"It looks like I can kill for a few more rounds." Agrace took his hand and stood up, touched her right eye with lingering fear, and showed a smile. Ji Qing'er also fell beside the two at this time, her face pale as paper.

"There's another big guy..." she said, the corpses of the gods killed by them this time have not accumulated enough to produce bone nightmares. In fact, the bone nightmares this time did not appear from the corpse mound. , but climbed up from the bottom of the water, it was a bone nightmare composed of gods who had been killed sporadically since the beginning of the battle.

"The shackles of the precepts." Agrace raised her hand, Xia Maxiu opened the ceremony in her hand, and the chains began to appear on the bone nightmare. But after all, it is too weak. The speed of restraint is much slower this time. The movement of the bone nightmare was not suppressed immediately, and it stretched out its hand and grabbed the chain on the body, and the two resisted the chain. It suddenly shattered!

"It seems that there is no next round..." The counterattack of the Holy Word Trial instantly made Agrace shaky, and even Xia Matthew couldn't maintain it, and dissipated in the air. Wiping the blood from the corners of her mouth, she revealed a bleak smile.

"No, we will survive..." Xie Zhifei raised his head and looked in the direction of the sky. A red lightsaber pierced through the thick clouds and fell towards them, as if a **** in the sky had thrown a spear in his hand.

It is a flame formed by the violent friction between the high-speed falling object and the air. The flame quickly turns blue, and the heat-resistant layer is rapidly oxidized to reduce the temperature of the surface. That thing rapidly expanded in its pupils, and it really was aimed at them! Xie Zhifei was already able to see its streamlined surface and metal patterns inside.

It's not just them who are looking up, even the gods are shocked by the attack from the sky, and when they react, the huge wind pressure brought by the falling objects pressed them to the ground.

Its landing point was facing the huge bone nightmare, the rain in the sky was evaporated, the sea water was squeezed away due to the huge wind pressure, and the land in the center of the landing point was actually dry! As if everything was escaping from its fall, only the Bone Nightmare stood in the way.

It roared, dozens of intestines or the like shot out from near its stomach, and the acid that could rot flesh and bones was sprayed from its mouth like a water dragon, and two huge claws stretched forward in front of it, purple Black mist condenses into a barrier. It has done everything in its power to resist this punishing attack.

But the next moment, the acid was evaporated, and the intestines and his outstretched claws also burned in this high temperature. Under the extremely high temperature, thin air and high pressure, the water was quickly drained, and the flame was almost invisible. The temperature burned away the organic matter in an instant, leaving only carbon and a small amount of inorganic salts, and the gray-white limbs were blown away by the wind pressure in the next moment.

The Bone Nightmare looked like it was crushed to death, but it was actually burnt to mummy and crushed to ashes before the two came into contact.

A miniature earthquake occurred as the thing hit the ground. It is streamlined as a whole, about 7 meters in size, and almost a two-story building stands in the water. The next moment, a huge amount of water vapor erupted along with the backwater.

Like a bloom, the outer shell of the cabin split into 6 pieces and unfolded, revealing the contents inside, "Miss Lin didn't lie to me this time, and the support was really helpful." Xie Zhifei touched his nose and smiled.


One hundred twenty nine hero six

The three of them rushed into the white steam almost at the fastest speed, and the gods also reacted immediately, and there was no restraint at the moment when it was difficult to launch an attack due to the problem of the elevation angle. Bone spurs, acid, tentacles, all kinds of attacks flew towards the center of the steam.

The rolled up storm smashed the white fog in the air, but the overwhelming attack failed to erode the bones of the three people in the middle as expected. A protective cover composed of hexagonal transparent barriers blocks these things out.

The scientific research team is not a fool, Xie Zhifei only has three of them, not to mention that he did not know that Agrace would come to join them, and after asking for support, he followed the requirements of two people. It is impossible to really throw ten tons of arms for him according to the load of 'Storm', and it is impossible for two people to use it up.

In fact, things like arms only account for less than one-tenth of the support. The real big head is the thing in the middle that looks like the mind control tower in Red Alert II. The ‘Wall of Heart’ is also called ‘AT Force Field’. Although its principle has nothing to do with spiritual power, it does not prevent the researcher who developed it from declaring it this name.

If you really want to say, this thing should be called a vector interferometer. Those hexagonal barriers are not defensive, but a side effect of the vector being interfered with. Its real effect is to interfere with the vector within a certain range and shield the velocity vector within a certain range.

Xie Zhifei didn't have time to adjust its value, and the result was a one-way barrier that was almost like a diode. Xie Zhifei's outward attacks would not be disturbed in any way. On the contrary, the attacks of the gods would be impossible because of the complete loss of speed. worked. as long as it does not exceed its upper limit. This is the absolute barrier in the true sense!

After opening the wall of the heart, Xie Zhifei opened the box with the red cross on the side without hesitation, took out two injection tubes, and skillfully pierced the meridians at the elbow, and the vacuum needle tube automatically pressed the medicine into the blood vessels. middle.

The effect of strengthening the stimulant appeared immediately. He originally thought that the body that had run out of oil quickly squeezed out the residual strength with the help of the medicine, and the excess hormones were secreted, even giving people a feeling that was even more powerful than before. powerful feeling. Xie Zhifei shook his head and threw this feeling out of his head. The stimulant brought only an illusion. It could indeed maintain a certain level of combat power, but the consumption would not change.

Don't trust your body blindly, it's actually one of the most likely things to deceive you.

"Bang——" Agrace was the first to start a counterattack. I don't know if it was because the Tempest had too much capacity, or because the Holy See firmly believed that their saintess were still alive and able to fight. There is also special equipment that only Agrace can use. Although there is only one piece, in terms of weight, it accounts for one-fifth of this group of things, which is only bigger than that of the Heart Wall. Almost.

It is a set of exoskeleton armor with a height of three meters. The streamlined white-silver armor has incandescent holy patterns flowing on it. The holy crystal, which is the key to driving, shines on the chest, joints and other parts. Holy weapons, even the Holy See cannot keep the Paladins wearing Renaissance plate armor and shouting the name of the war **** Jehovah to fight.

The holy weapon plan came out as the times require. The purpose of manufacturing is to maximize the abilities of the priests in all aspects. With the holy crystal as the core and the holy light as the adhesive, this kind of cross-era product similar to Gundam was produced.

The blow just now was a long-range attack from Agrace pulling out the warhammer from behind. It should have covered the life at the top of the warhammer. It was strengthened and solidified under the influence of the holy crystal, and then it exploded like a missile in the gods. .

There was another sound of gold and iron symphony. The top of the left arm of the holy weapon began to deform, and the layered and expanded metal skeleton supported a shield shape. Covering it, together with the shield-shaped skeleton, it forms a light shield.

Agrace tapped the shield of her left hand with a warhammer, "Sister of the battlefield, join the battle." The holy light spurted out from the mouth behind the holy weapon, forming a splendid torrent that looked like golden wings. The holy weapon named Battlefield Nun rushed out at the same time, and crossed a distance of dozens of meters in an instant. The warhammer burning with holy flame slammed heavily on the ground, and a man-high water circle sputtered around, sending nearby The gods were shaken back.

This saint has really been holding back for a long time, inexplicably captured, and has been injected with drugs to sleep. After waking up, because there is no weapon in hand, he can only rely on Xia Matthews to fight like a summoner.

You must know that she is Augustine's butcher nun, holding a warhammer and smashing all the defenses of Rosenberg, and crushing the violent elements of the Thunder Titan with divine descent. The one-way ability of the Wall of Heart is the same for her own side. She rushed out, and there was no way to come back. But even so, she rushed out almost without thinking.

"Then let's support her." Xie Zhifei stretched out his hand and took out something from the weapon rack, looked down at it, blew a loud whistle, and threw it at the street, two sticky plasma **** from The muzzle rushed out and circled each other like twin stars, and then exploded in the middle of the gods. In an instant, a forest of thunder prisons was formed.

The powerful current penetrated the already dense gods and evils, forming a huge power grid. The next moment, all the gods and evils in the power grid fell to the ground. "If you dare to shoot again, I'll show you the three thousand miles of sword qi next time I train!" Ji Qing'er turned her head and shouted.

Pure water does not conduct electricity, but only know how many impurities are in the rain on the ground. Although the current has attenuated, Ji Qinger's body is still numb, and her long braids are even more fluffy, as if coming out of a popcorn machine.

"My fault, my fault." Xie Zhifei hurriedly threw away the V49 plasma cannon in his hand and pulled out another E377 series laser gun. A shot was fired, and the colorful beam weapon pierced through dozens of gods and disappeared before disappearing. The two flying wing-shaped cooling fins behind the gun automatically pop up, and a lot of steam evaporates from the falling water.

The legendary monsters are indeed terrifying. Even now, there are still too many gods and evils surrounding them. Even if these weapons are all 200% deadly, they cannot eliminate all the gods and evils.

But he understood one thing, that is, human beings are no longer the human beings they used to be. What they used to be in the end was a trial, which can be solved, and their support is not only now.

In the sky, the first meteor was falling.


Chapter 130 Hero Seven

Dark clouds piled up in the air, and among the blood-red lightning, the golden meteors were so conspicuous that it was naturally impossible to see the real meteors fall during the rainstorm season. That golden trail is not a meteor, but a person.

It's the group of lunatics that the driver of 'Storm' said!

"Falcon 1 has entered the ionization barrier!" The pure white Osprey helicopter crashed out of the dark clouds in an almost brutal way. The clouds entangled like thick smoke for a while before dispersing from the body. A crimson lightning bolt rushed over like a dragon, hitting the helicopter heavily!

Even if the military aircraft were to take the blow head on, the result would be a crash. But just before the lightning struck, the white-gold spherical shield lit up on the helicopter, and the lightning with a diameter of more than one meter smashed it into a small swimming snake. Even if the attack was resolved, the powerful kinetic energy still pushed the helicopter to the side by a large margin.

But in the middle of the almost full cabin, no one exclaimed. They were as quiet as lifeless stones, or machines that had not been turned on. In the middle was an ascetic in a simple gray cloth and sat cross-legged on the ground. He recited the "Messiah" in a low voice, and as he breathed, a faint brilliance continued to light and darken on him. And the shield outside the osprey is slowly changing at the same rhythm.

Another bolt of lightning struck the body, and one of the barriers flashed fiercely. The ascetic monk's voice also stagnated for a moment, and resumed the next moment without any fluctuations or fluctuations, while the blood of the thick orangutan ran down the corners of his eyes and nose. The road trickled down.

The driver of the storm was right, this is a group of lunatics, and the storm, which is still a test machine, can forcibly break through with the conical impact cloud formed by three times the speed of sound, and then quickly evacuate. And the helicopter designed to increase the carrying capacity broke in, and nearly ten died. But this group of fanatical lunatics lined up without any fear or hesitation and rushed in.

"Break through the clouds, prepare to land!" The voice of the broadcast box in the cabin overwhelmed the prayer of the ascetic. The next moment, a pair of golden eyes lit up, and the silent machines were fully activated at this moment. The crystal is the center, and the soft light illuminates the entire holy weapon.

Compared with the 'battle nun' set on Agrace, the Paladins on them are much more clumsy and clumsy. The larger and thicker surface armor replaces the slender body, and the flexibility is exchanged for stronger defense. The crystal is also not covered with almost every joint and subtlety like the battlefield nun, only a few large pieces, on the contrary, the sound of the engine and hydraulic shaft can be heard.

Artwork and weapons. That's about the difference between the two.

"Children, the earth is mourning and decaying, and the world is decaying and decaying. Therefore, glorify the Lord in the east and the name of the Lord God of Israel in the islands. (Note 1 Benedict VII's voice seemed a little bit because of the distance and interference distortion.

"This is not the final judgment, but a holy war! In the name of the Messiah, our revolt against the doomed disaster! Dust to dust, dust to dust, all flesh and blood is like grass; his Beautiful, like the flowers of the grass. The grass will wither, and the flowers will wither, but the priest of the Lord is eternal! In that day the Lord of hosts will be the crown of glory for his remnant. Amen." (Note 2)

The sound of a series of gears and bearings interlocking sounded, the first holy weapon stood up, opened the door, and the wind that rolled back instantly poured in, and below was Sicily, which was swaying in the wind and rain. The city was dark, and occasionally there were lights left. May go out at any time.

The gods are entangled in everything, filling every street like blood in the veins, and the wind is full of their sharp screams.

"This gospel of the kingdom of heaven will be preached to all the world and witness to all peoples. Amen!" (Note 3) He jumped down, the holy light drew a beautiful arc in the air, the rivers of God's sins stopped, they were like machines He turned his head neatly and looked at the arc of light that cut through the sky.

The next moment, a more violent roar came out of their mouths, they found their prey in their fate, and the tide rushed towards the light.

"Courland Sword Friends Monastic Knights, 340 people, join the war!"

"718 Knights of Karatolanuyeba, join the war!"

"257 Knights of San Stefano, join the war!"

"1180 Teutonic Knights, join the war!"

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