It felt like waking up from a nightmare and entering another nightmare.


Chapter 109 Revolution IV

"Mom, why is the lightning in the sky red?" The little girl was only about four or five years old, but she already had a lot of courage. Even in the midst of the loud thunder, he would subconsciously close his eyes and make small sharp horns. But after that, she would open her eyes and bravely look directly at the sky covered with dark clouds, looking at the crimson lightning like a group of snakes.

"I don't know about that." Her mother is a typical Italian woman. Although she doesn't have the agility of those Russian aunts, she can still be regarded as having a thick waist and a round waist. It is hard to imagine that she was still wearing five or six years ago. A beautiful girl with a navel-baring outfit and high heels of more than ten centimeters showing a well-proportioned calf curve and a belly white line on the square. After all, the culture here believes that if a woman does not gain weight after marriage, it only proves that the marriage is not happy enough. "Maybe you can ask your dad." As she spoke, she reached out and picked out a piece of pie on the plate, the rich sweetness of the jam filling her mouth.

"Dad, Dad!" The little girl ran towards her father quickly. Mom was right. She should have asked him at the beginning, after all, Dad knew everything. It's a pity that because of work, he is not always by his side.

"Oh, my precious daughter, Dad heard it." The father put down the newspaper in his hand and lifted the little girl off the ground and placed it on his lap. "Lightning has many colors, in addition to white, there are red, purple, and even green."

"But Dad, why are there so many colors."

The father didn't have the curiosity to blame the child. After all, it was raining so hard that he didn't have to go to work. He also enjoyed such family fun. "It's simply the difference in temperature..."

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the pouring rain has caused huge pressure on the drainage system of Sicily. You must know that this is an old city itself, and in order to protect the historical sites as much as possible, there is no way to plan in many places. Some passages of the urban drainage system are even more than three hundred years old.

Accumulation of water is an inevitable thing, and the depth of the water on the ground has been able to cover the ankle, and even more than the depth of the knee in some low-lying places. The vast majority of Sicilians are like this family, hiding in their homes, waiting for this sudden storm to pass. The orange-red lights in the night, like a cruise ship.

But like I said, this is just the vast majority of people. In the alley just 100 meters away from this family, on the old wall, black spots like stains are smeared on the wet wall. Come. When the stain appeared, it was only the size of an orange, and in a blink of an eye there was a basin or so.

The next moment, the purple-black arm stretched out from the inside, pressing heavily on the trash can under the wall, and its claws directly cut through the blue-green metal skin of the trash can. Immediately after that, 4 arms protruded out, and a total of 5 oddly-shaped arms protruded out of the hole. They pushed open the black hole like a cloth pocket and poked their head out from the inside... If the protruding thing could be called Brain words.

In fact, it is still unknown whether this thing has an organ such as the brain. A simple description of its shape is probably a sarcoma-covered torso with several barb-covered arms protruding from it, looking like a large spider with missing feet.

But it doesn't mean that this thing is not strong. In fact, insects are still quite scary when their bodies are much smaller than humans. And if a person tall cockroach and spider appeared in front of them, there was a possibility that they could stun people directly. What's more, this thing is much more heavy-mouthed than spiders and cockroaches. After all, they are gods!

The ultimate mixture of divine and evil, without discipline and purpose, a messer whose job is to destroy and destroy.

At the moment when the gods were called out from the black hole, a long knife was thrown from a distance, and the speed was so fast that it even cut through the rain curtain and sent out a scream like a bullet. The long knife passed directly through the center of Shen Xie's body, flew it out, and nailed it to the wall behind. The nearly one-meter-long blade completely penetrated the wall, and you can imagine the power of the thrower.

Before the gods could react, a huge roar sounded in front of it again, and the flames from the sawed-off shotgun muzzle on the rain screen were dark red, like the roar of a red dragon. The overcharged strong gunpowder ignited a flame that could be used directly as a weapon, and what was more deadly than the flame was nearly a hundred lead bullets.

Whether it's using lead bullets that are poisoned even if the bullet is taken out, or sawing the barrel of a gun, it's prohibited by order. But these humanitarian bans are farts to the attackers. After all, they have never been good citizens who are willing to help, but thugs who kill and set fire, not to mention their prey, no matter how humanitarian they are. One can reach it.

"Hi--" The flame triggered by the muzzle was only a momentary thing, but after being hit, the gods still spattered countless blood columns and minced meat. smell.

"I'm starting to understand why you like cold weapons." The gunman snapped the short gun in his hand with a bang, pulled out the shell inside, and skillfully filled two new bullets into it. Although Ah said so, he didn't show any mercy when he fired the second time.

"You can't use it." His companion had already liked his habit of having flowers in his mouth. After stepping through the filthy water, he drew a silver-bright blade in his right hand. His weapon was very special, measuring 75 cm. The blade length is between the long knife and the short knife. Whether it is an inch of strength or an inch of danger, it can't do anything with it, but it is indeed the most dangerous weapon for a person like him who has been indulging in it for decades.

The projectile from the second eruption directly smashed Shenxie's two arms, making half of its body like minced meat. Even so, it still did not lose a little bit of aggression, and abruptly pulled out the short knife nailed to the wall. The rest of the arm was swung towards the two of them, and a huge mouthpart was opened in front of his chest, flanked by guillotine-like teeth, no doubt that it could directly bite off an adult, and the teeth were green. The liquid also makes it clear that if bitten, it is better to expect death on the spot.

But its attack must be impossible to work. One positive and one negative, the left and right hands swing the blade in two completely opposite ways, leaving an X-shaped tear in the air, and the outstretched arm of the gods is directly cut off in the air. air. Such speed and power are simply not possible for human beings.

In fact, while wielding this knife, the man's cheeks obviously had black manes growing, and his eyes also emitted an oil-green light.

werewolf. In fact, apart from them, no one dares to take action against the gods without hesitation. There are nearly a hundred such hunting teams. They wander around the city and clean up the gods that have penetrated because of the convergence of the world. . Like the patron saint of the city.

And this is exactly what Tang wants to see. The gods who have been captured all the time are sent to him. After he has seen them, they will be sent to the Vatican where he has been to at the fastest speed. This is his evidence and bargaining chip, and although the endless hunting of gods and evils will make people extremely tiresome, they can use it to free themselves.

Today's young people are almost forgetting what freedom is, and there are people who think that life under the rule of the church is not bad. The lives of pigs and dogs in captivity are also easier than their wild brethren, but that will never change their nature as food, livestock. Over time, he even forgot his dignity as a free creature and was kept in captivity forever.

But he ended it before it all happened, and soon the form would be reversed. Humans are forgetful and forgetful animals, they only see who is protecting them and forget that if it weren't for the werewolves, these gods wouldn't have happened at all. Thinking of this, Tang bent the corners of his mouth.

"Tang." Someone knocked on the door outside, and Tang was even happier when he heard the sound.

"Come in." He took another sip of the wine in his hand, and accepting this human being may be the wisest decision he has made in the past few decades. And after he came in, he walked quickly to his ear and whispered a few words, which made him more sure of this.


Chapter 110 Revolution Five

"Almighty are really a bunch of lunatics!" Tang's courier sent the first captured goddess to the designated location within 24 hours. The archbishop in charge of receiving exclaimed.

He is an archbishop who was promoted from the Heresy Inquisition. He admits that he has seen countless pursuits and tortures of aliens in his life, and even personally executed many of the strange and frightening punishments in the Heresy Inquisition. But he still felt shocked from the bottom of his heart when he saw the evil spirit.

The thickened blue container seems to have been ravaged by monsters, and the composite steel with a thickness of up to 6 cm has many protrusions from the inside out. He even felt like he heard the unpleasant squeak as the slam slammed against the box wall. Such a violent thing, Tang actually claimed to have captured it?

But it wasn't until the almost deformed valve was opened that he understood what the capture meant. Inside the box, the four walls were covered with flesh and blood more than a finger thick. The violent stench rushes straight into the nose, and the poison can even kill a weak person directly.

Four pairs of green eyes light up in the dark! The people who imprisoned and imprisoned it were not outside the box at all, they were locked up with it. Four burly werewolves came out carrying a two-meter square iron cage. Inside was a mass of flesh and blood as vague as the background, about the size of a washbasin, but it was still bouncing along the railing.

"What do you want to do?!" The temple knights standing behind the archbishop roared and unsheathed their weapons. Tang's messenger, a shadow demon in a fitted dress, adjusted his bow tie.

"Because of the anxiety of a few adults, we brought the first gods we captured here. It's definitely not the one with the best temper. We can't suppress it if it doesn't change."

As Shadow Demon said, the werewolves finally walked out of the darkness. There were only a few rags left on their clothes. They wore specially designed gas masks on their faces. There are several huge wounds, and the flesh is white and turned out. With the Werewolf's ability to repair the sky, it can still be in this state, and you can imagine what kind of fierce battles went through on the way here.

And even at this time, the evil spirits continued to proliferate strange limbs from the fuzzy flesh and blood, attacking in all directions! However, they are often interrupted by werewolves at a faster speed as soon as they are shot, and they are crushed into broken flesh and blood.

"My things have been delivered. Now it's time for you to make judgments." The Shadow Demon constructed a mirror image in the air with shadow spells at some point, and Tang's appearance appeared in it. said lightly.

The object of his conversation was not anyone present, but instead, the knights behind the archbishop pulled out a small monitor, and the participants of the meeting that day, including the broken army, appeared in it.

"Ben, test first." The Pope's majestic voice came from inside, and the archbishop bowed his head.

"Your will." A bright holy light lit up between the two hands, and this fiery and pure degree was even far greater than Agrace and Edward. The Templars behind them all showed their admiration and respect. They are convinced that under this level of light, no evil can exist.

The shadow demon had turned into a dark shadow and hid in the shadow of the container, and the condition of the four werewolves was not very good. Under the light of the light, after more than ten hours of battle, the scarred body was still as solid as a rock. But began to tremble. The white smoke rose, subconsciously sucking the tooth flower, wanting to kill and destroy to resist the pain of the body.

You must know that what they received was only the aftermath. At the stage of the archbishop, Ben's control of the Holy Light also reached a high level. More than 90% of his power was concentrated in the abnormal flesh and blood in the iron cage.

And when the gods were illuminated by the holy light, they became eerily quiet and quietly lay at the bottom of the cage. Just when everyone thought it was going to work, it suddenly let out an indescribable scream. The emotion contained in that scream was not fear but joy!

The meatball stretched suddenly, almost into a bar, and then a huge hole was torn in the middle. The next moment, he bit down on Ben's holy light! That's right, it just bit down towards the invisible holy light, and tore off a piece from it. It was like tearing off a piece of shortbread, and a piece was torn off in the bright sunshine. Leaving a jagged void in the midst of the light.

Ben let out a muffled groan, his body swayed slightly, and the fleshy ball let out a satisfied cry, growing by more than one-tenth in size. He opened his mouth sharply to take another sip. Let it eat like this, and after a while, it will return to its heyday, and even more than that!

But when it was about to touch the group of holy light, Ben withdrew his light. God's Sin was obviously full of the disappearance of its own rations, and when it recovered, it launched a more violent attack on the surrounding werewolves. And just after being suppressed by the werewolf in the holy light, the werewolf was caught off guard, and two people were injured by it in one breath. It was difficult to suppress it for the second time.

And all the Templars stood there, their eyes locked on Ben, who was at the forefront. Ben had bitten his lips white, and then spit out a word tremblingly.

"Faith swallows, the darkness of holy light..."

"Behemoth..." The first Templar said that name, and only the Scourge and the Last Judgment, appointed by the Lord they believed in, could ignore the Holy Light and even feed on it. Because it itself is born of the Holy Light, it is the first creation of the Lord. The eldest son for life is also the enemy for life.

"Do you understand what you are doing?" The Pope said exactly the same thing as Agrace to Tang.

"Of course I know." Tang chuckled in a low voice, "I know better than anyone that I am dancing on the wire now. I have been dancing like this for hundreds of years, so what is the difference between the abyss under the wire and the mountain of knives? Woolen cloth?"

"It's you, His Majesty the Pope, do you know what you should do now?"

The stalemate lasted for a whole minute. Although the two confronting people were not at the scene, the dignified air between their eyes could crush rocks. This is the conversation that can truly decide the fate of this world.

"What is it that prevents you from making up your mind?" In the end, Tang Xian broke the deadlock. "Is it the madness that I think I have not broken the boat and pulled the whole Sicily or even half of Italy to bury my daydream?"

"Still," he turned his head and looked into the corner of the screen, the silent but majestic body, like a mountain or a giant rock, "you are still waiting for an ear that may bring hope. For example, two people were sent to the Sicilian blade, am I right, Mr. Breaker?"


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