You can only put these things in your mind and keep them, and wait until you find any new clues and see if you can find some clues from them.

Just like life is always ups and downs, just like things, one by one, many things suddenly appear like this. It's unrealistic to have a plan to finish things one by one. It's like a sudden dream last night, and it's like Sylvia standing in front of her desk again after the second get out of class today.


Chapter 75 Daily Life of Exchange Students X4

"Campus basketball game?" What is that? Then Xie Zhifei didn't say a word. After all, I'm not very familiar with it, so I still have to pretend to be gentle and elegant in front of a good-looking girl.

"Yes, our class has reached the top 4 of the grade, but in the last game, John injured his foot. Although he told me that he has no problem, I heard what the doctor told him at the time, let him He can't exercise for a long time." The girl chirped as if she had opened a chatterbox, and kept spouting out information.

Xie Zhifei could only interrupt, and then said to the girl, I ask, you answer. This makes it a little clearer what this is all about. Unlike in China, in Italian high schools, cultural performance can only be considered a part of it, and sports, moral education and even interpersonal skills are one of the components.

Composed of these things, each item is ten points, and then different ratings are divided according to the score, and it is impossible to get a very high rating for any item whose score is too low. Most universities don't pay much attention to the performance of cultural courses, but if there is a bottom in moral education or sports, basically, they will say goodbye to top universities.

Xie Zhifei and the others only had an exchange time of less than three months. As exchange students, they had to get at least a grade of B or above. To be honest, it was a very difficult thing. Fortunately, most of the people who can be exchanged are Xueba, and it will be completed with a desperate effort. But the person who made this rule obviously did not expect that there would be such a special existence as Xie Zhifei in it. He did take the test himself, but it was a highly targeted, high-intensity cramming review. It has little to do with their own learning quality.

After coming here, he also found that mathematics can still guarantee basic scores, but liberal arts such as Latin and history are very difficult. As for the theology that he has not studied, he dare not hold out hope. These courses are all to spend a lot of time rushing into to learn. But the thing he lacked the most was time.

The suggestion that Sylvia gave him was difficult for him to refuse. The campus basketball game is different from the domestic students entertaining themselves. This is a very important and formal event. Not only will there be people inside the school, but also scouts and the media will be involved. Seeing promising seeds from the middle, some big-name schools will directly send invitations to the students with the quota of special students. Many stars in the NBA have been discovered since high school and made their official debut.

As for Xie Zhifei, is it good? That is to draw points in sports. You must know that exchange students from Asia are definitely not dominant in sports. Europeans are generally taller and have longer legs, early development, and general fitness. The normal physical fitness in China is weak.

However, if you can complete several wonderful operations in the campus basketball game, you can add a lot of points, and you may be able to get an excellent one. Sports with more than 8 points can reduce a lot of pressure on other subjects.

Although I said before that I would play a little basketball, as for why Sylvia had to find herself. He didn't quite understand it at first, but then he realized it all at once. The biggest problem in small class education is in this kind of collective activity. There are only 9 boys in the class, and if you deduct one or two, you won't be able to. , One or two are too thin or too fat, and they are barely able to make up a team. So she can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Besides, although he didn't say it clearly, his position was a substitute player, if John didn't have a problem, he wouldn't have the chance to play. It's not flattering to refuse, thinking that it will only take a few minutes anyway, he agreed. ,

The remaining two classes passed quickly in Xie Zhifei's Dafa in a daze. When it was time for get out of class to end at noon, Sylvia immediately greeted the team members and rushed to the basketball court. And I told them about Xie Zhifei. The other people were doing well. Only John, after seeing Xie Zhifei, snorted his nose into the sky.

"I'm not going to end, only I can lead us to victory!"

Xie Zhifei almost laughed. Seeing the burly appearance of this guy, he began to make up his mind about the appearance of a big axe in his hand. Forced to hold back his laughter, he said cheers to him. The people around him who looked at that expression were all inexplicable, only Ji Qinger gave him a blank look.

Sure enough, there were a lot of people on the basketball court early in the morning, not only students, but also reporters with cameras. Compared with the difficulty of publishing newspapers in China, it is really easy to publish newspapers in European and American countries. What often happens, especially those local newspapers in small areas, especially like to put some interesting news in the paper.

And school is often one of their favorite topics, and everyone's concern is one of them, and it is because students are willing to act as temporary reporters and publish what they have seen, heard and felt on newspapers and periodicals, and the city newspaper is willing to give them back some remuneration. This mutually beneficial situation allows newspapers to get news and news quickly. There are actually many students who have cameras hanging on the edge of the basketball court who hope to make extra money with this.

After coming to the arena to sign in, Sylvia brought the contestants to the locker room to change clothes. Only then did she react and ask Xie Zhifei, "Sigma, did you bring a basketball uniform?"

What is this? Xie Zhifei forced X2 to realize that he had to wear special sports clothes in physical education class. According to the different courses each person took, they needed to buy different clothes. The exchange student hasn't started physical education yet, so of course he doesn't know. Just shook his head now.

Sylvia bit her lip and didn't think of a good way to do it. Time was waiting for no one, so she had to let Xie Zhifei wait there. She and another group of people went to change clothes first. Don't think about it, the men's and women's locker rooms are separate, and the reason Sylvia is going is because she also has to change into a cheerleading uniform. At least a quarter of the people outside the arena came for this next cheerleader, and almost all the boys also had the mentality of wanting to take a look and feast their eyes.

Hmm, well, it's really eye-catching. When the group came out, Xie Zhifei had to admit it. The boys are all a set of orange-red and black-edged basketball uniforms, and Silvi's cheerleading uniform is obviously a matching set, but the black part is replaced by red.

Tight-fitting bunt clothes, showing arms, thighs, and slender waist, bronzed skin is very healthy, holding two golden flower **** in his hands, every time he dances and waves, two heavy indescribable objects are also very attractive. eyeball.

Although Sylvia said that this is already the semifinal of the grade, but in fact, in the overall schedule, in fact, in the middle of the game, after each grade is finished, it will drop to the top three in five grades. The teams were mixed up for a knockout round. And at that time, the foreign aid quota will be opened again, that is, two foreign aids can be found from the eliminated team.

The reason for this is that the problem of weak team members is not just a problem of Xie Zhifei's class. This can effectively improve the standard. Therefore, the current game seems to have a feeling of pecking at each other.

In fact, it can't be said that John and the opposing power forward are actually quite good, but the teammates are helpless, the good and the bad are mixed, and the feeling of a one-man show is coming. In addition, although there are two good seedlings, the seedlings are seedlings after all. Still can't do the level of one person controlling the audience. So Xie Zhifei looked really bored.

Just when he was about to reach out and yawn, an accident happened. During an offensive collision, John fell to the ground, hugged his knees and made a sound, as if he could not stand up.

The scene suddenly became tense. Sylvia ran forward two steps first, then remembered something, turned her head and ran in front of Xie Zhifei, asking him to stretch out his normal hand and continue yawning, neither is it okay to let go , extremely embarrassing.


Chapter seventy six

There are tricks in it. Although Xie Zhifei looked at it casually, he couldn't hold back his eyes. If he had to use a metaphor, even the motion capture of a DSLR might not be comparable to his pair of titanium alloy eyes. You must know that he is the one who can bang with sand at a speed close to the speed of sound at a short distance. Although a large part of the dismantling is based on intuition, it is still possible to see part of it.

At this speed on the court, he doesn't look like he's standing still?

In the first half of the game, under John's leadership, their class obviously had an advantage. If nothing else, John's height and skills made him almost invincible in rebounding. Whoever controls the rebound will control the game. Hu is not just talking. Although the opponent's defense is obviously better, but under the attack led by John, who has the nickname of 'attacker', the score is slowly pulled away.

Just before the last attack, Xie Zhifei clearly saw that the captain on the opposite side, a Latino with curly red hair, made a gesture to the other people behind him. It's not a strange thing in basketball itself. But as soon as this gesture came out, it was worth pondering that John was injured and ended up.

The uncommon technique of three-team double-teaming has come out. Two people are in front of the file, and one is behind him to control the breakthrough. When John is about to force a breakthrough, the latter one just happened to lose the center, and the whole person rushed forward. Go down, and then the knee is heavily pressed into John's knee.

John naturally knelt forward, but the two people in front stopped the force for a lifetime, and the two explosive forces were all concentrated on John's knees. Let the knee that is already injured can no longer bear it. The two people in front then dodged, rushed over to see their fallen teammate, and helped him up.

The man waved his hands and stood up, saying that he was fine, but John, who had not fallen, fell to the ground and couldn't get up at all. Although the referee has a third-level basketball referee certificate, it is not very professional. In such a small area, four people are crowded together, and not everyone has the eyes of Xie Zhifei. Make small moves. In the end, it could only be judged a normal collision accidental injury. Let this substitute come on the field. Otherwise, it can only be judged negative.

The two boys who did not participate in the competition helped John to come off the stage. He was half-squatting because of his knees. He could only look at him with his high instinct. I don't know if it was because of pain or anger, his whole face was pink, his brows were wrinkled, and beads of sweat dripped from the crease. He looked at Xie Zhifei and was speechless for a while.

"It's okay, we will win." Xie Zhifei patted his shoulder with a smile, then turned to the person who was supporting him and said, "Send him to the infirmary first." The two nodded and were about to leave . After two steps, John suddenly stopped them.

Then he suddenly took off his shirt in two or three strokes and threw it to Xie Zhifei. The upper body was bare, revealing a little chest hair that had just grown, and then continued to leave as if nothing had happened. Xie Zhifei looked at the sweat-soaked jersey in his hand, full of Italian boy flavor, with a tangled face.

Are you expressing your feelings so directly? I really can't accept a concubine! ! He lowered his head and looked at his body, the white shirt of the school uniform, a suit vest, and a three-piece jacket, it didn't seem very good to go up like this. So I took off the outer two pieces, then unbuttoned the two shirts, rolled up the sleeves, and exposed the forearms. After struggling for a while, I put the jersey on the outside.

Sylvia stood on a tray of eyes full of small stars flashing. Xie Zhifei had never seen that kind of light before. In the previous class, the girls watched the free men's swimming club and their eyes twinkled when they had their first love with the world's number one. That's the light. Hey Hey hey! ! ! What have you misunderstood?

"Asian?" The opponent showed no interest in the mix-and-match boy in front of him.

"Chinese." Xie Zhifei nodded and replied.

"Oh, I heard that you Chinese can only do quizzes, and there are no club activities in the school at all?" The other side said in an exaggerated tone, and more than half of the people on the court laughed. Like Panda, it's a consensus, although it's less friendly than the former.

"It seems that if I say no, you won't agree." Xie Zhifei shrugged indifferently and signaled to the referee that the substitution was over. The referee nodded and asked the opponent to return the ball.

"Then you have to try it to find out." The other party sneered, and then threw the ball high in his hand, touch! It slammed on the ground, bounced, and the line pointed directly at Xie Zhifei's face. The next moment, Xie Zhifei held the ball firmly in his hand, which made his smile stiff.

Xie Zhifei casually threw the ball into another person's hand, which was considered a kick-off. The second half of the game officially started.

I have to say, with the exception of John, the average quality of Xie Zhifei's class is really incomparable to the other side. From height to physique, there is a big difference. Xie Zhifei may be considered tall in China, but here it is on the upper side. Putting it on the basketball court is not enough. Without taking off his clothes, the muscles pulled by his steel wire would not show, but he looked like the thinnest one in the audience.

The opponent was more aware of this, and adopted a completely different style of play in the first half of the main defense. It was fierce and wild, not taboo at all, and even took the initiative to find this side to fight for physical and technical skills. All of a sudden, the short board was enlarged.

Compared with a person like John who has both talent and hard training, the five on the other side are obviously lovers. They lack innate talent, but they are hardworking. And the tacit understanding and cooperation between the several people are also quite good, otherwise there is no way to make a black hand on John so calmly.

In short, it was only five minutes, and they chased back most of the advantage that John finally won in the first half. Several other people in the team were constantly attacking and returning to defense. The difference in stamina also appeared at once.

As for Xie Zhifei, what is he doing?

Well, he didn't get the ball. I haven't cooperated on my side, I don't know his level and dare not pass to him, and the other side obviously bullied him as a rookie. He was intercepted halfway before the ball entered his hands a few times. He also has no sense of snatch.

Once again, after he succeeded in stealing before he touched the ball, the captain on the opposite side raised the ball in his hand proudly and laughed loudly, "Ha, Chinese." The referee on the side did not intend to stop this behavior.

Except for a few people in Xie Zhifei's class, almost the whole audience burst into laughter. Even Ji Qinger frowned. The student body is very simple. In this case, if you show your strength, they will all be beaten to the ground, and then soar into the sky, or you will be stepped into the bottom of the valley. Can't get up again, with few exceptions.

When the other party passed him, Xie Zhifei suddenly stretched out his hand. Steal! Before the opponent can react, the ball has left his control. However, Xie Zhifei had already turned around and made a good shot. It was very standard, and there were no advanced skills such as stepping back and leaning back.

Put one hand behind the ball, control the ball with one hand, bend your legs slightly, open your left foot and right button slightly forward and backward, form an inverted V with both wrists, bend your elbows 90 degrees, aim and exert force. The standard is like a textbook.

Just like the printed words in a workbook, it is very strange to have a sound broadcast cavity appearing in daily conversations. This standard shooting posture like a teaching video also instantly attracted everyone's attention.

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