Looking down at Xie Zhifei's white transparent skin, and a little bit of black ashes drifting away, there was a struggling look on her face, even when she was about to die, she never saw such a face. It was clear that Xie Zhifei's state was already at its limit.

If it was said that he could not be saved if he didn't get treatment in time, then his current situation is that even if he is sent to a medical facility, he is probably not saved. She didn't know why he had such a change, but she could feel the overbearing power of the power in his body.

All-round burning from the body to the soul, this is no longer a trivial matter like a bubble body repair fluid. But Ji Qing'er didn't have the fear of ten thousand autumn grass growing in her mind when the black dogs were going to eat him earlier, but rather tangled. Looking at Xie Zhifei's face, his brows furrowed. It seems that the person who is going to die is not him, but himself, and it is the kind who dedicates himself to righteousness.

Finally, Ji Qinger made up her mind to wake up and took a deep breath. This breath was so long that it seemed like she was about to inhale the whole world. Then he kissed Xie Zhifei's mouth heavily, but the cyan breath that should have dried up a long time ago came out of her mouth and entered Xie Zhifei's body.

And as the blue breath circulated between the two's breaths, Xie Zhifei's body on the verge of collapse actually stabilized surprisingly.


"What did you do?!" Xie Zhifei woke up, looking at Ji Qinger who was wrapped like a big dumpling in front of him, and said immediately.

"Didn't you see it all?" Ji Qing'er raised her eyebrows in anger.

"This..." Xie Zhifei stretched out his hand and touched his head, only to realize that the injury he suffered after the battle with Shana just now had already healed. Surprised, he turned his eyes to Ji Qing'er.

"What are you looking at!" Ji Qing'er continued to be angry, "There will be no next time, this is the last time, the gods who have made such a mess can't save you!"

"Okay." Chen Bingyi suddenly appeared from behind and put a hand on Xie Zhifei's shoulder, "Don't get cheap and sell well."

"Ah? It's cheap and good?" Xie Zhifei pointed his finger at his nose, "Me?"

"Who else isn't you?" Chen Bingyi shrugged his shoulders, "I'm very convinced of you on this point. I've got Her Royal Highness on this side, and on the other side I'm flirting with the war witch. If nothing else, it's just the courage. God."

Xie Zhifei didn't know why after he was injured and comatose, when he woke up, it seemed that the whole world had changed. Ji Qinger suddenly became a proud princess, and the calm and steady Taoist person in front of her suddenly became a 'best friend' character in Japanese harem anime. Did he jump the world line when he passed out?

"However, no matter what entanglement you have with that witch. I hope you can win the next match. I know it will be difficult, but let the imaginary space win the arena championship twice in a row..." But of course Chen Bingyi didn't It may suddenly change people, after just a joke, the next sentence will change back to the original.

Xie Zhifei only then realized that no matter what he experienced just now, what awaits him now is the last match of the Destiny Arena. A battle that will determine the next fifty years of the world.

He didn't know what kind of mental journey Chen Bingyi had gone through before he mustered up the courage to tell him this. But that didn't stop him from nodding.



Chapter 163 Fury

The last time the white light lit up, Xie Zhifei saw the girl standing opposite him. This feeling was so wonderful. Under that delicate face, there seemed to be a secret that one could not help but explore. With an irresistible temptation.

Every time I saw that face, I was in a different mood. Outside the anthill, when I saw this girl dressed in Lolita, as delicate as a doll. He carried a mixture of curiosity, alertness and fear.

And because she took the initiative to let it go, the next time I saw it, I already had two points of goodwill. When I wanted to say hello, I didn't expect that she would give herself a surprise attack.

And the things that followed closely after that were one after another, so that he didn't even have time to think about chewing, how should he deal with this matter. Then I didn't expect that they actually met in such a scene. On the final stage of the Destiny Arena, as an opponent who will do everything in her power to defeat. This kind of thing is so bizarre and unbelievable, it's almost as if he was able to make it all the way to the finals.

In the battle with Agrace, Catherine's costume was severely broken, but this did not affect the girl finding another one to replace after she ended. The fact that he was not carrying any tactical weapons, but small skirts that had no practical significance and entered the Destiny Arena, had already filled Xie Zhifei with a feeling of complaining.

But even so, the girly style still has a black tutu skirt full of lace texture, as well as black leather boots wrapped around the calf, and translucent black lace gloves. Makes her look like a tempting devil. Gives a feeling that it doesn't matter if everything is given to him.

"That..." After thinking about how to start the day, he scratched his head and said two words. What responded to him was a shining whip shadow.

The silver chain swung down quickly, leaving only a silver-white afterimage in the air, wiping Xie Zhifei's nose straight at it, if he flashed a little slower. The sharp blade on that chain will gouge out his nose directly! Even if it dodged away, the chain drew a deep trace on the ground like a sword slashed by a knife, indicating that the girl's blow was no joke at all.

"Shut up!" Catherine's eyes widened, her voice was as cold as ice, as if she was responding to her words, and countless chains grew out of her back. Different from the time of confrontation with the number seven, the silver screen that symbolizes power and authority.

This time, the chains behind Catherine were twisting and roaring like a group of snakes, as if they were ready to tear the people in front of them to pieces. In comparison, the former is the queen who reigns over the world, and the current Catherine is a Devilsaur whose cubs have been snatched away. It is relatively powerful or incomparable, but in terms of the degree of ferocity, the latter absolutely crushes the former a hundred times. .

Catherine's appearance made Xie Zhifei look at a loss. What's wrong with this world? ? ? Everyone is abnormal? Not long ago, the one who ran up to me and kissed me forcibly and uttered a good-smelling sigh was also you, right? What the **** is the look of a resentful woman who is now inexplicable, and who I have eaten, wiped away, and abandoned you?

Of course, for this reason, everyone present, except him, should all know. After all, when Xie Zhifei passed out of a coma, the scene of the confrontation between the lion and the dragon, the two people's confrontation, just the electric light and the storm from the eyes of the two people can make people feel frightened.

But Xie Zhifei didn't know. After all, he passed out at that time. To be precise, he entered the memory flashback because of Yue's heart. So naturally, there was no source in the Shura field where he was clearly the protagonist. But even so, from Catherine's behavior, he could draw the notion that the other party did not intend to be polite to him.

That's fine, Xie Zhifei lowered his head slightly and held the **** spear in his hand. If Catherine really came up and conceded defeat and handed over the victory to him, in fact, he would find it difficult. Although he is different from Wu Chi, who solves everything with the spear in his hand, he is also the kind of person who wants everything he wants with his own hands. Luck, fate and the like, he has long lost his expectations.

Those beautiful and soft words full of romance, fantasy, love and blood don't belong to him for a long time. Iron and iron, blood and blood, and the ridiculous and bizarre world belong to him.

His grip on the gun was like a sign. Countless chains behind Catherine shot down towards Xie Zhifei like a torrential rain, and countless radiant blades were ready to open a hole in him at any time with the sound of the wind.

The red spear in Xie Zhifei's hand was swung into a mist of light again, like a blood-colored semi-circular shield buckled around the body, separating the chains from the sky one after another.

Such a scene seems to be a repeat of the confrontation between Catherine and Xie Zhifei before the ant mound. Catherine is the main attack and Xie Zhifei is the main defense. Although the adventure of Ant Mound made Xie Zhifei more comfortable with the red gun in his hand, Catherine's attack has also become far better than before, full of madness and tyranny.

The result of the last battle like this was that Xie Zhifei couldn't last for three minutes. He was picked up by Catherine dangling his feet, and then indecently abused... There seemed to be something wrong. But if this situation develops, this result is likely to appear at one time.

No matter how tight Xie Zhifei's defense is, the power of cracking gold and cracking stones on each chain is real, and in an instant, how many chains Xie Zhifei's spear will intersect with, even he himself can't tell. Naturally, these powers would not disappear out of thin air. The ground beneath Xie Zhifei's feet had already cracked open, and the cracks began to evolve into finer rubble. And his feet have been knocked into the ground.

And Catherine finally showed a smile on her face, and the chains attacked even more, as if she was going to knock Xie Zhifei into the ground completely. And this more ferocious offensive Xie Zhifei naturally also noticed. There was also a wry smile on his face.

Sure enough, no matter when, these seeds are so unreasonable. But it's not like he hasn't changed at all. In his eyes, the blood-colored ocean stirred violently. As if the whole ocean was boiling, something was about to stick its head out from below.

A trace of blood-red breath was drawn from Xie Zhifei's body, floating around him like mist, every inch of muscle undulating like a tide, as if he was breathing. Roaring blood rushes through every blood vessel at three times the speed of a human, sending that power of that description into every cell.

Hands, necks and even cheeks, on all Xie Zhifei's bare cheeks, red patterns grew and spread, making that thin face hideous and terrifying. The blood-colored ocean in his eyes boiled to the limit, and golden light spots exploded inside, like fireworks, burning instead of flames.

"Really...remembered, what is so incredible." Xie Zhifei swung his gun sharply, and the huge wind pressure exploded instantly, like a sledgehammer hitting down from the top, and the chains that surrounded him were slammed down. They were all shaken several meters away.

Such a huge and terrifying force woke up with the boiling of his blood, it was as if the devil had torn the seal and climbed out of hell. It was absolute power and might. At that moment, he even felt that he was the king who ruled the world. .


Chapter 164 erupts

Boiled blood. This is the name Xie Zhifei gave to his current state. Although it was said that when he just woke up, because of the sudden change of time and scene, he was a little confused and his brain was confused, but Xie Zhifei was Xie Zhifei after all. Crazy to sort these things out in my head.

First of all, it is the heart of a more girl. Even Catherine knows what Xie Zhifei doesn't know. It's just that he didn't think about that in the beginning. After all, even if this matter was confirmed, he felt that it was even more miraculous than that he could defeat Catherine and win the arena championship.

The inheritance of the Yue Nu sword comes from the Yue Nv A Qing. Even among the inheritors, this is definitely one of the top inheritances. After all, Yue Guo can become the last overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period just by learning a little bit of fur from A Qing's hands. . You must know that in that era, being able to become a hegemon in China basically meant that in terms of combat power, it could basically crush any other organization in the world. It is only because of the limitations of technology and productivity that there is no way to accomplish the feat of unifying the world.

In the legend of the Yuenujian, in addition to the magnificent Wu Yue hegemony, the larger space is actually depicting other things. The love between A Qing and Fan Li is exactly A Qing's secret love for Fan Li. It was precisely because Ah Qing liked Fan Li that the Divine Sword was awarded to Yue. It can be said that love is the beginning of the Yue Nu sword.

Therefore, the inheritance of the Yuenu sword of the past dynasties was incomplete at the beginning, until the inheritors found the person they loved. And after they find it, they will entrust the other party, that is, the heart of the more women. That is her love.

After handing over the heart of Yue Nu, the inheritance of Yue Nu sword was truly completed. For Ji Qing'er, her sword will become stronger and stronger because she finds a reason to swing it. Just like Ah Qing, in order to protect Fan Li, interrupted the opponent's hands at one time during the battle with the white ape who taught her swordsmanship. This growth can be described as explosive. In fact, if The Fool knew that Ji Qinger had found a trustee of Yue Nu's heart, she might become the real seed.

For Xie Zhifei, it was even simpler, it was an extra life. Spiritual energy and soul, the all-round second life. Therefore, Xie Zhifei's soul will stabilize when it is close to burning out, and he can recover quickly when his body almost collapsed just now, but as Ji Qinger said, there will be no next time. Xie Zhifei had already exhausted his spirit and soul.

In the retrospect of the heart of the Yue woman, Xie Zhifei also recalled the memory that was lost at that time, although from his point of view, such memory is definitely not good. The blood in the whole body was boiling, and something like a **** or an evil spirit descended on him. Absolute power, like the gods, holds something called authority, but it is not accompanied by the same mercy for all things as the gods.

It was the desire to destroy, the feeling of wanting to destroy everything, the desire to obliterate everything, destroying, destroying, disintegrating, annihilating, killing, almost filling his chest. In the end, he didn't even know whether it was the monster who woke up from his body who killed those black dogs...or himself who gained the power of the monster.

This strong feeling was almost impossible to erase, and it began almost as soon as he recalled that feeling. The feeling of blood boiling then woke up in his body. Although it was only by his own simulation, he couldn't reach the state at that time.

But this state of boiling blood can still allow him to instantly gain power comparable to the energy mix explosion, and it is more controllable. That's why he was able to shake all the spears around him with one wave. This is the power that can face the seed, and it really belongs to the messenger who destroys the world, one of the powers of the wolf.

The boiling blood was rushing at several times the speed in every corner of his body, and the five senses were also improved several times than usual. So he could hear the tiniest sound Catherine made. "Giggle giggle—" The upper and lower rows of teeth rubbed, crushed, and cut together with the same force as they crushed each other.

He turned his head and saw the doll-like girl with her head lowered, her delicate face as hideous as a ghost, as if real haze and anger had condensed on her face, like tens of millions of tons of clouds piled up, thunder and fire All hidden under dark clouds, the biggest storms could break out at any moment.

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