"Mr. Alfonso, I heard from Sylvia, and you should get back his relics." He handed out a red-brown leather notebook, "I'm sorry."

"You know about him?" Xie Zhifei was a little surprised.

"This is a common shame in our judicial system," Shore lowered his head. "Mr. Alfonso didn't break the law, he was a scapegoat, but we had to sentence him."

"Dad!" Sylvia cried out in surprise, obviously it was the first time she heard of such a thing.

"This kind of thing is not uncommon." Shaw reached out and touched her head, his voice was low, but he had a sense of open-mindedness, "Many big figures in the Mafia will use such a scapegoat after committing a crime. They surrendered and confessed their guilt. , carrying physical and human evidence, and even if we know who is the real murderer, in this case, there is still no way to bring them to justice. This is Sicily."

"But Mr. Alfonso is different." Here he raised his head and looked into Xie Zhifei's eyes, "He was forced, he did not voluntarily commit the crime, the Mafia threatened him with his mother, and he had no choice. The only option is to go to jail. And we know this, but we still choose to compromise with the Mafia.”

"So this is a disgrace to the entire Sicilian judiciary. We have no way to protect Mr. Alfonso's mother, and there is no way to avenge him. Later, I heard that Mr. Alfonso joined the mafia and became a cadre, and I felt extremely guilty. "

"That's it..."

"Yes." Xiao Er lowered his head heavily and bowed straightly to Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger, "Although it is a bit late, I still hope to express my apologies to Mr. Alfonso."

"Mr. Shaw," Xie Zhifei asked a question without avoiding or answering, "If, I mean, if the Mafia disappeared from Sicily, can you guarantee that this will not happen again in Sicily?"

Xiao Er raised his head and looked surprised, why did this boy say such a thing? ! Does he know something? But Xie Zhifei's expression was neither sad nor happy, he could only see those dark eyes that seemed to be able to devour a person.

And in the darkness, there seemed to be something indescribable surging. Let his heart continue to tighten, like a lack of oxygen.

"I can't." Shaw shook his head with a livid face, and Sylvie on the side was instantly pale because of his answer. The father figure she has always considered to be the embodiment of justice, I suffered several shocks in a row tonight, and now I dare not make a promise under this assumption.

"Dad!!" Shaw glanced at Sylvia, there was something moist and soft in his eyes, but inside was extremely tough. "Justice has its limits." He was not only answering Sylvia, but also saying to Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger.

"Even without the existence of the Mafia, I still have no way to guarantee you that such a thing will never happen again. The only thing I can promise you is that I will do my best to make every incident like this dealt with truly and justly. ."

Xie Zhifei smiled, a faint and almost thin smile that Sylvia had never seen before, "I understand, if that's the case, Alfonso should forgive you too."

Xie Zhifei took a step back while holding the diary, and bowed dignifiedly, "Please don't forget today's promise. We're leaving."

"What a good boy." Shaw looked at the direction where the man and the woman were leaving, then lowered his head and sighed regretfully at Sylvia, "Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend."

"What are you talking about, Dad!! I'm not in this relationship with Sigmar!!" Sylvia jumped up as if she had been trampled on her tail, and roared at Shaw.

"My ears are all red, but I agree with you to fight for this kid. My Garcia is much prettier than that firewood girl!"

"I'll ignore you." Sylvia stomped her feet angrily, then walked into the room. Shaw stood where he was, deeply forgetting a glance, watching the two young men walk into the night.

In his eyes, a boy of about the same age knelt on the ground and cried, telling him that he was forced, and it was the same boy who walked into the darkness wearing a brown woolen coat in the same night.

"What have you done, Alfonso?" The question drifted in the wind, but the wind did not answer his question.


Chapter 146 In Prison

The more serious the serial killers who are arrested, the more often they will not execute the death penalty directly. Criminal psychology and anthropology need to use them as important materials for research. So that it can be used as a reference when encountering the same or similar situation in the future.

By analogy, Alfonso's psychology will inevitably become the key research object of the four majors. After all, this is the first time since the era of the four majors that the two super organizations and a heterogeneous group that lasted for thousands of years were brought together. People who count.

Basically, to the end, the whole event was still going according to his plan, and this situation will inevitably attract the attention of the four major players who have been influencing the world trend behind the scenes. To avoid the presence of such a person beyond their grasp again.

If Alfonso didn't limit the last threshold of quantum coherence this time, and let the two worlds overlap directly, let alone when Behemoth was finally eliminated, when the evil of the gods was raging at the beginning, he would stay There is basically no way to deal with the mess. And the Big Four never prayed that all such people were such a well-intentioned organization, they would only eliminate such dangerous elements at the source.

As the first-hand members, Xie Zhifei and Agrace were also people who had direct contact with Alfonso, and they were responsible for another set of analysis systems. They have to learn about the relationships that will not be written on the data, and to enrich the dead person.

The meeting with Shore this evening has already brought unexpected results. After all, although Alfonso once said that the reason why he is a cadre of the Mafia is because he helped a certain big man in the family go to prison, but his joking tone , doesn't seem to be serious at all.

And according to Shore, this jail time is definitely not that simple. According to other records, after Alfonso was released from prison, he chose to return to his grandfather's hometown not long after he was released to search for unknown surreal traces in the name of visiting relatives. It was at this time that he joined The Fool and became an informant.

Basically, it can be concluded that what caused his change must have happened during his imprisonment. And the diary in their hands became the most important information.

Xie Zhifei and Passion watched the diary together under the lamp. The most common complaints at the beginning were the injustice of fate, the darkness of the family, the prison environment, the dinner tonight, and the snoring of other prisoners. within the range.

As someone who has been forced to go to jail, such complaints are all too normal. In addition to complaining, the second most written is regret, why I want to join the family, and why I don't listen to Socia. This is also the first time the name Socia appears.

Ji Qinger wrote the name on the paper, and Xie Zhifei quickly typed the name in the data retrieval column. Find out what role she played in Alfonso's life.

The information appears to be very poor. Socia Peg, who is the same age as Alfonso, attends the same elementary school and junior high school, and lives close to Alfonso's. Their parents used to be close friends.

A childhood sweetheart, Ji Qinger made a note below her. Xie Zhifei then looked at her file, and the photo was also generated. It was a Sicilian girl with black hair. Although she was not as pretty and flamboyant as Sylvie, it was undeniable that she was a very good-looking girl.

She has a strong sense of justice and a sense of responsibility. She has been a class cadre since she was a child. Since junior high school, she has returned to the nursing home every week to do volunteer work. In high school, he and Alfonso were admitted to different schools, and his grades were still excellent, and he entered the best university in Sicily to study economics.

Archives continue until sophomore year. Because in Socia's sophomore year, she died.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger turned to look at each other at the same time, this year, Alfonso was still in prison!

So he took out a red pen and drew a heavy line under Sosia's name.

The two resumed Alfonso's diary. He has been in prison for a year and a half, and still nothing has changed.

Until Xie Zhifei turned a page again, a crumpled piece of paper suddenly appeared, as if burrs had formed on the paper that had been stirred many times in the washing machine, and the handwriting on it had fainted. Xie Zhifei glanced at the date subconsciously. It was not when Sosia died, but earlier.

So what happened? Xie Zhifei frowned.

Something did happen on this day. It had nothing to do with Sosia, but it was still something that could affect Alfonso's life. His mother died of illness on this day.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—" These three words were written on the paper soaked in tears, and some of the handwriting was almost connected. You can imagine the despair in Alfonso's heart at that time.

He was imprisoned with his mother's life as a threat, and while in prison, his mother died. He didn't tell her why he went to prison until he died, and his mother died with the reputation of being a criminal son.

The whole world was so quiet that there was no sound at all, only Alfonso could be seen curled up in the corner like a child, crying in two ways, one was vomiting, the other was sucking in, and he sucked back the air. In the lungs, it was like taking a deep breath before shouting, but nothing came out, just broken into a puddle of fine wind. Sadness surged up from the darkness like a tide, wrapping him down, unable to escape.

The long content that follows is all about repentance. Alfonso seems to have become a devout saint. Although his mother is not religious because of his bloodline, he still wrote down his thick diary full of praises about the Lord. And his redemption of people, as if he was expecting him to bring his mother who had toiled all his life to the kingdom of heaven.

And when people's heart is the most fragile, it is often not an angel but a devil who knocks on the door, and he will give you the last kick to fall into hell.

A week after his mother's death, Alfonso received a photo of Socia's. It took the mafia a full week to find a second hostage after his mother's death. So he is the good baby in their hands again.

Alfonso's prayer changed from his mother's rest to Sosia's safety, constantly comforting himself that the Mafia needed the help of Sosia to control itself and would not do anything to her. But the news of Sosia's death still came.

Rape, **** and murder, a series of harmonious words will be dotted in front of her death like an annotation. For the next long time, Alfonso did not write in the diary again, and when he wrote in the notebook again, the date was already three months later.

There are only two words, and the writing is so heavy that it almost pierces the paper - 'revenge'.


Chapter 147 Rorschach

Xie Zhifei closed the book in his hand heavily, as if an evil spirit was about to emerge from it. Ji Qinger was looking at him with a solemn expression, "Socia's death, do you want to investigate?"

Xie Zhifei subconsciously prepared to tap the keyboard, but his fingers were already on the keyboard, but he didn't know what to check. Are the facts that important? All they want to know is the incentive for Alfonso to become the last one. Does the authenticity of that incentive matter? Especially at times like this.

The deaths of Mother and Socia were like two heavy hammers, enough to cause Alfonso's transformation. He hated the mafia, but at the same time he hated himself even more, he clearly wrote in his diary. If it wasn't for his insistence on becoming a member of the mafia, neither his mother nor Sosia would be associated with the mafia in his life.

Socia had warned him countless times when he was just starting to take this path, but he was too obsessive at that time. The subsequent imprisonment, and the fact that Sosia's tragic death failed to catch the murderer made him sure of one thing.

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