Previously, the molten city sword was awakened by the hammering of the corpse's fist, but this time it was burned by the percussion of Scipio himself! Except for the collision, there is almost nothing in common between the two, but if it is said that the melting city can be smashed by smashing, no one believes it at all.

There must be something essentially the same between these two acts, so that Scipio can cause his own heart fire, and then ignite the blade! But what this sameness is is no longer important to Chen Bingyi.

The reason why he directly turned over his cards at the beginning was to rush to attack, so that Scipio had no chance to ignite the shuriken, but now Scipio still ignited the sword. So what he was going to do changed, how could he defeat Scipio when the sword was burning!

He is not going to open a mountain, he is going to burn the mountain! Chen Bingyi must hold on to it, so that he can't be burned!


Chapter 121 does not move

Xie Zhifei could see it all, and there was no reason why Chen Bing, who was on the court against Scipio, couldn't see it for a while. Especially after the molten city shakes off the black rock crust on the outside to reveal the red inside. So Chen Bing moved.

After the last painting stopped, he didn't move for a long time, as if too many things had been pulled out of his body as the painting took shape. But now he moved again and took out the yellow paper? Recruiting swords? Everyone guessed his next move, how to hurt Scipio who was suppressed by the mountain below.

But he didn't take out anything else, he swung his long Taoist robe, revealing his weak wrist, and even began to draw a stroke in the sky. Still so jerky and so tortuous, and this time his pale face and his wrists trembled, he was obviously slower than the last time he painted.

But no matter how slow the stroke was, the thing that emerged from his fingertips remained unchanged, a transparent, irregular freehand line. There is no difference from all the previous lines, and you can even feel that they are echoing each other from the inside!

The mountain character is actually not finished yet! The fingertips suppressed Scipio in place, and there was no sign of collapse under a thousand blows, and the mountain character that might have directly crushed him was not yet completed!

Chen Bingyi didn't want to do anything to Scipio's method, just because he had no strength after finishing the previous stroke! He has been resting. It's just that now whether he is really resting or not, he has to move again and draw the next stroke. When he really writes this symbol, what will appear? A real mountain? Everyone couldn't help thinking.

Compared with Chen Bingyi's slowness, Scipio's side was getting faster and faster. After the first layer of rock shell was detached, his movements were so fast that people couldn't react. There was only a blurred phantom left on the entire arm, and the sound of the collision of the distance was completely continuous and even superimposed into a huge buzzing sound that echoed in everyone's ears. Just when everyone thought he would keep digging like this, the sound suddenly stopped. The black sword stopped in mid-air.

There was a flame on the tip of the sword. There was almost only a wisp of flame burning softly. But this transparent mountain, which had been tapped thousands of times before, without any change, began to twist, not only the mountain, but also the space beside the small flame was showing a strange twist.

"Boom—" There was another sound, this time it wasn't Scipio swinging his sword, but the blade itself vibrated violently, as if a huge heart was beating violently. The sword body trembled with a phantom, and the blood-like network formed by the lava on the sword body also jumped, becoming more dense and fragmented, from the cracks of the broken glass to the density of spider webs, and the sword The flame burning on the tip also became the size of a fist.

"Boom—" Another jump, the spider webs turned into capillaries, and the entire sword burned completely! The weapon called the Molten City finally fully awakened! The smell of the thick sulfur and magma belonging to the lava **** can be clearly smelled even on the stage.

Scipio backhanded the sword into the ground, like a red-hot knife inserted into butter, and the molten city easily cut into the white ground, leaving a circle of red knives surrounding the blade.

Scipio finally ignited the great sword in his hand, of course not to dig the ground to escape, in fact he did not intend to escape at all. His plan was very clear from the very beginning, live fire melting the city, this sword is called the melting city, it can melt the real city, how can he be afraid of such a fake mountain! From the beginning to now, his thoughts have not changed, he wants to burn the mountain that is pressing on his head.

The heartbeat from the blade did not stop, and it had a tendency to intensify, and with each heartbeat, the ground around the blade inserted into the ground ignited in a circle. In less than a minute, the small circle of red that could only surround the sword body at the beginning had expanded to more than ten meters. The whole ground was like a red-hot soldering iron, and then softened. It cracked, and traces of flames sprayed out from the open mouth!

And the air above the ten meters above the ground also distorted. At this time, the shape of the transparent mountain really appeared in front of everyone's eyes for the first time. Although it is only more than twenty meters in radius, it is more than ten meters high and low. But the abyss and pavilion-like appearance is like condensing the Five Mountains into a child. Heavy. The more distant the image is, the more ethereal it is. It is not only the size, but a certain image and sustenance, which is the true meaning of the mountain.

Finally, when Scipio turned the hilt of his sword, countless flames rushed up from the ground, and the momentum of the backfire ascended to the sky, covering everything above! A huge fire pillar of more than ten meters was formed, covering all the distant peaks. What Chen Bingyi wrote is the true meaning of the mountain, and the flame of Scipio is the eternal hellfire that can burn even the space.

The ethereal mountains and lava slowly twisted and blunted in the flames, the sharp peaks were gentle, the strange peaks and rocks melted, and the entire mountain was about to be completely refined. Even connecting with Tianzhuan can't compare to the melting city in Scipio's hands. Sure enough, at this level, is the weapon of the fantasy species an invincible existence? More than one person has this in mind.

With regret or gloating eyes, everyone turned their attention to Chen Bing, only to find that he was still drawing that stroke! The flames on Scipio's side were almost burning the sky, and Chen Bingyi's stroke was still not finished. And he himself was already shaky. What the **** is he writing? !

And at this moment, his fingers stopped, and the small stroke finally appeared completely in the air. Converged into the previous mountain character.

What is a mountain? This question is difficult to answer, and most people will only give an answer based on the fact that a mountain is a mountain after thinking about it. Of course, the answer is correct, but mountains, literally, are called 'the towering part formed by the ground'.

According to this reason, as long as the things that stand above the ground should be counted as mountains, but the fact is that everyone knows that mounds, stone mounds, and even huge rocks can meet this definition. What is the difference between them and mountains?

big enough! Big enough to be called a mountain. So are all things that are high enough above the ground a mountain? The answer is of course no. The Ayers Rock, known as the navel of the earth, is 348 meters high and has a length and width of several kilometers, but it has always been called a rock, not a mountain.

So what exactly is a mountain? For different people, there will definitely be different answers, and this is the way of the mountain that they understand. The mountain that Chen Bingyi realized has two words.

Do not move.

Those who do not move are mountains! So the second stroke he wrote after the weight was immovable, double mountain, immovable mountain. So the mountain peaks scorched by the flames stabilized again.


Chapter 122 quarterfinals

The unevenness of the earth is the mountain, and the mountain is also the most common and most unusual in the world. There are thousands of postures, but the silence is the same. Raw plants and trees can also live in people, but these are not just external things, there are no people, plants and trees. Mountains are still mountains. There can be strange rocks, canyons, rapids, and springs, but rocks are rocks, valleys are valleys, rivers are mountains, and springs are mountain springs. They are all part of the mountain, but they are not mountains. The body of the mountain is so strong and pure.

Therefore, a mountain is a mountain, and the one who remains silent and silent for the longest time. Therefore, the mountains written by Chen Bingyi also stand still.

Scipio naturally also discovered this, and the mountain that had begun to soften and disintegrate under the fire of **** was actually stabilized again. He was still lying on the ground, and of course it wasn't just the mountain above his head that the flames melted.

The ground beneath him turned into magma one step earlier, losing its firmness and slowly sinking like plasticine by the mountain peaks. And the part of the weight that was borne by the land returned to him.

Not only that, the astonishing temperature from the ground was also burning the black robe on his body, and under the pulse of the melting city giant sword in his hand, the majestic heat spread from the hand holding the hilt to the whole body. throughout. The wide cuffs of the black robe had turned into a piece of fly ash, and the close-fitting clothes inside had also turned into fly ash and disappeared.

Even the radiance condensed by the dim yellow light that surrounded his body was slowly getting thinner and thinner. When it disappeared completely, it was the time when Scipio was defeated. His face is pale, and the arms exposed under the black robe are not strong, but the lines of his muscles are freehand, like the product of a thousand trials and tribulations. But nothing can stop him from slowly moving towards failure.

Only his hand holding the hilt of the sword is still so solid, the awakened molten city is constantly jumping, as if it has the heart of a giant dragon, and every time it beats, it will emit huge vibrations and massive heat , poured into the ground. No matter how much you think about this sword, it will not be something to control, but Scipio's arm is still so stable, just like the light mixed with light on his body, firm and persistent.

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make his way straight! (Note 1 Scipio raised his head vigorously, his lips were already cracked due to dehydration, and his voice was hoarse and dry, "because we should do everything in this way. common righteousness. (Note 2)”

So between the gap between the mountain and the fire, inside the body wrapped in the black robe, a larger flame gushed out. As if a large-equivalent bomb exploded in the sea of ​​​​fire, the flames instantly expanded from the bottom and then exploded, and the larger column of fire burned with a more crazy attitude.

Such a frenzied burning made one couldn't help but wonder if Scipio had filled in with his own soul as fuel. But in any case, the mountains that had just stabilized began to tremble again.

A gigantic flaming lotus bloomed in the field, and the enormous power that should be described as splendid and splendid bloomed recklessly with Scipio as the center. The entire field almost turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the crazy flames burned all the existences that could be burned.

The ground, the air, and even the space itself, only the small place where Chen Bingyi stood was not affected. He stood there motionless, his deep eyes calmly watching everything in front of him, as if he could see every cluster of explosions. The lines of the open flames, and the mountain characters that lingered on the top of his head were still in their original state. They were so unique when everything was burnt, blackened and twisted. The transparent lines were crystal clear and stable, and the vague refraction exuded a little mysteriousness. Xuan's breath.

And it was the dangling light patterns on these Xu Fu paintings that protected his body like an umbrella and stabilized the small space beside him.

Scipio wanted to burn everything with a frantic flame, while Chen Bingyi's mountain character remained unmoved, suppressing everything. It belongs to the dispute between the exploding flame and the trancely visible transparent lines in the flame.

The lines in the flame trembled slightly, and the flame burned to the extreme. The mountain peaks built with rune lines would also be burned to the ground, and the peaks were stabilized to the extreme, and the flames would go out sooner or later.

The flames of rage, the silent mountain peaks, lie between the heaven and the earth, they hurt each other, struggle, and crush each other, the flames scorch the mountain peaks, the mountain peaks suppress the flames, and finally, in the scorching flames, the mountain peaks begin to slowly deform. , faded the misty clouds, the dotted vegetation, and even the soil and gravel covered on it, and it became jagged and skinny.

But this rugged mountain peak has not changed a bit, as if the outer robe has been removed and the iron bones are exposed. Everything in the world has its own breath, that is, the soil, the air, and the jade and gold are no exception. The breath of the mountains is no exception. The most low-key, its strong atmosphere is deeply restrained, buried by rocks and covered by vegetation, but it is unyielding. Just like a gentleman, the outer shell is as warm as jade, but in fact it is unyielding.

So the flame failed to burn the jagged root bone in the end, maybe it could really melt the city, but after melting away the vegetation, soil and stone, he finally failed to burn the mountain.

Just like the fierceness of the outbreak, it was also in an instant, the red lotus-like flame disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the mountain peaks were crushed, and the white light lit up. The two appeared on stage. The Fool and the people from the Vatican were each sweating, watching the scene on the field, how could they have expected the situation to change so quickly.

Each turned to look at their own seed to determine who the winner was in the end. Scipio was curled up in his black robe, and the exposed half of his face was smoldering, full of fire. Seeing that he was almost dehydrated, he couldn't even open his mouth and asked for water. Can't do it.

And although Chen Bingyi's face was also pale, and the whole person was almost paralyzed on the ground, he still maintained his consciousness, and even opened his mouth to show a difficult smile. So it's impossible to say who the winner is.

At the same time, the entire arena dimmed again, and the burned red field cooled down instantly, then recovered, and then slowly lost its luster. Spots of faint blue light emerged from the gap little by little, and there were those Arabic numerals on the sky. The time is still four hours.

So far, the top eight of the Destiny Arena have all been released. The Vientiane Hall: Mahanabo, Nazarudinsha, Imaginary Space: Catherine, Vatican: Agrace, The Fool: Xie Zhifei, Ji Qinger, Chen Bingyi, and the third one. Fifth Party: No. 6 - Francois.

Ignoring the last unexpected factor, who would have thought that the fool who eliminated a seed at the very beginning would actually become the party with the greatest advantage! Although of the remaining three of them, a full two are non-seeds, and they have always been promoted in non-seed-level battles. But whether it is luck or something else, there is no way to deny the terrible situation that they occupy nearly half of the three seats in the eight seats.

On the other hand, in the remaining two places, except for the Vientiane Hall, there was even only one player on one side. Xie Zhifei could feel the glances from the other three directions that were far from benevolent.

Subconsciously reach out and touch your nose, are you in the top eight? Really got to this place. Psychologically sighed slightly, there is a very strange feeling, the remaining opponents, only the seeds? Then he shook his head violently, leaving all these things behind. Does it make any difference after all? Win or lose, there are only two options.

He doesn't want to lose.


Chapter one, two, three, one quarter

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