But so what... Xie Zhifei closed his eyes.

Even in such a state, killing the three of them is still no more difficult than stepping on ants.

Ji Qinger almost dragged Agrace to Xie Zhifei's side by dragging her. The muscles Agrace had exercised to become a butcher nun were too heavy for her. The backflow of sea water and rain has raised the water level in the city too high. She couldn't even find a place to stay, and she would drown in the water if she went on like this. It's a strange sense of irony for someone who just jumped out of the water like a water demon.

Fortunately, there was Xie Zhifei. He stretched out his hands towards the depleted water monsters and dragged them to the water surface. The moment he touched his hand, the body of water that wrapped Ji Qinger became a soft object similar to a national jelly. bounced them up.

"We're going to die when they're done." Throwing the fainted Agrace aside, she leaned on Xie Zhifei's shoulder. His voice was so calm that it didn't seem to be describing his imminent death.

The giant apes and centipedes are stripping away the parts of their bodies that have been invaded and assimilated by the holy flames, and the holy light that enters their bodies will completely corrode their bodies like highly poisonous. That's why Xie Zhifei and the others were given such time.

"Yeah." Xie Zhifei nodded as an answer to her question.

"What did Alfonso say at the end?" Xie Zhifei told her that Alfonso was the gatekeeper, but she didn't expect that she was still in the mood to talk about it now.

"...He said we were heroes and could do the impossible that he couldn't, and he believed in us."

"Then we have lived up to his expectations." Ji Qinger didn't expect such an answer, and laughed outright.

"Probably." Xie Zhifei could only follow with a wry smile.

"Hey, you said, at this time, shouldn't the hero in the book be angry and sad, always burst out with very strong emotions, then start to burn his life, and then kill his opponent all at once?" Ji Qinger was shocked by this The topic piqued interest.

"How can it be so easy," Xie Zhifei shook his head. "If everything can be done with all one's life, this world is too simple."

Yes, as he said, the protagonist in the book is never the only one who is willing to risk his life. The battle between Po Jun and Agustin has reached a fevered level. Basically, they are exchanging injuries. Already started working hard. It's not just them, Alfonso's life has already been finished, even Tang, he also put his own life on this table, so that the countless aliens who follow him below, every one of them is desperate. .

As for the three of them, it was even to the point that there was nothing left to burn, but every drop of strength that could be squeezed out of the body was used by them. Everyone risked their lives, but the result was not what anyone wanted. The world may be like this.

"I always feel like this kind of world...it's kind of boring." Ji Qinger closed her eyes and rubbed her head against Xie Zhifei's arms. Because her clothes were also covered with rain, she let out two dissatisfied murmurs.

"Are you bored?" Xie Zhifei raised his head, his eyes were terrifyingly empty.


Chapter 137 Canglan

It's not that I've lost my dream or that I'm numb and lacking in energy, but it's physical emptiness, like the eyes drawn in simple strokes in early anime, with only a black circle, and neither pupil nor iris exists.

The surging sea of ​​blood and the rising morning star were all gone. Even when Xie Zhifei was most restrained, he could still see these clues in the depths of his pupils by careful observation. But the previous battle had hollowed out every trace of strength in his body, empty like a doll, and the wind would blow out of those eyes at any time.

He stretched out his hand and touched Ji Qing'er's face. He still had the smoothness and tenderness of a fine mutton fat jade, but not the warmth of a warm jade, and it was as cold as ice. She was trembling slightly, slightly, desperately restrained but unbearable. Xie Zhifei's actions paused.

No matter how open-minded they are and what kind of jokes they make, they are still afraid. After all, it was death. Although there is no understanding of the situation after death, the fear of death will not be reduced by half. He may be shaking subconsciously now. In comparison, Agrace, who passed out, was probably the most relaxed one.

"It's okay, I won't die." Xie Zhifei said softly.

Ji Qinger raised her head, her eyes were as red as rabbits, and tears were brewing inside.

The world is unfair and unreasonable. If you work hard, try your best, and even fight your life, you still can't do it. What else can you do?

These words were just said by Xie Zhifei. Then why would he say such a hopeless thing? It is not an easy thing to muster up the courage to face death. Even if it is death, she hopes that she can die decently. But after rekindling hope again, when faced with death again, it will be questioned whether it can be done like this now.

The gods, the phantom beasts, and the Behemoths are more powerful than the other, as if each one is a huge mountain. This gap made him seem to have returned to the time when he was being chased by the wolves. His parents tried desperately to save him and create opportunities for him. He also tried his best to escape, but he was still caught up.

But it's different. Although I am still so weak, I still can't change anything if I still fight my life, but I am still weak and have the qualification to release monsters, so let the monsters fight the monsters, and let the heavier mountain peak The mountain above the broken head.

The mayfly shakes the tree, the mantis arm acts as the car, the torrent of fate is not something that you can resist. Then let the monsters who can roar the world and let fate regress to appear.

"I'll leave." His voice was very soft, a little embarrassed and embarrassed, but there seemed to be an ancient, solemn, distant and majestic voice hidden inside. In those empty, panic-stricken eyes, something really came out.

With only one hand and one foot left, he stood up, a door that should have been closed opened, and power was injected directly into this almost depleted body. The twisted limbs slowly rotated back to normal, and there were constant small noises inside. It was the sound of broken bones and tendons regrowing and healing. Cells divide dozens of times faster than normal, replenishing blood and replacing damaged tissue.

The body temperature was astonishingly high, and when the rain fell on him, it would directly turn into a white mist, as if the blood-burning mode had started again. Only those eyes were still surprisingly empty, and they were getting darker and darker, as if a black hole sucked in the surrounding light.

At the same time as his body stood up, his consciousness or soul curled up into the pitch-black sea of ​​consciousness. Xie Zhifei, who had completely given up control of his body, floated in the darkness.

He could feel the changes in his body and understood it, so he knew that the power belonging to Ben Wolf was taking over his body. But in that case it would seem a little strange to be completely black. The second-generation transplanted powers, that is, the second-generation exorcists, tried to gain power from monsters, but the end result was that they fell to the weird side without exception.

So in fact, all of Xie Zhifei's abilities have the effect of suppressing the strange attributes in his body. Although blood control is the power awakened under the influence of Ben Lang, it is actually his own power, not to mention Haoran Qi. In addition, his own spirit is the most tenacious cage, and he has always been able to feel the existence of the threshold-like thing in his soul.

There may be an incomparably powerful force behind that door, and it is also a roaring monster. He has thought of opening that door to gain power more than once. But endured again and again. until now.

And if opening the door is just the power of the rushing wolf pouring out, it would be too simple. How can there be power without a price?

Sure enough, the next moment, in the dark sea of ​​consciousness, a pair of eyes opened. The cold eyes, like the ashes after the flames burn out, looked at Xie Zhifei.

"Why, you can turn me into a monster just by staring at me!" At this time, Xie Zhifei even had the aura of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and sarcastically sarcastically.

Such superficial nonsense will naturally not get any response. Not a single animal-eared loli jumped out and spat at Xie Zhifei, and not a single old man came out with a white beard. There are no injured demons or tailed beasts. Only one sentence suddenly sounded in Xie Zhifei's mind: "Your world is wrong."

The eyes in the air suddenly wanted to shrink in the middle, as if a singularity appeared in the space, the light lit up from inside, and then a world Xie Zhifei had never imagined rushed out from there.

Time, space, events... No, that was the torrent of the world venting towards Xie Zhifei from there, wrapping him inside. It's just that it is not the world he understands, but comes from a completely different angle and perspective, the macroscopic universe of wind, rain, air, time and space, human beings, living things, heredity and reproduction, the mysteries of nature, as well as particles, waves, etc. These microscopic existences are all reconstructed in a subversive way.

Only one thing is different throughout, and that is, humans are wrong. Human development, future understanding of the universe, everything they do, and even human existence itself, are all wrong.

What's even more terrifying is that, in the torrent of this world, without the limitations of the body, Xie Zhifei's judgment and cognitive abilities have also increased to a terrifying level. So he can easily come to a result.

These are not hallucinations, illusions, charms and lies, but the truth. Human existence and perception of the world, and all pursuits are wrong.

"Now you understand." The torrent of the world finally washed away, as if a long time had passed, and as if only a moment, time became no longer able to be used as a completely objective basis here. At extremely high speeds, both time and space are just a constant of speed, which can be transformed into each other, and it is also distorted.

"Yeah." Xie Zhifei raised his head, his eyes flashed with the same brilliance as the eyes that appeared in the void before, and the burned out ashes were as cold as ash. Countless fireworks and lights exploded in the air, as if applauding him and devoting himself to the weird side of his behavior...

"I thought it would be more difficult for you to believe." Inside the broken light, another existence made up of black and white just like him walked out. "It's not easy to deny yourself all meanings. But since you understand this, then you also understand what you should do." He patted Xie Zhifei's shoulder lightly.

"Well, I understand." At the same time that the black and white hands clapped on Xie Zhifei's shoulders, the slight sound of glass shattering sounded in his eyes, and the cold pupils fell to the ground like shattered pieces of glass.

The black and white existence looked up in surprise, looking at Xie Zhifei's emptiness, the black one seemed to be able to absorb all the light in his eyes. "How is it possible!!" The next moment the same brokenness appeared on him and the world.

"If it's impossible, isn't it boring?" Xie Zhifei asked rhetorically. Nothingness and emptiness have evolved to the extreme, and there is light shining from inside. It was only a small point at first, and then quickly turned into a thread, and then burst apart, becoming two small flowers, and then rose into a blue that filled the outside of the eye socket. flame.


Chapter 138 Counterattack

"Impossible, impossible!!" Xie Zhifei's answer made the existence of black and white completely fall into madness, and patted Xie Zhifei's hand on his shoulder, "How can you accept it, you clearly know that these are all right. , how could you accept it!!"

"I see, you are such a thing." Seeing its reaction, Xie Zhifei smiled instead, "In my guess, you should be one with me, but it turned out to be just an idea? That's it..."

"Why are you laughing! How can you still laugh! Everything about you and humanity has been fundamentally denied!!"

"Why can't I laugh." Xie Zhifei suddenly raised his head, and carefully restrained every smile on his face, cold and serious. "After excluding all other possibilities, no matter how bizarre and incredible the remaining possibility is, it can only be a fact."

He suddenly uttered this famous quote from Sherlock Holmes, though pessimistic and realistic, he and the reckless and brilliant detective had nothing to think about in the world. But at this moment, it seemed as if something was attached to him. After excluding countless possibilities, he looked directly at the truth. In the silent space, there seemed to be a storm cloud blowing in from countless cracks. The clothes were all messed up in such a storm, but they were so awe-inspiring, not like that pessimist at all.

"How much do you think I have investigated after knowing about the second generation? How many experiments do you think humans have done in order to make the second generation an applicable technology? This is rare and can be applied to the whole people. Technology!"

"Every time there is a problem in nuclear fusion research, the result is far worse than a transplanted second ability that becomes weird, but until now, human beings are still trying to master it! Why do you think we would give up The second generation project?"

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