Moreover, he has also carefully studied the reasons why students are always difficult to get interested in learning. It is nothing more than too little incentives. What they have learned now will not come in handy until ten years later, and it may not come in handy. An empty cake is difficult to arouse people's desire to work hard.

So he took out part of the school's construction funds and went to carry out the activities of free exchange students! As long as your grades are good enough, you can enjoy the opportunity to go abroad at public expense! The bright interests are directly in front of you, this is the positive incentive! It turns out it works well too.

The school seems to be a little restless recently. Regarding the student Liu Zhenfeng, in fact, he is also very contradictory and follows his heart. Not to mention expulsion, such a student will not even let him in, but in Huaxia, some things must be coordinated. And despite his bad reputation, Liu Zhenfeng has always been smart and never let anyone get the hang of it. In the absence of a real hammer, it is really difficult for him to offend a deputy mayor.

But recent events have changed so suddenly that he, who has been engaged in education for decades, can't understand it. But the name Xie Zhifei still left an impression in his mind. Fighting, confessing in public, I heard that there was a three-woman fight for husband at the school gate recently? Let him sigh and shake his head.

However, there was not much reaction. After all, his high school and college were all studied in the United States. Even decades ago, the atmosphere there was still not comparable to the current Huaxia. This age itself is a restless age, and he understands this better than anyone else. Blocking is worse than sparse, this kind of thing is just fine.

But it's not a good thing for students to be too restless. Since they are full of energy, let's find something to vent their energy. After thinking about it, he took out the cowhide book, wrote a line on it, and assigned the task this afternoon.

"Organ Cup Foreign Exchange Trials", just as Wei Xianming imagined, the news detonated the school as soon as it was announced. Xie Zhifei's ship Qi Baye, Liu Zhenfeng's gloomy life, etc., suddenly became the past tense. Almost every topic talks about it.

This is an exam, an object-oriented exam. As for what Organ is, no one cares at all. Among the students, this exam has another name, 'Little Dragon Gate'. The reason why it is called Xiaolongmen is to correspond to the 'exchange student qualification examination', which determines the number of exchange students, and if you pass it, you will be the 'big dragon gate'. door.

Xiaolongmen does not exist every year, and no one has figured out the specific rules. The legend is that in the years when there are a lot of registered exchange students, the school will hold such a test. It has two meanings. The first is to brush off some people in advance, so that the situation of the last big test is more authentic. The pressure is not so great; the second is that the sponsor of Xiaolongmen, that is, the 'Organ' company this year, will pay, and then bear the expenses of a few student exchanges.

That is to say, in the years of Xiaolongmen, if you want to obtain a qualification to go out, you need to take more exams, but correspondingly, there will be more opportunities! What does this mean? It means that some people who are full of confidence may have one more possibility of overturning, and it also means that some people who were originally in the later row have a chance to go out!

How could such a thing not cheer up the public sentiment, and more importantly, this time the Xiaolongmen did not leak a little bit of wind, and the 'Organ' company has never even heard of it, the ghost knows where the principal came from Sponsored by local pulls. What's even more disappointing is its exam time! Three days later!

And since the last time Xiaolongmen was two years ago, it was said that no one took the Xiaolongmen exam in the school. The scope and difficulty of his questions are all unknowns. The tight schedule and the clutter of exam scope can almost make people collapse.

After class, Ji Tianhong also ran to Xie Zhifei for a provocation. The meaning was very simple. I thought that you would have to wait until the final qualifying exam to be cleared. But I didn't expect that it would be so fast that the whole school would know the true face of your ignorance...

What kind of student is the worst for this kind of surprise inspection? Bad birth? No, the poor students who are really ignorant and inexperienced are the same every time they take the test, so in fact, they are not very nervous, and have a mentality that is even higher than that of top students. What really breaks down are those rhythm parties, who are used to having a complete and good schedule of when and how much to review. This sudden disruption of the rhythm is absolutely unfavorable to them.

Unfortunately, Xie Zhifei is a rhythm party.


Chapter fifty-eight

There is an indoor swimming pool inside the Fool's Building, and it is definitely not small compared to the general swimming pool. This is not to make Xie Zhifei and the others corrupt. Although they occasionally swim in the summer to relax, they still use it for exercise most of the time.

This swimming pool is not just as simple as a pit filled with water. In fact, it is impossible for anything to become simple after passing through the hands of an equipment group. The details can be seen in Yi Nian's lighter. The water flow is self-circulating, which means that the water here is living water and can flow. This is just the foundation. With some pumps that Xie Zhifei didn't even bother to remember their names, it can also affect the water flow in four ways.

Then all kinds of surges are formed, waves, whirlpools, ocean tides, and even indicate that the wind is calm, but the bottom is full of undercurrents. Xie Zhifei had to train in such a current. There are two advantages, the first is that it can train the adaptability of various environments, so as not to fall into the water like a devil fruit person, in various water bodies, they can still adapt to the first time and maintain the corresponding combat power.

The second is to use the water itself to achieve a better exercise effect. Power generation in water and power generation in the air are two completely different concepts, which can be understood with a simple explanation. How much does air without cubic meters weigh? 129 kg. One cubic meter of pure water weighs one ton. The difference is a thousand times. It is also a fist, and once in the water, although it is not equal to a thousand times in the air, the effect is several times or even dozens of times.

When this is still water, this situation will become more obvious in flowing water. The impact of each current is equivalent to someone pushing against the body, and this thrust comes from all directions and is basically unpredictable. . For example, someone stretches out his hand and pushes you on the chest, and you see him make a move in advance, so you will subconsciously exert force to resist the force.

But in the water, I don't know what direction the force will come from. When I push it to a place like the inward bend of my calf, I don't even have any precautions, and I just fall down. In the case of no training, let alone force training, even standing upright is a huge problem. Xie Zhifei had been drifting with the waves a few times before, and he had exhausted all his energy just fighting the current.

But today he is not fighting the current, but doing another kind of basic training. But the degree of suffering is only a little more. Xie Zhifei suddenly let out a strange cry, and then fell into the water in a strange posture, "Put--". How weird is that? The ground is the whole body rushing forward, waving both hands constantly, trying to grab something to keep balance.

This is a very strange thing, because for them, even if they are pushed off the bridge by accident, they will adjust their posture and actions at a very fast speed to ensure the posture of falling into the water. The shock is as small as possible and the ability to recover quickly. As for Xie Zhifei falling out of a Chaplin comedy like this, let alone a blade... It is a difficult thing for ordinary people.

What's even more bizarre is that after Xie Zhifei fell into the water, he slammed his head out, shook his hair, and then stretched out a hand to press on the water to make a climbing action! When you come out of the swimming pool, you are always leaning against the wall by the pool in this posture, so it is not surprising. But Xie Zhifei was clearly holding on to the shimmering water around him!

Then he saw that the surface of the water was under his hands as if it had been casted by magic. It seemed extremely flexible. Although it sank slightly, it really supported his body. Then he climbed out of the water and stood out of thin air. On the water! !

Although his figure is swaying, but he really stood up, it's scary enough! In the animal kingdom, there is indeed some kind of lizard that can run on the water with the help of the tension on the water surface, but Xie Zhifei and his principle are absolutely different! You must know that he is standing still, and gravity and contact area are not the same concept as lizards.

Of course, this is not something that the scientific side can explain, but the mysterious side of the source. Although at first, Titenya said it was a blessing. But the Holy White Spirit finally exchanged a contract with him. What does it mean to sign a contract with the guardian of a family of goblins?

He has the highest authority other than the fairy king and queen, as well as the guardians of various races. It sounds like it's nothing but a lot of things, but in fact, this authority is already a powerful third-level authority in the sea of ​​​​elements, even far more than ordinary fairies.

However, he prefers warriors rather than mages, so his performance in this respect is not obvious enough, but with his continuous practice and mastering his authority, he can almost be immune to all ice and water damage! Definitely a bug enough to be able to be reported.

Some people must be wondering, why do you need to practice permissions? In fact, even if you have permission, you must learn to use it. If you don't use it, the permission still has no way to exert its power. Strictly speaking, frost demons and ice fairies have exactly the same authority, but the former can only throw two ice picks by virtue of their talent, which is the understanding of their authority.

With such a buggy ability, how could The Fool let him waste it? The training method is jointly set by Lin Xue and Chen Ye. The national carnival... No, we worked together to carry out this exercise for Xie Zhifei...

It was fine at the beginning. If you just stand, there is no problem as long as you keep your full attention. It feels like standing on a waterbed or trampoline, swaying like jelly, but it is still solid. But it's over when you get up.

Xie Zhifei didn't know how to describe walking on water, because it was completely different from walking on the ground. Static friction, the main premise of walking, does not exist on the water at all! So even how to move has to start over.

So it is falling, falling, falling again, and Xie Zhifei once fell and already has a psychological shadow! You must know that after stepping on the air at the beginning, I became nervous and continued to concentrate, and then pia—slapped on the water, yes, slapped on the water. After being bounced back a few times by the jelly-like water surface, it will slide out a long way along the water surface... A few people laughing at the pool side are out of breath.

Falling into the water was something he learned only after he had fallen a lot, and he had access to the authority at the moment of the fall. The best result right now is just walking five or six steps forward while skating, just like skating.

Every time like this, Xie Zhifei couldn't help but wonder if the legendary King Arthur who could walk on the water like walking on the ground and defeat hundreds of troops on the water had also experienced such an unspeakable training time.

If so, it's no wonder that he didn't have **** when he appeared as a female character in the anime. So many times on Pia, no **** have to be flattened, not to mention a teenage girl...

After complaining in his heart, King Arthur Xie Zhifei struggled to get up again. The buzzing in his ears was probably water inflow, and his brain was also a little dizzy. Maybe it was because he fell too much and affected the balance of the cerebellum. I always feel like I've become a frequent visitor to it again...

Sighed, then took a trembling step forward again, and then "Put--"


Chapter fifty-nine exam

"Report." Xie Zhifei almost stepped on the bell and ran into the exam room. Everyone in the exam room raised their heads and looked at the boy at the door. After all, it's not unusual to be late in class, but it's very strange for Xiaolongmen to be late. Because after all, they are all students who voluntarily signed up for the exchange program, which means they should be good students.

Even the teacher who was standing on the podium turned his head. His hand had already picked up the kraft paper bag and was tearing the seal on it. Xie Zhifei's interruption made him feel unhappy and looked unpleasant.

But the moment he saw Xie Zhifei, his expression changed a little, and he finally let him in. Now in the first year of high school, to say which student is the most popular, it must be the lanky boy at the door.

There are so many powerful backers who have beaten 20 by one person and knocked down the deputy mayor, all of which are legends about him. Although the teacher knew that there was a lot of exaggeration, there was no need to confront this kind of thorn head-on, but Xie Zhifei actually signed up as an exchange student, which surprised him.

After getting permission, Xie Zhifei walked into the classroom with his head down, found his seat and sat down. This is not because he really wants to be late. Yesterday, he trained to walk on the water. After falling countless times, he entered the intense review. Stayed up until the early morning, and the sky was getting white before giving up. This is not a big problem in itself, the problem is that he went to the body repair solution to lie down for a while.

Here I will explain the function of the body repair fluid again. It is not a panacea, but a promoting fluid that greatly improves the body's self-healing ability, which can be used as a catalyst. Although it seems to make the injury very fast, just like donating blood, no effect does not mean it is harmless.

It consumes the potential of the body. If the healing time of the wound that originally took a week to heal is concentrated into one hour, the consumption of physical energy and potential that should be provided in one week will be squandered in one hour. There is no problem in coming twice less, but if you come too much, it will cause a kind of hollowing out of the body. The situation of hollowing out is similar to AIDS, the breakdown of the self-healing function will lead to the death of even a small injury.

And Xie Zhifei happened to be soaking it very frequently recently. After Du Qingping's confession, Ji Qinger has been playing tricks in practice. In addition, her nose is blue and swollen when she falls on the water, and she spends a lot of time studying late at night every day, resulting in insufficient sleep time. His body was in a very tired state.

Although they were all minor injuries, they would not cause a collapse, but the result of the exhaustion and depression was that he almost fell asleep. By the time Lin Xue called him up, time was already running out. Lin Xue's original words were that it was too late. That's right, he was about to turn on the energy mix explosion and blood burning in the city, and it turned out that he just arrived at the moment the bell rang.

The teacher showed the sealed bag again, and then took out the pale yellow paper and passed it down from front to back. Xie Zhifei was in the penultimate row, unscrewed the pen cap, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Then I started to look at the topics on the paper.

For a while in the classroom, the sound of swiping the tip of the nose across the paper was mixed with a few sounds of air-conditioning. The teacher on the podium was also very curious, took two steps down, walked to a student and stood still, squinting at the paper, which he didn't even know the content of. Although he doesn't teach this subject, he can see the difficulty. Then he smiled relievedly, after all, with only those few places, how could it not be difficult.

Xie Zhifei felt the same difficulty was more significant. In fact, there was not much content beyond the outline, and it was still the knowledge points they had learned. But the problem is, practicality.

This test method makes people very uncomfortable, it is equivalent to the collision of two different education systems, the same knowledge point, the Chinese test, the dictation nature is more serious. Especially in the disciplines of biology and chemistry, there will even be knowledge points to fill in such exam questions. This is hard to imagine abroad.

It cannot be said that Huaxia's education method is not good. After all, it is also a system that is most in line with the current national conditions, but it will be obviously insufficient for a group of students who want to exchange with foreign countries. The difference is the same as this paper, practicality.

The actual problems that need to be solved are placed in front of them, and the title of each question may even have more than 200 words, which is almost unimaginable for the Huaxia exam. Xie Zhifei The first problem they faced was the choice of method. From the knowledge you choose, you can just click on the ones that can be solved.

It sounds simple, but it is definitely not an easy task to extract effective information from a large amount of information in a tense situation. It is enough to make a judgment and judge your own judgment. So it can be seen how difficult it is for a professional anchor who has the courage to make judgments. The old immortal Xudong has boundless mana.

Fortunately, in terms of the practicality of knowledge, Xie Zhifei does not touch anyone. After all, it takes more than seven or eight years for most people to put what he has learned into practical use. He has learned a lot. Part of it is for practicality.

Especially before the arena, the knowledge infusion of Xi Ke and Mu Xiao was not as simple as expanding his knowledge. Rather, it was so that he could survive the next battle. Among them, Xi Ke's teaching attaches great importance to this way. You may not know what the principle of this weapon is, but you must be able to use it.

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