Xie Zhifei never thought of such a thing. In fact, not only him, Yue Jianghao and even Shi Yuqing, his best friend, didn't know about this matter. A girl's feelings are always poems, and even if they are all poems, there are differences.

There will be verses like "How can the small characters of the mandarin ducks produce books", which will only be written in the diary and secretly read when I am alone. Yue Jianghao is the poem that belongs to Jiang Ting. She is a girl who loves fantasy, so she will bet all her imagination on Shi Yuqing, which may be realized.

Except for one thing, that is Yue Jianghao. Shi Yuqing should be an absolute flower of old age, a fortress that can never be conquered. And Yue Jianghao is Jiang Ting's boudoir dream. He is tall and handsome, holding a basketball and dunking the figure like a knight drawing a sword to kill his opponent. He also has a good family background. Both his parents are lawyers and run their own law firm. These kinds of things perfectly fit all her fantasies about the other half.

But she knew better that Yue Jianghao would not like her, he was a basketball knight in the whole school, and all the girls who had scandals with him were famous beauties in the class and even the grade. And he is so ordinary, with ordinary looks, ordinary grades, and ordinary family background, without any bright spots. It seems that there will be no intersection with his life at all! She originally thought that she would bury this feeling in her heart forever.

To this day, she saw the basketball knight fall to the ground, no halo, no more dashing, and the ground was covered with blood and dust. Wanted to be abused by the little gangsters she looked down on the most. Every fist that hits him, every insult, seems to be a knife to her hidden beautiful fantasy. Cut open together with her heart.

Pain, deeper than pain is fear.

The fear of drowning made her grab Xie Zhifei's hand without hesitation, and seeing Xie Zhifei's indifferent face, she knew even more that she had no way to convince him. So she turned her head to Shi Yuqing without hesitation.

"Yuqing! Yuqing... let Xie Zhifei save Jiang Hao..."

"But..." Shi Yuqing didn't expect her best friend's sudden change.

"If this goes on like this, Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao... will be beaten to death by them!!!"

"But Xiaofei..." Shi Yuqing was obviously caught in a tangle. The instinctive disgust for fighting and the conflict with the sense of justice, the expectation that Xie Zhifei would stand up like a hero and the fear of his injury constitute another layer of conflict. . Jiang Ting's tears spewed out like a **** burst, as if it was about to drown the world.

"Help me get it." Xie Zhifei shook his head suddenly, took off the schoolbag he was slung over, and handed it over. Shi Yuqing turned her head in horror and inconceivable, and subconsciously took the bag in his hand, her mind became even more muddy.

"Didn't you say that you won't participate?"

"Just now, now is now." Xie Zhifei twitched the corners of his mouth, it was really troublesome, it was clearly such a small matter, and it was clearly so unreasonable. Why would you want to get started? Why would I take the initiative to want to get involved with such a mess.

There was not much expression on his face, but the things that were surging in his heart were not necessarily much less than Shi Yuqing. The reason came from this inexplicable warm-blooded question. When Yue Jianghao shook his head to let him go, the inexplicable emotion instantly filled the tide and reached its peak.

"Brother Feng, that kid is here."

"Oh, stop." Liu Zhenfeng smiled meaningfully, waved his hand, reached out and rubbed his face, as if putting on a mask, wiping out all the hideous meaning, and returning to the cynicism of a hippie smile.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Xie? Why, are you here to save people?"

Xie Zhifei shook his head, "Come and beat someone."

"Hahahahaha!!!" Including Liu Zhenfeng, all the gangsters were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed. Standing at the front, the yellow hair with earrings, after laughing at the waist, took the initiative to walk towards Xie Zhifei.

"Hit someone? Who do you want to hit?!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pushed towards Xie Zhifei. Although they knew that Xie Zhifei's going up must be the result, but when they saw the physical contact, the two girls couldn't help exclaiming.

Jiang Ting forgot to cry, and looked at Xie Zhifei's thin figure with tears in her eyes. The light and shadow of the setting sun made this scene appear in a dream. And Shi Yuqing held her hand so hard that she even felt pain, and the pain was telling her that this was the reality.

"Bang——" No one could see how Xie Zhifei made his move, but when Xiao Huangmao's hand was about to touch him, he suddenly swayed, and then Xiao Huangmao was like clothes in a washing machine. He was suddenly pulled over 360 degrees by a huge force. It fell heavily to the ground!

Collision sounds and moans came out of his mouth instantly, and the impact spread from behind to his limbs, and the whole person suddenly bent into a prawn, and he couldn't even get up.

Xie Zhifei's hand deeply shocked a group of small gangsters who were strong and ruthless, and the laughter floating in the air came to an abrupt end.

"Hard idea?" Liu Zhenfeng subconsciously took two steps back and asked the tall young man beside him, Li Meng, who had the same name as Mengren No.1. When he was a freshman in high school, he had already reached the black belt in Taekwondo and was the number one fighter under Liu Zhenfeng. It is also the reason why Liu Zhenfeng is so fearless. I have seen too many people who claim to be very good at being beaten by Li Meng on the ground.

Usually at such times, Li Meng would tell him answers like 'small problems' and 'flashy', and then go up and solve them easily. And this time, his ace didn't give him enough confidence as before. "Well, the kind that is very thorny..." The feeling that this kind of thing was slowly becoming uncontrollable in his hands made Liu Zhenfeng's heart empty and uncomfortable.

It seems that everything has changed from what he imagined since the boy appeared. Yue Jianghao didn't call him over, but he came over to save people, no, beat them. In short, it seems that this is a sure thing. After this boy named Xie Zhifei appeared, the clear path ahead began to slide into a dark abyss...

Xie Zhifei didn't even look at Huang Mao, who was lying at his feet, and walked straight forward, as if the group of people in front of him didn't exist. Standing on the top of the mountain, he despised everything with the power of three mountains and five mountains.

"Stand up." He said to Yue Jianghao.

"Boy! What do you mean!" This kind of ignorance completely ignited the last nerve of the gangsters, like a powder keg exploded, and the abuse and threats instantly surrounded Xie Zhifei.

"I said, stand up. As long as you want to stand up, whoever dares to hold your hand, I will interrupt his hand. Whoever dares to grab your foot, I will interrupt his foot." The flat voice was like In narrating a given fact, it is full of a kind of **** smell that the punks are not familiar with but can instinctively feel fear.


Chapter twenty-eight

People always have a slave surname thought that they dare not resist. Yue Jianghao's current situation is not only because of Liu Zhenfeng's power. In fact, the two sides directly stated that Yue Jianghao pulled out the group of tall and strong animals in the school basketball team, and the situation would not be inferior to this situation.

After all, like good students, the school basketball team that wants to represent the school to get grades is also the heart of teachers, at least the heart of physical education teachers. Coupled with the physique developed by daily training, people like Liu Zhenfeng will naturally consider the profit and loss ratio and not dare to overdo it.

But considering the problems his parents were facing, he only felt that things like a conflict with Liu Zhenfeng would have an impact on his parents, so he chose to back down. But he didn't understand that, in fact, the current situation would have a significantly greater impact on his parents. In such a situation, blindly compromising and giving in would only make his life worse.

Therefore, Xie Zhifei never planned to take an angry shot like in the movie, overturn all the gangsters present by himself, and then help Yue Jianghao on the ground to go to the hospital. He knew that if he did this, this matter would remain in his heart forever and become an indelible shadow. He needs Yue Jianghao to stand up, not only physically, but also mentally.

Sure enough, after listening to Xie Zhifei's words, Yue Jianghao, who was holding his head, raised his head, and the moment his terrified eyes met Xie Zhifei's calm eyes, he felt a burning pain all over his body, more painful than the place where he was beaten. That feeling is called shame, I have no courage, and I don't even have the courage to fight back.

The majestic sense of shame pouring out from the bottom of his heart instantly overcame the fear and hesitation. He was about to get up with his hands on the ground. The **** smell filled his chest and abdomen due to the sudden force, and the pain made his face turn hideous. Twisted, even so, he still tried his best to get up from the ground.

"Boy! I have endured you for a long time." If Xie Zhifei was a beast who broke in, then Yue Jianghao was the prey that the gangsters had already killed. Xie Zhifei's behavior of instigating his resistance is like taking a duck away from the mouths of the gangsters. At this moment, the impact of him turning over the yellow hair was thinned. What if we can fight again? Can you hit twenty at the same time? The one who also suppressed the hand interrupted the hand, and the one who grabbed the foot interrupted the foot, who do you think you are? ! Ye asked? Ye Wen only dared to say that I would hit ten!

The group of people who surrounded Yue Jianghao just now naturally divided into two groups to act. Three or two surrounded Xie Zhifei in front of him, and their movements were quite uniform, that is, they raised their fists to their heads and prepared to slam them out. The remaining two were obviously more scheming. Instead, they took two steps back and set their target on Yue Jianghao, who was still struggling on the ground. With a sinister smile on his face, he stretched out his foot and was about to step on it, but I want to see what you use to break my foot!

"Ah!!" However, at this moment, Jiang Ting, who was still in the open space with pear flowers and rain, suddenly felt a sudden burst of heart and could not cry any more. Even Shi Yuqing's heart tensed, and she held her hand tightly. two points. In his mouth, he didn't even dare to exclaim.

Because Xie Zhifei moved, and unlike the previous shot that instantly killed Huang Mao, this time, although his movements were also fast, everyone could see clearly, and every move was coherent. I saw that he first stretched out his hand to hit the outstretched fist in the middle, and then jumped up. Sideways, the left foot slides back, tripping his leg and hanging the whole person in the air.

Then the upper body went up, and when the back was attached to his chest, a violent elbow suddenly exploded in front of his chest. The force instantly penetrated the chest and back, and the place where it was hit rose to the top, and you could almost see it. A breath of energy came out. Xie Zhifei let go, and the whole person flew towards the rear.

The two thugs who were about to attack Yue Jianghao on the ground had just reached the normal level when they heard an unbelievable voice. They instinctively turned their heads and saw a black figure expanding in their sight. Before they even had time to react, they were smashed into a ball together.

"He...he!!" Jiang Ting grabbed Shi Yuqing's hand and kept shaking it up and down, with a happy expression on her face, mixed with the tears that had not yet fallen from the corners of her eyes, it actually impacted a different kind of beauty Come.

It's just that Shi Yuqing has no time to appreciate such beauty, and she is also trendy and surging. This was the first time she saw Xie Zhifei take action. She ran away from Yue Jianghao before, so naturally she didn't know what happened later. As for the previous fight against Xiao Huangmao, it was as if a full-level player played a first-level mobs, and it was enough to level A, and I couldn't see where the strength was. But Xie Zhifei's set of tricks is real and can let everyone see his strength.

It turns out that the little boy who has been hiding behind him has grown into a hero in the story? Shi Yuqing couldn't tell whether the feeling in her heart was joy or bitterness, so she could only subconsciously tighten her hands again.

It was only after the two smashed thugs hurriedly pushed away the person who had been knocked over by Xie Zhifei, they found that the guy was about to faint, rolled his eyes, and blood poured out of his mouth. Suddenly they were frightened, and they rarely saw people beaten so hard. What's more, a black shadow shrouded directly from above.

"I said, move your hands, break your hands; move your feet, short your feet." Xie Zhifei narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice did not fluctuate a little, and he decided the fate of the two who had not yet got up. The two people on the ground were trembling, unable to even get up, their lips were purple as they watched Xie Zhifei lift his feet.

"Sa—" Xie Zhifei, who raised his foot, jumped a step back, and a shadow of his leg crossed where he was standing like a black python with a loud cracking sound.

"Brother, stay on the line, see you in the future." Li Meng retracted his legs, although he never thought that he would be able to defeat the enemy with one move, but he was easily avoided by the opponent in the case of a sneak attack. His face was as deep as black ice, and he said to Xie Zhifei in an alert posture.

"Leave a line?" Xie Zhifei's eyes switched back and forth between the two men who were urinating their pants on the ground and Li Meng. Then he nodded slightly, and when Li Meng heaved a sigh of relief, he tilted his head again, "What will happen if I don't stay?"

Li Meng didn't expect Xie Zhifei to follow such an answer after nodding his head, but he also understood that his aura couldn't be weaker at this time, "However, they all belong to the same school, so they must be so deadly, broken hands and feet, The scene was too ugly, and it was difficult for everyone to clean up."

"Really? Why do you think you don't have this concern at all?" Xie Zhifei raised his head slightly and motioned for Li Meng to turn around. In his sight was Yue Jianghao, who was struggling to finally get up from the ground. Covered with dust and footprints, there are many scratches on his face, the blood has dried, mixed with the dust, and there are many bruises on the bare skin. That's it, after he sucked in a few breaths, he still pulled out an extremely ugly smile.

"Boss, it's so **** good!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Meng gritted his teeth, realizing that today's affairs could not be better, and put on a gesture of starting, "Come on then, Li Meng, a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. Please enlighten me."

The wind on Mr. Xie Zhifei thought about it for a while, then as if he understood something, he smiled relievedly, the blood, confusion, etc. all dissipated, and there was actually a calmness on Mr. Leaning out half a step, he stretched out his hand and brushed the non-existent front placket, tucked his belly, and got off the bridge, "Xingyi, Xie Zhifei, please enlighten me."


Chapter twenty nine behind

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