It is difficult to describe it with a sword. The lengthened blade is close to ten meters. On the one hand, it is thickened, but on the other hand, countless different canine teeth are born. This is a straight knife similar to a saber. Unlike the swords used to kill each other between humans, this weapon is more commonly used in hunting. The thick blade can cut the hard bones of the prey, while the other The cutting edge can ensure that even a single slash can take away a large piece of flesh and blood, causing enough damage.

Such a weapon can really hurt that monster in the sky!

The violent collision occurred in the next moment. Xie Zhifei was extremely fast, but Bechymos was not slow. Its claws blocked the knife that Xie Zhifei swung. Two invisible enchantments collided with each other, with a high temperature of thousands of degrees on one side, and a cold negative energy aura on the other. The two hemispheres of different colors were squeezing each other, and the dark red patterns were desperately growing and shining, but they were still unable to burn the darkness on the opposite side.

The sound and light of the explosion even overwhelmed the lightning in the air, and it seemed as if another round of the sun had risen in an instant. The sky was full of burning fragments, the fragments of the long knife that Xie Zhifei had condensed into fire. In this level of battle, it really couldn't hold a single blow, and it exploded at the end.

Countless pieces of debris shot out like a shot, and then floated in the air and burned quietly, as if hundreds of candles were lit in the sky at the same time.

Behemoth's roar seemed to come from a distance, and its claws were also severely injured in this collision, and even the white stubble exposed inside could be seen. But the terrifying wound healed quickly in the next moment, and at this speed, it would be completely healed within a few minutes.

On the other side, Xie Zhifei did not have such resilience. He was vomiting blood, nearly one-third of his bones and muscles were broken and torn during this battle, and his whole body was covered with large and small wounds, and he could feel pain. Paralyzed.

Blue flames burned in every wound, and if it weren't for them, at the moment of the collision, he would have died. But they are really not something suitable for treatment, and they will not only stimulate the regeneration of flesh and blood, but also burn it and destroy it. Before each wound heals, the severe injury must be repeated more than ten times.

The wings behind Behemoth twisted and deformed, turning into a twisted dragon and snake-like thing, and at the same time drilled towards Xie Zhifei. Like a closed bird cage, Xie Zhifei had nowhere to escape in this situation.

The next moment, the space was turbulent, and the huge battle armor broke away from the different space and landed heavily in front of Xie Zhifei. It was a gorgeous holy weapon with smooth lines and beautiful shape. Majestic beauty. The silver-gray light flickered, and countless hexagons formed an absolute barrier that blocked all Behemoth's drilling attacks.

Even compared to Agrace's battlefield nun, the holy weapon in front of her is more delicate and powerful. It can be more powerful than the saint's car, and you can know what level of weapon it belongs to if you think about it.

"I said, the second round started with beasts." All the holy crystals lit up at the same time, and countless glyphs lit up at once with them as the center. Augustine's voice came from inside, and the torrent of holy light instantly filled The whole body, when the last glyph lights up, the wings composed of six light particles spread out behind it at the same time.

Seraph, Seraph, Archangel who rules over all angels. Augustine's car was named Kamal, the archangel in charge of defense. One by one, the light spots lit up in the air, and countless angels began to sing, and something began to descend.

"My almighty Lord, may the world honor your name as holy, and your kingdom walks on earth as it walks in heaven."

Augustine's iron wall disappeared. Under the impetus of the Holy Armament, the iron wall became a sea of ​​light. The things falling from the rain clouds accumulated in the sky became milk and maga, and the large cloud layer became a temple. The blocks are turned into churches. Here comes the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Behemoth incarnates thousands of wings to travel through countless holy lights, just like walking in a swamp. It takes several times or even dozens of times of strength to achieve the original effect. And the Holy Light is still constantly dissipating its power.

Augustine is the head of the Paladins, known as an iron wall that never falls. What kind of iron wall can never be conquered? A piece of iron wall that does not exist and is everywhere!

Wherever I go, it is the place I guard, and it is for the watch!


Chapter 141 Divine Vengeance

The disgust of heaven and earth is probably used to describe this kind of situation. With the advent of the heaven on earth, the entire white sky is repelling the existence of Behemoth.

As one of the three holy weapons built with all the power of the church, Kamal strengthened Augustine's power to the limit, and the ultimate quantitative change is qualitative change. Only the iron wall used for defense began to have an offensive tendency.

Every inch of the air is holy, and the place that came into contact with Behemoth even began to have a high fever. As if he wanted to squeeze it out and digest it, Augustine slammed the big sword in his hand.

A sword light of more than ten meters in a vertical and horizontal direction slashed towards Behemoth, and in the sky there were countless arrows of light formed naturally, as if the angels singing the hymn also began to follow him to attack, following him. The sword light attacked Behemoth in the middle together.

Behemoth roared, as if the real darkness lingered on the surface of its body, the torrent of darkness roared, and the energy of the collision turned into violent energy fluctuations, and the confrontation between light and darkness set off a power that almost destroyed the sky and the earth.

The heaven on earth was even penetrated by this wave, and several huge holes appeared, and the scenery such as the auspicious clouds and the temple also looked a bit tattered. Behemoth was obviously not feeling very well, and his overall aura had dimmed a lot.

But Augustine didn't care about this kind of hedging. The holy crystal on Karma flashed again, and more violent light particles spurted out of him. "It's not over yet!!" Another longer sword light emanated from his blade.

The arrows of light that Yinghe fired were several percent less, but Augustine's slashes were more violent, and it was hard to say who was stronger between the two attacks. A near-substantial darkness enveloped Behemoth's body. Facing the incoming sword light, it stretched out its two claws and tried to stop it.

The pale death flames ignited in its eyes, and purple-white thunder and crimson fire flowed between its fur and minions. It really caught the invisible and intangible thing like Jianguang. The next moment, the giant beast raised its head and howled.

Then it actually bit the sword light in one bite, cut its sharp teeth into the sword light, broke out countless cracks, and ripped it violently, turning it into thousands of pieces, and the pieces turned into golden flames and burned. Thousands of golden flames surround the Demon King in the middle, as if admiring this unimaginable monster.

Augustine was still swinging his sword frantically, and the sword light seemed to form a good piece of white gold, and the heaven on earth was slowly fading. He was extracting the huge power in this enchantment, and then blasted it in the most violent way. Behemoth's face.

If it was in the animation, he should now be roaring something like 'Ola Ola Ola Ola'.

Brilliant holy light, pure death energy, two energies collide with each other, diametrically opposed, constantly attacking, holy flames churning, death energy flying, even the solid time and space are constantly shaking due to the two extreme forces, causing anxiety The ripples, every moment there is a large amount of holy light and the storm that annihilates each other, releasing huge energy and then turning into nothingness, sometimes bright, sometimes deep and dead, and finally turned into a void of chaos.

"It's useless, human!! You can't do it!!" Bechymos shredded the dazzling sword light into pieces and flames, as if it would never be shaken.

"What about me?!!" Po Jun, who had disappeared from the beginning, appeared right above Bechymos at some point, with a pair of peculiar-looking gauntlets in his hands, and the crimson steam was pulsating in them. , like a bullet is loaded, the rings are tightened and fastened together.

Every time a joint is fastened, the space behind Po Jun will oscillate violently once, and there are seven such mechanisms in total. When the real bombardment is launched, it is conceivable what kind of power it will have.

Behemoth was even terrified by this, and let out an astonishing roar, but it was not only him who also roared, but Augustine as well. The giant sword in the hands of this holy knight, who is famous for his defense, has been danced into a phantom, the holy crystal glows with almost blood-colored light, and the biggest wave surges up in the sea of ​​sword light. Sheamus bites in place.

The compression of Qi Dao Jihuan ended, and there was a black gap on the edge of Po Jun’s fist. It was an unstable space. The right fist that had been received in front of the chest was slammed forward like lightning!

Swinging at high speed produces an air torrent. If time slows down at this moment, you can see the turbulent formation of the air at the front of the swung fist. The air is squeezed and dispersed, leaving a vacuum, and the suction of the vacuum cannot even pull the material back. Come, as if something else filled it, forming a bomb-like punch.

However, before the fist mark could fly out, the first skill shell of the gauntlet on Po Jun's hand snapped open, and a huge amount of steam burst back, leaving a white ripple, and he struck the first attack at the same position. Two punches!

This time, the speed of the fist was faster, and the speed was so fast that it reached the same place almost at the same time as the punch. It was squeezed together with the first one!

The afterimage of Po Jun's fist hadn't disappeared, and there was another crisp sound of a bullet shell collapsing, and a second circle of ripples stirred behind him. He threw a third punch, which was faster and heavier!

In an instant, the gauntlet on Po Jun's hand rang six times in a row, and six huge ripples were raised behind him, and he threw a total of seven punches. The punch marks of the seven punches were all superimposed, and the colorless punch marks were in the Over and over again, it turned red like a soldering iron. Like the color of power.

Ping! When the last fist mark was compressed into the middle, there was a sound as crisp as glass breaking, and the space was shattered under this terrifying oppression.

Behemoth made the most frightening cry ever, the dark and crazy rising, as if he wanted to spread to the whole world. But the next moment, the fist mark came out, and the fist mark that broke the space fell on Bechymos without staying at all.

"Boom--" The sound of the impact was as dull as thunder, and Bechymos froze in mid-air, and then a series of identical thunders exploded at the same location, bursting out like a chasing after a circle of punches, as if breaking The force of the first punch of the army that hit Behemoth fell from the sky.

At this moment, the power that was superimposed seven times at the same time exploded at the same time. Behemoth's back seemed to be hit by a meat grinder, and a large amount of minced meat and blood splashed out.

"Xie Zhifei——!!!" Po Jun shouted, his fist-swinging hand was soft like noodles on the side of his body. Xie Zhifei, who was shocked by a series of astonishing pictures, finally reacted.

The fire in his eyes skyrocketed, and with a pair of wings behind his back, he went straight to the place where Bechymos was attacked, and clenched the ten-meter long sword in his hand and stabbed down sharply! The blade turned by the flame accurately penetrated the spine exposed by the wound opened by the fist mark, and the blue flame poured into it frantically.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees instantly destroyed the spinal fluid in the middle of each spine, and spread to every inch of the body, especially the brain, along the nerves. In an instant, the fire burst into the sky.

"Hoohoho---" The severe pain caused Bechymos to let out an unimaginable cry, which directly caused Xie Zhifei who was behind him to vomit. The whole body shook violently, the heart stopped suddenly, and then beat violently, making a shocking vibration, and a blood-colored ripple came out.

"I'm very surprised, you guys are able to achieve this level, but you still can't kill me!" Bechymos gasped, and the ripples flew out Xie Zhifei and Po Jun in the air, and then turned into a thin film to isolate the sky. Blue flames scorched the battered viscera.

Under this level of attack, there is still no death, and the wound even began to regenerate. What a terrifying vitality! !

"I'll kill you!" Augustine was exhausted, Po Jun and Xie Zhifei were hit hard, who said this! Who can say this? !

Clement, who was wearing a black robe, did not know when he appeared behind Behemoth, his whole body was full of hair and beard, and the black robe fluttered, just like Scipio's dim yellow holy light that was thick like a liquid, wrapping his whole body in Inside.

"I'll kill you!!" The chief of the Heresy Inquisition, the leader of the black-robed monks, who was titled as one of the last frontiers of "Holy Vengeance", turned into a brilliance and shot directly into Behemoth's wound.

This was the last killer move, and it was also the only way to defeat Behemoth with the least cost.

All the battles and madness are paving the way for this moment.

Compared with its destructive power, Behemoth's regeneration ability is even more amazing. Even the kind of attack that Xie Zhifei and Po Jun cooperated with could only damage it but not kill it. And under this level of injury, it can also restore the eighth layer of strength in a short period of time, and then slowly repair it.

Limiting its regeneration ability has become the key to killing it, and the way to come out after continuous exploration is toxin. Ordinary toxins naturally have no effect on such monsters. The poison they prepared for Behemoth was Clement of the Holy Vengeance.

For a pure chaotic creature like Behemoth, the power of order represented by the Holy Light is their opposite, the poison of the poison. In particular, Clement, the chief of the Inquisition of Heresy, fought in the dark in order to maintain the order of the world in his life, destroying countless weirdness and monsters. He himself is synonymous with order and law in the dark world.

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