Xie Zhifei sighed again, then opened the huge silver suitcase, and saw the ingredients Ji Qinger said. Although he felt that the weight was very unconventional when he was carrying it, he really felt that he had lost after he really saw what was inside.

Several blue plastic storage boxes of different sizes make full use of every inch of space in the suitcase, cramming inside like a pile of wood. Xie Zhifei took a look and didn't even know how to start. In the end, he slipped and sewed down with the blood thread, and dragged the boxes up one by one. I really don't know where Ji Qinger found these boxes of the right size.

Beef, pork, corn, potatoes, lotus root slices... Xie Zhifei inspected the food in the box in the same way. Then I thought about what to do better, because I don't know how many days I'm going to be here, and I still need to be careful about the use of food.

Only then did I realize that this was not Huang Quan's field survival training. Even if I finished eating, I could still buy it. And even if it is a survival training, those who rely on the woods near the sea can last for more than a month by grasping.

"It doesn't look like he's doing a task at all." Xie Zhifei, who had packed up his things, glanced out from the window on the second floor. Ji Qinger was sitting on a huge pebble on the bank, with the white gauze hat and small white sandals set aside. Hold your legs and look at the distance where the sea and the sky meet.

The wind lifted the skirt, revealing the crystal clear little feet below, and the unrestrained black hair fluttered in the wind, pulling a long ink line, and the spring grass in his heart seemed to grow with the wind like the black hair, forming a continuous grassland. He quickly retracted his eyes, picked up the piles of ingredients and walked to the kitchen downstairs.

Arranged the box in the refrigerator, then took the cutting board and knife from the cupboard and walked to the sink, but he had difficulty turning the tap. The jerky feel is 100% rusted, and it is not impossible to forcibly unscrew it. However, the rust of the faucet is generally the problem of the screw, and the rusted screw is easy to be completely broken, and it will be completely scrapped at that time, and someone must be hired to replace it.

But it's not a difficult thing to solve. I tap the faucet lightly, and then I drip a little vegetable oil into it. Then I slowly unscrewed it, and there was a whimpering sound like a wind tunnel from the faucet. After a while, the rust-red water flowed out and slowly became clear and transparent.

Xie Zhifei washed the kitchen utensils and frowned. This idiot of life is full of vegetables and no rice. How can he eat? He stuck his head out of the window, looked at the sun outside the window, and recalled the location of the town. Put things down again.

Turning around and preparing to leave the kitchen, it was also at this time that the cool sea breeze blew in from the window again, and a faint scent of flowers entered Xie Zhifei's nose. He turned his head, only to notice that in the corner of the desk, there was a small vase, the transparent narrow-mouth bottle was half full, a white peony, the slender flower branches supported heavy flowers, and the petals were Shaking softly in the wind, he turned his head along the edge of the vase.

Xie Zhifei watched for two seconds, then turned and left. First, he walked outside the room and greeted Ji Qinger who was sitting on the stone. "I'm going down the mountain to buy rice, and I'll be back soon." The latter didn't respond at all, and didn't bother to turn his head back. Xie Zhifei shrugged his shoulders and walked back along the path he had just come from.

Even if you are walking on the same road, there will be a difference in length when you go and return, especially when you are going and you don’t know where your destination is, you will feel that the distance is extremely long and the return is short. .

Therefore, although Xie Zhifei almost felt that he had walked out of the busy city to the deserted suburbs, and lived through an era, when he walked back, he soon arrived at the small town in his memory.

The town is really small, there are only two streets that can be called streets, one horizontal and one vertical, intersecting in a cross shape, and the others are dirt roads in the countryside. The tallest house is no more than a two-story building. The self-built house stands side by side with the classical hanging mountain-style vaulted old house. Compared with Crystal Bay, a tourist attraction in Xiawan, this place is like a place forgotten by time.

"Is there anyone?" Xie Zhifei walked into a grocery store. Various shelves were cluttered with various commodities. There was only one dim incandescent lamp illuminating it. It was almost an independent kingdom. There was no one except the residents here. The way to quickly and accurately find what you want. Compared with Zhongjiu, this place is more like a store that sells souls. Xie Zhifei shrugged his shoulders.

"What to buy?" A heavy female voice sounded, and Xie Zhifei could hardly hear what she meant from her accent. After all, the difference in pronunciation is so severe in the ten miles of the south that even a village has its own dialect, and two adjacent villages cannot even communicate in their own dialects.

The old grandmother who was sleeping at the desk on the counter raised her head, only to realize that there was a stranger standing in front of her. He subconsciously shrank his head back, as if frightened. Xie Zhifei reached out and touched his nose. In this isolated town with only a hundred people, outsiders may be as rare as rare animals. But even so, the aunt's reaction made him a little hurt, after all, he considered himself a good-looking face.

"Auntie, I want to buy some rice." Xie Zhifei spoke as slowly as possible, so that he could speak every word in his own words. After all, even Huang Quan didn't have the magical powers to give them such a rural dialect. I just want my aunt to watch TV and understand what he is saying.

Fortunately, maybe his prayer was heard by some god, or maybe the business instinct of the aunt who had been doing business for decades was awakened, and she instantly understood what Xie Zhifei was talking about. Come out of the counter and tear off a blue plastic bag.

"How much?" The aunt waved her stubby fingers.

"Two kilograms is enough." Xie Zhifei smiled, "We're just here to play, we won't be able to stay for a few days." The aunt replied huh huh, holding a porcelain bag with rice in the evening.

"Auntie, is there anyone cleaning the house over the mountain?" The house looks clean, and the water in the vase is freshly changed, but the water in the house has not passed through for a long time, so it is possible that someone is taking care of it. write. And brought water all the way. This is very strange, even part-time workers have never heard of cleaning with their own water.

The aunt's action of digging rice suddenly stopped when she heard Xie Zhifei talk about the house over the mountain. Maintaining the motion of bending over to Shengmi, he turned his head abruptly, and in the deep-set eye sockets, both eyes stared at Xie Zhifei motionless, full of panic and fear.

"Get out!" The aunt roared and threw the rice in her hand to Xie Zhifei. White rice splashed out from the blue pocket that was not fastened. Half of it was spilled on the ground. The rest fell on Xie Zhifei's chest and was caught.

The aunt was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, her whole body was blown up, and her sharp voice was like claws scratching through glass. Waving his hands like dead branches, he drove Xie Zhifei out of the door, and he kept swearing in dialect.

Suddenly, the city that had been heard by chickens and dogs vibrated, and one head after another poked out of the windows and doors, looking at Xie Zhifei, who was driven out by his aunt. Naturally, he heard the curse words uttered by the aunt, and then the whispered discussion spread.

Everyone watched Xie Zhifei who was standing in the middle of the road, cautious, fearful and a little curious, his whispered words formed a storm and wrapped him in it. Xie Zhifei looked left and right, but anyone who looked at him immediately flinched. In this way, he thought about it, and two ten-dollar bills picked up a gravel on the ground. The aunt stood at the door of the small shop like a hen protecting her chicks, her whole body was standing upright, Xie Zhifei avoided her and put the money in the corner. Then backed away.


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 3

"You finally came,

I've been waiting for you,

That white flower for you,

Do you like it?

Will you be happy?

Are you...will you laugh at me? "


If at the beginning, he guessed that there was something strange in this town, after the incident just now, Xie Zhifei could already be sure. The problem was the house they were in.

Thinking like this, he climbed over the low mountain again, and saw the bungalow standing on the hillside. The pure white bungalow full of creeping tigers glowed orange-red in the setting sun. A beautiful, dreamy and rustic town that doesn't fit in at all.

Haunted house? Earthbound? Or something else? It wasn't a troublesome thing at first, but because Ji Qinger refused to show him the content of the quest, the difficulty of the game suddenly rose to a nightmare level. Like some perverted RPG games that like to bury the main task in the daily dialogue of NPCs, for most people, it is a persuasion level.

But after all, this is not a game, but a task assigned by the Fool. Xie Zhifei has no qualifications to say that he will not play if he does not play. But fortunately, since the Fool only asked the two of them to execute, that is, the judgment, the two of them can complete it. So even though the difficulty of Ji Qinger's problem has increased a lot, it shouldn't appear, it's weird that it can't be solved. All it takes is for him to find out the task.

Then let's get started, carrying a small half bag of rice back to the house, Xie Zhifei skillfully handled various ingredients and started cooking. Ji Qinger, who came back after watching the scenery, was rolling on the bed, still not revealing the mission information to him at all.

Xie Zhifei has nothing to say about this, anyway, it's much better than his worst plan, isn't it? At most, there are fewer teammates, and it's not that there are more teammates than Ji Qinger. For example, a certain leader of the Silver Hand who played a whole round of soy sauce after leading the way, and then came out to hack the two most important loot. That's right, Tirion Fordring, that's you.

In short, since Ji Qinger wanted to hang up, Xie Zhifei could only follow her, after finishing the meal and cleaning up the dishes. He dug out his notebook and began his investigation. The special network card allows him to have a network speed of more than 50M in places without a router, and can avoid complicated operations such as hanging VPN and overcoming the wall, and can easily find information from all over the world. A must-have for home travelers. Of course, more importantly, Xie Zhifei could use it to contact the action team.

If Xie Zhifei checked it alone, it is estimated that he would not be able to separate the part he needed from the massive amount of information when he was dead. Of course, this is for a non-professional like him, but there are enough professionals in the action group.

Their job is to extract those anomalies from the massive amounts of information uploaded to the Internet every day and make judgments. Then escalate to the action team, and for information support in the h action. In fact, Xie Zhifei tried to use them to find out what his mission was at first, but the answer was that the authority was insufficient. But as a support, there is absolutely no problem.

In just half an hour, all the information Xie Zhifei needed was sorted into beautiful documents and sent to his computer. These documents are mainly divided into two parts, including news reports and extensions of strange events that have occurred in the town, and the owner of the bungalow.

The bungalow belongs to a returnee botanist couple named Gu Yun and Xu Yi. They returned to China with their daughter named Gu Yi three years ago, and they built this house and settled down in this small town.

Seeing this, Xie Zhifei wanted to complain, although he could guess the origin of his daughter's name, but even if he fell in love again, he never thought that with a name like 'deliberate', would his daughter really not have a psychological shadow since childhood?

In short, the heartless family of three happily enjoyed an idyllic life in the small town while doing plant research. It was a pretty good story. But perhaps Xie Zhifei's crow's mouth played a role, and after he turned the idyllic page, the problem arose.

Perhaps it was because of the shadow of the name. In the second year of moving in, strange things began to appear on his daughter Gu Yi. For example, where she stayed, the temperature would be significantly lower than the other surroundings, or some people even said that they had witnessed her floating in the air.

Born abroad since she was a child, her Mandarin is not good, plus these strange things. Naturally, he was rejected by his classmates. An incident that is unavoidable in all schools and can best reflect the idea of ​​human beings and their inherent evil, campus bullying.

In a school where all the classmates grew up in a small town where they all knew each other, it was almost certain that a foreign girl would be ostracized, not to mention these bizarre incidents happened to her.

Unlike normal school bullying, the incident that happened to Gu Yi did not improve because of the intervention of parents, teachers and other adults. On the contrary, it became more and more intense as the news of the evil spirit's possession spread. It almost rose to the level of things like fighting and eliminating witches. If it wasn't for the teacher and a few insightful people in the town to stop him, most of them would have been killed.

But even if he stopped the adults who were full of emotions, he did not stop the middle two teenagers who were full of blood and adventurous spirit. In groups of three or five, they actually entered the bungalow overnight after colluding.

Therefore, the ability of rural youth to act is really strong, and they do what they say. According to the description of the couple after the incident, the teenagers first tied the sleeping couple to a chair, and then burned Gu Yi in the living room in front of the two of them to kill the people.

Well, young people's imagination is strong. Xie Zhifei complained, and then according to the description of the couple, they cried and begged the young people to stop. But the young people ignored their demands and insisted on attacking. His face was red and professional, for the people and for the party's sense of mission. Then the couple who cried blindly passed out for some reason. According to what they said, they saw a burst of white light before passing out. After they woke up, their daughter was still tied in the middle of the living room, but fell into a coma. And several young people curled up in the corner, their eyes were slanted, and their saliva was left on the ground.

Now the couple is in the provincial capital with their daughter, who has been in a vegetative state for a year, while the teenagers have become idiots because of their excessive fright. The incident came to an end.

After reading the first document, Xie Zhifei smiled, and he could almost make up what happened during that unrecorded period. Judging from the state, Gu Yi was most likely an awakener or successor, and was in the early stage of ability awakening. And the teenagers who don't understand water must think that they have a great advantage, and then start ridiculing.

As we all know, unless you have the aura of the protagonist, taunting when the enemy is still **** will most likely cause the BOSS to run wild. As a result, the girl's ability is out of control. In the case of burning the teenagers into idiots, he also KO himself at the same time.

But it stands to reason that if this is the case, there will be no chance for the two of them to appear, and it is obvious that there is something else going on in the future. Xie Zhifei just moved the mouse to the second document, but suddenly stopped. Turn your head to the side.

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