Catherine was almost indifferent to the breaking of the silver python. The lotus step moved slightly, her hands were raised together, she shrank her hands a few inches, and then extended them a few inches. Her fingers moved like a flower, and the several broken silver pythons on the ground began to tremble. But it is not condensed into a new section like the last time. On the tearing surface, the dense chains are growing and growing. It is actually self-improving and growing, and the speed is so fast! Even more than copying, it is like a mutation.

In just an instant, the thickness of the waist and the stock, the silver pythons of more than ten feet in length turned into two, two into four, one section became one, and more than ten roots were entrenched together. When the silver snakes danced wildly, the evil dragons competed for distance, Catherine stood among more than ten silver pythons and evil dragons, like a **** and a devil.

The raised arms slammed into the center, and more than ten evil flood dragons rushed out of their cages and rushed towards the human-shaped pothole, as if there was no way to enjoy the precious flesh and blood after a second. More than a dozen evil flood dragons roared and roared, and the next moment they were about to tear the constructed human figure into pieces.

"Let the light of justice shine on the earth," Agrace began to chant again, but everyone understood that it was too late to strengthen Xia Mathew at this time. Those more than ten roaring evil dragons cannot be solved by simple reinforcement. But Agrace's goal this time was not her Constructed Doll!

Just after she finished reading that sentence, the silver dragon in the sky suddenly banned it, as if time had been suspended and space had been frozen. The galloping roars just stopped in mid-air just like that. The spear tip composed of dozens of blade tips still flashed a breathtaking light, but it was suspended in mid-air like this.

"Destroy all sin and evil, so that the strong cannot oppress the weak." At this time, the remaining half of the sentence was sung. After saying this, the sea of ​​books that was flying in the sky also stopped, and then suddenly rushed to one of them. Shrinking, thousands of books and thousands of pages are instantly merged into one. It turned into a big book with the texture of red sandstone slabs and stood still in front of her.

"The Code of Hammurabi..." At this moment, it was impossible for Xie Zhifei to not hear the truth of Agrace's chanting. If the two previous chants of homomorphic revenge appeared in almost all the written codes of the early years, then this preface is definitely unique.

Xie Zhifei can still remember that when he was still young, his father translated this complicated book, The Ancestor of All Laws, word for word, and listened to him. In the end, what impressed him the most was this preface.

"Let the light of justice shine upon the earth, and destroy all sin and evil, so that the strong cannot oppress the weak. ’ Although the content in it seems to have been biased after thousands of years, the vastness of its intentions still really shocked Xie Zhifei’s heart at that time.

"Crackling—" The sound of finely shattering stones sounded, and the scene in the field as if time had stopped finally flowed again, although only one person, or a god, could move.

The identity of Hammurabi's Code is clear, so the rest of what the unique Constructed Humanoid is, is easy to guess. The tall square crown, the burning wings, everything is in line with its description in what words.

Shamash, "Shamash" in Akkadian, means "sun"; derived from Utu in Sumerian, which means "bright" in Sumerian ","day".

He is the representative of light and day in ancient Babylonian mythology. He is the **** of justice and is regarded as "the judge of the heavens and the world"; he conquers the night and the cold. "French Open".

He is also the **** of justice, the guardian and enforcer of the code, the **** who gave Hammurabi the first written code of law, the representative of fairness and justice. Shamash, the ancient Babylonian **** of the sun and justice.


Chapter 126 The Black Prison

Therefore, things like pronunciation, translation, and sinicization are so crucial. When he was a child, Xie Zhifei was confused by the translation of Gotham and Gotham. He always suspected that there were actually two Batman, one in Gotham and the other in Gotham.

Now it's the same again, a Shamash, what exactly is Agrace's ability if he'd heard it was Shamash earlier. Would never have guessed at such a time. Xia Matthews or something, although it sounds nice, but it's really stupid.

The above are Xie Zhifei's psychological activities, just ignore it. But no matter how Xie Zhifei complained, in a word, after Agrace revealed the last trump card, Catherine's situation fell into a disadvantage.

And Agrace still couldn't use the Holy Light a few years ago, but the reason why she was still selected as a saint since she was a child is also so clear, because just like Scipio was able to ignite the molten city, Agrace contracted Yes, it is a god-level elf.

Even according to the information universe theory, after Babylon was destroyed thousands of years ago, it lost all beliefs, and it has already been consumed for thousands of years. Even with the development of time, because of the emergence of the Code of Hammurabi, the concept of Shamash, the **** of justice, began to slowly spread, and it has been reborn, but its strength will definitely not reach its peak. period.

But no matter how weakened it is, it is still a fantasy-level existence, and the magnitude of the information itself is different. A fantasy-level existence is definitely not something they can resist hard now. Even though the Evil Flood Dragons condensed by Catherine were about to decide the victory, the complete liberation of Xia Matthews turned the situation back in an instant.

The God of Justice emerged from the broken wall, with slightly curly brown hair scattered, a reddish-brown skin like sandstone, a golden sun behind his white robe, holding a rough obsidian cane, his face It was blurry, as if there were thousands of faces overlapping each other, clearly being able to see clearly, but it seemed that they couldn't see anything clearly. The crown on the top of the head is tall and large, square like a mountain.

"Discipline" Agrace spit out these two words with difficulty, and the huge book in front of him automatically moved to Xia Matthews' body. It stretched out a hand and turned the pages of the book. The most classic shape with the head of Louis XVI cut off, but locked between several wooden shackles is clearly the evil dragons behind Catherine.

"Do you believe in heretical gods?" Xia Maxiu said, his voice was not loud, and even the language he spoke was beyond everyone's grasp, but it could clearly convey to everyone's ears, and everyone Can clearly hear the meaning of every word it expresses.

The evil dragon formed by the chain was naturally speechless, and then the guillotine fell, and it was only a small part of the chain that was cut off, but the rest of the body began to disintegrate together, inch by inch, turning into ash and mud. . Catherine's body swayed.

Although it was the chain that was cut off by the knife, it was actually her who was judged. The disintegrating chain was just a concept, representing that a certain part of her body was blamed and then branded as guilty.

"Is it adultery?"

"Is it theft?"


"Are you killing someone?" Xia Matthew's voice sounded again and again. After each inquiry, a guillotine would fall, and then an evil dragon would disintegrate. After it finished asking this sentence, the last evil dragon in the air was also cut off. The rest...just Catherine herself.

After losing all the support, the body wrapped in the Lolita skirt looks so thin and thin, and the skin exposed under the gorgeous dress looks so pale without a trace of blood, just like a delicate doll .

"Does it rely on the strong to bully the weak for evil?" For the judges, there is no difference between beauty, ugliness, strength, and weakness. All people see only the difference between guilt and innocence.

Katherine, who was quietly floating in the air, trembled all over, gritted her teeth, and could even hear the squeaks grinding between her teeth, but she was not the kind of person who was good at her body. And even that kind of pure body enhancer has no effect at all under the suppression of Xia Matthews. Because including the energy itself, all aspects of them have been sealed in the previous inquiry one by one.

"Ru, do you rely on the strong to bully the weak for evil?" Xia Matthews in the air asked the same question for the second time. This time, the question directly turned into a hurricane, as if thousands of people were shouting in the sky together, coercive. The transformation is the actual pouring down.

Catherine was smashed to the ground. Under such pressure, Catherine's knees hit the ground. The thin skirt can't provide any defense at all. Instantly, red blood seeped out.

Even so, this substantial coercion did not stop. Catherine's spine was slowly bent, her hands touched the ground, and her head was on the ground, as if she was bowing to the king.

"Guilty!" Xia Matthew said.

"Guilty!" Thousands of people in the void echoed together.

"Guilty!" Every inch of space in the sky and the earth echoed with such a judgment.

Xia Matthew slammed the obsidian scepter in his hand, and an invisible shock wave came out of the air, and then a larger, more delicate and complicated guillotine appeared on Catherine's body. She maintained a kneeling position just in line with the sinner's actions before the execution. .

"Sentence: death penalty!" The big book closed, making a clear and loud sound, like a golden and jade striking each other. The cane slammed into the ground again.

The slender rope tightly tied to the guillotine seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and the sloping guillotine went faster and faster from top to bottom, as if it would chop off Catherine's head in an instant. But this time, it was not a crisp cutting sound.

"Chuck!" A sharp, twisted sound, as if laughter and bones collided.

"Giggle--" followed by a series of high-pitched sounds. Katherine is laughing! The huge guillotine was suspended a few centimeters around her neck, she knelt on the ground, there was almost no dignity and grace as a seed, as a gift, but she was still smiling. Every time she made a sound, her mouth was pressed down heavily by something else, and the intersection of teeth and teeth cut off the laughter, leaving an ugly giggle. But she was still laughing, laughing constantly, the longer she laughed, the louder she laughed.

"Hahahahaha!" Intense pain erupted in every inch of her body, but she was still smiling. She touched the ground with her hands on the ground, her elbows trembling and slowly straightened up, her white and tender palms rubbed against the ground, oozing blood. But she didn't care at all, she used all her strength to prop up her body, and her raised neck directly smashed the wooden flail behind her, and smashed the blade above the wooden flail. As if smashed into a mirror of the years.

She stood up with difficulty, from kneeling on her knees to sitting, standing up under the pressure of the tide, her expression extremely painful. Just such a simple action almost squeezed all her strength, but she still raised her head and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha!!" Catherine almost burst into tears with laughter, "Using power, is it a sin?" A black chain protruded from her back from the pierced clothes, as if a spine had been peeled off, Catherine's whole body slammed violently With a shake, there was another chirp, and another one was peeled off.

The gorgeous long dress behind her was quickly shattered into rags, and a dark chain protruded from there, as if blooming a black flower.


Chapter 127 Burning

No one could describe what kind of picture they saw. The majestic and stalwart gods floated in mid-air, with the blazing sun burning behind them, and the tide-like pressure descended to the ground along with golden light. Every inch of the air is filled with golden dust, and they reflect the light and shine together, as if the entire space is filled with the majesty of God.

And there is only one object of these majestic narrations, the tiny girl kneeling on the ground, her blood seeping out from her knees and palms, the intricate lace fringes on her red-dyed dress, and the white wrinkled lace slowly filling up The blood then stretched out, showing a strange black-red color, like a blooming rich Louis XIV.

Powerful gods, weak girls, gold and black and red, this confrontation is as sharp as it can directly tear people's hearts. It is extremely balanced, and it is extremely uneven. Just like beauty.

Beauty is a very long-lasting thing. As long as it still exists, it can let everyone who sees it see the existence of beauty. The demise of beauty is very shocking and extreme. It is only a moment, but in the moment when beauty is broken, almost all the bright fragments are condensed. There is no way to compare whether it is a long-lasting beauty, or a momentary shattering.

This extreme balance is like the balance maintained on the blade of a knife. But the girl laughed, difficult and unbridled, painful and arrogant, as if she was about to vomit out her heart and lungs.

Black chains gushed out from behind her, peeled off one by one only about the size of her little finger, her emerald green pupils burned, and one by one, things like bubbles steamed out from under her eyes, and then burst into bright purple, this burning Her dark purple pupils illuminated her body in the surrounding gold, like a field, resisting the golden light that belonged to the gods.

A chain of black chains swayed gently in this small area. They were not similar to the compatriots who had been judged before. They were not thick, not bright, not sharp, not concise, and the dense hollow carvings made this slender chain look like Coiled by thousands of slender vines. Although it is thin and fragile, when everyone looks at that wave of pure black, they will feel palpitations from the bottom of their hearts.

That is the most condensed state of energy. The huge energy is compressed to the extreme, forming this complex and fragile state of balance, without a trace of leakage. It is extremely difficult to maintain such a complex structure, and the slightest deviation will cause it to collapse. And then there's the chain collapse.

A chain of chains wrapped the girl again, within the spherical space that was less than two cubic meters. But it made her stand up again, and looked at the **** who was about to spread light all over the world.

"Do you think you can still judge me?" the girl said, her **** voice hoarse. "What do you judge me for?!"

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