"It's called a proton packet for short. It collides with high-speed particles and then produces a torrent of rays, because through my research, it is believed that the ghost should be a perceptual transformation of some kind of strong electromagnetic field, although I have not yet figured out how its independent consciousness is generated. , but since it belongs to the field, it can be restrained by a more powerful field..."

"Old Zhang! Don't explain your theory." He Jiang interrupted his explanation, which could not stop for half an hour, "I can't stand it! Think about it!"

Although their attack was very effective, the roses seemed to be inexhaustible. They had just interrupted a batch, and a new batch came up, and they kept going. On the contrary, they got green readings on the backpacks behind them. It has now turned orange, and when it is red, it will be completely overheated and need to dissipate heat. Then they'll just be hung up like last time SM... No, I mean hang up and beat. Waiting for the kind little angel to rescue them, or they will be sucked to dry.

"Enter the house!" Zhang Fengmian said after looking around, "The ghost upstairs must be solved, she is the core of this electromagnetic field, and the whole field will collapse! In this way, these things will..."

"Okay, okay, I got it, which means that what we have to do now is to enter the room, and then the wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, and the cannon rack is right to **** her mother, right?" Qi Tian took the lead, the light beam opened, and He rushed directly towards the door.


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 9

Escaping into the room was actually easier than they thought. Qi Tian took the lead, and Sheng Sheng swung the beam gun in his hand with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops, almost injuring his own people. Here I want to stress again, the beam emitted by the proton pack developed by Zhang Fengmian is not the stable, straight, long, and easy-to-control laser sword in the Star Wars series.

What is sprayed from its muzzle is similar to a water column, and its stickiness is higher than that of water. It is like something similar to slime liquid or jelly sprayed from the muzzle, and it is slightly less Attention will be thrown around. So you can imagine what a **** scene it is when Qi Tian is wielding the output like crazy.

But no matter how you say it, the effect is very good. The rose branches in front of the face are suddenly empty, Qi Tian kicks the door open, and then a group of people swarms in. After all, the rose branches that originally took three people to suppress in front of Qi Tian after specializing in one place. It has made Zhang Fengmian and He Jiangtou bigger. After entering the room, the three even fell to the ground because they rushed too hard.

Qi Tian looked at Xie Zhifei who was holding Ji Qing'er upright, and embarrassedly stretched out his hand to touch his nose, "Little brother, you're pretty good."

"He is a professional bodyguard, and he can kick a tree the size of a bowl with one kick," He Jiang stood up first and rolled his eyes at Qi Tian. Xie Zhifei wanted to say that although he can really kick it off, what I'm showing you is just a shock from the kick. Is it really okay for you to brag in front of yourself like this?

But before he could start complaining, Qi Tian got up from the ground first and held Xie Zhifei's hand excitedly, "I didn't expect that little brother has this unique skill, to tell you the truth, in fact, I've always wanted to find a bodyguard, But you are worried about finding that kind of sloppy sack, do you still know anyone in the industry? You can rest assured about the salary..."

Xie Zhifei can see that these three are a trio of cross talk that can switch between each other at any time, and they can accompany you to talk about any topic. I'm just a random character, where can I find someone who can be a bodyguard for you? Well, maybe the group from the action team can, wait, why should I follow his ideas? !

Xie Zhifei, who found that he was dragged into the second-hand goods route, hurriedly shook his head and pulled himself out, squinted his eyes, shouted "Get out of the way!", and then suddenly pushed Qi Tian in front of him away. A green, translucent, half-human-sized round object quickly drilled through the three of them.

"What's that?" Qi Tian asked while sitting on the ground.

"I don't know." He Jiang shook his head, "Old Zhang, what do you think?"

"The field changes strongly, and he maintains the field in this hall." Zhang Fengmian held the 'ghost detector' in his hand, facing the round thing. Only this time the lights on it are only halfway on. "The intensity is not too high."

"This, we know." Qi Tian got up from the ground, no need for Zhang Fengmian to emphasize, he turned his head round and everyone could see its front. It is probably a wrinkled, large potato-like thing made of translucent jelly. The folds on his body are all layers of fat accumulated. A huge mouth opens in the center of the potato, and the proportions of the two are like those of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The small hand of the claw stretched out from the side, and the pitch-black bean stared at a few people with two **** eyes.

In view of its disgusting appearance, I decided to give up such a cute name as Yuanzhuan, and then uniformly called it the glutton.

"Why does it look so much weaker than the garden outside?" Even He Jiang was a little puzzled.

"The fields here are not uniform, but a patchwork of small fields nested together. There are also differences in the mass distribution." Zhang Fengmian explained with push glasses. "Simply put, even if they are all ghosts, they are still strong and weak."

"Then leave it to me! A scumbag, you dare to make me drop a big butt." Qi Tian took out the spray gun from the proton pack, and rushed forward as he did his part.

Looking at Qi Tian who was rushing up, the greedy ghost was stunned for a moment. It is estimated that in his life, no, he has never seen such a person who directly wants to face the anus. But it was only a moment of surprise, and then he won the victory with his teeth and claws without any cowardice.

He opened his mouth wide, his half-meter-long tongue licked in mid-air, and his two small claws were waving. The only thing that was threatening was probably the greenish tone coming out of his mouth. Inexplicably, He Jiang felt a little sad.

Did you almost get killed by such guys last time? This, this, this, am I shameless? ? ?

The battle is over so quickly, how fast is it, He Jiang has not finished his life with emotion, the light beam sprayed from the Qitian spray gun entangled the greedy ghost, just like the immortal rope in the myth, but This thing is probably called a bundle of ghosts?

In short, after being entangled, the greedy ghost clearly felt the pain, and a lot of white smoke came out of the place where it was in contact with Guanghu, as if it was boiled, and strange moans of unknown meaning kept coming out of its mouth.

Qi Tiandao was very excited to play, the spray gun in his hand swayed up and down, the beam was shaking, and he kept hitting the floor with the glutton. The force was so strong that the round body was smashed flat, and it made a strange sound similar to 'piaji' and 'buji'. Even the facial features were smashed and deformed. It made Xie Zhifei feel a sense of dislocation whether he was watching an early Disney cartoon like Tom and Jerry.

Of course, this situation didn't last long. After being smashed by Qi Tian about seven or eight times, the glutton finally couldn't bear the humiliation. It... exploded. That's right, it's very magical, very realistic, and it explodes like every little monster defeated by Ultraman.

But unlike the little monster that can spit out flames and lasers with a sound of flesh and blood, the glutton is a big potato with a liquid-solid paste. Naturally, it can't blow up that kind of flame and fireworks special effects. But like a rotten orange, it exploded an overwhelming slime-like slime.

With it as the center, the range of about five meters is covered with a layer of green slime. Fortunately, Xie Zhifei and the others were far enough apart—except Qi Tian. When he turned around, the front was also covered, and he couldn't even see his facial features.

There is good news and bad news about the things that gluttons blow up. The good news is that there is no corrosiveness, toxicity, etc., just slime. The bad news is, it's disgusting and stinky...

Except for Zhang Fengmian pinching his nose and walking up to collect a bit of mucus from him and put it in a bottle, the others basically kept a distance of more than five meters from him. Including He Jiang. Qi Tian couldn't help but cry. If I knew that this thing would explode, I wouldn't play like this, and I would have to spray it to death from a distance.

It's a pity that there is no regret for selling medicine in the world. Although Qi Tian is a bit older, he is also a mature person, and he did not show any dissatisfaction with keeping a distance from everyone. After reaching out and removing the mucus from his face, he asked with a wry smile, "Where are we going next? Let's solve it as soon as possible, I'll take a shower."

"The place where the ghost in white stood before was the balcony on the second floor. So we have to find a place to go to the second floor first. If possible, we'd better have a map, or the structure of the house..." Zhang Fengmian pushed on his glasses, It looks like the analysis is about to start again.

"This way." Ji Qing'er rolled her eyes and returned the map. Do you think playing RPG? Pointing to the stairs next to the hall, "You can go to the second floor."


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 10

The next journey can almost be described as indescribable, not to say that it is difficult, because if it is really a thrilling journey, it will be introduced here.

The reason for such a brush can only be because it is very simple, the remaining monsters are about the same level as the gluttons in the hall. What was the ghost that suddenly floated out of the stairs that was shot by He Jiang for a second.

The two squeaking out from the corner of the promenade are zombies and mummies and fit-like things, and they can still be physically attacked. At least Xie Zhifei knew very well that he didn't use any incidental power, and just used a little more power than the average person to break up the two things.

Yes, it fell apart, and in the ashes it turned into a mixture of broken bones and bandages. Xie Zhifei had some doubts. If he reached out and touched it, a dialog box would pop up suddenly in front of his eyes, telling himself that 'rags' and 'weathered bones' would each be added by one...

The so-called indescribable feeling is probably like this, it is too simple, especially after comparing the golden rose garden before entering the door, if the former is a first-person adventure game similar to escape. After entering the house, all the links are simply like some inferior online games. Before the full level, all the pictures can basically be pushed through.

Moreover, compared to inferior online games, this thing does not even have the pleasure of upgrading, and even Qi Tian, ​​who was quite excited at the beginning, has no interest in it. Looking at the little monster that appeared from the corner, I was not interested at all.

If this is really a game, along the way, everyone's monster illustrations are estimated to be almost full, and they can be used as a "General Edition Low-level Weird Illustrations". Skeletons, zombies, mummies and other humanoid monsters, bone dogs, big bats, giant scorpions, bucket-thick white worms and other creature-shaped monsters, as well as ghosts, ghosts, moving tables and chairs, tableware floating in the air It's weird that I don't know how to classify it.

Of course, you must be thinking now, why go to a balcony on the second floor and encounter such a weirdness. After all, if they all come, even if the quality is not high, if Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger don't take action, the huge number will actually cause some crisis situations.

But in fact it is not, they all appear sporadically in some places, at most in groups of three or five, and there is no danger at all. And the reason why this happens can be explained in three words. It's called ghost hitting the wall.

Although it seems that all they need to do is walk from the lobby on the first floor to a room on the second floor. But in fact they have now passed through a huge area including the hall, cloister, atrium, art room, restaurant, library.

This method is almost a common method in the game. It must follow a fixed route. Before completing a certain map, the maps in other places will be guarded by "unknown mysterious power". Xie Zhifei and the others encountered a slightly different situation. It was a situation similar to a different-dimensional killing formation, that is, when they moved from one area, they would be forced to switch to other places.

This situation is more like the backtracking of the scene that Xie Zhifei pulled in when he was solving the information construct of the old school building. Although it seems that the end of the stairs is the corridor on the second floor, after you take that step, you find yourself in the corridor on the first floor.

The explanation given by Zhang Fengmian for this unscientific situation is because the set is made up of many messy things, like a puzzle, and they are not completely constant. When you step out of the boundary of a puzzle At the same time, you have absolutely no idea where the next piece of the puzzle you will enter is.

But the good news is that when they get rid of the core of the set, that is, the monsters in that area, the set will lose its autonomy, which means it will be solidified. Will not step in again. So they must have reached their destination.

"Okay, let's see, where will the next place be!" Qi Tian still kept his high spirits and walked at the front. Although he was holding a doorknob in his hand, the expression on his face was as if he was about to pull a slot machine. Pole Gambler. Although it is not wrong to say that from a certain point of view, Xie Zhifei has been suspecting that there must be some factors in Qi Tian's black hand that made them go around such a big circle.

"Good luck. It's another room." As the door was opened, a group of people walked in and looked around, Qi Tian said.

This is a statue showroom. The plaster busts of the same height are neatly stacked on the side of the wall, and in the middle is a large table, and sculpture tools such as awls and chisels. There are also several medieval armors on display next to the statue.

"Isn't it weird this time?" Qi Tian seemed to really take this as a game. Seeing that this time there were no trash fish waving the weapon in his hand and squeaking up, he was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"Impossible." Zhang Fengmian shook his head," and then took out the ghost searcher, "Be careful, there will be no fields without cores, the cores here may be anything. "I used the reflected strength as a signal to search in the room, like a tomb robber looking for a dragon's point.

Finally stopped at the corner of the wall, the light on the searcher went all the way up, and it almost reached the apex! There's just as much weirdness as the rose garden outside your door! Zhang Fengmian's eyes widened, he raised his head in fright, and saw a faint blue flame burning inside the hollow inside of the black iron plate armor in front of him, and two red dots appeared in his eyes, with a creaking sound, The sword with the pestle on the ground was also raised, and it was about to cut Zhang Fengmian in front of him with a knife.

"Be careful!" He Jiang and Qi Tian both shouted, but their position was too late to do anything, and the beam would only hit Zhang Fengmian who was in front of him.

They couldn't do it, but it didn't mean that they couldn't do it. Xie Zhifei was also paying attention. He jumped up and immediately stuck behind Zhang Fengmian, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and pulled it back. . He was dragged directly behind him, and the sword with its mighty power naturally fell into the air.

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