It's hard to get into an overseas dungeon. It stands to reason that this situation should always be in the mode of madness and invincibility, or reading! How about, surprise or not, stab or not stimulate. If the real life of the guardian is exposed, the number of middle-aged patients who want to protect the world will definitely plummet by 80%. What a joke, how many people want to be heroes, just because they don't need to study, they can still be supported by thousands of people.

As a result, not only does it not matter if it is not supported by ten thousand people, but the book has to be read, and it is still unreadable. When encountering this kind of task, you have to read the name of the whole grade. It is absolutely necessary to take your own life! But if you think about it, this is an era when you have to have an undergraduate or postgraduate degree to become a monk. Everything is understandable.

In short, the two came to the school. Italian high schools are divided into Licei and various vocational high schools. Among them, Licei has LiceoCssico, which is a high school for literature. There are many liberal arts. Ancient Greek and Latin are compulsory. LiceoStifico said that it is a high school for science, but it is a big dye vat. Including Latin, the rest is LiceoLinguistico: language high school, Spanish, French and English are compulsory courses, Latin is only a high school and a high school, and there will be a lack of science courses, including physics and the like, and then LiceoArtistico art High school, um, this is not much different from domestic American schools. Everyday life is painting, handicraft, painting, handicraft, design...

The Sacred Heart is a LiceoStifico, which means that you have to learn everything. In addition, he was born in a church school, and the tradition of not forgetting his roots is placed there. It has two more theological classes a week than ordinary schools! Theology class, doesn't it sound great?

It has also been introduced before that although the Italian school system takes a full year longer than Huaxia, his school hours are very short, half a day a day. Coupled with this large pile of things to learn, the inevitable result is that learning is shallow. What is the concept? Xie Zhifei and the others entered the tenth grade directly, that is, the second year of high school here, when they immediately entered the third year of high school. There are four more operations in math textbooks!

Of course, this is to review the knowledge of the previous school year in the after-school exercises. Falling, I can't bear to learn four arithmetic operations in the second year of high school, but can I endure it when I learn it in the first year of high school? What about high school? Fundamentals of geometry, fundamentals of algebra...what? Can not understand? Then learn circles, linear equations in two variables, and simple inequalities, so you will understand. Xie Zhifei himself wanted to review it, but seeing this thing, he really didn't even have the desire to complain.

It turns out that the reason why the whole world thinks that Chinese people are good at mathematics is because your learning is too easy? Of course, this situation will suddenly drop one by one after entering university education. The situation of lenient entry and strict exit in foreign countries forms a sharper contrast with China's strict entry and lenient exit.

All in all, the class was very simple, Xie Zhifei was speechless, Ji Qinger maintained the appearance of being a serious and good student as always, Xie Zhifei had to sigh, study at home, look at the clouds and see the sky, and conduct cloud computing.

If there is a get out of class, there will be a class dismissal. This sentence is nonsense. The reason why I emphasize it is because after class is over, it is time for class time! You must know that this is Italy, and the two are exchange students. Want obscurity possible? impossible. The students who knew yesterday that they were going to transfer two exchange students in their class exploded in an instant!

This is the warm Italian people! Looking at this group of blond and hairy species that were shrouded in an instant, Xie Zhifei almost lost his grip, pulled out a red spear, or threw out a blood line for five calamities and seven prisons. Once suppressed anyway, I found myself in an endless **** of chaotic perfumes and colognes and horrible R vibrato. The whole head was buzzing. For a while, I felt that I was afraid that it was not over, and turned to see that Ji Qinger was also holding the corner of the desk tightly with her hands, and she had two points of pity for each other.

The get out of class time passed quickly, and the crowd around the two finally dispersed. This was also a Latin class. The fat old lady stood on the podium with the script in her hand, and her two mouths turned at an amazing speed, spit out A bunch of weird pronunciations. Xie Zhifei was stunned that she could not understand a word, and even suspected that she was singing some high-level spell. So, continue to look at the sky silently, cloud computing.

After the second get out of class, there were a lot fewer people around the two of them. After all, everyone has their own lives. And the reason for the small class education is that there are fewer than 30 people in a class. The feeling of being submerged that Xie Zhifei felt before was too subjective.

"xi, ye—, oh, damn, your name is too hard to pronounce. Don't you have an English name?" The girl standing in front of Xie Zhifei's skin was roasted wheat-colored, her blond hair was in exploding curls, bunches In a big flower braid, and the tight clothes outline the plump figure that is not like a high school student. A cheerleader dancing halfway through an NBA game.

In fact, Sylvia is also a cheerleader for the Sacred Heart basketball team and is said to be a popular candidate for the next captain.

Xie Zhifei scratched her head when she heard that she couldn't pronounce the word xie with difficulty. He was so troublesome, and Ji Qinger probably exploded even more. As she opened her mouth, she frantically wondered if there was any English name that could be used. "Well, you can call me..." It happened that he looked down and saw a few letters on the math book.

"Sigma (Σ)." As for why it was not called Alpha, he would never admit that it was because the shadow left by the crippled Xinjiang child was too heavy.

"Sigma?" Sylvia repeated twice. "It sounds weird, but it's much better than before. So Sigma, do you know how to play basketball?"

Before Xie Zhifei had time to answer, the students who were in a group beside him suddenly let out a burst of exclamation!

"What's wrong with them?" Xie Zhifei asked back. The group of people were excited and spoke the Sicilian dialect, which he couldn't understand. She could only turn to Sylvia on the side.

The girl obviously heard what they were arguing about, because after the exclamation broke out, she showed a shocked expression, looked over there, and didn't react until Xie Zhifei finished asking. "Oh, I'm sorry, they're talking about the devil in Florence..." Although she tried hard to calm herself down, Xie Zhifei could still hear the panic in her words.

"The devil in Florence, what is that?" Xie Zhifei frowned. Could this be the existence that would subvert the world? A certain sealed great demon is about to break through the seal. But what does the demon of Florence have to do with Sicily. ,

"No, that's not a thing." Sylvia turned her head and quickly retorted, "That's a murderer, the most vicious serial murderer in the entire Italian history. A real devil."


Chapter 70 Dreamland One

Under Xie Zhifei's inquiry, Sylvia also restrained her emotions, and slowly put away everything about the Florence Demon from Xie Zhifei.

Speaking of the most famous serial murderer in the world, probably everyone will first think of Jack the Ripper. In fact, in various countries, some prisoners have committed crimes and brutality that are not much worse than him, just because of historical and regional constraints.

For example, the Son of Sam in the United States, the Zodiac Killer, the Silver Serial Murderer in China, the Wuhan University corpse dismemberment case, etc. In Italy, the person who represents the reputation of making a child stop crying is the devil of Florence. He was also known as Britain's Jack the Ripper.

Since 1968, seven couples of lovers have been brutally killed in Florence. caused widespread shock at the time. The murderer has committed crimes all over the Florence area. He always appears when the couples are accidentally left alone, and kills them when they are lingering.

Men are shot in the head with a .44 caliber pistol, while women are subjected to severe abuse, including rape, beatings, and torture for a long time before killing them. Even so, he is still not satisfied, and will kill corpses after death. A few days later, put it in a kraft paper bag or cardboard box and put it at the door of the police station to mock the powerlessness of the police.

Some people may want to imagine that only 14 people died. What's so scary? In the face of natural disasters, the death toll often rises to the five-digit level, but panic rarely occurs. After all, you must know that in modern times, car accidents happen almost every minute, and every five minutes, a person will die in a car accident. The lives and deaths of 14 people seem to have little impact.

But a careful analysis of everything, including the Son of Sam, Jack the Ripper, or Silver cases, reveals that the real impact of these cases is the breakdown of order. The silver case made everyone feel that no part of the city was safe. Workers are afraid to go to work alone and feel unsafe even at home. And panic will ferment. After a long period of this kind of panic, the accumulation of emotions will explode at a certain limit.

After the outbreak, cults and heretical worship, as well as self-defeating decadence, will be born. And these emotions will catalyze panic emotions a second time, and the result will be a major collapse of order, and anarchy will become inevitable.

As for why a group of Sicilian people are discussing the demons of Florence fiercely here, the serial killers in this era even before they were born, naturally, it is because there are imitators in Sicily.

A couple was killed in a park before, a man was robbed and a woman was tortured, although police have not released details of the case. But the informant immediately spread the information to his twitter and youtube. As a result, it was naturally spread like crazy.

Such a familiar method of committing crimes was quickly recognized. News of the 'Return of the Devil in Florence' spread quickly. Just like Xie Zhifei's high school ghosts and urban legends, these are constant topics, so are Italian high schools. Now the hottest event in the school is naturally the Devil in Florence.

The exclamation just now came from a second case when a girl was refreshing the event. Everyone quickly got together to discuss.

Hearing that it was just a serial murder case, Xie Zhifei was obviously a little disinterested. Sure enough, it couldn't be that easy. Did you find out about this kind of news during a high school break? He could only smile faintly at Sylvia, indicating that he knew.

But the girl looked particularly solemn, she broke his shoulders, and looked straight into his eyes with big green eyes, "Sigma, you must be careful. This is not a joke, the security in Sicily is not very good, especially It's for Asians. You and..." She glanced at Ji Qing'er, not knowing how to call her name, so she could only give up, pointing to her and signaling to Xie Zhifei.

"Are the two of you boyfriend-girlfriend relationship? No, it's the same, you live in a host family and go to school together, it's easy to be treated as a couple, and then become a target. You must be more careful, don't go to those remote places somewhere to go."

The girl was so serious, although she didn't understand that if the Florence demon met these two, the police would probably be happy. But after all, the appearance has to be put on, Xie Zhifei can only nod his head very seriously. I will be careful.

There was nothing to say about the next thing, and the two of them survived the remaining two classes, and finally it was time to end the get out of class. Returning home together, apart from the demons in Florence, they did not find out any other events. We can only hope that Alfonso will be able to wait for a good news to come.

The only thing that can be recorded is that Xie Zhifei asked about the English name Ji Qinger made up for him, and the answer was Olivia, the meaning is unclear, but it sounds more normal than Xie Zhifei's Sigma. The latter was mocked for a while.

When he got home, Alfonso was lying on the bed in a very strange position. He didn't take off his clothes. He slept so much that his nose was bubbling. His body was full of alcohol and the sour smell of sweat. The two struggled for a long time and did not wake him up, but made lunch and dinner by themselves.

I didn't go out in the afternoon either. I spent a long time at home with a tourist map of Sicily, planning the route and method of investigation. A red pen twists and turns to include almost all the big towns in Sicily.

During dinner, Alfonso got up, tired but excited and told the two of the news he had gotten. Unlike Xie Zhifei and the others, it was not about any abnormal event. I saw Alfonso pointed to the sky, and someone wanted to come down.

This action made the two of them stunned again, and then they came to their senses. In Huaxia, it generally refers to the imperial capital. In Italy, it naturally refers to the Vatican. As for the person who came down, it must not be a government official. But important people in the Vatican.

"Cardinal? Or cardinal?" Ji Qinger asked while stuffing a corner of pizza into her mouth, and then frowned, it seemed that the pizza with sausage cheese didn't quite match her taste.

"I don't know yet," Alfonso spread his hands, "it's only confirmed that someone will come down, and the person who told me the news also heard a little bit of wind from above. They are responsible for receiving a big person, as for what they are looking for The person who should be higher should be above.”

"Tang?" Xie Zhifei asked.

Alfonso nodded.

There was a strange silence between the three, Alfonso was eager to try, and Ji Qinger didn't care. And Xie Zhifei is worried, what is the fool's most worried situation? It was the Vatican who was involved in this incident.

This is also the reason why the two of them are going on this secret mission, otherwise they will just inform the Vatican directly, it is something that is right under their noses. If it is not handled well, what are the Big Four?

But dare not, the prediction that conspiracy and conspiracy are intertwined is too scary. If the Vatican gets involved, it will not be something that can be easily solved. Joining the other three together may not be able to solve the conspiracy it has planned for many years.

Xie Zhifei sighed and didn't upload the news immediately. After all, it was just a rumor, not necessarily accurate. He will upload the message after confirming that the Vatican is really coming. As for the rest, take your time.

But when has the world ever been so simple as one might wish? Plans cannot keep up with changes, and various emergencies are the main body of the world. Accidentally, it came in the dark of night.

When I dream, the whole world will tremble for it...


Chapter 71 Dreamland II

In Buddhism, there is a saying of the three desires in the world of desire. The three desires are appetite, sleep, and sexuality in order. Few people feel their desire to sleep, because compared to the other two, sleep has almost no threshold. As long as it is sleepy enough, people can fall asleep without space and time constraints.

But it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. People who have survived all night will know that, especially those who have spent several nights in a row or squeezed sleep time for a long time, that kind of groggy brain. I don't want to do anything else, just the feeling of sleeping. Any lofty sentiments and ambitions are empty talk in front of it, and the golden light and treasure can't arouse anyone's interest.

Sleep is a basic need. When a person is awake, the activity of nerve cells will produce a lot of metabolites, and these metabolites are toxic to nerve cells and cannot be completely eliminated. When sleeping, the volume of nerve cells will be greatly reduced, and the flow of fluid around the nerve cells will be greatly increased, transporting these metabolites away, so that the nerve cells continue to remain healthy.

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