isn't it, this is the hottest news on the Internet recently, Facebook or something, it's all about this."

"Can you still use Facebook?"

"It's over the wall, I want to see what international friends are talking about, we have to be in line with international standards." Jiang Ting stretched out her hand and scratched her head with a smirk, "Speaking of which, Sicily is not far from the Mediterranean Sea."

She finally turned the conversation around to this place. Shi Yuqing's hand visibly paused, and her whole body froze abnormally in place, but she concealed it quickly and immediately moved again. "Really, what's the matter?"

She tried her best to calm down her emotions, but how could Jiang Ting, who is a best friend and a best friend of all ages, couldn't hear her voice fluttering in the air? He sighed silently in his heart.

That person has been gone for so long, and you still haven't been able to pull it out by yourself. The more you hide it, the deeper you are.

"Nothing," Jiang Ting also agreed with a smile, but what she said in her heart was the exact opposite, how could it be nothing, "I just heard that this hurricane is not small, if it makes landfall, the Mediterranean coast has no prepared drainage and protection. System. It will cost a lot."

"It seems like..." Shi Yuqing's hands froze again, and her eyes kept rolling, "A country like the United States, which is hit by typhoons almost every year, still suffers a lot of losses every time."

Who wants to talk to you about the United States, it's not about the United States! Jiang Ting has already roared in her heart, let it die, but she still has to maintain the expression of 'Yes, that's it' 'What you said makes sense', "That's right, I don't know if it will happen or not. There were casualties."

"It shouldn't be." Shi Yuqing's fingers were about to be twisted, and the expression on her face collapsed very strangely, "and even if something really happened, it's not our turn to worry. what……"

Jiang Ting looked at her face that was about to cry, and realized that this was Shi Yuqing's peak, she could only sigh again, "Yeah, that's also a matter of national people's rescue, and it has nothing to do with us. Yes. Let's go." She stretched out her hand towards Shi Yuqing.

"Well, good." Shi Yuqing hurriedly picked up her schoolbag and ran two quick steps to the front of Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting also followed with interest, because she knew that Shi Yuqing needed time to sort out her emotions. There was something wrong with her relationship with Xie Zhifei, and she didn't know what happened between the two. But she was sure something had to happen.

Since the weekend in front of Xiaolongmen, Shi Yuqing's attitude towards Xie Zhifei has changed significantly, but no matter how much she asks her, she doesn't say anything. As for the things she raised about chasing Xie Zhifei back, Shi Yuqing just smiled, with something in her eyes that she couldn't understand.

The concentrated outbreak of these things was at the birthday party. As Shi Yuqing's best friend, Jiang Ting naturally went to that birthday party. She was always in the corner and witnessed all the confrontations and battles in that birthday party. The turbulent undercurrent.

Sun Yuan's taunting and sarcasm towards Xie Zhifei time and time again made her feel as if a needle was pierced in her heart. After all, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger's CPs were supported by her from the bottom of her heart, but Sun Yuan's cards were so good that she had a feeling that it was hard to look directly at them. It was even hard to imagine Xie Zhifei overpowering him, which brought her a different kind of frustration.

And when Xie Zhifei took out the bismuth spar necklace, she almost shouted in her heart. However, the subsequent development made him unable to understand it again. Xie Zhifei's answer of 'we have always been good friends' was like a knife, and it drew an insurmountable ditch between him and Shi Yuqing. come out.

At that time, she turned to look at Shi Yuqing, she had never seen such an expression on Shi Yuqing's face. Panic, flustered, and overwhelmed, it seems that the backbone has been removed, and it seems to be at a loss after being abandoned by the whole world.

It was only at this time that she realized that Xie Zhifei was not relying on Shi Yuqing all this time, but on the contrary, Shi Yuqing, who seemed cheerful and strong, and would take care of others, was relying on Xie Zhifei. At this moment, her reliance chose to leave, leaving her where she was.

Later, Xie Zhifei went to Sicily. She also suggested Shi Yuqing to see him off, but she refused. For so long, the name Xie Zhifei has been circulated in the school more like a legend, about him getting rid of Liu Zhenfeng, about him being confessed in the corridor, about his amazing results in the test and going abroad to exchange... But there is no such thing again. The person he knew best mentioned it once.

Some things, if you don't see him, he doesn't exist. This sentence was squeezed into Jiang Ting's mouth countless times, but in the end, she still couldn't say it. After all, it's still his and her business.

Alas, she sighed again.

"What's wrong with you today, sighing so much?" Shi Yuqing had already sorted out her emotions and looked at Jiang Ting with her head twisted in confusion.

"Uh... I weighed another two pounds last night..." Jiang Ting replied.

"No way." Shi Yuqing looked at her in surprise, "I don't think you're fat... It's hard to look like that,...here?!!" Her claws stretched straight to Jiang Ting's chest.

"You little pervert, where do you want to catch!!" Jiang Ting quickly backed away and scolded with a smile.

"Okay, you actually called me a lecher and slandered my reputation. I'm going to show you a real lecher today, little beauty, bring your crisp **** to the family!" Shi Yuqing rubbed her hands with a lewd look on her face. smile.

"Crisp... Shi Yuqing, you big hooligan!!" The two girls were fighting together under the sunset, and their youth seemed as bright as the golden sunlight in the sky.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble anymore!" In the end, Jiang Ting entangled with Shi Yuqing in a strange posture, but Shi Yuqing had the advantage, she begged for mercy.

"It's fine if you don't agree, tell me, whose body is yours?" Shi Yuqing didn't want to let her go like this.

"Your, your, little girl's body will always belong to a high-ranking official in your time, isn't it?"

"It's about the same." Did Shi Yuqing let go of her hand and let Jiang Ting free from that awkward posture.

"Hey, Yuqing, when did you rub the ink here?" Jiang Ting suddenly saw a ghost and pointed it to Shi Yuqing.

When Shi Yuqing heard the words, she lowered her head, and she found a black spot the size of a small fingernail on the inside of her left wrist, in an inconspicuous place.

"I don't know." Shi Yuqing rubbed his hands twice, and seeing that there was no effect, he didn't care about it anymore. "Just go back and wash."

"Well, let's go back." The sunset gradually sank below the horizon amid the laughter of the two.


Chapter 2 The Shock

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that the land is vast and rich, and the land is not only a prefix, but also a premise. Although the population is still the largest country in the world, this huge population is not evenly distributed on this land.

Take the imperial capital as an example, the permanent population is 18 million, the total population is 24 million, and the floating population is 33 million. The characteristic of population concentration in prosperous places and big cities is that in some places of 9.6 million square kilometers, there will always be corners that are rarely visited.

Lubian Village is such a village. It is located in the middle of the mountains in Guizhou. It seems to be the same as the Taohuayuan recorded in Tao Yuanming's book. Rugged mountain roads, no specialties and scenery, make it seem to have been forgotten by the whole world, developing at a slow pace far behind the entire country.

"Brother Gouzi, what do you think a big city looks like?" Two young men, one big and one small, dressed in national costumes, sat on the top of a horizontal pine tree. A little tree-born asked. In his world, Brother Gouzi is almost omnipotent. He can dig bird nests when he climbs a tree, catch fish when he goes into the water, catch pheasants and catch local dogs.

He knew when each wild fruit ripened, and he would smoke the hornet's nest with fire and bake him delicious bee pupae. Even the adults in the village couldn't compare to him.

"I don't know." But this time, his brother Gouzi couldn't give him an answer. Gouzi raised his head and looked into the distance. The other side of the mountain was still a mountain, and he had to climb over four such mountains before he could see the road leading to the mountain. The road to the county seat, and the county seat is not a big city. But he didn't know how to get from the county seat to the big city, and no one had told him.

"Then Gouzi, why do you always want to go to the big city? Are there bee pupae to eat there?" The most delicious food.

"Do you know Shusheng? The world is so big, there are so many mountains, so many trees, and so many people, but they have nothing to do with me. So I must go out and see!" The young man stood up on the branch, spread his hands, and made a gesture as if he was about to embrace. Embrace this big world.

Of course Shusheng couldn't understand it. He only knew that his brother Gouzi, besides knowing everything in the woods, also likes to read books. After reading it, he would say something like this, which is completely confusing. .

In his small brain, there is a lot of words written, and a book that will make people dizzy at first glance is a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the bee chrysalis. love watching it. Next time I have a chance, I will find Brother Gouzi to roast bee pupae for myself...

"Let's go, the sun is about to set, it's dark and dangerous in the woods." When Shusheng was still immersed in the delicious fantasy of bee pupae, the dog patted him on the shoulder and said so, and then he took one step from the tree. Sliding down, Shusheng also wiped his mouth and quickly followed.

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