Its other claws were embedded in the body of the gods like a few sharp blades, and the wing root of the membrane wing used for flight was pulled by it for nearly half a meter, and it immediately drooped down. The flight path of the gods is also suddenly crooked, and it is about to plunge into the water.

When it fell five or six meters above the water, a huge claw stretched out from the side and grasped both. It was one of the super-large evil spirits made up of several fragments, but it obviously did not have the concept of ethnic groups and parents. He didn't care that there was more than one werewolf in his hand, so he increased his strength, and the werewolf's cry of pain seemed to be squeezed out of his mouth. Half of the body was only twisted and deformed by pinching.

The next moment, he was ruthless, and he pulled the latches of the two grenades around his waist in one breath. The next moment, the orange-red flames exploded in the air. Flames, shocks, and scattered shrapnel blew off the gods' small half.

Naturally, the werewolves would not miss this opportunity in exchange for life. The metal storm instantly covered the past. At the same time, a werewolf actually resisted a six-pack missile launcher from nowhere. He slammed it out on his shoulders.

None of the six rockets were lost, all of them plunged into the flesh of the gods under the impetus of the tail flame, and then exploded. The explosive power of the compressed and loaded high explosives can even cover a small football field. For a while, the purple-black flesh and blood flew into the sky like fireworks, and then fell with the rain.

It seems that the werewolves have the advantage, but in fact, they have only eliminated less than ten gods so far. The vitality of that thing is too strong. A wound penetrated by dozens of bullets can heal in two or three minutes. Even if it is cut in half, it will reunite or simply become two different new individuals. Then scream and kill. Even if the fireworks were set off like the one just now, there was no way to determine whether it would stand up again.

But the werewolves can't, their bullets will run out. Although they also have self-healing ability, they are far worse than the self-healing ability of the godly earthworm or even the amoeba. Injuries will continue to superimpose, and once one is caught by a single, it is basically hopeless.

Therefore, their ammunition and number of people have been decreasing, but after one arrives, the people around them often take over their weapons. Xie Zhifei saw a werewolf with a Gatling in one hand, roaring and shooting at the gods. It's like Yuri's anti-aircraft guns in an old game called Red Alert.

"It won't work, we'll be dragged to death." Xie Zhifei said to Ji Qinger after flying a goddess with a single shot. The goddess slammed into the wall of the small building, leaving cobweb-like cracks.

"Their purpose is this. Once you break through, they will give priority to attacking you." The blue sword energy flashed continuously, all appearing on the bodies of the gods. One after another button is left on the huge evil spirit. She is the main force holding them back. Due to the constant movement of the position, the voice of a sentence is also transmitted from various positions. There is actually a two-point surround sound taste.


Chapter 19 Revolution Fourteen

The trump card can play an amazing battle ratio in the battle, but after all, the trump card is a minority. In most cases, the difference between people is actually not big. Strong or thin, the height of the stature will be very inconspicuous on the battlefield where it is enlarged to the level of ten thousand people.

No matter how tall a person is when he is hit with a knife that the dwarf wields with all his strength, it is still the way to die. However, on the battlefield where this kind of personal quality has been greatly diluted due to quantitative reasons, there is often an even more amazing battle ratio. For example, 700,000 Liao people in Dagang were chased and beaten by 20,000 Jurchens, and in the same year, 10,000 Liao people could kill 100,000 Song soldiers. Doesn't it mean that the Jurchens are all trump cards that can play three hundred and five?

Of course not possible.

Because the army will collapse, in the feudal period, an army that can not collapse when the battle loss is more than 30% can be regarded as the strongest army in the world. Because people are always afraid of death, the closer they feel to death, the more they will be afraid, and then collapse.

It is basically impossible to eradicate the fear of death, but it is not something that an entire army is still holding on to the last few people. Especially in modern history, especially common. It doesn't mean that this group of people is not afraid of death, they are still working hard to live, not to die. But losing is something more terrifying than death. So even if they wanted to live, they had to die.

The team that came to surround Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger was an army that Tang spent hundreds of years building. If it was said that when the gods attacked at the beginning, their bloodthirsty banners counterattacked because of their brutal nature, until now, it is entirely because they have found something higher than death.

Xie Zhifei stood in the most central position, the spear had been retracted, but his body was covered with red textures, and the red blood waves in his eyes kept rising and surging, which was the ultimate manifestation of boiling blood. If Willie didn't turn his head, he would even think that there was not a person standing there at all, but a bomb about to explode.

The violent aura could no longer be suppressed. Although Xie Zhifei had already put the gun back, he was turning into a gun himself. Every boil of blood was wiping and polishing the blade of the gun, and every time he suppressed the burst of power, he was turning into a gun. Is closing the gun. When it erupted, it would be the most violent shot he had ever fired.

This grinding process lasted for five minutes, and within these five minutes, the werewolves were fiercely guarded. They don't know why they are in this situation, but there is no doubt that there is something wrong with Don's plan. There was a problem with their war.

Tang spent hundreds of years telling them that this world is no longer weird, and that the further back in time, the less chance they will have. Whenever human beings have new inventions and discoveries, Tang will also show them in front of everyone. Like the moon landing.

There are many people who resisted and opposed it at the beginning. They believed that the children of the Holy Moon would rule the world again, and they did not believe that this group of former slaves and food would forever be over their heads. But with the development of technology, this thing is finally accepted slowly.

If Don's words were just jokes at first, they turned into horror stories as they slowly became reality. When they saw the test of the nuclear bomb, all the werewolves felt trembling from the bottom of their hearts, as if they were watching their own execution scene.

This is their only chance, they want to build a kingdom of aliens, and it must not be a problem.

But the problem still appeared. Then solve the problem.

This is also the reason why Willy and Xie Zhifei reached this consensus. Even if Xie Zhifei told it, he only knew roughly which link had the problem and did not come up with a solution at all. But it still chooses to help him with all its strength, which is its last effort for the centuries-old dream.


Chapter 120 Right and wrong one

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and every minute a huge amount of rainwater is poured into this small island. The drainage system that has never experienced this has no way to carry this huge amount of rainwater to the nearby sea, in fact even if it is as strong as London or Tokyo can't do this either. The entire sea level is rising, not to mention the release of water. More sea water is pouring into every city every minute and every second.

The water level of the water city of Venice is increasing every year, and a warming climate will cause the city to disappear after 35 years because it is completely submerged under the sea. This disappearance process, which will last for nearly a hundred years, has been replicated in Sicily at a speed of more than 100 times.

Xie Zhifei was walking on the surface of the water, the turbulent water just seemed to be somewhat rough ground under his feet, the heavy rain had soaked his whole body, and the rainwater converged into small snakes down his body. His face was pale, the heavy rain was taking away the temperature from his body every second, and the high-intensity boiling blood also caused him to fall into a state of mild anemia.

At the moment when he broke through, he couldn't even stand up straight, and he slammed into the water heavily. If it weren't for the water that was pouring upside down, he would have fallen to his death when he landed! Fortunately, the goblin's blessing prevented him from drowning, so he climbed out of the water with great difficulty.

From that time on, he could feel the sword energy burning behind him like a torch, like a beacon, attracting all the evil spirits. He knew what the consequences of doing this were, and even more clearly why Ji Qinger did it. So he didn't do anything hot and rushed back to help, or wasting time worrying about such things.

Even though most of the evil spirits were attracted by Ji Qinger, he also encountered a few along the way, all of them got rid of after a fight, and finally came to this block.

That block is exactly the same as in the prophecy of Houtu. The gods didn't even dare to walk in! Even if this group of lawless monsters meet the gods, they will rush up without fear and want to bite a piece of meat on the other side? The only thing that makes them fearful is their source, the final judgment recorded in the Bible. Xie Zhifei really didn't know what else.

The darkness here becomes solid, thick or shallow, floating like fog, and the buildings are even more shadowy, as if there was a problem with the game modeling. At the same location, several buildings of different styles overlapped together.

They overlapped chaotically and changed every moment, finally showing a strange state. Some places show an illusory square shape, and some places show that the characteristics of Rococo, Islam, Gothic and Norman have a little bit of each, mixed together.

Xie Zhifei gradually went deeper, and stood on the square again, looking at the strange church in front of him. It was a mixture of the church on the top of the mountain, the Chapel of the Rosary, the Temple of Jupiter, and the church that did not know the people. in the look.

I don't know whether the rain or the sea flooded its steps, making it look like an island in the ocean, and red thunder flashes above the spire, like a group of snakes dancing wildly.

After all, some things have changed, and he doesn't know whether these changes are good or bad, but there is no way out. He can only move forward, for better or for worse, he has to do his best.

A human figure made of something like a black fragment sat at the very front of the chapel, facing the statue of the Virgin Mary. He didn't kneel down or sob. Although his body was still in pieces, his emotions like turbulent waves, landslides and tsunamis had completely disappeared, and all that was left was peace.

Even though the whole city is about to be upended by this heavy rain and lightning, the calm kerosene in the middle of this church is a little turbulent, as if the air is still. This is the center of the storm. There is no wind in the eye itself, but the storm that can cover everything is generated around it.

"I'm here." Xie Zhifei stepped on the floor of the chapel and said softly.

"It's earlier than I thought." The man replied without looking back, with a smile in his voice.

"I once walked this road in the prophecy, and knowing the road will always be faster." Xie Zhifei also explained a little and walked forward slowly.

"That's it, that's fine, there's still time, we can talk more." The man nodded. "Can you tell me what that prophecy is?" Turning his head, he did not even have a face. Obsidian-like fragments floated in the air, supporting him like a person. The sound floated out from the gap.


Chapter 121 True and False 2

"The only people who can rule Sicily are the Sicilians. Have you heard this sentence?" Alfonso's voice was very soft, "This is a land of chaos, Christianity, Islam, Normans, Romans, France People, Italians, this land has experienced so many invasions, but no matter who rules Sicily, it is ultimately the Mafia who can complete the rule here.

Really strange phenomenon, right? On the frontal battlefield, the Mafia and the Sicilian army are not too strong, so they are always ruled by different dynasties. But if the rulers really want to benefit from the land, they have to compromise with the Mafia.

Because no worker, merchant or even peasant will work for them without the permission of the family, their battle will only reap a piece of land that is not profitable. This is what any ruler who has the ability to expand territory does not want to see, so they have to rely on the existence of the Mafia, and the family is better than the army. This is the status quo in Sicily. "

"Of course, this was the earliest time. At that time, the mafia might not be called the mafia, but should be called the labor party. For the sake of life and their own interests, the Sicilian people formed a group by themselves.

But they have changed, from a long time ago, before the rise of mankind, the aliens wanted to conquer this place, but just like all the great invaders have not done it. They also failed. Most have left, and only a small number of unrepentant existences remain.

Then human beings rose up, and the aliens became the beings that were rounded up, wiped out, and obliterated. They were chased by witches throughout Europe and had nowhere to go. They fled to Sicily. This is a land of mixed religions. During the period of Islamic rule, no Catholics were hunted and killed, and no Muslims were hunted during the Catholic period, and the new wave of witch hunting did not arrive here.

More and more weirdness converges here. It was also at this time that the small part of existence left after the first war of conquest finally found a way to solve the mafia and control the island. "

"That is to join it and complete the control of it from the inside." Alfonso's voice seemed to have passed through thousands of years of time, erratic but with the graininess that time has sharpened.

"This is really a genius idea. With their far superior power and longer life, aliens have spent hundreds of years mastering the Mafia, during which they even completely turned into Mafia, Everything put the interests of the Mafia first, and without any backlash, dyed the tentacles that pervaded every corner of the entire island society into its own color."

"Do you know how this era is a nightmare for the weird?" Alfonso asked Xie Zhifei.

Xie Zhifei was suddenly a little stunned. He had hunted a lot of weird things, but he had never thought about it from this angle. It's just instinct that compared to ordinary humans, weirdos always have various powerful abilities and longevity, and they are the stronger ones.

"Weirds are divided inside each other, and their long lifespan has led to their development being greatly restricted by the old school. They have not developed much for thousands of years. They can only watch human beings become stronger day by day, and the Big Four are even more crazy about their hunting. Don’t talk about freedom of life, even death is silent.” Although Xie Zhifei couldn’t see his expression, Xie Zhifei was absolutely instinctive. When Alfonso said this, he must have cracked his mouth and smiled. There was a deep smell of blood in the smile.

Then he remembered something, the accurate hunt for ankle snipers and information constructs, and the Great Elder Frostbite who had to give his life just because of a promise to break the army.

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